Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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The islamo nazi sherri in the name of isa endorsed shit continues to hit the fan----the dogs murdered an american in Algeria ----trying to get MORE SHIT OUT OF JAIL FREE.
Notice that the perverted whore is DELIGHTED to use the "cute kid" factor
in this disgusting endeavor.

I have no doubt that the shit initiated by the Isa respectors is going to result
in a FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE approach------sadly the whole world might
spin down into the isa-respecting cesspit and return hostage taking for hostage
taking and mutilation murder for mutilation murder. The cute kids face an
isa respecting NIGHTMARE WORLD

If there is anyone out there willing to support a FAST FOR THE RELEASE OF
DISGUSTING PIG ISA RESPECTING Shaykh Abdel Rahman and for whore slut
Aafia Siddiqui ------see sherri for details
death as humour?

"The body of a woman shot last night by a Ukrainian is lying in one of the halls. Her four-year-old son crawls next to her body. He touches his mother's bleeding body and pulls her hair. Her stiffness amuses him. He pushes a finger into her half open mouth, touches the glazed eyes that cannot see. Suddenly he starts crying. A pitiful cry."

from a warsaw ghetto diary.
The Jewish residents of East Jerusalem who were forcibly evicted by Jordanian troops in 1949 were every bit as 'indigenous' as the Palestinians. And they have every bit as much right to return to their homes which were stolen out form under them by the Jordanians.

Why does the sherrithing claim to be a 'humanitarian' when she says these people have no rights?

You keep showing yourself to be just like the people inflicting slavery on the black man in America, with your inability to acknowledge I am a human being. And the issue is the Palestinian peoples sovereignty rights in East Jerusalem, they alone have sovereignty rights. Individual land ownership is a different issue.

You *wish* I were 'just like' your slave-owning ancestors! You NEEED to believe that about me, to validate your hatred as something 'righteous' : ))

The one who can't acknowledge others' humanity seems to be YOU, since you're constantly posting you doubt if we have human feelings, or brains, or souls. Perhaps if you hadn't made so many ill-considered slanders of others, I wouldn't feel it could be useful to 'reciprocate'......

Oh, and you're dodging: if 'the Paestinian people alone' had rights to East Jerusalem, then the Jordanians obviously had NO right. And no right to conduct ethnic cleansing.

It is looking like you're so invested in Jew-hating that you can't even acknowledge what the Jordanians did was a war crime against people for being Jews...... it's really too bad you can't admit that truth, because such evasion and deceit undercuts any moral position you try to take.

IE, one's pressing for 'Palestinian' rights isn't moral at all while one presses for 'Palestinian' rights ONLY.
The Jewish residents of East Jerusalem who were forcibly evicted by Jordanian troops in 1949 were every bit as 'indigenous' as the Palestinians. And they have every bit as much right to return to their homes which were stolen out form under them by the Jordanians.

Why does the sherrithing claim to be a 'humanitarian' when she says these people have no rights?

You keep showing yourself to be just like the people inflicting slavery on the black man in America, with your inability to acknowledge I am a human being. And the issue is the Palestinian peoples sovereignty rights in East Jerusalem, they alone have sovereignty rights. Individual land ownership is a different issue.

You *wish* I were 'just like' your slave-owning ancestors! You NEEED to believe that about me, to validate your hatred as something 'righteous' : ))

The one who can't acknowledge others' humanity seems to be YOU, since you're constantly posting you doubt if we have human feelings, or brains, or souls. Perhaps if you hadn't made so many ill-considered slanders of others, I wouldn't feel it could be useful to 'reciprocate'......

Oh, and you're dodging: if 'the Paestinian people alone' had rights to East Jerusalem, then the Jordanians obviously had NO right. And no right to conduct ethnic cleansing.

It is looking like you're so invested in Jew-hating that you can't even acknowledge what the Jordanians did was a war crime against people for being Jews...... it's really too bad you can't admit that truth, because such evasion and deceit undercuts any moral position you try to take.

IE, one's pressing for 'Palestinian' rights isn't moral at all while one presses for 'Palestinian' rights ONLY.
The Occupation is a crime against humanity people of conscience all over this world are right this very moment in time mobilizing to combat. It is no better than Slavery. And I live in Today, I do not imagine sins my ancestors may have participated in and feel guilt over them, today has its own concerns to deal with. My concern is the Injustice of Israels Occupation of Palestine! And using my voice to speak out against it and using my mind to do all I can to visualize ways I can confront it with nonviolent resistance. Silence in the face of Injustice is complicity with it.
So you're complicit with every other injustice on the face of the earth, since you never bother to notice any other.........

But lying about people who disagree with your views is all right, that's 'non-violent'.

And so is lying about having lied. Changing your words and claiming I changed them......all 'non-violent'.

And ignoring the violence that your chosen 'side' is busily doing, that's 'non-violent'.

As well as telling others that they've sold their souls to your Devil, that's 'non-violent'.

So is plotting against other Americans, seeking to take the food from their mouths with a hyped-up 'boycott' which is illegal.
IE, one's pressing for 'Palestinian' rights isn't moral at all while one presses for 'Palestinian' rights ONLY.
The Occupation is a crime against humanity people of conscience all over this world are right this very moment in time mobilizing to combat. It is no better than Slavery. And I live in Today, I do not imagine sins my ancestors may have participated in and feel guilt over them, today has its own concerns to deal with. My concern is the Injustice of Israels Occupation of Palestine! And using my voice to speak out against it and using my mind to do all I can to visualize ways I can confront it with nonviolent resistance. Silence in the face of Injustice is complicity with it.

The whore has NARROWED the window again ----in accordance with her own specific
agenda -----which people, which time, which place etc etc that fits nicely into her
specific nazi agenda ------how convenient ----it picks and chooses its ATROCITY OF
INTEREST in a world infected for some 1700 years with her own FAVORED
AND BELOVED PROGRAM OF PERVERSION ----perversions that have resulted in the
most massive genocides to have ever afflicted the planet

For the record---sherri has decided that the starvation siege of the Jews of
east jerusalem 1947 and the destruction of that community ----THOUSANDS
OF YEARS IN EXISTENCE-------is simply not a crime-----it is THE BEAUTY OF
HER SICK FASCIST AGENDA. Ongoing at this very minute in
Algeria where her fellows are murdering american hostages for the very
"cause" she supports and in Syria where her fellows are murdering
for the same "cause" and even the ongoing genocide of the kurds in
four shariah cesspits and the ongoing genocide of the hindus of Indonesia,
Kenya etc and the chrstians of Nigeria , egypt, pakistan sudan etc etc

all good so long as she can work in support of the HOLY PERSONS
who sneak into the houses of jews at nite and slit the throats of infants
---and shoot down jewish kids on the streets of the USA IN HONOR of
ALLAH ISA ..........
I have absolutely no problem with some people's feeling that Israel being in the Disputed Territories is a problem.

I DO want to know why they only noticed the problem when Jordan left. I've never heard anyone explain the difference between the Jordanian actions in the WB and those of Israel.
I have absolutely no problem with some people's feeling that Israel being in the Disputed Territories is a problem.

I DO want to know why they only noticed the problem when Jordan left. I've never heard anyone explain the difference between the Jordanian actions in the WB and those of Israel.

The jordanian action was simply-----that which arab muslims do-----they killed their own
in the tens of thousands in the name of allah/isa pbuh ----- why comment on "DOG BITES MAN" -----<<<it is not news
You keep showing yourself to be just like the people inflicting slavery on the black man in America, with your inability to acknowledge I am a human being. And the issue is the Palestinian peoples sovereignty rights in East Jerusalem, they alone have sovereignty rights. Individual land ownership is a different issue.

You *wish* I were 'just like' your slave-owning ancestors! You NEEED to believe that about me, to validate your hatred as something 'righteous' : ))

The one who can't acknowledge others' humanity seems to be YOU, since you're constantly posting you doubt if we have human feelings, or brains, or souls. Perhaps if you hadn't made so many ill-considered slanders of others, I wouldn't feel it could be useful to 'reciprocate'......

Oh, and you're dodging: if 'the Paestinian people alone' had rights to East Jerusalem, then the Jordanians obviously had NO right. And no right to conduct ethnic cleansing.

It is looking like you're so invested in Jew-hating that you can't even acknowledge what the Jordanians did was a war crime against people for being Jews...... it's really too bad you can't admit that truth, because such evasion and deceit undercuts any moral position you try to take.

IE, one's pressing for 'Palestinian' rights isn't moral at all while one presses for 'Palestinian' rights ONLY.
The Occupation is a crime against humanity people of conscience all over this world are right this very moment in time mobilizing to combat. It is no better than Slavery. And I live in Today, I do not imagine sins my ancestors may have participated in and feel guilt over them, today has its own concerns to deal with. My concern is the Injustice of Israels Occupation of Palestine! And using my voice to speak out against it and using my mind to do all I can to visualize ways I can confront it with nonviolent resistance. Silence in the face of Injustice is complicity with it.
So why not use your voice against the injustice of Muslims killing people who don't follow Islam as well as those who follow a different brand of Islam (like the Ahmadis)? Surely you can't be blind to what is happening in many locations in this world. I guess your silence about this means that you agree with what is going on when it comes to innocent people being harassed and murdered for their religious beliefs as well as their houses of worship destroyed. I imagine you close your eyes to all this because no Jews are involved.
I have absolutely no problem with some people's feeling that Israel being in the Disputed Territories is a problem.

I DO want to know why they only noticed the problem when Jordan left. I've never heard anyone explain the difference between the Jordanian actions in the WB and those of Israel.

There is no disputed lands, , simply lands Israel occupies and an Occupation that needs to cease. And what Jordan did is about as relevant to the conflict today as what my ancestors did has relevance to how I live my life.
I have absolutely no problem with some people's feeling that Israel being in the Disputed Territories is a problem.

I DO want to know why they only noticed the problem when Jordan left. I've never heard anyone explain the difference between the Jordanian actions in the WB and those of Israel.

There is no disputed property, simply lands Israel occupies and an Occupation that needs to cease. And what Jordan did is about as relevant to the conflict today as what my ancestors did has relevance to how I live my life.

You are wrong on both counts. What Jordan did was obviously an 'Occupation' - and that needs to be dealt with. The Jordanians also owe the Palestinians for what they took and kept: ALL those who've injured the Palestinians need to make it good. Unless somehow you can explain what Jordan was doing as other than an 'Occupation'.

There's a principle you are trying to invoke - but it isn't valid unless the Jordanian 'Occupation' is dealt with as well. And if that was 'too long ago' - well then, so was the 'Nakba'.

I cannot imagine how you think you've got the right to decide such things for the Palestinians: did you win some election that you haven't told us about?
I have absolutely no problem with some people's feeling that Israel being in the Disputed Territories is a problem.

I DO want to know why they only noticed the problem when Jordan left. I've never heard anyone explain the difference between the Jordanian actions in the WB and those of Israel.

There is no disputed property, simply lands Israel occupies and an Occupation that needs to cease. And what Jordan did is about as relevant to the conflict today as what my ancestors did has relevance to how I live my life.

There is a term that I have not heard used for decades "GERRYMANDERING" --
it is what dishonest politicians do in order to confer on themselves or their parties
an ADVANTAGE-----by shifting voting district lines in a manner that provides them
with a better chance of validation Dishonest lawyers engage in a very
similar technique by NARROWING the window to that which THEY decide
should be considered ----so that information that conflicts with their allegations
can be EXCLUDED Dishonest science researchers who so engage
can be criminally prosecuted for prejudicing results ----Good judges
throw dirty lawyers out of the courtroom

Ones cultural heritage is of utmost importance Behavioral scientists would laugh
at sherri's declaration that her CULTURAL HERITAGE has nothing to do with
her depraved outlook Adolf abu ali would have been helpless without the
DEICIDE MYTH to which sherri alludes incessantly Millions would not have licked
his ass----in fact without THEIR cultural heritage---millions of hundreds of millions
of muslims would not be licking his ass. I have never met a HINDU who licked
tha ass of adolf abu ali------but MUSLIMS from India? yup

For excellent works on the issue of CULTURAL HERITAGE and persona---
SEE ERIK ERIKSON ----excellent classics in the field of behavioral science---
and as far as I know-----he was not even jewish-----very readable

Real humans would laugh at her assertion that ---that which happened yesterday,
has nothing to do with that which happens today depending on WHAT PARTS
of that which happened yesterday SHE decides are important versus what parts
always remember-----if called to testify and a dishonest lawyer says
"JUST ANSWER 'YES" OR 'NO"---------do not speak---the judge will
shut him/her up

Now, you know it is universally agreed by legal authorities (like the UN and International Courts) that East Jerusalem is part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, why do you lie and say it belongs to Israel? Palestinians alone have sovereignty rights there.

We even have an Opinion by the Highest court in the world on this, and you are aware of this, it has been discussed frequently.

I am referring to the International Court of Justice Opinion on the Wall, of course, from 2004, and the full text can be retrieved from this website that contains a comprehensive disccussion about intl law and the Israeli Palestinian conflict.



Thanks again for demonstrating how alying whore for HAMAS ignores history and reality. Are you trying to claim the conquest and ethnic cleansing by Jordan never took place ??? If that was 'Palestinian sovereignty' - then Jordan must be the Palestinian State.

Why have you persisted in ignoring the 950,000 Jewish Arab refugees? We've been over all of that before - and you keep pretending that never happened. It didn't 'happen', of course: it was part of a deliberate concerted plot by various Arab nations to expel their Jewish citizens en masse *for being Jewish*

The land those nations stole from Jewish people amounts to an area FOUR TIMES the size of Israel, incidentally.

I am not ignoring anything, I am accepting that international law, as agreed about by all the legal authorities, tells us EAST JERUSALEM is part of the OPT, and that means sovereignty rights lie with the Palestinian indigenous people, not Israel. Whether there were Jewish refugees from other countries has no relevance to this issue.

You are wrong, again.
Thanks again for demonstrating how alying whore for HAMAS ignores history and reality. Are you trying to claim the conquest and ethnic cleansing by Jordan never took place ??? If that was 'Palestinian sovereignty' - then Jordan must be the Palestinian State.

Why have you persisted in ignoring the 950,000 Jewish Arab refugees? We've been over all of that before - and you keep pretending that never happened. It didn't 'happen', of course: it was part of a deliberate concerted plot by various Arab nations to expel their Jewish citizens en masse *for being Jewish*

The land those nations stole from Jewish people amounts to an area FOUR TIMES the size of Israel, incidentally.

I am not ignoring anything, I am accepting that international law, as agreed about by all the legal authorities, tells us EAST JERUSALEM is part of the OPT, and that means sovereignty rights lie with the Palestinian indigenous people, not Israel. Whether there were Jewish refugees from other countries has no relevance to this issue.

You are wrong, again.

give sherri a chance----keep in mind---Adolf Eichmann defended his actions
by stating that acted completely within the LAWS OF GERMANY I became
acquainted with muslims a bit before the 1971 Civil war in Pakistan During
that war-----the West Pakistani army enacted 1/4 million rapes upon the
muslim and hindu girls of east pakistan (later bangla desh) It was
LEGAL in islamic law-----the rape of the hindus was legal by shariah---the
rapes of the muslim girls were MADE legal because the islamic clerics
of west pakistan had rendered a DECLARATION OF TAKFIR upon the
muslims of east pakistan-----making their girls eligible for legal rape by
muslims "takfir" is a kind of "de muslimizing" of those muslims
want to rape and kill -----since muslims are not supposed to rape and
kill muslims. When I questioned a west pakistani friend he just giggled and
said "you do not understand my culture" Todd you do not understand
sherri's "culture"
I have absolutely no problem with some people's feeling that Israel being in the Disputed Territories is a problem.

I DO want to know why they only noticed the problem when Jordan left. I've never heard anyone explain the difference between the Jordanian actions in the WB and those of Israel.

There is no disputed property, simply lands Israel occupies and an Occupation that needs to cease. And what Jordan did is about as relevant to the conflict today as what my ancestors did has relevance to how I live my life.

You are wrong on both counts. What Jordan did was obviously an 'Occupation' - and that needs to be dealt with. The Jordanians also owe the Palestinians for what they took and kept: ALL those who've injured the Palestinians need to make it good. Unless somehow you can explain what Jordan was doing as other than an 'Occupation'.

There's a principle you are trying to invoke - but it isn't valid unless the Jordanian 'Occupation' is dealt with as well. And if that was 'too long ago' - well then, so was the 'Nakba'.

I cannot imagine how you think you've got the right to decide such things for the Palestinians: did you win some election that you haven't told us about?

Unlike you, I do not imagine what I would like intl law to be and pretend it is so. It is very clear under intl law that East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza are occupied by Israel and Palestinians have sovereignty rights in these lands, not Israel.
Thanks again for demonstrating how alying whore for HAMAS ignores history and reality. Are you trying to claim the conquest and ethnic cleansing by Jordan never took place ??? If that was 'Palestinian sovereignty' - then Jordan must be the Palestinian State.

Why have you persisted in ignoring the 950,000 Jewish Arab refugees? We've been over all of that before - and you keep pretending that never happened. It didn't 'happen', of course: it was part of a deliberate concerted plot by various Arab nations to expel their Jewish citizens en masse *for being Jewish*

The land those nations stole from Jewish people amounts to an area FOUR TIMES the size of Israel, incidentally.

I am not ignoring anything, I am accepting that international law, as agreed about by all the legal authorities, tells us EAST JERUSALEM is part of the OPT, and that means sovereignty rights lie with the Palestinian indigenous people, not Israel. Whether there were Jewish refugees from other countries has no relevance to this issue.

You are wrong, again.

I am not ignoring anything, I am accepting that international law, as agreed about by all the legal authorities, tells us EAST JERUSALEM is part of the OPT, and that means sovereignty rights lie with the Palestinian indigenous people, not Israel. Whether there were Jewish refugees from other countries has no relevance to this issue.

You are wrong, again.


Sadly, your errors are not funny. Back on your knees.
Todd sherri is playing a lawyerly game-----she is DECLARING that since the west bank is called OPT ----that it is now and forever PALESTINIAN TERRITORY according to
the new concept of "palestinian" being any arab muslim who had ever lived in palestine for two years and all his descendants. Her actually problem is her "FOREVER" designation and her assertion that since the area has been so NAMED----it cannot be
DISPUTED. She is wrong---in fact if she graduated Law School as she claims---she is not wrong out of ignorance ---SHE IS FUCKING LYING Anything can be disputed and there
is ample grounds to dispute the "palestinian status of the west bank" According to sherri's logic----money in the bank account of an EMBEZZLER cannot be disputed because HIS NAME APPEARS ON THE ACCOUNT even if the money in the account can be
traced back to the act of embezzling
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Todd sherri is playing a lawyerly game-----she is DECLARING that since the west bank is called OPT ----that it is now and forever PALESTINIAN TERRITORY according to
the new concept of "palestinian" being any arab muslim who had ever lived in palestine for two years and all his descendants. Her actually problem is her "FOREVER" designation and her assertion that since the area has been so NAMED----it cannot be
DISPUTED. She is wrong---in fact if she graduated Law School as she claims---she is not wrong out of ignorance ---SHE IS FUCKING LYING Anything can be disputed and there
is ample grounds to dispute the "palestinian status of the west bank" According to sherri's logic----money in the bank account of an EMBEZZLER cannot be disputed because HIS NAME APPEARS ON THE ACCOUNT even if the money in the account can be
traced back to the act of embezzling

I know, she's an evil clown.

She never did answer when I asked her who the Israelis took the "OPT" from.
from sherri
in another sense, they have all turned away from violence, they are responding to Injustice with nonviolent resistance, just like Jesus set as the example for us all to follow! Perhaps, that itself is turning to and embracing Jesus

Piece of shit samer was jailed for attempted murder and while in jail engaged in violence---
so sherri compares him to JESUS!! as a non violent resister. gee---against what
was jesus resisting -----the sherri version seems to have been "JEWISH OCCUPATION OF JUDEA" for which THE JOOOOS CRUCIFIED HIM. It is not entirely clear to me if we
know in what form Jesus thought resistence to roman occupation should manifest. My sense
is that he thought it would just go away some day ---ie "WAIT IT OUT" An interesting factoid
of history is -----this particular idea was one of debate amongst the pharisees of the day and
at times SPLIT them into factions Josephus Flavius advocated ---"-we can't beat them right now-----just accomodate them for awhile" ---for that idea some people considered him traitorous. I believe that Jesus had a similar idea in his "render onto ceasar---that which is
ceasar's" (ie 'until he either goes away or drops dead")
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