Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Why does the sherrithing keep whoring for HAMAS?

She likes to be on her knees for terrorists.

I stand when I speak, you want to be on your knees, go find Roudy. That is you and his thing, not mine.

And maybe you can go include MBHunter in a threesome, she seems to be dying to be someone's whore, that is her favorite word.


How do you speak with your mouth full?
Stay on your knees, terror lover.
The sherrithing is counting the Fogel kids as part of that '522+' - it spit that just the other day.

522 is Palestinian children killed by Israel. I have no idea who killed the Fogel illegal settler family members!

LIAR. Just the other day, the filthy serrithing spewed out that Ruthi Fogel was to blame for her and her children's murders. The young scum from Awarta did not 'confess: they BRAGGED about committing the murders, and were hailed as 'heroes'.

Torturing teenage boys into confessions, who are drug from their homes in the early morning hours in terror raids against them and their families, proves Zionists are perpetrators of crimes against humaity, that and nothing else.

There are no lies in speaking these truths.
522 is Palestinian children killed by Israel. I have no idea who killed the Fogel illegal settler family members!

LIAR. Just the other day, the filthy serrithing spewed out that Ruthi Fogel was to blame for her and her children's murders. The young scum from Awarta did not 'confess: they BRAGGED about committing the murders, and were hailed as 'heroes'.

Torturing teenage boys into confessions, who are drug from their homes in the early morning hours in terror raids against their families, proves Zionists are perpetrators of crimes against humaity, that and nothing else.

There are no lies in speaking these truths.

Kindly post your sources for these statements.
522 is Palestinian children killed by Israel. I have no idea who killed the Fogel illegal settler family members!

LIAR. Just the other day, the filthy serrithing spewed out that Ruthi Fogel was to blame for her and her children's murders. The young scum from Awarta did not 'confess: they BRAGGED about committing the murders, and were hailed as 'heroes'.

Torturing teenage boys into confessions, who are drug from their homes in the early morning hours in terror raids against their families, proves Zionists are perpetrators of crimes against humaity, that and nothing else.

There are no lies in speaking these truths.
So, they were drug from their homes and dragged to the police station where they were drugged to confess. Gotcha.
She likes to be on her knees for terrorists.

I stand when I speak, you want to be on your knees, go find Roudy. That is you and his thing, not mine.

And maybe you can go include MBHunter in a threesome, she seems to be dying to be someone's whore, that is her favorite word.


How do you speak with your mouth full?
Stay on your knees, terror lover.

Thats your obsession, not mine!
I stand when I speak, you want to be on your knees, go find Roudy. That is you and his thing, not mine.

And maybe you can go include MBHunter in a threesome, she seems to be dying to be someone's whore, that is her favorite word.


How do you speak with your mouth full?
Stay on your knees, terror lover.

Thats your obsession, not mine!

You're obsessed with supporting terror.
522 is Palestinian children killed by Israel. I have no idea who killed the Fogel illegal settler family members!

LIAR. Just the other day, the filthy serrithing spewed out that Ruthi Fogel was to blame for her and her children's murders. The young scum from Awarta did not 'confess: they BRAGGED about committing the murders, and were hailed as 'heroes'.

Torturing teenage boys into confessions, who are drug from their homes in the early morning hours in terror raids against them and their families, proves Zionists are perpetrators of crimes against humaity, that and nothing else.

There are no lies in speaking these truths.

Those are not truths at all. Keep on insisting that, and you're liable to wind up in a padded cell......
522 is Palestinian children killed by Israel. I have no idea who killed the Fogel illegal settler family members!

LIAR. Just the other day, the filthy serrithing spewed out that Ruthi Fogel was to blame for her and her children's murders. The young scum from Awarta did not 'confess: they BRAGGED about committing the murders, and were hailed as 'heroes'.

Torturing teenage boys into confessions, who are drug from their homes in the early morning hours in terror raids against them and their families, proves Zionists are perpetrators of crimes against humaity, that and nothing else.

There are no lies in speaking these truths.

No one should be surprised over the fact that SHERRI IS INDIGNANT
that the men who mutilated the Fogels and there three children to death
have been arrested. She was so eager to lick the shit off their asses in
honor of ALLAH/ISA as an american lawyer she has declared the act o
murdering jewish babies LEGAL-----and also seems to support ----along with Lyn Stewart--
the cause of the SHAYKH ABDEL RAHMAN in his quest to murder as many
americans for the GLORY OF ALLAH/isa as possible. At least she is INDIGNANT
that Ms Stewart was arrested for facilitating communications between THE HIGHLY
murderers should not be thwarted in their noble quest ---according to sherri.
Keep in mind-----in HER mind----all of those murders were as legal as the rape
and murder of sudanese christians and the enslavment of their children----in fact
not only LEGAL but entertaining to sherri Always remember----of the millions raped
and murdered in sudan----none of the rapists or murderers have been prosecuted----SO IT
MUST BE LEGAL just as mass rape by the west pakistan army in 1971 was LEGAL as per shariah law ---and just as ---that which her hero adolf abu ali did
was rendered LEGAL by the Nuremberg laws . LAW IS LAW
I stand when I speak, you want to be on your knees, go find Roudy. That is you and his thing, not mine.

And maybe you can go include MBHunter in a threesome, she seems to be dying to be someone's whore, that is her favorite word.


How do you speak with your mouth full?
Stay on your knees, terror lover.

Thats your obsession, not mine!

Let's not talk about the sherrithing's obsession with whoring for HAMAS! No wonder it's posting about 'three-ways': of course, it CLAIMS 'Jesus is everything'.

But we can all see that the sherrithing's "Jesus" is actually HAMAS........
How do you speak with your mouth full?
Stay on your knees, terror lover.

Thats your obsession, not mine!

Let's not talk about the sherrithing's obsession with whoring for HAMAS! No wonder it's posting about 'three-ways': of course, it CLAIMS 'Jesus is everything'.

But we can all see that the sherrithing's "Jesus" is actually HAMAS........

Marge---the only feature of Jesus that interests sherri is the deicide myth----I have
witnessed this phenomenon in my lifetime-----the developement amongst islamo nazi
pigs of the islamic side------of a new idea-----"WE LOVE JESUS----(basically because
christians of the nazi kind use his death as an excuse to smash the heads of jewish
infants against stone walls) When I first encountered muslims---almost 50 years
ago--------they SNEERED at the jesus presented in the new testament-----insisted that
the entire book is a fraud and if there was anyone in the world who advised "turn the cheek"----that person was an idiot. One of the PROOFS that the new testament is a fraud is the fact that jesus drinks wine-----since Jesus was a MUJAHAD----he never drank
wine and he happily slit the throats of jewish infants. Of course the crucifixion story is
actually a lie-----but jews did it anyway------if it works why throw it away?
She likes to be on her knees for terrorists.

I stand when I speak, you want to be on your knees, go find Roudy. That is you and his thing, not mine.

And maybe you can go include MBHunter in a threesome, she seems to be dying to be someone's whore, that is her favorite word.


Naaaah, it's just what you do for HAMAS : ))

You are projecting your own personal desires onto others, you need to get help for your problem.Your obsession, not mine.
How do you speak with your mouth full?
Stay on your knees, terror lover.

Thats your obsession, not mine!

Let's not talk about the sherrithing's obsession with whoring for HAMAS! No wonder it's posting about 'three-ways': of course, it CLAIMS 'Jesus is everything'.

But we can all see that the sherrithing's "Jesus" is actually HAMAS........

Why are you so obsessed with Hamas? Do you dream of them every night? Life is not about Hamas, you need help for this obsession you have with them. I never saw anyone so fixated on Hamas as you! Not me talking about them, its you. I bring up that statistic about killing in the past 5 years simply to show all who the real terrorist is in this conflict , The Jewish State. One more time, in the past 5 years Israel has killed over 522 Palestinian children and Hamas has Killed 1 Israeli child and they claimed in that one incident they thought the target they aimed at was a military target. We see who the real terrirists in Palestine are by this statistic and it is not Hamas. Your IDF buddies are the ones deliberately targeting Palestinian civilians and children.
LIAR. Just the other day, the filthy serrithing spewed out that Ruthi Fogel was to blame for her and her children's murders. The young scum from Awarta did not 'confess: they BRAGGED about committing the murders, and were hailed as 'heroes'.

Torturing teenage boys into confessions, who are drug from their homes in the early morning hours in terror raids against them and their families, proves Zionists are perpetrators of crimes against humaity, that and nothing else.

There are no lies in speaking these truths.

Those are not truths at all. Keep on insisting that, and you're liable to wind up in a padded cell......

You wish that for me, but that is just dreaming of a stalker and a paid shill who has spent the last 7 years of her life stalking people like me, following me from one discussion board to another, and paid shills like you are a dime a dozen these days. Noone would defend baby killing for Israel unless they were being paid for it, llike you are. Truth, on the other hand, will always be brought into the light, by me or others like me. AND WE DO NOT REQUIRE MONEY FROM OTHERS TO KEEP ON SPEAKING TRUTH! Jesus who is the truth and the life and the way guides some of us, as we seek to confront Injustice with Truth in our lives.
Torturing teenage boys into confessions, who are drug from their homes in the early morning hours in terror raids against them and their families, proves Zionists are perpetrators of crimes against humaity, that and nothing else.

There are no lies in speaking these truths.

Those are not truths at all. Keep on insisting that, and you're liable to wind up in a padded cell......

You wish that for me, but that is just dreaming of a stalker and a paid shill who has spent the last 7 years of her life stalking people like me, following me from one discussion board to another, and paid shills like you are a dime a dozen these days. Noone would defend baby killing for Israel unless they were being paid for it, llike you are. Truth, on the other hand, will always be brought into the light, by me or others like me. AND WE DO NOT REQUIRE MONEY FROM OTHERS TO KEEP ON SPEAKING TRUTH! Jesus who is the truth and the life and the way guides some of us, as we seek to confront Injustice with Truth in our lives.

"Diary of an Israeli Shill"

"I learned later that some of the personnel were assigned to internet message boards (like me), while others worked on Facebook or chatrooms. It seems these three types of media each have different strategy for shilling, and each shill concentrates on one of the three in particular.

My task? “To support Israel and counter anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic posters.” Fine with me. I had no opinions one way or another about Israel, and who likes anti-Semites and Nazis? Not me, anyway. But I didn’t know too much about the topic. “That’s OK,” she said. “You’ll pick it up as you go along. For the most part, at first, you will be doing what we call “meme-patrol.” This is pretty easy. Later if you show promise, we’ll train you for more complex arguments, where more in-depth knowledge is necessary.”

Diary of an Israeli Shill | Veterans Today
Nothing new in the world of islamo nazi pig propaganda----other than
the technology----they used to lick it off the masjid floor and write
it up in seedy periodicals-----now the sherries lick it up off the masjid
floor and spit it into cyberspace
Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association issued the following statement on January 15, highlighting the urgent situations of Palestinian hunger strikers:

"Addameer is deeply concerned for the lives of four Palestinian hunger strikers as their health continues to deteriorate. Addameer lawyer Fares Ziad recently visited three hunger strikers Jafar Azzidine, Yousef Yassin and Tarek Qa’adan, who are all on their 49th day of hunger strike. All three were arrested on 22 November 2012 and were placed in administrative detention, which is a procedure that allows the Israeli military to hold detainees indefinitely on ‘secret information’ without charging them or allowing them to stand trial. All three began their hunger strike on 28 November 2012 and are only drinking water. Fares reported that Yousef Yassin is are being held in isolation in a cell at Ramleh prison clinic, with a guard placed outside their door 24 hours a day, and is subject to daily inspections. All three are also being denied family visits. They have also had most of the belongings, such as clothes, cigarettes and electronics confiscated. As a result of their continued detention and treatment by the IPS all three have refused any medical treatment or tests since 21 December 2012. As they are only drinking water their health has deteriorated rapidly. Jafar, Yousef and Tarek all have difficulty seeing well, are dizzy and constantly have headaches. They also have pain in their joints and are suffering from general fatigue.

Samer al-Issawi has been on partial hunger strike for 167 days. Ayman Sharawna suspended his hunger strike on 3 January 2013 after 180 days. Addameer calls on the international community to pressure the Israeli Prison Service for the immediate release of the hunger striking prisoners and ensure that Israel upholds international human rights and humanitarian law."

Addresses of officials to contact are provided in the article.

Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network » Addameer: Concern Mounts for Palestinian Hunger strikers

Those are not truths at all. Keep on insisting that, and you're liable to wind up in a padded cell......

You wish that for me, but that is just dreaming of a stalker and a paid shill who has spent the last 7 years of her life stalking people like me, following me from one discussion board to another, and paid shills like you are a dime a dozen these days. Noone would defend baby killing for Israel unless they were being paid for it, llike you are. Truth, on the other hand, will always be brought into the light, by me or others like me. AND WE DO NOT REQUIRE MONEY FROM OTHERS TO KEEP ON SPEAKING TRUTH! Jesus who is the truth and the life and the way guides some of us, as we seek to confront Injustice with Truth in our lives.

"Diary of an Israeli Shill"

"I learned later that some of the personnel were assigned to internet message boards (like me), while others worked on Facebook or chatrooms. It seems these three types of media each have different strategy for shilling, and each shill concentrates on one of the three in particular.

My task? “To support Israel and counter anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic posters.” Fine with me. I had no opinions one way or another about Israel, and who likes anti-Semites and Nazis? Not me, anyway. But I didn’t know too much about the topic. “That’s OK,” she said. “You’ll pick it up as you go along. For the most part, at first, you will be doing what we call “meme-patrol.” This is pretty easy. Later if you show promise, we’ll train you for more complex arguments, where more in-depth knowledge is necessary.”

Diary of an Israeli Shill | Veterans Today

She does not even deny it, being a shill. I think she is proud of it.
You wish that for me, but that is just dreaming of a stalker and a paid shill who has spent the last 7 years of her life stalking people like me, following me from one discussion board to another, and paid shills like you are a dime a dozen these days. Noone would defend baby killing for Israel unless they were being paid for it, llike you are. Truth, on the other hand, will always be brought into the light, by me or others like me. AND WE DO NOT REQUIRE MONEY FROM OTHERS TO KEEP ON SPEAKING TRUTH! Jesus who is the truth and the life and the way guides some of us, as we seek to confront Injustice with Truth in our lives.

"Diary of an Israeli Shill"

"I learned later that some of the personnel were assigned to internet message boards (like me), while others worked on Facebook or chatrooms. It seems these three types of media each have different strategy for shilling, and each shill concentrates on one of the three in particular.

My task? “To support Israel and counter anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic posters.” Fine with me. I had no opinions one way or another about Israel, and who likes anti-Semites and Nazis? Not me, anyway. But I didn’t know too much about the topic. “That’s OK,” she said. “You’ll pick it up as you go along. For the most part, at first, you will be doing what we call “meme-patrol.” This is pretty easy. Later if you show promise, we’ll train you for more complex arguments, where more in-depth knowledge is necessary.”

Diary of an Israeli Shill | Veterans Today

She does not even deny it, being a shill. I think she is proud of it.

sherri jews have been debating genocidal scum of your ilk for the past 1700
years It has never altered your filth -----not a single century has
passed in the past 1700 years that those of your ilk did not genocide at least
a MILLION out of existence in the name of ALLAH/ISA

how are your bretheren in algeria doing? what is the body count now?---

Certainly a "LAWYER" should have a grasp on the fact that it was
YOUR PEOPLE who managed to LEGALIZE GENOCIDE and even
render it a "HOLY ENTERPRISE" (well---actually there are some
others who picked up on the idea-----STALIN has been in his
school years-----a DIVINITY STUDENT in your "general" religion
and communist leaders -----learned the idea of LEGAL genocide
from you guys
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