Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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I am not ignoring anything, I am accepting that international law, as agreed about by all the legal authorities, tells us EAST JERUSALEM is part of the OPT, and that means sovereignty rights lie with the Palestinian indigenous people, not Israel. Whether there were Jewish refugees from other countries has no relevance to this issue.

You are wrong, again.

give sherri a chance----keep in mind---Adolf Eichmann defended his actions
by stating that acted completely within the LAWS OF GERMANY I became
acquainted with muslims a bit before the 1971 Civil war in Pakistan During
that war-----the West Pakistani army enacted 1/4 million rapes upon the
muslim and hindu girls of east pakistan (later bangla desh) It was
LEGAL in islamic law-----the rape of the hindus was legal by shariah---the
rapes of the muslim girls were MADE legal because the islamic clerics
of west pakistan had rendered a DECLARATION OF TAKFIR upon the
muslims of east pakistan-----making their girls eligible for legal rape by
muslims "takfir" is a kind of "de muslimizing" of those muslims
want to rape and kill -----since muslims are not supposed to rape and
kill muslims. When I questioned a west pakistani friend he just giggled and
said "you do not understand my culture" Todd you do not understand
sherri's "culture"
There are many with Arab backgrounds who stick up for Israel because they see the truth and not the myths the other Arabs have made up.
The Way the World Doesn't Work by Joseph Farah on - A Syndicate Of Talent
Todd sherri is playing a lawyerly game-----she is DECLARING that since the west bank is called OPT ----that it is now and forever PALESTINIAN TERRITORY according to
the new concept of "palestinian" being any arab muslim who had ever lived in palestine for two years and all his descendants. Her actually problem is her "FOREVER" designation and her assertion that since the area has been so NAMED----it cannot be
DISPUTED. She is wrong---in fact if she graduated Law School as she claims---she is not wrong out of ignorance ---SHE IS FUCKING LYING Anything can be disputed and there
is ample grounds to dispute the "palestinian status of the west bank" According to sherri's logic----money in the bank account of an EMBEZZLER cannot be disputed because HIS NAME APPEARS ON THE ACCOUNT even if the money in the account can be
traced back to the act of embezzling

I know, she's an evil clown.

She never did answer when I asked her who the Israelis took the "OPT" from.

They took the land from the Palestinian people, the people with a right of self determination in that land under intl law.
Todd sherri is playing a lawyerly game-----she is DECLARING that since the west bank is called OPT ----that it is now and forever PALESTINIAN TERRITORY according to
the new concept of "palestinian" being any arab muslim who had ever lived in palestine for two years and all his descendants. Her actually problem is her "FOREVER" designation and her assertion that since the area has been so NAMED----it cannot be
DISPUTED. She is wrong---in fact if she graduated Law School as she claims---she is not wrong out of ignorance ---SHE IS FUCKING LYING Anything can be disputed and there
is ample grounds to dispute the "palestinian status of the west bank" According to sherri's logic----money in the bank account of an EMBEZZLER cannot be disputed because HIS NAME APPEARS ON THE ACCOUNT even if the money in the account can be
traced back to the act of embezzling

I know, she's an evil clown.

She never did answer when I asked her who the Israelis took the "OPT" from.

They took the land from the Palestinian people, the people with a right of self determination in that land under intl law.

They took it from who? No such people existed in 1967.....or now.
I have absolutely no problem with some people's feeling that Israel being in the Disputed Territories is a problem.

I DO want to know why they only noticed the problem when Jordan left. I've never heard anyone explain the difference between the Jordanian actions in the WB and those of Israel.

There is no disputed property, simply lands Israel occupies and an Occupation that needs to cease. And what Jordan did is about as relevant to the conflict today as what my ancestors did has relevance to how I live my life.

You are wrong on both counts. What Jordan did was obviously an 'Occupation' - and that needs to be dealt with. The Jordanians also owe the Palestinians for what they took and kept: ALL those who've injured the Palestinians need to make it good. Unless somehow you can explain what Jordan was doing as other than an 'Occupation'.

There's a principle you are trying to invoke - but it isn't valid unless the Jordanian 'Occupation' is dealt with as well. And if that was 'too long ago' - well then, so was the 'Nakba'.

I cannot imagine how you think you've got the right to decide such things for the Palestinians: did you win some election that you haven't told us about?

Jordan is not occupying Palestinian lands, only Israel is doing that and that is what needs to come to an end. I do not have to deal with imaginery injustices only existing in minds of Zionists trying to desperately grab at anything, at straws, to justify past and continuing land thefts of Israel and holding onto all that unlawfully obtained land.
I know, she's an evil clown.

She never did answer when I asked her who the Israelis took the "OPT" from.

They took the land from the Palestinian people, the people with a right of self determination in that land under intl law.

They took it from who? No such people existed in 1967.....or now.

Palestinians have a history going all the way back to Herodotus, educate yourself about History!
They took the land from the Palestinian people, the people with a right of self determination in that land under intl law.

They took it from who? No such people existed in 1967.....or now.

Palestinians have a history going all the way back to Herodotus, educate yourself about History!
All the way back to 400 BC? Fancy that! I thought he played 1st base for the Cubs in 1910.
So you're complicit with every other injustice on the face of the earth, since you never bother to notice any other.........

But lying about people who disagree with your views is all right, that's 'non-violent'.

And so is lying about having lied. Changing your words and claiming I changed them......all 'non-violent'.

And ignoring the violence that your chosen 'side' is busily doing, that's 'non-violent'.

As well as telling others that they've sold their souls to your Devil, that's 'non-violent'.

So is plotting against other Americans, seeking to take the food from their mouths with a hyped-up 'boycott' which is illegal.

God turns our faces to the Injustices He desires we have a burden and passion for, that is a God thing, and we choose whether we walk down the path he beckons us to walk down! He calls come with me, and we heed His call or we do not. I am sorry you do not seem to have these type experiences with God, that is unfortunate.

I am not lying about anything, so nothing to feel bad about there, my response to your claims I am lying about something.

Ignoring violence, I do not think I am doing that, I just got through, earlier today, acknowledging in another thread there are acts of terrorism on both sides, that is not ignoring violence.

Boycotts are not illegal and not plots against Americans and they are what people of conscience do to respond to Injustices like Apartheid and Occupations by Rogue Regimes like Israel, a moral response to Injustice!
They took it from who? No such people existed in 1967.....or now.

Palestinians have a history going all the way back to Herodotus, educate yourself about History!

Muslim Arabs had a history going back to Herodotus?
Please tell me more.

Herodotus spoke about Palestine, and of course the residents of Palestine were Palestinians, as they have been for over 2000 years now. Present Palestinians are their desendants, the descendants of the Palestinain people who lived in the land over 2000 years ago.

We even have a Wikipedia article entitled History Of Palestine, and it speaks of a Palestine that goes back in time to 1.5 million years ago, your denial of the History of Palestine can only be called Ignorance!

"The earliest human remains in Palestine were found in Ubeidiya, some 3 km south of the Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias), in the Jordan Rift Valley. The remains are dated to the Pleistocene, c. 1.5 million years ago. These are traces of the earliest migration of Homo erectus out of Africa. The site yielded hand axes of the Acheulean type."

History of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

palestinians have a history going all the way back to herodotus, educate yourself about history!

muslim arabs had a history going back to herodotus?
Please tell me more.

herodotus spoke about palestine, and of course the residents of palestine were palestinians, as they have been for over 2000 years now. Present palestinians are their desendants, the descendants of the palestinain people who lived in the land over 2000 years ago.

We even have a wikipedia article entitled history of palestine, and it speaks of a palestine that goes back in time to 1.5 million years ago, your denial of the history of palestine can only be called ignorance!

"the earliest human remains in palestine were found in ubeidiya, some 3 km south of the sea of galilee (lake tiberias), in the jordan rift valley. The remains are dated to the pleistocene, c. 1.5 million years ago. These are traces of the earliest migration of homo erectus out of africa. The site yielded hand axes of the acheulean type."

history of palestine - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is hard to believe that sherri graduated high school let alone law school Yes---the history of Connecticut is also 7000 years old----fossils have been found there and the reptiles that lived there were CONNECTICUTIANS
I grew up in a town in the USA ---that has a history in america---pre revolutionary war---
the methodist church there is known to be seven thousand, eight hundred and forty four
years old ----there was not a single computer in the building proving its ancient status---
old copies of the HERALD TRIBUNE were found in the basement dated 4034 BC
They took the land from the Palestinian people, the people with a right of self determination in that land under intl law.

They took it from who? No such people existed in 1967.....or now.

Palestinians have a history going all the way back to Herodotus, educate yourself about History!

Herodotus, Father of History, 484 to 425 BCE, Greece
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