Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Human beings don't arbitrarily fire rockets at innocent civilians... Animals do.
Well, thank you for illustrating the truth about by comment that slavery and Occupation were just like each other. Victims of Occupation are called animals just like slaves were.
But of course Frau Sherri overlooks the Muslims saying that the Jews are descendents of apes and pigs. In fact there was a Muslim woman poster living here in America who, when asked, said that people can be turned into animals. Imagine thinking like this in the 21st century.
Did Allah transform Jews into apes and pigs? An analysis of three passages in the Quran.

Even the Pres of the US has asked the them to stop building settlements on other people's land (East Jerusalem) and what do they do?
Nov 30, 2012 – Israel plans to link the settlement with Jerusalem. ... The Obama administration swiftly condemned the move as unhelpful

Israel is moving forward with development of Jewish settlements in a contentious area east of Jerusalem, defying the United States by advancing a project that has long been condemned by Washington as effectively dooming any prospect of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
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Dot Com, you seem unaware that East Jerusalem was Jewish until 1949 - when the Jordanians ethnically cleansed it of Jews.

So of all places, that is the least likely to be 'other people's land'.
Dot Com, you seem unaware that East Jerusalem was Jewish until 1949 - when the Jordanians ethnically cleansed it of Jews.

So of all places, that is the least likely to be 'other people's land'.


Now, you know it is universally agreed by legal authorities (like the UN and International Courts) that East Jerusalem is part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, why do you lie and say it belongs to Israel? Palestinians alone have sovereignty rights there.

We even have an Opinion by the Highest court in the world on this, and you are aware of this, it has been discussed frequently.

I am referring to the International Court of Justice Opinion on the Wall, of course, from 2004, and the full text can be retrieved from this website that contains a comprehensive disccussion about intl law and the Israeli Palestinian conflict.


Thanks God I this time am spared to watch all this rubbish you continuously post Sherri! :eusa_clap::D

Thank you Lordee! :D

Photos of little girls at protests in Jordan are rubbish to Skye?

No Sherri.

Islamic fanatics that keep on posting photos like these are. :)

I feel sorry for you that love of humanity is something you cannot comprehend. Even children can feel that. And that some human beings cannot is something to feel sorrow about.
Dot Com, you seem unaware that East Jerusalem was Jewish until 1949 - when the Jordanians ethnically cleansed it of Jews.

So of all places, that is the least likely to be 'other people's land'.


Now, you know it is universally agreed by legal authorities (like the UN and International Courts) that East Jerusalem is part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, why do you lie and say it belongs to Israel? Palestinians alone have sovereignty rights there.

We even have an Opinion by the Highest court in the world on this, and you are aware of this, it has been discussed frequently.

I am referring to the International Court of Justice Opinion on the Wall, of course, from 2004, and the full text can be retrieved from this website that contains a comprehensive disccussion about intl law and the Israeli Palestinian conflict.



Thanks again for demonstrating how alying whore for HAMAS ignores history and reality. Are you trying to claim the conquest and ethnic cleansing by Jordan never took place ??? If that was 'Palestinian sovereignty' - then Jordan must be the Palestinian State.

Why have you persisted in ignoring the 950,000 Jewish Arab refugees? We've been over all of that before - and you keep pretending that never happened. It didn't 'happen', of course: it was part of a deliberate concerted plot by various Arab nations to expel their Jewish citizens en masse *for being Jewish*

The land those nations stole from Jewish people amounts to an area FOUR TIMES the size of Israel, incidentally.
Photos of little girls at protests in Jordan are rubbish to Skye?

No Sherri.

Islamic fanatics that keep on posting photos like these are. :)

I feel sorry for you that love of humanity is something you cannot comprehend. Even children can feel that. And that some human beings cannot is something to feel sorrow about.

I agree: the way the sherrithing can't include 'zionists' in its definition of 'humanity' is something most regrettable. I expect it regards us pretty much as its fine slave-owning (and -beating and -raping and -killing) ancestors regarded their 'property'......
Dot Com, you seem unaware that East Jerusalem was Jewish until 1949 - when the Jordanians ethnically cleansed it of Jews.

So of all places, that is the least likely to be 'other people's land'.


Now, you know it is universally agreed by legal authorities (like the UN and International Courts) that East Jerusalem is part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, why do you lie and say it belongs to Israel? Palestinians alone have sovereignty rights there.

We even have an Opinion by the Highest court in the world on this, and you are aware of this, it has been discussed frequently.

I am referring to the International Court of Justice Opinion on the Wall, of course, from 2004, and the full text can be retrieved from this website that contains a comprehensive disccussion about intl law and the Israeli Palestinian conflict.



Thanks again for demonstrating how alying whore for HAMAS ignores history and reality. Are you trying to claim the conquest and ethnic cleansing by Jordan never took place ??? If that was 'Palestinian sovereignty' - then Jordan must be the Palestinian State.

Why have you persisted in ignoring the 950,000 Jewish Arab refugees? We've been over all of that before - and you keep pretending that never happened. It didn't 'happen', of course: it was part of a deliberate concerted plot by various Arab nations to expel their Jewish citizens en masse *for being Jewish*

The land those nations stole from Jewish people amounts to an area FOUR TIMES the size of Israel, incidentally.

I am not ignoring anything, I am accepting that international law, as agreed about by all the legal authorities, tells us EAST JERUSALEM is part of the OPT, and that means sovereignty rights lie with the Palestinian indigenous people, not Israel. Whether there were Jewish refugees from other countries has no relevance to this issue.
The Jewish residents of East Jerusalem who were forcibly evicted by Jordanian troops in 1949 were every bit as 'indigenous' as the Palestinians. And they have every bit as much right to return to their homes which were stolen out form under them by the Jordanians.

Why does the sherrithing claim to be a 'humanitarian' when she says these people have no rights?
The Jewish residents of East Jerusalem who were forcibly evicted by Jordanian troops in 1949 were every bit as 'indigenous' as the Palestinians. And they have every bit as much right to return to their homes which were stolen out form under them by the Jordanians.

Why does the sherrithing claim to be a 'humanitarian' when she says these people have no rights?

You keep showing yourself to be just like the people inflicting slavery on the black man in America, with your inability to acknowledge I am a human being. And the issue is the Palestinian peoples sovereignty rights in East Jerusalem, they alone have sovereignty rights. Individual land ownership is a different issue.
The Jewish residents of East Jerusalem who were forcibly evicted by Jordanian troops in 1949 were every bit as 'indigenous' as the Palestinians. And they have every bit as much right to return to their homes which were stolen out form under them by the Jordanians.

Why does the sherrithing claim to be a 'humanitarian' when she says these people have no rights?

You keep showing yourself to be just like the people inflicting slavery on the black man in America, with your inability to acknowledge I am a human being. And the issue is the Palestinian peoples sovereignty rights in East Jerusalem, they alone have sovereignty rights. Individual land ownership is a different issue.

oh gee Sherri did a FARTWAH she declared Jerusalem to be "MUSLIM LAND" by
virtue of isa - respecting siege and murder ----and pillage and vandalism to the
holy cause of the isa respecting rapist pig of arabia LAND OWNERSHIP?
what happened to residence as LAND OWNERSHIP -------is sherri giving away all
hope of land ownership for the majority of "palestinians" who never purchased
an inch in their lives or family history? gee she's even giving away AL AQSA---
built on jewish owned land
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Is that sameol' character dead yet?

No....Ok....well, the dumbass will be soon, unless someone shoves a chili dog down his fuckin' craw.

Or better yet, don' less dumbass makes the world a better place

Now, you know it is universally agreed by legal authorities (like the UN and International Courts) that East Jerusalem is part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, why do you lie and say it belongs to Israel? Palestinians alone have sovereignty rights there.

We even have an Opinion by the Highest court in the world on this, and you are aware of this, it has been discussed frequently.

I am referring to the International Court of Justice Opinion on the Wall, of course, from 2004, and the full text can be retrieved from this website that contains a comprehensive disccussion about intl law and the Israeli Palestinian conflict.



Thanks again for demonstrating how alying whore for HAMAS ignores history and reality. Are you trying to claim the conquest and ethnic cleansing by Jordan never took place ??? If that was 'Palestinian sovereignty' - then Jordan must be the Palestinian State.

Why have you persisted in ignoring the 950,000 Jewish Arab refugees? We've been over all of that before - and you keep pretending that never happened. It didn't 'happen', of course: it was part of a deliberate concerted plot by various Arab nations to expel their Jewish citizens en masse *for being Jewish*

The land those nations stole from Jewish people amounts to an area FOUR TIMES the size of Israel, incidentally.

I am not ignoring anything, I am accepting that international law, as agreed about by all the legal authorities, tells us EAST JERUSALEM is part of the OPT, and that means sovereignty rights lie with the Palestinian indigenous people, not Israel. Whether there were Jewish refugees from other countries has no relevance to this issue.

the isa respecter did the typical SIDEWAYS SLIP IN-----"jewish refugees from other countries" that an INSERTION islamo nazi dogs and whores use to support their
hilarious HISTORY RE WRITE (excuse the word --WRITE---the scum have no written history---so
they invent----POETICALLY -----or as the apologists for murderer pig Nasser claimed way
back in 1967---- USE "ARABIC HYPERBOLE" (read that 'fucking nabi ass lickers'

the bitch is nothing new-----adolf abu ali referred to gassing children as EUTHANASIA
which was also LEGAL in islamo nazi isa respecting germany during his islamo nazi

Similar bitches cited the LEGALITY of the AUTO DE FE as they moaned in orgasms
of pious bliss as they threw jewish babies into bonfires

My mother-in-law----born in a shariah shit hole was liable to the sherri supported
DHIMMI orphan law when her father died when she was ten years old----on another
messageboard a poster who claimed to be both muslim and and a female
lawyer defended the LEGALITY of that "LAW" too

nothing new-----such laws also existed under the filth of justinian law----a legal
system to which sherri attached herself by lineage. They were used to confiscate
Indian children in the USA ----"LEGALLY"
The children holding signs and standing around in demonstrations are being EXPLOITED by disgusting whores and dogs ------dragging little children to "DEMONSTRATIONS" is
child abuse. The filhty shit jihadist animals are simply USING the cute factor turning
innocents who have no idea what is going on into CLOWNS ----but most of all risking
their lives. In pakistan a few years ago when the SHIT MOBS enacted demonstrations
in objection to a siimple line drawing of their RAPIST PIG "god" -----two children were
trampled to death --------WAY TO GO, sherri----go right ahead and SHIT on the
innocent babies
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