Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Samer is a piece of shit ----Martin Luther King never allied
himself with people who advocated slitting the throats of
infants as a SYMBOL OF LOVE ----he was nothing like
the "isa respecter" martin luther---whose loving influence
was instrumental in the developement of genocidal germany.

samer is of the isa respecting camp of MARTIN LUTHER---
To think, Israel holds over 4000 Palestinian political prisoners in complete violation of intl law. They torture them, carry out experiments on them, arrest children as young as 7, imprison babies with their mothers, subject them to medical negligence, go after their family members. They have tortured many prisoners to death in the past, and the world seemingly just sits back and watches all these atrocities unfold. And there are posters here who defend these crimes against humanity, illustrating their own vileness and lack of decency and morality and humanity. I am ashamed I have to call them my fellow human beings, they are so disgusting and vile and repellant to me. They show how low a person can get, how inhuman a person can become, how uncaring a person can become, they illustrate the very worst of humanity! These people give me something to look forward to in physical death, I will not have to deal with the likes of them anymore! A reason to pray for the Lord to come soon and take me away from these evil and vile and disgusting people who care nothing about humanity and God, only worshipping their Idols and hating, their lives revolve around hate!
Samer is a terrorist He was convicted of storing weapons
illegally and he was involved with terrorist groups---ie he is a
filthy murderer in the name of isa. There are lots of islamic
terrorists in USA jails-----and there are dead americans who were murdered by the filth whose asses sherri licks. Release of criminal samer will encourage a spate of HUNGERKUNSTLER games leading to black mail induced
release of terrorist pigs from american jails---and dead americans-----I do not know the names of all of the terrorist pigs in the USA jails----but I do know that the terrorist organizations are seeking the release of Abdel Rahman---a man who tried to kill tens of thousands of americans but managed only seven -----and a "SIDDIQUE" bitch---a neurscientist who seeks to devote her life to murder---fortunately now jailed-----they will probably try to get the murderer "BAZ" out of jail----he is also a prisoner of
conscious---he shot two jewish kids in the head----declaring
in court "I shot them because they were jewish" ----he did it
for "allah/isa"
good idea sherri-----we all look forward to your "RELEASE FROM PAIN"
Do you think that Frau Sherri thinks that she is going to get 72 Virgin Studs for her devotion to the terrorists' cause. Maybe she will meet some of those who blew up some Christians because they wanted to be martyrs for Islam. Maybe this is what Frau Sherri is hoping for.
Terrorist recruitment manifesto for the future Caliphate declares ?The french will never know peace until we have conquered them? «
good idea sherri-----we all look forward to your "RELEASE FROM PAIN"
Do you think that Frau Sherri thinks that she is going to get 72 Virgin Studs for her devotion to the terrorists' cause. Maybe she will meet some of those who blew up some Christians because they wanted to be martyrs for Islam. Maybe this is what Frau Sherri is hoping for.
Terrorist recruitment manifesto for the future Caliphate declares ?The french will never know peace until we have conquered them? «

Hoss----excellent lesson in HOW ISLAM WAS SPREAD----
kaffirin never know peace until they cave. There is
no reason for muslims to stop raping little girls and
slitting the throats of infants----in the past 1400
years these actions have WON THEM VAST LAND
HOLDINGS and they call that age of
genocide their ISLAMIC AGE OF GLORY ---they
simply want their GOLDEN AGE back again and
Sherri wants to be part of that "GLORY"
In a struggle for freedom like Palestinians are in, like Samer Issawi is in, there is a higher level of Life to live. I only can see into that place briefly and with the most clarity in the times when I get the most involved in speaking about the Injustices of the Occupation. I read Martin Luther King Jrs Strength To Love and see he is speaking about the Occupation in every word he speaks about the Injustices he stood against. And I read words written by Palestinians, like the words below written by a young woman in Nabi Saleh and I see that higher life to live. Perhaps, it is enduring unmerited suffering and remaining steadfast in the face of it, living one's entire life under Occupation, that gives this new meaning to life and new beauty to those in that struggle. What I can say, without a doubt, is that my life is enriched by my involvement with what is happening in Palestine. And I owe these beautiful people in Palestine struggling for freedom so much for showing me how precious Life is and how beautiful people can become who commit to remaining steadfast in the face of Injustice, in the face of Occupation. Hunger for justice propels people forward and no words can express the beautiful places that can take us! I look at photos of men imprisoned who grow old before their time, but the words they write break my heart and the beauty and goodness all of these sorrows create in human beings amazes me and I can only credit God and God's goodness with all of it!

This was written by a a young Palestinian woman from Occupoied Palestine, from Occupied Nabi Saleh, named Manal Tamimii:


"When I was a little girl, I didn’t understand anything in the world except for laughter, and playing games. I used to adore my small village that was of one family, united in its happiness and sorrows. I used to adore every inch of that land. I used to adore the season for the olive harvest and waking up early to prepare food for the entire day, since we were to spend our day picking. I adored getting up at 6 in the morning to go with our neighbor and his children to pick grapes and figs from his vineyard, for there is nothing in life which compares to the taste of grapes and figs in the early morning, coated with water from morning dew. I adored going to the spring in the valley to pick wild mint during the winter to make mint pastries. There are no other pastries that even compare in taste to that of a mint pastry. As I grew up, so grew my love for this land and the large passion for its soil, its trees, and its stones. I grew and so grew my worries as the settlers reached the heights of the mountain that stands before my house. It is the place that contains all my worries. I used to go there to scream, cry, laugh, and then sit under a carob tree and I would look at the valley with its water and wonderful green color. I would gaze at the hills on the opposite side covered in olive, grape and fig trees. Just looking and staring at that mountainous landscape, I would forget my worries and sorrows. It would gladden my chest as though it had been washed with soap and water, restoring me back to life and making me active again.

Today everything has changed. Our land had already been stolen and colonial Zionist settlements have been built upon it. I am no longer able to reach the vineyards and fig trees. They have now been taken by the settlements and we are prevented from going there…but even more than that, they have uprooted and taken down the grape vines and fig trees to keep them from us. They stole our olive orchards and have uprooted the olive trees, which have existed since Roman times (thousands of years). I believe they are trying to kill/destroy our roots from our lands and break our glory. The worst part is that they have planted new olive trees they claim began growing on their land, which they inherited from their forefathers. When I sit on the mountain and look out in front of me, I no longer see anything but hills which have been deformed, robbed of their beauty by the hideous white houses with red roofs. I look into the valley to see the color has turned from vibrant green to pale yellow as if the earth has also felt the disaster that affected us and killed it, so that these thieves can take full advantage of it. When I look at the water, which was once clear and brought back life, I see it has now turned to green as if it too was hit and turned into toxic water that kills anyone who drinks it…as if it now knows we can no longer reach it."

Manal Tamimi: My Feelings About the Settlement of Halamish | nabi saleh solidarity

After speaking about all the changes the settler occupiers have made to her land, Manal Tamimi ends her article expressing her resolve in the face of her grief and humiliation, a resolve to stay loyal to her land, and hold to the land "just as the olive tree spreads its roots deep into the ground", and the resolve of the people to raise their voices to raise their issues/concerns/worries high and loud and scream with their loudest voices, so that the world can hear them.

"We are here and here we will stay. For this is our land and no one will remove us from it."
Samer is a criminal playing HUNGERKUNSTLER in a bid to get out of jail free.

If he succeeds ----tens of thousands of criminals in civilized countries will emulate
his filth. It is not easy to keep a chunk of filth like samer alive----it takes careful
balance of his chemistry and careful monitoring---an expensive proposition---and the
result-----a CRIMINAL SAVED to further the cause of crime
Samer is a criminal playing HUNGERKUNSTLER in a bid to get out of jail free.

If he succeeds ----tens of thousands of criminals in civilized countries will emulate
his filth. It is not easy to keep a chunk of filth like samer alive----it takes careful
balance of his chemistry and careful monitoring---an expensive proposition---and the
result-----a CRIMINAL SAVED to further the cause of crime
What's the latest about 'ol Samer? He still sneakin' Twinkees into his cell?
To think, we live in a world with men like Samer Issawi still in it, men willing to sacrifice their lives for justice.

Blessed are those who hunger for justice, for they will be filled, Jesus tells us.

But the ones who are willing to sacrifice self for others, the world always kills them.

That is the way of the world.

And posters like Rosie and Hossfly, and there are others here as vile as them who cannot wait for Samer to die, they are the very ones who would have been cheering on as the Prophets were killed, and as Jesus was crucified, all of them, that is who they are.

To think, human beings are capable of such vileness and hate.

They desire the persecution and death of other human beings, and are a perfect illustration to all of us what human beings devoid of Humanity look like.

To think, we live in a world with men like Samer Issawi still in it. But the ones who are willing to sacrifice self for others, we always kill them. That is the way of the world. And posters like Rosie and Hossfly and there are others here as vile as them who cannot wait for him to die,, they would have been cheering on as Jesus was crucified, all of them, that is who they are.To think, human beings are capable of such vileness and hate. They desire the persecution and death of a people, the Palestinian people.

to think---we live in a world where a convicted criminal----associated with terrorist
movements known for their child killling by slit throat becomes worshiped as an
avatar becaue he is on a hunger strike in order to extort a --_GET OF JAIL FREE
CARD ----eager to kill in the name of ALLAH/ISA . The same people
who lick the asses of infant throat slitters are also campaigning for the release
from an american jail of the man who bombed the world trade center
in 1993---killing seven americans. -----a plot that essentially failed since the
aim was the death of tens of thousands of children in nearby schools. No
doubt sherri salivates in eager anticipation of future terrorist events and the
bodes of smashed victims of ALLAH/ISA worshippers piled in the gutters.

As she salivates she fantasizes of the estimated 20,000 jews----including one
yehoshua ben yosef-----TORTURED TO DEATH by one of her own ----
two millenia ago True to form----her colleague Pontius Pilate----roman
procurator of judea-----did what the spawn of the ROMAN EMPIRE,
to wit- ----islamo nazi pigs---still enjoy---murder by obscene mutilation

she spends her moments alone----reading with pleasure----the
descriptions of men women and children ----tortured to death in Syria---
but that is a private joy-----publically she has a NEED to use every bit
of perversity stored in her "soul" to "project" upon JOOOOOOS---<<<
it is a need developed years ago as a reaction formation----a compensation
for her realistic sense of self-disgust
I was just reading this article appearing in PNN that discusses a Delegation from Palestine 48, consisting of the Yousef Al Sedeeq Institute for Prisoners Protection and the Meezan Centre for Human rights. The Palestine 48 Delegation was facilitated by the Irish Friends of Palestine, and this Delegation visited the two cities of Derry and Belfast in the North of Ireland, cities steeped in the history of occupation and struggle. The Delegation met with persons involved in the recent Hunger strikes in Ireland, who included Pat Sheehan and Raymond McCartney, both men who took part in the Irish hunger strikes. Pat Sheehan would have been the next to die, had the 1981 Hunger strike continued, and he was very near death when the hunger strikes ended. In the visit to Ireland, many former Irish political prisoners and former hunger strikers sent their messages of solidarity and support to Samer Issawi and to the others imprisoned. The many similarities between Ireland and Palestine were not lost on members of the Delegation. And they visited the grave of Bobby Sands who led the 1981 hunger strike. At the grave, the delegation felt compelled to leave a mark of respect to a fallen Irish comrade who died on Hunger strike, and they placed a Palestinian flag scarf alongside Bobby's grave.

The article in PNN points out that the fate of Samer Issawi, which Israel dictates by her choices, could signal another worldwide shift in opinion against Israel. God works in God's Ways and it is His will that will be done, I remind myself of this, with each day that unfolds. People of conscience desire him to live, and the other hunger striking prisoners to live, and we do all we can think to do to help to save lives. But, in the end, it is up to God and God's will that will be done.

"With only his body and will as a weapon, Samer has said he will continue the hunger strike until his freedom. So the question to Israel from people of conscience around the world remains the same, will his freedom come when he is released to return home, or will his freedom come when he is released in death. Israel should remember that the Irish Hunger strike was a turning point that saw worldwide support the Irish Political prisoners. And should Samer also be forced to die in prison, so too will the tide turn against Israel.

In the immortal words of Bobby Sands:

"There's an inner thing in every man, Do you know this thing my friend?It has withstood the blows of a million years, And will do so to the end.

It lies in the hearts of heroes dead, It screams in tyrants' eyes, It has reached the peak of mountains high, It comes searing across the skies.

It lights the dark of this prison cell, It thunders forth its might, It is 'the undauntable thought', my friend,That thought that says 'I'm right!'"

Irish Hunger Striker Bobby Sand?s Words Ring True for Samer Al-Issawi

anyone know who are those "prophets" jews killed whilst cheering?

the board whore alluded to PROPHETS JEWS KILLED
I have asked before---but the whore never answers.
To think, we live in a world with men like Samer Issawi still in it, men willing to sacrifice their lives for justice.

Blessed are those who hunger for justice, for they will be filled, Jesus tells us.

But the ones who are willing to sacrifice self for others, the world always kills them.

That is the way of the world.

And posters like Rosie and Hossfly, and there are others here as vile as them who cannot wait for Samer to die, they are the very ones who would have been cheering on as the Prophets were killed, and as Jesus was crucified, all of them, that is who they are.

To think, human beings are capable of such vileness and hate.

They desire the persecution and death of other human beings, and are a perfect illustration to all of us what human beings devoid of Humanity look like.

Samer ain't gonna die. Far from it. Samer will be a rich man and he will end his "hunger strike" and cash in all the freebies and perks. Samer is as sly as a fuchs.
To think, we live in a world with men like Samer Issawi still in it

I know, terrorists shouldn't still live in our world.

what would sherri have to live for if there were no islamic terrorists
to entertain her by slitting the throats of infants and engage in the
obscene mutilation murders that so entertain her?
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