Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Maybe he will convince those who insist on shelling Israel from child-intensive neighborhoods will stop shelling in deference to Samer's strike, so he can resume a normal life and the terrorists shelling Israel will stop killing children with their avaricious practice.

The ones killing children are Israeli, please educate yourself and stop spouting lies, Israel killed over 522 children in the past 5 years and Hamas killed 1 child in that period. Why do you keep lying? Does your God teach you to lie?
The UN says those who shell others from child-intensive areas and cause retaliation at that site are the ones responsible for all casualties. You're so mistaken. UN rules are not written based on religion, but based on right and wrong.

It's wrong to cause an enemy to fire back at you when you are hiding behind children.

It's clear you do not understand the truth, which has nothing to do with religion whatsoever.

I'm sorry for your misunderstandings of how the world works, which is clearly not around your errors.

Different people have different ideas as to "right and wrong" Keep
in mind----"palestinian" parents collect a "martyr reward" for
every child they manage to get BLOWN UP --AND the kid ends up in
the CAT-HOUSE in the sky for all eternity-----muslims prefer MARTYRDOM
and get paid for it too.
And Herodotus, the Father of History, recognized as the first Historian, wrote about Palestine.
The earliest known copy of Herodotus' work was written in AD 1300. No older documentation of his alleged writings exist at all. For all we know, our oldest work of his could have been written from someone's memory or in accordance with the beliefs/thoughts/desires/edits of a leader or editorial scholar in 1300AD. Notation is here.

Rewritten history is a shifting sand in time.

Also according to this timeline, Israel's "occupation" began in 1400BCE, or 2700 years prior to the copy of Herodotus' work that we have, which is 1300AD.

Israel's ownership was taken from people who worshipped Ba'al-zebub, who encouraged murder and genocide. The Jews banned the practices of murder and genocide and required Mosaic law to be observed in the land.

lol so funny Zionist rewrites of history
I'm neither Zionist (other than honoring Christ's worldly family, who were Jewish as he was) nor a historian, madam, nor have I any pony in this show, other than being an American whose parents' role as allies in WWII set them against Hitler and those who persecuted Jews worldwide. I'm glad they tried first to include all parties when forming the nation of Israel to give everyone freedom of religion, and I'm sorry there was opposition to Jews who owned most of the titled property in Israel for having the right to exist. Haj Amin al-Husseini fought alongside the Nazis to procure 6,000,000 Jewish deaths and expropriating all their properties in Europe and had plans on killing all the Jewish families who'd lived in the promised land for over 3,400 years. Hitler promised Haj Amin al-Husseini he would kill Jews for him, so when he sneaked back to Israel, he was loaded with plans to carry out the job by himself since Hitler offed himself after his defeat. I'm sorry you didn't read the Christian timeline I linked to you. From some of the things you said about yourself, I thought you mentioned being a Christian and would respect a source based on Christianity that precedes the 1300 AD source attributed to Herodotus, of which no copies exist that are older than that.
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The ones killing children are Israeli, please educate yourself and stop spouting lies, Israel killed over 522 children in the past 5 years and Hamas killed 1 child in that period. Why do you keep lying? Does your God teach you to lie?
The UN says those who shell others from child-intensive areas and cause retaliation at that site are the ones responsible for all casualties. You're so mistaken. UN rules are not written based on religion, but based on right and wrong.

It's wrong to cause an enemy to fire back at you when you are hiding behind children.

It's clear you do not understand the truth, which has nothing to do with religion whatsoever.

I'm sorry for your misunderstandings of how the world works, which is clearly not around your errors.

Different people have different ideas as to "right and wrong" Keep
in mind----"palestinian" parents collect a "martyr reward" for
every child they manage to get BLOWN UP --AND the kid ends up in
the CAT-HOUSE in the sky for all eternity-----muslims prefer MARTYRDOM
and get paid for it too.
As near as I can tell, the UN was not written to promote homicide bombing as a resolution to peace, but negotiation. All fails when one side refuses to live in peace with the other and shells them in a way that can be used to manipulate sympathy for criminals since they put children in harm's way--usually families extremist Muslims have no use for, too, other than to use as show-and-tells to please those who also hate Jewish people.
becki I am amazed----I simply assumed that the works of Herodotus were
extant ----in the library of Alexandria -----or something like that In any case---
that a greek would refer to a portion of the middle east based on AEGEANS
who lived in the general area for a few centuries ----is not impressive----even if true.
That anyone would claim that the arab muslims of the middle east are the descendants
of those aegeans is beyond stupidity It anything---the claim PROVES that
islamic revisionist history is -----really idiotic as are the jerks who parrot it
becki I am amazed----I simply assumed that the works of Herodotus were
extant ----in the library of Alexandria -----or something like that In any case---
that a greek would refer to a portion of the middle east based on AEGEANS
who lived in the general area for a few centuries ----is not impressive----even if true.
That anyone would claim that the arab muslims of the middle east are the descendants
of those aegeans is beyond stupidity It anything---the claim PROVES that
islamic revisionist history is -----really idiotic as are the jerks who parrot it
The library of Alexandria burned down in BC 47-48 or thereabouts, during the term of Julius Caesar, which is likely the reason, irosie91. I vaguely remembered that from my Art History classes back in the 60s, and just looked up. Caesar accidentally set fire to it in a military campaign. That's all I know about it, except I've read scholars caterwaul its loss from time to time.
becki I am amazed----I simply assumed that the works of Herodotus were
extant ----in the library of Alexandria -----or something like that In any case---
that a greek would refer to a portion of the middle east based on AEGEANS
who lived in the general area for a few centuries ----is not impressive----even if true.
That anyone would claim that the arab muslims of the middle east are the descendants
of those aegeans is beyond stupidity It anything---the claim PROVES that
islamic revisionist history is -----really idiotic as are the jerks who parrot it
The library of Alexandria burned down in BC 47-48 or thereabouts, during the term of Julius Caesar, which is likely the reason, irosie91. I vaguely remembered that from my Art History classes back in the 60s, and just looked up. Caesar accidentally set fire to it in a military campaign. That's all I know about it, except I've read scholars caterwaul its loss from time to time.

Lots of stuff survived the SEVERAL fires that afflicted the libraries in Alexandria
becki I am amazed----I simply assumed that the works of Herodotus were
extant ----in the library of Alexandria -----or something like that In any case---
that a greek would refer to a portion of the middle east based on AEGEANS
who lived in the general area for a few centuries ----is not impressive----even if true.
That anyone would claim that the arab muslims of the middle east are the descendants
of those aegeans is beyond stupidity It anything---the claim PROVES that
islamic revisionist history is -----really idiotic as are the jerks who parrot it
The library of Alexandria burned down in BC 47-48 or thereabouts, during the term of Julius Caesar, which is likely the reason, irosie91. I vaguely remembered that from my Art History classes back in the 60s, and just looked up. Caesar accidentally set fire to it in a military campaign. That's all I know about it, except I've read scholars caterwaul its loss from time to time.

Lots of stuff survived the SEVERAL fires that afflicted the libraries in Alexandria
If Herodotus' manuscript was one of them, nobody's sharing, apparently, to validate the 1300AD copy.
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The sherrithing is counting the Fogel kids as part of that '522+' - it spit that just the other day.

522 is Palestinian children killed by Israel. I have no idea who killed the Fogel illegal settler family members!

LIAR. Just the other day, the filthy serrithing spewed out that Ruthi Fogel was to blame for her and her children's murders. The young scum from Awarta did not 'confess: they BRAGGED about committing the murders, and were hailed as 'heroes'.
The library of Alexandria burned down in BC 47-48 or thereabouts, during the term of Julius Caesar, which is likely the reason, irosie91. I vaguely remembered that from my Art History classes back in the 60s, and just looked up. Caesar accidentally set fire to it in a military campaign. That's all I know about it, except I've read scholars caterwaul its loss from time to time.

Lots of stuff survived the SEVERAL fires that afflicted the libraries in Alexandria
If Herodotus' manuscript was one of them, nobody's sharing, apparently, to validate the 1300AD copy.

I don't know----but I do believe that somewhere along the line----based on GREEK/roman usage---
a large part of the middle east including Judea---came to be called "palestina"
It is not clear to me when it happened-----what is known is that the romans before
the sack of Jerusalem (~70 AD?) referred to what came to be called "palestina"
as JUDEA the official title of Pontius Pilate was PROCURATOR OF JUDEA
---it seems to me that it was jews who still used the designations Israel and Judea---
---a blast to the past when the two were separate kingdoms

The really idiotic end result is that adopting the moniker "palestinian" had galvanized
arabist maniacs to RE WRITE ALL OF HISTORY to create a LONG STANDING NATION---
called Palestine ---owned by arab muslim "PALESTINIANS"------

The real mystery is who could have come up with this farce now that Eugene O'Neil
and Aristophanes are BOTH DEAD?
The sherrithing is counting the Fogel kids as part of that '522+' - it spit that just the other day.

522 is Palestinian children killed by Israel. I have no idea who killed the Fogel illegal settler family members!

LIAR. Just the other day, the filthy serrithing spewed out that Ruthi Fogel was to blame for her and her children's murders. The young scum from Awarta did not 'confess: they BRAGGED about committing the murders, and were hailed as 'heroes'.

leave sherri alone she is busy licking the shit off the asses of the young HOLY
Can someone refer me to the rules of "resistence" allowed a vanquished aggressor entity which refuses to surrender following a putative UN ordered CEASE FIRE and engages in
incessant terrorist activities upon the victor nation? are there rules? I do not believe that
stated "responsibilities" toward OCCUPIED BY VICTOR NATIONS include victor nations must provide -----" carte blanc to the vanquished to shoot the victors and slit the throats of their infants" and launch missiles which jettison poison metal shards at the residential villages of
the victors -------Do the rules allow the vanquished nation or 'entity' the right to DECLARE its intention and teach in its schools---that the stated goal of the nation is the DESTRUCTION of
the victor and encourage its citizens to kill the members of the victor nation at
any opportunity? If such rules exist----do they apply with equity to both sides of the conflict?

I was HOPING -----that as BOARD LAWYER_----sherri would answer my question
regarding legal methods of resistence to CEASE FIRE "occupiers" As I recall---
the UN imposed a CEASE FIRE----in 1967 ----it is true that cease fire was
CONTESTED by several arab UN diplomats------THRU TEARS At that time the
UN did not IMPOSE BORDERS----just a cease fire. It did not impose a
SURRENDER although some arab diplomats complained that
a cease fire at that point was like a surrender and REFUSED IT.
Technically----I believe that Lebanon, and Syria are still at war with Israel
and-----Gaza is also by virtue of its charter. I simply do not understand by
what law ----sherri insists that slitting the throats of jewish infants is LEGAL by
international law. I know it is legal by the Nuremburg laws and Shariah---
Lots of stuff survived the SEVERAL fires that afflicted the libraries in Alexandria
If Herodotus' manuscript was one of them, nobody's sharing, apparently, to validate the 1300AD copy.

I don't know----but I do believe that somewhere along the line----based on GREEK/roman usage---
a large part of the middle east including Judea---came to be called "palestina"
It is not clear to me when it happened-----what is known is that the romans before
the sack of Jerusalem (~70 AD?) referred to what came to be called "palestina"
as JUDEA the official title of Pontius Pilate was PROCURATOR OF JUDEA
---it seems to me that it was jews who still used the designations Israel and Judea---
---a blast to the past when the two were separate kingdoms

The really idiotic end result is that adopting the moniker "palestinian" had galvanized
arabist maniacs to RE WRITE ALL OF HISTORY to create a LONG STANDING NATION---
called Palestine ---owned by arab muslim "PALESTINIANS"------

The real mystery is who could have come up with this farce now that Eugene O'Neil
and Aristophanes are BOTH DEAD?
irosie, I am not a qulified Biblical scholar by any means. Those who furnished the 1300AD one were going on some kind of information. I found a second century copy of one papyrus page of Herodotus vol. viii (history) at London at Wikipedia. It shows true wear, and half the page is worn away by time. My computer is cranky. BBL if possible.
The library of Alexandria burned down in BC 47-48 or thereabouts, during the term of Julius Caesar, which is likely the reason, irosie91. I vaguely remembered that from my Art History classes back in the 60s, and just looked up. Caesar accidentally set fire to it in a military campaign. That's all I know about it, except I've read scholars caterwaul its loss from time to time.

Lots of stuff survived the SEVERAL fires that afflicted the libraries in Alexandria
If Herodotus' manuscript was one of them, nobody's sharing, apparently, to validate the 1300AD copy.

I already told you I have no interest in Zionisy rewritten History. It simply lacks credibility. Herodotus has multiple documents that he wrote back in 400 BC and there are multiple references to Palestine. This has been discussed before and there are other ancient writers who also wrote about Palestine.
Lots of stuff survived the SEVERAL fires that afflicted the libraries in Alexandria
If Herodotus' manuscript was one of them, nobody's sharing, apparently, to validate the 1300AD copy.

I already told you I have no interest in Zionisy rewritten History. It simply lacks credibility. Herodotus has multiple documents that he wrote back in 400 BC and there are multiple references to Palestine. This has been discussed before and there are other ancient writers who also wrote about Palestine.

How interesting Years ago----I was invited to visit a mosque on a GOOD FRIDAY---the genius IMAM used the fact of it being GOOD FRIDAY to teach all about CHRISTIANITY

I was horrified------but----sherri does agree There are ancient writers who wrote about
ZEUS TOO and actually no writers who wrote about a person named "yehoshua'
or jesus, or yeshua being crucified or being of any interest at all. The one tiny few lines in the many volumes of HISTORY by Josephus Flavius just mentioning
such a person-----has been virtually PROVEN to be in inserted forgery-----thus sherri
has proven that Zeus is the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE and -----that "jesus christ" person
never existed

Lots more ----LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS----verified the true existence of ZEUS There are even surviving statues of the GOD -----not even a snap shot of "jesus"
Sherri knows ALL ABOUT "PALESTINE" based on extensive HISTORY about the place----centuries before the romans started CALLING the area "PALESTINA" from Greek
'HISTORIANS" I am fascinated I wonder if she can tell us in what language
the PALESTINIANS wrote and read and spoke according to the EXTENSIVE
historic record to which she claims to have access and in what time period this glorious
culture existed------and for TINNIE----what were its BORDERS since according to Tinnie
-----unless it has BORDERS it never existed

Several ancient Greek writers, Aristotle, Herodotus, Philo, Plutarch, use the term "Palestine," [Palaistinh, Palaistine] referring to the broad region which included Judea.

Aristotle describes the Dead Sea:

"Again if, as is fabled, there is a lake in Palestine, such that if you bind a man or beast and throw it in it floats and does not sink, this would bear out what we have said. They say that this lake is so bitter and salt that no fish live in it and that if you soak clothes in it and shake them it cleans them. Meteorology II.3"

Herodotus speaks of circumcision, in Euterpe, speaking of a Palestine that includes Syria in Palestine:

"The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themselves confess that they learnt the custom of the Egyptians; and the Syrians...say that they have recently adopted it from the Colchians. Now these are the only nations who use circumcision, and it is plain that they all imitate herein the Egyptians. Euterpe II.104 "

Philo was a contemporary of Jesus and a Jew. He speaks of the Essenes,

"Moreover Palestine and Syria too are not barren of exemplary wisdom and virtue, which countries no slight portion of that most populous nation of the Jews inhabits. There is a portion of those people called Essenes, in number something more than four thousand in my opinion, who derive their name from their piety...because they are above all men devoted to the service of God, not sacrificing living animals, but studying rather to preserve their own minds in a state of holiness and purity. Every Good Man Is Free XII.75"

Palestine vs Israel | Map of the land of Israel and Palestine in the ancient world, Palestinian and Hellenized Jews, Palestine vs Israel, Zola Levitt, Thomas McCall, Josephus, Philo, Aristotle, Herodotus, Strabo, Emperor Hadrian, map in jesus time, b

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