Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Toddster, I think you're being entirely too kind - but far be it from me to discourage a gentleman's attempts to remain genteel : ))
Don't mind the sherrithing: it's just jealous because my husband decided to join my faith community, whereas hers didn't.

And according to *my* faith, my husband's religion doesn't factor into whether he's "saved" (she & I have different meanings assigned to that word). But according to her, to 'reject Jesus' (as in the Johannine Gospel verses she references, 'divinity') is to be 'not-saved'.

This whole sidebar began when the sherrithing spit at me "You lead people away from Christ". LOL. It's obvious she knows nothing about my husband: nobody 'leads' him anywhere he wasn't already going : ))

Oh, and that 'once saved, always saved'? According to many many Churches, that is a *heresy*. So I would be wary of anyone insisting that such is a 'core doctrine' of Christianity. (And yes, I studied the history of Christianity as part of my major in college - not to mention nearly 40 years of discussions with my 50+ most beloved Christians, the husband's close relatives)
wowowowowowWooow. Now hold your horses. So How many people over here did Sherri molest personally? Because you've just opened a Pandora box, here! First parents, now husbands?

What's your PROBLEM, Cher?
I wonder if sherri can tell us how many jewish villages villaged in the islamo nazi pig world she so lauds ----and over how many slit throats. No doubt there was a war going on ------in 1948 and both arabs and jews
fled placed in which they lived just as syrians are now fleeing. As usual---the only point sherri makes is

"I (sherri) am an islamo nazi pig"

I support a comprhensive study of ---that DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT----
and compensation for all using COMPLETELE AND UTTER equal
parameters for both muslims and jews. unfortunately --no
islamo nazi pig would ever agree.

a good topic for discussion might be---- "WHAT CONSTITUTES FORCE"
in getting people to move out? So far even the sherri sows
of the world have failed to demonstrate even one case of arabs
being MARCHED AT GUN POINT out of villages-----not one ----
the have failed so comprehensively that lately they gave up that
"DRIVEN OUT AT GUNPOINT" claim which was popular only a few
years ago. It is not easy to be an islamo nazi pig----the lies
always hit them in their asses
70 yrs of ethnic cleansing is enough

That's some lame ass "ethnic cleansing".

How many Arabs lived there in 1947 versus how many live there now?

Damn, you are stooopid.

The stupid one is the poster who does not even know how to spell stupid, who thinks it is spelled "stooopid."

Here is a link to a dictionary to help you with that problem.

Stupid - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

And books have been written about the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, 750,000 ethnically cleansed from their homes from 1947 to 1949.

The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine

[ame=]The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine: Ilan Pappe: 9781851685554: Books[/ame]

"The renowned Israeli historian revisits the formative period of the State of Israel. Between 1947 and 1949, over 400 Palestinian villages were deliberately destroyed, civilians were massacred, and around a million men, women, and children were expelled from their homes at gunpoint. Denied for almost six decades, had it happened today it could only have been called "ethnic cleansing".

Decisively debunking the myth that the Palestinian population left of their own accord in the course of this war, Ilan Pappe offers impressive archival evidence to demonstrate that, from its very inception, a central plank in Israel’s founding ideology was the forcible removal of the indigenous population. Indispensable for anyone interested in the Middle East."


Damn, you are stooopid.

I spell it that way to emphasize just how low your IQ really is.

Plus, you're an evil bitch.

You just keep on revealing your stupidity! lol
wowowowowowWooow. Now hold your horses. So How many people over here did Sherri molest personally? Because you've just opened a Pandora box, here! First parents, now husbands?

What's your PROBLEM, Cher?

No idea what you are speaking about, I have molested noone, I am pretty certain about that.
Wow, did you forget you said before on this discussion board he was not a Christian when you met him?

how do you define "christian" sherri? I will help you (you really NEED help) In shariah law a CHRISTIAN is the child of a christian father -----got that? If his father
dies -----he can be declared a MUSLIM and the possession of any muslim willing to claim
him. Also ---a christian cen be irreversibly made a muslim. In early christian law-----a chrstian child is any child of a christian and any that has
been baptized got that? If I remember correctly (sorry marge--correct me if I am
wrong) the man marge married had some ideological doubts when they met

No, Christians define who Christians are. A Christian is a person who believes in Jesus within the meaning of John 3:16. And if one becomes saved and becomes s Christian, that can never change.

John 10:28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can snatch them out of my hand.
"John 10:28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can snatch them out of my hand. "

But since they retain free will - they can choose to leave. And do.
Don't mind the sherrithing: it's just jealous because my husband decided to join my faith community, whereas hers didn't.

And according to *my* faith, my husband's religion doesn't factor into whether he's "saved" (she & I have different meanings assigned to that word). But according to her, to 'reject Jesus' (as in the Johannine Gospel verses she references, 'divinity') is to be 'not-saved'.

This whole sidebar began when the sherrithing spit at me "You lead people away from Christ". LOL. It's obvious she knows nothing about my husband: nobody 'leads' him anywhere he wasn't already going : ))

Oh, and that 'once saved, always saved'? According to many many Churches, that is a *heresy*. So I would be wary of anyone insisting that such is a 'core doctrine' of Christianity. (And yes, I studied the history of Christianity as part of my major in college - not to mention nearly 40 years of discussions with my 50+ most beloved Christians, the husband's close relatives)

I leave it all to you for you to deal with God as you see fit, and that goes for those you know as well, we each make our own choices and deal with the consequences of our choices. My last comment was simply pointing out inconsistent statements you have been making on this discussion board, that and nothing else. John 10:28 Jesus words about believers, "I give them eternal life and they shall never perish no one can snatch them out of my hand."
"John 10:28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can snatch them out of my hand. "

But since they retain free will - they can choose to leave. And do.

You seem to be experiencing an inabilty to give the clear meaning to Jesus words that they have, ie spiritual blindness. Jesus clearly says if persons have been given eternal life, no one can snatch them from His hands. For someone who has allegedly left Christianity, either of two things are true, either they never truly believed to start with or they did and still believe..
There WAS no 'inconsistency' to point out: only your attempt at yet another ad hom attack.

There is a glaring inconsistency in your using the quote you did as 'justification' for your incorrect assertions.

And yes, it's none of your business and you've no right to judge , and frankly I'm glad you've finally figured that out : ))

Of course, if I am 'spiritually blind', than that's by GOD's Will - and it takes a really lowlife sleaze to presume to taunt me for that, doesn't it? Worse than 'putting a stumbling block before the blind'.....
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"John 10:28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can snatch them out of my hand. "

But since they retain free will - they can choose to leave. And do.

You seem to be experiencing an inabilty to give the clear meaning to Jesus words that they have, ie spiritual blindness. Jesus clearly says if persons have been given eternal life, no one can snatch them from His hands. For someone who has allegedly left Christianity, either of two things are true, either they never truly believed to start with or they did and still believe..

sherri----your analysis is idiotic ----it is based on the idiot idea that the most
important issue in the UNIVERSE is blind belief----which according to YOU
includes the idea that belief can NEVER CHANGE. ----if you truly believed
that santa claus jumps down the chimney at age four-----you will for the rest
of your life------if you do not believe at age 50 ---that means you did not
truly believe at age four gee you are STOOOOPID.

it is true that some idiot ideologies include a concept that a "god" controls
thought. -------such ideologies deny free-will. The concept of free will
is one of the major themes of the early books of the bible----read it some
time------if you do not get the idea from the first three books----you are
lost forever in reading the rest John was a jew---he understood the
concept of FREE WILL --------the greeks and romans were not so sure
"John 10:28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can snatch them out of my hand. "

But since they retain free will - they can choose to leave. And do.

You seem to be experiencing an inabilty to give the clear meaning to Jesus words that they have, ie spiritual blindness. Jesus clearly says if persons have been given eternal life, no one can snatch them from His hands. For someone who has allegedly left Christianity, either of two things are true, either they never truly believed to start with or they did and still believe..

So basically you're saying (In your own JW ideology) that the non-believers, Kaffirs, don't have a safe place in the world to come?

That's sounds more like a Taliban girl than a Christian:eusa_whistle:
Lipush ---uhm google John 10:28 you can get it in hebrew----
my hebrew is rudimentary, but even I can see it comes out more
sensible than sherri's idiotic "COMMENTARY"---more like the
way prophets expressed ideas in a form like "G-d" is talking
"John 10:28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can snatch them out of my hand. "

But since they retain free will - they can choose to leave. And do.

You seem to be experiencing an inabilty to give the clear meaning to Jesus words that they have, ie spiritual blindness. Jesus clearly says if persons have been given eternal life, no one can snatch them from His hands. For someone who has allegedly left Christianity, either of two things are true, either they never truly believed to start with or they did and still believe..

So basically you're saying (In your own JW ideology) that the non-believers, Kaffirs, don't have a safe place in the world to come?

That's sounds more like a Taliban girl than a Christian:eusa_whistle:

The words come out of the Christian Bible, The Gospel of John. They are the words of Jesus. And I do not see why you must read negativity in His words that is simply not there, as well as reading in His words things He does not say. He is simply saying in this Bible verse that for those who have Salvation through belief in Him, they have eternal life and noone can snatch them away.

God's Plan for people everywhere is a matter He alone has power over, I am not one to claim to have the answers about all of that, which is what your comments seem to be addressing.

I find the concept of universal salvation fascinatiing.

I was just reading an abstract of a book called Barth, Origin, and Universal Salvation by Tom Greggs that I would really like to read.

And I am not a Jehovah Witness.
There WAS no 'inconsistency' to point out: only your attempt at yet another ad hom attack.

There is a glaring inconsistency in your using the quote you did as 'justification' for your incorrect assertions.

And yes, it's none of your business and you've no right to judge , and frankly I'm glad you've finally figured that out : ))

Of course, if I am 'spiritually blind', than that's by GOD's Will - and it takes a really lowlife sleaze to presume to taunt me for that, doesn't it? Worse than 'putting a stumbling block before the blind'.....

There was inconsistency in statements you made, and I pointed it out, that and nothing else.

As for my comments about your spiritual blindness, that is the only explanation I can come up with for one ignoring the clear meaning of the words of Jesus, as you did, with your comments about what Jesus was saying in John 10:28. And I see no reason for not discussing the concept of spiritual blindness. That is exactly what Jesus did in John 9, He confronted people with their spiritual blindness, and Jesus is my example to follow.
The line ----which is found in John----who was jewish ---is very much like poetic verses found in the books of the various prophets and even in
psalms It focuses on a kind of DIVINE ASSURANCE -----and like the
verses found in poetry of the prophets-----it is written ---grammatically, as
if G-d is talking. What is this discussion all about? In fact John or Jesus
could very well have been quoting something hanging around in various writings that did not make it ----as is----to the bible. Maybe its from the

for those who do not know-----much of the writings of "prophets" focus
on assurances of ceaseless care------like---come hell or high water and
ultimate redemption---- also ----come hell or high water.
The only inconsistency here is the sherrithing's lies that she was 'only pointing out an inconsistency' in my posts. Most of the world uses 'Christian' or 'Some religion here' to indicate "raised in a home where 'Christianity' was professed to be the family's religion, went to church, celebrated Christian holidays", etc, etc...... The understanding of a 'personal relationship', that whole bit, is a 'TV preacher' phenomenon which is a recent and a minority one. And it's pretty silly AND arrogant of that sherrithing to assume everyone else is going to alter their understanding of a word they grew up with, just to suit her.

To put it another way, we don't talk like that up here. Just like a woman who's had an abortion is never heard to say "I lost the baby".

Now all of this has been real fun, folks - but let's not forget what the sherrithing has tried to do. It started to have a fit because I mentioned that its favorite 'neoGandhi' was also a proven liar.... So it accused me of hating Palestinians AND Christians.

I replied that I married one (who'd been raised in a Christian home) - and that's when the next barrage of ad homs was launched.

SO WHAT if my husband didn't meet the sherriwhorething's "definition" of a Christian back then????? Would it be logical and reasonable to assume that ALL his 50+ close relatives - including the two ministers - are none of them Christians????? And that I hate ANY of them, let alone ALL?????

What precipitated this episode was my criticism of Qumisiyeh for his lies.....but I will start another thread sometime to discuss that particular subject, which I think is the proper way to deal with the matter.

In the meantime: Samer has not died and so this 'wake' is very premature - at least for those of us who are going to mourn his death.
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