Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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PNN Monday January 21, in a press release, Al-Awda, The Palestine Right To Return Coalition and the Free Samer Issawi Campaign issue a call to action, calling on all people of conscience across the globe to stand with Palestinian political prisoner and hunger striker Samer Issawi in his fight for freedom and justice. Samer Issawi has been on hunger strike for over 178 days now, protesting both the injustice of his own detention and that of all the other Palestinian political prisoners.

Samer Issawi and other Palestinian political prisoners are subjected to indefinite detention without charges or trial which is inhumane and a violation of intl law. The Palestine Right To Return Coalition and the Free Samer Issawi Campaign demand the release of Samer Issawi immediately, noting that he is "currently dying before us and before the eyes of the world."


We call on all justice seeking people around the world to stand with Samer Issawi. His life is literally on the line while the mass media is neglecting his freedom call. We are calling on people all over to plan to drop banners at all public locations this Monday January 21, 2013, which happens to be Dr. Martin Luther King Day, and on subsequent days until his release. We call on protests to be organized everywhere. We need to save Samer's life and bring his human struggle to the mainstream above the media blackout.

"My detention is unjust and illegal, just like the Palestinian occupation. My demands are legitimate and just thus I will not withdraw from the battle for freedom, waiting for either victory and freedom-or martyrdom.""

Call to Release Palestinian Hunger Striker Samer Al-Issawi

The islamo nazi pigs of the world -----are claiming that the imprisonment of
SHAYKH ABDEL RAHMAN is as ILLEGAL as that of samer------after all----he
engaged in a GLORIOUS ACT------he bombed the World Trade Center in 1993
and out of KINDNESS AND LOVE he managed to kill only seven americans
and injure a mere few hundred Sherri has it right -----it is good in her
"BRAVE NEW WORLD ---it was
done in HONOR OF ISAHUAKBARRR----the same "isa" she worships ---the same
isa who smiles on brave MUJAHADEEN who slit the throats of infants in his name
[ame=]ProtestingBBCsilenceOverPalestinianPrisoners10Jan2013 - YouTube[/ame]
best sherri post of all time

same idiot posts from last week----
I recognize the slut in the red hat
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You wish that for me, but that is just dreaming of a stalker and a paid shill who has spent the last 7 years of her life stalking people like me, following me from one discussion board to another, and paid shills like you are a dime a dozen these days. Noone would defend baby killing for Israel unless they were being paid for it, llike you are. Truth, on the other hand, will always be brought into the light, by me or others like me. AND WE DO NOT REQUIRE MONEY FROM OTHERS TO KEEP ON SPEAKING TRUTH! Jesus who is the truth and the life and the way guides some of us, as we seek to confront Injustice with Truth in our lives.

"Diary of an Israeli Shill"

"I learned later that some of the personnel were assigned to internet message boards (like me), while others worked on Facebook or chatrooms. It seems these three types of media each have different strategy for shilling, and each shill concentrates on one of the three in particular.

My task? “To support Israel and counter anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic posters.” Fine with me. I had no opinions one way or another about Israel, and who likes anti-Semites and Nazis? Not me, anyway. But I didn’t know too much about the topic. “That’s OK,” she said. “You’ll pick it up as you go along. For the most part, at first, you will be doing what we call “meme-patrol.” This is pretty easy. Later if you show promise, we’ll train you for more complex arguments, where more in-depth knowledge is necessary.”

Diary of an Israeli Shill | Veterans Today

She does not even deny it, being a shill. I think she is proud of it.
Pathetic Frau Sherri, she is such a shill for the Islamic terrorists that she can't even spend any time on one other forums condemning what her Muslim terrorist friends are doing to Christians. I guess the pay must be better than what one receives from being a second-rate lawyer. Don't worry, Marg, anyone with any brains at all realizes just who the shill is on this forum and the others that she frequents. This woman appears to have no other life than being a shill for the Islamic terrorists.
Poor idiot sherrithing..... it's convinced itself that nobody could support Israel except if they were paid.

How cute. And how bigoted. Just the ranting that you *know* what I wish for you displays the working of a mind that is no longer attached to reality.

Does it make you feel good, all that hatred spewed at me? Does it give you a sense of importance, to imagine that somewhere someone is paying money to disagree with you?

I can only suppose that nobody in real life ever pays much attention to you, so you keep coming back here to try to bully and browbeat others into submission to your unholy obsession. Probably all the people you try to harangue in person have taken to crossing the street to avoid you..... and got 'call waiting' so they can avoid even phone contact.

There was a great article I read a few months back, about how people start obsessing over these conspiracy 'theories', and spend six or eight hours a day reading stuff on different blogs, etc. All about how that causes them to lose perspective and become truly invested in the stuff to the exclusion of rational thought and real life activities: such sustained focus on ANY one narrow topic is virtually always a negative.
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Poor idiot sherrithing..... it's convinced itself that nobody could support Israel except if they were paid.

How cute. And how bigoted. Just the ranting that you *know* what I wish for you displays the working of a mind that is no longer attached to reality.

Does it make you feel good, all that hatred spewed at me? Does it give you a sense of importance, to imagine that somewhere someone is paying money to disagree with you?

I can only suppose that nobody in real life ever pays much attention to you, so you keep coming back here to try to bully and browbeat others into submission to your unholy obsession. Probably all the people you try to harangue in person have taken to crossing the street to avoid you..... and got 'call waiting' so they can avoid even phone contact.

There was a great article I read a few months back, about how people start obsessing over these conspiracy 'theories', and spend six or eight hours a day reading stuff on different blogs, etc. All about how that causes them to lose perspective and become truly invested in the stuff to the exclusion of rational thought and real life activities: such sustained focus on ANY one narrow topic is virtually always a negative.

And you still do not deny you are a paid shill, you are proud of the paid shill you are. You sold your soul for dollars and you are proud of it!
You're obsessed with supporting terror.
Obsession seems the culprit, all right.


Desiring life for other human beings is not supporting terror. That God you worship is really deceiving you!

Supporting the release of terrorists from jail is support of terrorism. Sherri objected to the
fact that Lyn Stewart was JAILED for violating a court order which forbid
"SHAYKH" Abdel Rahman from communicating with his fellow terrrorists. Abdel Rahman
is a KORANIC SCHOLAR-----who was highly placed in AL AZHAR UNIVERSITY---which is
the insititution consider AUTHORITATIVE in koran interpretation and law by the SUNNI
muslims of the world He came to the US as a LEADER---and lived in Jersey City, New Jersey------across the Hudson from the TWIN TOWERS----he plotted and accomplished
a CAR BOMBING from the under ground parking lot of one of the towers that was
designed to topple the tower onto lower manhattan-----thus killing tens of thousands--
inicluding thousands of students in nearby public schools. The plot failed and the good
shaykh whose rights steward and sherri support -----managed to kill only
seven people in one of the towers----a few hundred were injured----1993.
Lyn-Steward under GUISE of "needing an interpreter" managed to smuggle
a terrorist friend of Rahman into the jail ----fortunately the breach was detected and
Stewart was convicted of a Felony and disbarred and jailed Sherri claims she was
Rahman has declared that his followers would
inflict a barrage of terrorism in the US should he (RAHMAN) die in jail-----Like
the terrorist pig in jail in Israel SAMER----the care of Rahman is very expensive---
Rahman the terrrorist murdering pig is a SEVERE DIABETIC ---to the point that he has
DIABETIC RETINOPATHY ----and ---rotting toes. That he has not died yet is
testimony to the EXCELLENT care he is getting in US jail Morsi ---the new islamicist
"SHAYKH" abdel rahman The "shaykh" part of his name is an HONORIFIC
in reference to his PIETY AND LEARNING ---IN KORANIC STUDIES but sherri licks his
ass because he murdered americans for allah/isa
I want to share here another story of hunger strikers, reported by CPT Aboriginal Justice, Canada. Just now able to access their website, suspect their server is being attacked in connection with a kidnapping in Columbia.


CPTnet 23 January 2013 ABORIGINAL JUSTICE BREAKING: Chief Theresa Spence and Elder Robinson to end sacred fast

It is reported that Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence will end her sacred fast, which began 12/11/2012 on 1/24/2013. Manitoba Elder Gene Robinson, who began his fast in solidarity with Chief Spence on 12/12, and later joined Chief Spence in Ottawa, will also end his fast. Their decision was based on commitments outlined in a 13 point plan and endorsed by the Assembly of First Nations, the Native Women’s Society of Canada, the New Democratic Party National Caucus and the Liberal Party of Canada Parliamentary Caucus. It includes, but is not limited to ensuring commitments made by Prime Minister Stephen Harper on 1/11/2013 are followed through and implemented as quickly as possible.

Addressing CPT's view of hunger strikes, the basis in Christianity for hunger strikes they state that for them, as allies and as Christians, or Followers of The Way, "their sacred act, done for the fellowship of all Canadians, conjures up countless stories from Scripture, in which faithful servants humble themselves, break from routine and seek deliverance that only Creator God can accomplish. Their fast reminds us of the actions of Queen Esther, in ancient Persia after the Babylonian exile, because each used the discipline of fasting as a means of creating solidarity among people who are separated from one another."

"A fast is not only a spiritual discipline but a discipline for the breaking of oppression, and for easing the suffering of those who lack food, clothing and shelter (Isaiah 58:5-7). Chief Spence’s message remained consistent, in that her actions were “the human incarnation of what Indigenous Peoples struggle with on a daily basis. Our Peoples live in third world conditions while in our backyard mega development projects extract resources from our lands while we remain in substandard living conditions.” Chief Spence and the other fasters humbled their soul with fasting and were insulted while doing so (Psalm 69:10). She is weak with reported health concerns, and even as she prepares to continue her journey in the physical world, detractors still jab her with slurs of ‘liquid diet’ and shake their heads with scorn (Psalm 109:24-25)."

ABORIGINAL JUSTICE BREAKING: Chief Theresa Spence and Elder Robinson to end sacred fast | Christian Peacemaker Teams
I want to share here another story of hunger strikers, reported by CPT Aboriginal Justice, Canada. Just now able to access their website, suspect their server is being attacked in connection with a kidnapping in Columbia.

CPTnet 23 January 2013 ABORIGINAL JUSTICE BREAKING: Chief Theresa Spence and Elder Robinson to end sacred fast

It is reported that Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence will end her sacred fast, which began 12/11/2012 on 1/24/2013. Manitoba Elder Gene Robinson, who began his fast in solidarity with Chief Spence on 12/12, and later joined Chief Spence in Ottawa, will also end his fast. Their decision was based on commitments outlined in a 13 point plan and endorsed by the Assembly of First Nations, the Native Women’s Society of Canada, the New Democratic Party National Caucus and the Liberal Party of Canada Parliamentary Caucus. It includes, but is not limited to ensuring commitments made by Prime Minister Stephen Harper on 1/11/2013 are followed through and implemented as quickly as possible.

Addressing CPT's view of hunger strikes, the basis in Christianity for hunger strikes they state that for them, as allies and as Christians, or Followers of The Way, "their sacred act, done for the fellowship of all Canadians, conjures up countless stories from Scripture, in which faithful servants humble themselves, break from routine and seek deliverance that only Creator God can accomplish. Their fast reminds us of the actions of Queen Esther, in ancient Persia after the Babylonian exile, because each used the discipline of fasting as a means of creating solidarity among people who are separated from one another."

"A fast is not only a spiritual discipline but a discipline for the breaking of oppression, and for easing the suffering of those who lack food, clothing and shelter (Isaiah 58:5-7). Chief Spence’s message remained consistent, in that her actions were “the human incarnation of what Indigenous Peoples struggle with on a daily basis. Our Peoples live in third world conditions while in our backyard mega development projects extract resources from our lands while we remain in substandard living conditions.” Chief Spence and the other fasters humbled their soul with fasting and were insulted while doing so (Psalm 69:10). She is weak with reported health concerns, and even as she prepares to continue her journey in the physical world, detractors still jab her with slurs of ‘liquid diet’ and shake their heads with scorn (Psalm 109:24-25)."

ABORIGINAL JUSTICE BREAKING: Chief Theresa Spence and Elder Robinson to end sacred fast | Christian Peacemaker Teams

The fast arises from treaty obligations Canada has with Indigenous peoples that have not been respected, affecting the daily lives of the Indigenous Peoples. Native Americans in the US do not have a CPT delegation living among them reporting on their struggles but they also continue to confront violations of Treaty Obligations by the US Government.
A little off topic, but I thought I would share what is happening in Columbia, that includes the kidnapping of a Canadian.

"CPTnet 23 January 2013 COLOMBIA: Nonviolence urged after CPT partners kidnapped

National and international news sources have reported that the National Liberation Army (ELN), Colombia's second-largest guerrilla group, kidnapped five people – one Canadian, two Peruvians and two Colombians – in the southern region of the Department of Bolivar on January 18. In a Jnauary 19 release, Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) Colombia partner, the Southern Bolivar Agricultural-Mining Federation (FEDEAGROMISBOL), reported that six, not five people, including two leaders of the FEDEAGROMISBOL, were kidnapped. Together with FEDEAGROMISBOL, CPT Colombia denounces the illegal detention of these six people and demands their immediate release. We also call on the authorities to allow nonviolent means to be used to resolve this situation, preventing further violence from occurring. Family members of one of the Peruvians held have reportedly issued a similar plea."

COLOMBIA: Nonviolence urged after CPT partners kidnapped | Christian Peacemaker Teams
the whore compares the fast of highly placed and priveleged
person ----nobly done for the sake of his/her people (eg
Mahatma Gandhi and Queen Esther) to the manipulation of a jailed criminal ---justly jailed for involvement in terrorist activies---the kind of stuff that leaves thousands of children dead in the dust every year, world wide-----who is seeking
Freedom fighters like Samer Issawi embracing hunger strikes struggle for freedom with nonviolence, there is no act of nonviolence a human being can embrace with greater value than this. Look at this man's life, he was born living under Occupation, deprived of freedom and dignity and humanity every single day of his life by The Jewish State, the Occupiers of Palestine! His story and that of his family is a story of Resistance and much of that has been nonviolent, as we read of arrests of siblings for participating in nonviolent protests of unlawful policies of the Occupation. I do not know if he ever engaged in an act of violence, as Zionists regularly persecute and prosecute all Resistance, armed and unarmed, and label it all falsely as Terrorism. And they do not give Palestinians fair trials, either, so convictions by Zionist Kangaroo courts prove absolutely nothing about any Palestinain convicted, but that suffer persecution for resisting Occupation!

Here is a description of the beautiful person Samer Issawi is today, as he responds to Injustice with nonviolent resistance, his hunger strilke for freedom.

"At the center of nonviolence stands the principle of love. The nonviolent resister would contend that in the struggle for human dignity, the oppressed people of the world must not succumb to the temptation of becoming bitter or indulging in hate campaigns. To retaliate in kind would do nothing but intensify the existence of hate in the universe. Along the way of life, someone must have sense enough to cut off the chain of hate. This can only be done by projecting the ethic of love to the center of our lives."

Strength to Love, Martin Luther King Jr, pg xi

Freedom fighters like Samer Issawi embracing hunger strikes struggle for freedom with nonviolence, there is no act of nonviolence a human being can embrace with greater value than this. Look at this man's life, he was born living under Occupation, deprived of freedom and dignity and humanity every single day of his life by The Jewish State, the Occupiers of Palestine! His story and that of his family is a story of Resistance and much of that has been nonviolent, as we read of arrests of siblings for participating in nonviolent protests of unlawful policies of the Occupation. I do not know if he ever engaged in an act of violence, as Zionists regularly persecute and prosecute all Resistance, armed and unarmed, and label it all falsely as Terrorism. And they do not give Palestinians fair trials, either, so convictions by Zionist Kangaroo courts prove absolutely nothing about any Palestinain convicted, but that suffer persecution for resisting Occupation!

Here is a description of the beautiful person Samer Issawi is today, as he responds to Injustice with nonviolent resistance, his hunger strilke for freedom.

"At the center of nonviolence stands the principle of love. The nonviolent resister would contend that in the struggle for human dignity, the oppressed people of the world must not succumb to the temptation of becoming bitter or indulging in hate campaigns. To retaliate in kind would do nothing but intensify the existence of hate in the universe. Along the way of life, someone must have sense enough to cut off the chain of hate. This can only be done by projecting the ethic of love to the center of our lives."

Strength to Love, Martin Luther King Jr, pg xi

Samer is merely a convicted terrorist,paroled in a prisoner swap,broke parole and is now on a pouting self pity tantrum trying to get a Get Out Of Jail Free card. Does anyone believe Israel is going to set this rat free instead of serving out his original sentence,according to the agreement he willingly signed?
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