Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Sherri stop typing on your computer and go help the terrorist who is starving himself !

does she know how to cook? those "palestinians" have very refined
tastes -----and it is NOT IRANIAN. (she may not know---iranians talk
about both arabic food and music with extreme disdain)
To think, we live in a world with men like Samer Issawi still in it

I know, terrorists shouldn't still live in our world.

God gives the world gifts of men like Samer Issawi to show us what love truly means.

It has not even been alleged he ever harmed another living soul in this world.

Too bad some do not have eyes to see this, hate fills their hearts and blinds them, and it is Hate that controls their lives.

Such a waste of Humanity demonstrated by this Hate!

To think, we live in a world with men like Samer Issawi still in it

I know, terrorists shouldn't still live in our world.

God gives the world gifts of men like Samer Issawi to show us what love truly means.

Too bad some do not have eyes to see this, hate fills their hearts and blinds them, and it is Hate that controls their lives.

Such a waste of Humanity demonstrated by this Hate!

Samer is a gift?
Sherri adores infant throat slitters because slitting the throat of an infant is an ACT OF LOVE (by her creed)

in biblical writings----the worst of sins---the worst of people-- are the "amalekim" their sin? they sacrificed children
to their "god" allah/isa. They considered their
religion highly "spriritual" -----just like sherri
To think, we live in a world with men like Samer Issawi still in it

I know, terrorists shouldn't still live in our world.

God gives the world gifts of men like Samer Issawi to show us what love truly means.

Too bad some do not have eyes to see this, hate fills their hearts and blinds them, and it is Hate that controls their lives.

Such a waste of Humanity demonstrated by this Hate!

Samer is a gift?
BTW,"gift" in German is "poison."
God gives the world gifts of men like Samer Issawi to show us what love truly means.

Too bad some do not have eyes to see this, hate fills their hearts and blinds them, and it is Hate that controls their lives.

Such a waste of Humanity demonstrated by this Hate!

Samer is a gift?
BTW,"gift" in German is "poison."

Samer is a gift------he WANTS TO BE WRAPPED up---and
tied with a red bow. Now I understand why he is struggling
to starve himself to death. Poor guy-----the Israelis just do
not allow him to be a gift -----they keep pumping him full
of calories and vitamins As I understand it----it is not
easy to keep a person well ---INTRAVENOUSLY -----they
do not get essential fatty acids----but my information may
be outdated Sherri does he still have ACUTE
VITAMIN B12 deficiency? of all things---one of the
EASIEST of injectables------and you fix up you lies to be
at least minimally credible? talk to your handlers about that
ACUTE VITAMIN B12 deficiency they claim
To think, we live in a world with men like Samer Issawi still in it

I know, terrorists shouldn't still live in our world.

God gives the world gifts of men like Samer Issawi to show us what love truly means.

Too bad some do not have eyes to see this, hate fills their hearts and blinds them, and it is Hate that controls their lives.

Such a waste of Humanity demonstrated by this Hate!


He's only a gift to sick nutjobs like you.

A Photo of a tortured Palestinian boy, photos are obtained from Israeli soldiers, that document torture

Torturing Gentile Children, the Zionist way!

"A report recently issued by Detainees and Ex-Detainees Society revealed that torturing Palestinian prisoners and humiliating them have become a form of ethical and legal corruption practiced by the Israeli occupation authorities. The report also said that in the past few years, torturing prisoners has become a means for humiliating prisoners and depriving them of their humanity and dignity, and not a for interrogation purposes.

This is shown through pictures published by Israeli soldiers that show the soldiers both male and female posing with prisoners who are handcuffed and blindfolded in disgraceful positions, while the soldiers appear happy and proud of their handwork. Soldiers and interrogators used and still using unethical methods during interrogations with prisoners, especially child prisoners. Such methods include sexual abuses (around 16% of detained children) and threatening to rape them. Around 90% of soldiers treat prisoners with excessive brutality."

According to Minister of Detainees and Ex-Detainees society, Issa Qaraqe, 178 decisions have been issued by the UN condemning Israel for its serious mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners since 1967, which shows that Israel hasn't committed to acting upon these international decisions.

178 International Decisions in Condemnation of Israel?s Mistreatment of Palestinian Prisoners

In the course of my life, I have seen many prisoners BOUND----that kid is not
bound---he is simply HOLDING onto a chain----the picture is a silly fraud

what sort of "torture" is it that ends up as very superficial abraisions on the
cheek and neck-? These are areas that BLEED PROFUSELY with only
mild abrasions-----just like the SCALP-----compared to the rest of the body---
the portion of blood pumped with each heart beat to the head----is
out of proportion to its mass <<< that is physiology
out of the heart is PUMPED UP TO THE HEAD (that's physiology)

Prisoners who want to create wounds always go for the face----they
scratch at their faces. It is easiest accessible and BLEEDS a lot and
looks dramatic

In the course of my life----I have heard so many silly stories from prisoners----
that I could write a book------I had one problem----I could not discount them
out of hand -----so wasted HOURS investigating each and ever lie. My
supervisor was horrified at the time I wasted but sometimes just laughed.

After a very very long description of the complaints and the clinical
findings and xrays etc ----he laughed and said "diagnosis"?
I will not bore you with the minor vulgarism used to describe fakes
UN Special Rapporteur Richard Falk addresses unlawful administrative detentions by Israel in his 2012 Report, as well as other violations of law with respect to detained Palestinian political prisoners:

"15. During the mission, the Special Rapporteur met with the Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs of the Palestinian Authority, Issa Qaraqe, who provided further information on the current scope of administrative detention, but also discussed the full range of grievances associated with conditions confronting the approximately 4,300 Palestinians currently confined to Israeli prisons. Among the violations that the Minister mentioned were the following: denial of family visits for periods as long as five years; frequent imposition of solitary confinement, sometimes for as long as 10 years, with severe psychological and physical harmful effects; reliance on an &#8213;illegal combatant law&#8214; to permit continued detention after the term of imprisonment has expired, applied to nine prisoners from Gaza; detention of children for long periods without family access and held far from the place of residence, with reports of torture and coerced confessions; and initial interrogations frequently held at Israeli settlements beyond the reach of the International Committee of the Red Cross, family members and lawyers. The large number of Palestinians languishing in Israeli jails is itself a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, article 76, which requires that detention take place within the territory under occupation, and prohibits their transfer to prisons in the territory of the occupying power. It is a tragic display of double standards that so much international attention, even solemn international appeals, were dedicated to a single Israel soldier held in captivity for several years, while no significant effort is made to secure the release of or ensure that international prison standards are being met with regard to thousands of Palestinian prisoners."

A Photo of a tortured Palestinian boy, photos are obtained from Israeli soldiers, that document torture

Torturing Gentile Children, the Zionist way!

"A report recently issued by Detainees and Ex-Detainees Society revealed that torturing Palestinian prisoners and humiliating them have become a form of ethical and legal corruption practiced by the Israeli occupation authorities. The report also said that in the past few years, torturing prisoners has become a means for humiliating prisoners and depriving them of their humanity and dignity, and not a for interrogation purposes.

This is shown through pictures published by Israeli soldiers that show the soldiers both male and female posing with prisoners who are handcuffed and blindfolded in disgraceful positions, while the soldiers appear happy and proud of their handwork. Soldiers and interrogators used and still using unethical methods during interrogations with prisoners, especially child prisoners. Such methods include sexual abuses (around 16% of detained children) and threatening to rape them. Around 90% of soldiers treat prisoners with excessive brutality."

According to Minister of Detainees and Ex-Detainees society, Issa Qaraqe, 178 decisions have been issued by the UN condemning Israel for its serious mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners since 1967, which shows that Israel hasn't committed to acting upon these international decisions.

178 International Decisions in Condemnation of Israel?s Mistreatment of Palestinian Prisoners


Much more are the decisions made against Israel than Iran, Syria, and Lebanon put together.

The UN is so obssessed about Israel! poor pathetic people.:cool:
UN Special Rapporteur Richard Falk addresses unlawful administrative detentions by Israel in his 2012 Report, as well as other violations of law with respect to detained Palestinian political prisoners:

"15. During the mission, the Special Rapporteur met with the Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs of the Palestinian Authority, Issa Qaraqe, who provided further information on the current scope of administrative detention, but also discussed the full range of grievances associated with conditions confronting the approximately 4,300 Palestinians currently confined to Israeli prisons. Among the violations that the Minister mentioned were the following: denial of family visits for periods as long as five years; frequent imposition of solitary confinement, sometimes for as long as 10 years, with severe psychological and physical harmful effects; reliance on an &#8213;illegal combatant law&#8214; to permit continued detention after the term of imprisonment has expired, applied to nine prisoners from Gaza; detention of children for long periods without family access and held far from the place of residence, with reports of torture and coerced confessions; and initial interrogations frequently held at Israeli settlements beyond the reach of the International Committee of the Red Cross, family members and lawyers. The large number of Palestinians languishing in Israeli jails is itself a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, article 76, which requires that detention take place within the territory under occupation, and prohibits their transfer to prisons in the territory of the occupying power. It is a tragic display of double standards that so much international attention, even solemn international appeals, were dedicated to a single Israel soldier held in captivity for several years, while no significant effort is made to secure the release of or ensure that international prison standards are being met with regard to thousands of Palestinian prisoners."

Notice, the UN Special Rapporteur specifically addresses Israel's torture of children, this is a regular practice of Israel and has been documented by human rights organizations for decades now.

A Photo of a tortured Palestinian boy, photos are obtained from Israeli soldiers, that document torture

Torturing Gentile Children, the Zionist way!

"A report recently issued by Detainees and Ex-Detainees Society revealed that torturing Palestinian prisoners and humiliating them have become a form of ethical and legal corruption practiced by the Israeli occupation authorities. The report also said that in the past few years, torturing prisoners has become a means for humiliating prisoners and depriving them of their humanity and dignity, and not a for interrogation purposes.

This is shown through pictures published by Israeli soldiers that show the soldiers both male and female posing with prisoners who are handcuffed and blindfolded in disgraceful positions, while the soldiers appear happy and proud of their handwork. Soldiers and interrogators used and still using unethical methods during interrogations with prisoners, especially child prisoners. Such methods include sexual abuses (around 16% of detained children) and threatening to rape them. Around 90% of soldiers treat prisoners with excessive brutality."

According to Minister of Detainees and Ex-Detainees society, Issa Qaraqe, 178 decisions have been issued by the UN condemning Israel for its serious mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners since 1967, which shows that Israel hasn't committed to acting upon these international decisions.

178 International Decisions in Condemnation of Israel?s Mistreatment of Palestinian Prisoners


Much more are the decisions made against Israel than Iran, Syria, and Lebanon put together.

The UN is so obssessed about Israel! poor pathetic people.:cool:

Hard to find another Regime carrying out such human rights abuses against a people they occupy for over 45 years, as Israel has been doing. I know of no other Nation doing this!

Why is it that the abuses have become so acceptable to you?
Hard to find another Regime carrying out such human rights abuses against a people they occupy for over 45 years, as Israel has been doing. I know of no other Nation doing this!

Why is it that the abuses have become so acceptable to you?

you're delusional, pretend christian.

why don't you go on a hunger strike? do something useful for the world.


A Photo of a tortured Palestinian boy, photos are obtained from Israeli soldiers, that document torture

Torturing Gentile Children, the Zionist way!

"A report recently issued by Detainees and Ex-Detainees Society revealed that torturing Palestinian prisoners and humiliating them have become a form of ethical and legal corruption practiced by the Israeli occupation authorities. The report also said that in the past few years, torturing prisoners has become a means for humiliating prisoners and depriving them of their humanity and dignity, and not a for interrogation purposes.

This is shown through pictures published by Israeli soldiers that show the soldiers both male and female posing with prisoners who are handcuffed and blindfolded in disgraceful positions, while the soldiers appear happy and proud of their handwork. Soldiers and interrogators used and still using unethical methods during interrogations with prisoners, especially child prisoners. Such methods include sexual abuses (around 16% of detained children) and threatening to rape them. Around 90% of soldiers treat prisoners with excessive brutality."

According to Minister of Detainees and Ex-Detainees society, Issa Qaraqe, 178 decisions have been issued by the UN condemning Israel for its serious mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners since 1967, which shows that Israel hasn't committed to acting upon these international decisions.

178 International Decisions in Condemnation of Israel?s Mistreatment of Palestinian Prisoners


Much more are the decisions made against Israel than Iran, Syria, and Lebanon put together.

The UN is so obssessed about Israel! poor pathetic people.:cool:

Hard to find another Regime carrying out such human rights abuses against a people they occupy for over 45 years, as Israel has been doing. I know of no other Nation doing this!

Why is it that the abuses have become so acceptable to you?

I hope that poor kid isn't killed by a Hamas rocket falling on his house.
Then we'd have to listen to you lie more about who was responsible.

A Photo of a tortured Palestinian boy, photos are obtained from Israeli soldiers, that document torture

Torturing Gentile Children, the Zionist way!

"A report recently issued by Detainees and Ex-Detainees Society revealed that torturing Palestinian prisoners and humiliating them have become a form of ethical and legal corruption practiced by the Israeli occupation authorities. The report also said that in the past few years, torturing prisoners has become a means for humiliating prisoners and depriving them of their humanity and dignity, and not a for interrogation purposes.

This is shown through pictures published by Israeli soldiers that show the soldiers both male and female posing with prisoners who are handcuffed and blindfolded in disgraceful positions, while the soldiers appear happy and proud of their handwork. Soldiers and interrogators used and still using unethical methods during interrogations with prisoners, especially child prisoners. Such methods include sexual abuses (around 16% of detained children) and threatening to rape them. Around 90% of soldiers treat prisoners with excessive brutality."

According to Minister of Detainees and Ex-Detainees society, Issa Qaraqe, 178 decisions have been issued by the UN condemning Israel for its serious mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners since 1967, which shows that Israel hasn't committed to acting upon these international decisions.

178 International Decisions in Condemnation of Israel?s Mistreatment of Palestinian Prisoners


Much more are the decisions made against Israel than Iran, Syria, and Lebanon put together.

The UN is so obssessed about Israel! poor pathetic people.:cool:

Hard to find another Regime carrying out such human rights abuses against a people they occupy for over 45 years, as Israel has been doing. I know of no other Nation doing this!

Why is it that the abuses have become so acceptable to you?

The Syrian abuses and killes it's people everywhere. One cannot be a Druze, Kurd, or Christian there and lead normal life.

Britian, the mightly enlightened nation, still does not release the occupied Pokland, many have been killed in their wars.

Turkey still occupies Cyprus. They butchered the armenians, harress the greeks, slaughter the Kurds and probably are going to be in huge problems with Syria.

In Iran, they cut the hands and legs of thives, hang them in public, and lash immodest woman. A man who does not salute the president Monkey Ahmedinejad when addressing him, will find himself in prison.

In Dubai, kissing couple in public found themselves for more than a year in jail.

Yes, but let us blame the Jews.:cool:
there is no documented "TORTURE OF CHILDREN" cited at all-----
in fact the persons writing the report are so EAGER to find
SOMETHING ----that they cite "late night arrests" as "torture"
For the record Late nite arrests for just about any reason on a
WARRANT are ROUTINE in the USA The report cites the fact
that adults are arrested in the presence of their children are "TORTURE"

It gets sillier----the report cites the fact tht hospitalized prisoners are
bound to their beds ANYONE HERE HAVE ANY IDEA how hospitalized
prisoners in the USA ------are accomodated? I got news for whore
sherri-----in the USA a prisoner ----in jail for any reason----if in the hospital
us handcuffed to his bed rails------if he is rambunctious he gets TIED DOWN IN
ALL FOUR EXTREMITIES----no fun----but that is how it is

I have never encountered a hospitalized prisoner ----or one on the way
to jail who did not complain of "torture" The report sherri cites is simply
a compilation of prisoner claims------I have heard worse right here in the USA---
and ---spent lots of time investigating all sorts of nonsense
Much more are the decisions made against Israel than Iran, Syria, and Lebanon put together.

The UN is so obssessed about Israel! poor pathetic people.:cool:

Hard to find another Regime carrying out such human rights abuses against a people they occupy for over 45 years, as Israel has been doing. I know of no other Nation doing this!

Why is it that the abuses have become so acceptable to you?

The Syrian abuses and killes it's people everywhere. One cannot be a Druze, Kurd, or Christian there and lead normal life.

Britian, the mightly enlightened nation, still does not release the occupied Pokland, many have been killed in their wars.

Turkey still occupies Cyprus. They butchered the armenians, harress the greeks, slaughter the Kurds and probably are going to be in huge problems with Syria.

In Iran, they cut the hands and legs of thives, hang them in public, and lash immodest woman. A man who does not salute the president Monkey Ahmedinejad when addressing him, will find himself in prison.

In Dubai, kissing couple in public found themselves for more than a year in jail.

Yes, but let us blame the Jews.:cool:

its a question of dog bites man vs man bites dog------
the world has been EXPECTING atrocities from isa-respecting
dogs for more than 1400 years -----but JEWs? a stray episode
of littering IS A SENSATION

A Photo of a tortured Palestinian boy, photos are obtained from Israeli soldiers, that document torture

Torturing Gentile Children, the Zionist way!

"A report recently issued by Detainees and Ex-Detainees Society revealed that torturing Palestinian prisoners and humiliating them have become a form of ethical and legal corruption practiced by the Israeli occupation authorities. The report also said that in the past few years, torturing prisoners has become a means for humiliating prisoners and depriving them of their humanity and dignity, and not a for interrogation purposes.

This is shown through pictures published by Israeli soldiers that show the soldiers both male and female posing with prisoners who are handcuffed and blindfolded in disgraceful positions, while the soldiers appear happy and proud of their handwork. Soldiers and interrogators used and still using unethical methods during interrogations with prisoners, especially child prisoners. Such methods include sexual abuses (around 16% of detained children) and threatening to rape them. Around 90% of soldiers treat prisoners with excessive brutality."

According to Minister of Detainees and Ex-Detainees society, Issa Qaraqe, 178 decisions have been issued by the UN condemning Israel for its serious mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners since 1967, which shows that Israel hasn't committed to acting upon these international decisions.

178 International Decisions in Condemnation of Israel?s Mistreatment of Palestinian Prisoners

Who even knows if this might be a picture of a Palestinian boy tortured in Syria or a Christian Copt boy tortured in Egypt? So, Frau Sherri, are you going to come up with any reports where the imprisonment and torture of children in the Muslim world is being condemned, or don't you care about these children since there are no Jews involved? Imagine torturing kids to become Muslims. - Torture of Christian kids to become Muslims, What non-Muslims are treated like in Muslims countries.
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