Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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A million posters and placards means nothing. It takes what, a few minutes to scribble one up and take a quick pic to post it.

Lots of 'bang' for very little effort.

Of course I am GLAD to see people supporting the idea of an independent Palestinian state - though why the Pals don't just declare themselves and go for it, I have no idea? I've never figured out how Israel could 'block' such a declaration by the Palestinian people.....

The Palestinian struggle to be free from unlawful detentions by Occupiers is a cause that people can relate to all over our world.

And it is not only the hunger striking prisoners the world demands be released from unlawful detentions by The Jewish State!

Not onesingle solitary Palestinian prisoner Israel holds in detention is held lawfully, all detentions violate intl law!

We are going to Boycott all products made by Israel and made by illegal settlers in Occupied Palestine!

We are going to Boycott products of all companies profiting from Occupation, to include Hewlitt Packard, Caterpillar and Motorola!

It is not moral to buy products from people who support baby killing and deliberate targeting of civilains to hurt and kill in Palestine!

45 years of Occupation is enough!

The BDS 'movement' is illegal.

And you've never proved that anyone in Israel supports baby-killing - except for the two scumbags who murdered the Fogel kids.

But, go on with your oh-so-self-righteous fantasy. Cause poverty among the elderly in America and other countries by trying to torpedo their nest eggs - oh, that's a great way to 'pursue justice', by punishing people who have nothing to do with any of this.

But why limit your 'moral' boycott to companies doing business with Israel? Where do you stand on the idea of forcing prisoners to labor for no money - and denying them food if they will not work? If you find the idea of FORCED 'hunger strikes' of prisoners offensive - then how can you NOT boycott absolutely EVERYTHING from Mainland China?

Or do you support their policy of forced abortions? That's what it means, if you don't boycott them!
But, Sherri - You yourself support the deliberate targeting of civilians to hurt and kill and maim.,

Why is it A-OK with you when HAMAS does it???

Not a peep of concern from you about them dragging a still-living man behind a motorcycle through the streets for mobs to attack! WHY do you close your eyes to that violence?

That poor man was a Palestinian, too - How do you not care about his rights, his family????
But, Sherri - You yourself support the deliberate targeting of civilians to hurt and kill and maim.,

Why is it A-OK with you when HAMAS does it???

Not a peep of concern from you about them dragging a still-living man behind a motorcycle through the streets for mobs to attack! WHY do you close your eyes to that violence?

That poor man was a Palestinian, too - How do you not care about his rights, his family????

So far-----in very few of sherri's DELIBERATE TARGETTING posts----Have I detected
an acutual DELIBERATE TARGETTING some of her examples of "TARGETTING"
are actually comical. In cases in which real military targets like active missile launchers
are the targets------and some perverted mother tells her kid "GO PLAY ON THE MISSILE
LAUNCHER" she claims the KID was deliberately targeted
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