Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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UN Special Rapporteur Richard Falk addresses unlawful administrative detentions by Israel in his 2012 Report, as well as other violations of law with respect to detained Palestinian political prisoners:

"15. During the mission, the Special Rapporteur met with the Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs of the Palestinian Authority, Issa Qaraqe, who provided further information on the current scope of administrative detention, but also discussed the full range of grievances associated with conditions confronting the approximately 4,300 Palestinians currently confined to Israeli prisons. Among the violations that the Minister mentioned were the following: denial of family visits for periods as long as five years; frequent imposition of solitary confinement, sometimes for as long as 10 years, with severe psychological and physical harmful effects; reliance on an ―illegal combatant law‖ to permit continued detention after the term of imprisonment has expired, applied to nine prisoners from Gaza; detention of children for long periods without family access and held far from the place of residence, with reports of torture and coerced confessions; and initial interrogations frequently held at Israeli settlements beyond the reach of the International Committee of the Red Cross, family members and lawyers. The large number of Palestinians languishing in Israeli jails is itself a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, article 76, which requires that detention take place within the territory under occupation, and prohibits their transfer to prisons in the territory of the occupying power. It is a tragic display of double standards that so much international attention, even solemn international appeals, were dedicated to a single Israel soldier held in captivity for several years, while no significant effort is made to secure the release of or ensure that international prison standards are being met with regard to thousands of Palestinian prisoners."

Notice, the UN Special Rapporteur specifically addresses Israel's torture of children, this is a regular practice of Israel and has been documented by human rights organizations for decades now.
Why not show us where the UN is condemning the torture of children in Muslim countries? For the life of me, I don't see how the Palestinian children are completing their education while in Israeli jails while allegedly being tortured. I wonder if Frau Sherri can tell us if people in Muslim jails are getting their college degrees like they are getting in Israeli jails? It would be interesting to find out which Muslim countries allow this; and if anyone should know, it would be Frau Sherri.
Much more are the decisions made against Israel than Iran, Syria, and Lebanon put together.

The UN is so obssessed about Israel! poor pathetic people.:cool:

Hard to find another Regime carrying out such human rights abuses against a people they occupy for over 45 years, as Israel has been doing. I know of no other Nation doing this!

Why is it that the abuses have become so acceptable to you?

The Syrian abuses and killes it's people everywhere. One cannot be a Druze, Kurd, or Christian there and lead normal life.

Britian, the mightly enlightened nation, still does not release the occupied Pokland, many have been killed in their wars.

Turkey still occupies Cyprus. They butchered the armenians, harress the greeks, slaughter the Kurds and probably are going to be in huge problems with Syria.

In Iran, they cut the hands and legs of thives, hang them in public, and lash immodest woman. A man who does not salute the president Monkey Ahmedinejad when addressing him, will find himself in prison.

In Dubai, kissing couple in public found themselves for more than a year in jail.

Yes, but let us blame the Jews.:cool:

Not blaming the Jews for anything happening outside Palestine and only blaming them for what they are doing inside Palestine in the Zionist close to 70 yr ethnic cleansing project in Palestine. Criticizing their bad acts, carried out since 1947, and bad acts carried out in an Occupation that began in 1967. 70 yrs of ethnic cleansing is enough, it violates intl law and 70 yrs of these egregious violations of intl law by Israel are enough for the world to endure. Its time Israel be forced to abide by intl law by the intl community! When the intl community does not act to force Israel to abide by intl law, it undermines their ability to force any other nation to abide by intl law. I mean, when Israel carries out an unlawful Occupation for 45 yrs, why shouldnt Iran or any other nation be able to make nuclear weapons. If Israel violates intl law with Impunity, it is only fair all other nations have that very same right. Do you see the problem? And the double standards that keep allowing Israel to violate intl law with Impunity need to end! These double standards are themselves a threat to security of all nations in our world, because they generally operate to undermine the authority of the UN to act in all other areas.

Hard to find another Regime carrying out such human rights abuses against a people they occupy for over 45 years, as Israel has been doing. I know of no other Nation doing this!

Why is it that the abuses have become so acceptable to you?

The Syrian abuses and killes it's people everywhere. One cannot be a Druze, Kurd, or Christian there and lead normal life.

Britian, the mightly enlightened nation, still does not release the occupied Pokland, many have been killed in their wars.

Turkey still occupies Cyprus. They butchered the armenians, harress the greeks, slaughter the Kurds and probably are going to be in huge problems with Syria.

In Iran, they cut the hands and legs of thives, hang them in public, and lash immodest woman. A man who does not salute the president Monkey Ahmedinejad when addressing him, will find himself in prison.

In Dubai, kissing couple in public found themselves for more than a year in jail.

Yes, but let us blame the Jews.:cool:

Not blaming the Jews for anything happening outside Palestine and only blaming them for what they are doing inside Palestine in the Zionist close to 70 yr ethnic cleansing project in Palestine. Criticizing their bad acts, carried out since 1947, and bad acts carried out in an Occupation that began in 1967. 70 yrs of ethnic cleansing is enough, it violates intl law and 70 yrs of these egregious violations of intl law by Israel are enough for the world to endure. Its time Israel be forced to abide by intl law by the intl community! When the intl community does not act to force Israel to abide by intl law, it undermines their ability to force any other nation to abide by intl law. I mean, when Israel carries out an unlawful Occupation for 45 yrs, why shouldnt Iran or any other nation be able to make nuclear weapons. If Israel violates intl law with Impunity, it is only fair all other nations have that very same right. Do you see the problem? And the double standards that keep allowing Israel to violate intl law with Impunity need to end! These double standards are themselves a threat to security of all nations in our world, because they generally operate to undermine the authority of the UN to act in all other areas.


HAHAHAHAHA! And you expect anyone else to believe your lies? You are the EPITOME of 'double standards' , presuming to "love everyone" while you can't be bothered to feel any sympathy for the children of Sderot, even the babies.

Why should any reasonable person pay attention to what is posted by such a smarmy self-righteous raging hypocritical bigot as your posts show you to be?
Hard to find another Regime carrying out such human rights abuses against a people they occupy for over 45 years, as Israel has been doing. I know of no other Nation doing this!

Why is it that the abuses have become so acceptable to you?

The Syrian abuses and killes it's people everywhere. One cannot be a Druze, Kurd, or Christian there and lead normal life.

Britian, the mightly enlightened nation, still does not release the occupied Pokland, many have been killed in their wars.

Turkey still occupies Cyprus. They butchered the armenians, harress the greeks, slaughter the Kurds and probably are going to be in huge problems with Syria.

In Iran, they cut the hands and legs of thives, hang them in public, and lash immodest woman. A man who does not salute the president Monkey Ahmedinejad when addressing him, will find himself in prison.

In Dubai, kissing couple in public found themselves for more than a year in jail.

Yes, but let us blame the Jews.:cool:

Not blaming the Jews for anything happening outside Palestine and only blaming them for what they are doing inside Palestine in the Zionist close to 70 yr ethnic cleansing project in Palestine. Criticizing their bad acts, carried out since 1947, and bad acts carried out in an Occupation that began in 1967. 70 yrs of ethnic cleansing is enough, it violates intl law and 70 yrs of these egregious violations of intl law by Israel are enough for the world to endure. Its time Israel be forced to abide by intl law by the intl community! When the intl community does not act to force Israel to abide by intl law, it undermines their ability to force any other nation to abide by intl law. I mean, when Israel carries out an unlawful Occupation for 45 yrs, why shouldnt Iran or any other nation be able to make nuclear weapons. If Israel violates intl law with Impunity, it is only fair all other nations have that very same right. Do you see the problem? And the double standards that keep allowing Israel to violate intl law with Impunity need to end! These double standards are themselves a threat to security of all nations in our world, because they generally operate to undermine the authority of the UN to act in all other areas.


70 yrs of ethnic cleansing is enough

That's some lame ass "ethnic cleansing".

How many Arabs lived there in 1947 versus how many live there now?

Damn, you are stooopid.
She imagines she's getting away with something by repeatedly pretending there's an actual place currently called 'Palestine'.....

It's only a delusion in the minds of useful idiots like her, tools of HAMAS and Hezbollah. If the Palestinians had wanted their country so badly - why didn't they get it from their 'brothers' the Jordanians? Or their 'brothers the Egyptians?
The Syrian abuses and killes it's people everywhere. One cannot be a Druze, Kurd, or Christian there and lead normal life.

Britian, the mightly enlightened nation, still does not release the occupied Pokland, many have been killed in their wars.

Turkey still occupies Cyprus. They butchered the armenians, harress the greeks, slaughter the Kurds and probably are going to be in huge problems with Syria.

In Iran, they cut the hands and legs of thives, hang them in public, and lash immodest woman. A man who does not salute the president Monkey Ahmedinejad when addressing him, will find himself in prison.

In Dubai, kissing couple in public found themselves for more than a year in jail.

Yes, but let us blame the Jews.:cool:

Not blaming the Jews for anything happening outside Palestine and only blaming them for what they are doing inside Palestine in the Zionist close to 70 yr ethnic cleansing project in Palestine. Criticizing their bad acts, carried out since 1947, and bad acts carried out in an Occupation that began in 1967. 70 yrs of ethnic cleansing is enough, it violates intl law and 70 yrs of these egregious violations of intl law by Israel are enough for the world to endure. Its time Israel be forced to abide by intl law by the intl community! When the intl community does not act to force Israel to abide by intl law, it undermines their ability to force any other nation to abide by intl law. I mean, when Israel carries out an unlawful Occupation for 45 yrs, why shouldnt Iran or any other nation be able to make nuclear weapons. If Israel violates intl law with Impunity, it is only fair all other nations have that very same right. Do you see the problem? And the double standards that keep allowing Israel to violate intl law with Impunity need to end! These double standards are themselves a threat to security of all nations in our world, because they generally operate to undermine the authority of the UN to act in all other areas.


HAHAHAHAHA! And you expect anyone else to believe your lies? You are the EPITOME of 'double standards' , presuming to "love everyone" while you can't be bothered to feel any sympathy for the children of Sderot, even the babies.

Why should any reasonable person pay attention to what is posted by such a smarmy self-righteous raging hypocritical bigot as your posts show you to be?


Sderot, before it was known as Sderot, was a Palestinian village named Najd, and when rockets attack Sderot they are being launched by the former Palestinian residents of Najd who were ethnically cleansed from their lands by The Jewish State.

The legitimate owners of the lands of ethnically cleansed Najd want to return to their homes, and under intl law they have a clear legal right to return, which Israel has been unlawfully denying to them for approaching 70 years now.

Get your facts straight, your Zionist rewritten History is a joke! HAHAHAHA!

Your post shows everyone your Ignorance, and of course your undying allegiance to Zionist distorted History!

You are the Liar here!

She imagines she's getting away with something by repeatedly pretending there's an actual place currently called 'Palestine'.....

It's only a delusion in the minds of useful idiots like her, tools of HAMAS and Hezbollah. If the Palestinians had wanted their country so badly - why didn't they get it from their 'brothers' the Jordanians? Or their 'brothers the Egyptians?

The UN General Assembly recognizes Palestine, as do many Nations in the world today, 131 of the 193 member states of the UN today recognize the State of Palestine.

Your words, one more time, disclose you for the Liar you are!

The Syrian abuses and killes it's people everywhere. One cannot be a Druze, Kurd, or Christian there and lead normal life.

Britian, the mightly enlightened nation, still does not release the occupied Pokland, many have been killed in their wars.

Turkey still occupies Cyprus. They butchered the armenians, harress the greeks, slaughter the Kurds and probably are going to be in huge problems with Syria.

In Iran, they cut the hands and legs of thives, hang them in public, and lash immodest woman. A man who does not salute the president Monkey Ahmedinejad when addressing him, will find himself in prison.

In Dubai, kissing couple in public found themselves for more than a year in jail.

Yes, but let us blame the Jews.:cool:

Not blaming the Jews for anything happening outside Palestine and only blaming them for what they are doing inside Palestine in the Zionist close to 70 yr ethnic cleansing project in Palestine. Criticizing their bad acts, carried out since 1947, and bad acts carried out in an Occupation that began in 1967. 70 yrs of ethnic cleansing is enough, it violates intl law and 70 yrs of these egregious violations of intl law by Israel are enough for the world to endure. Its time Israel be forced to abide by intl law by the intl community! When the intl community does not act to force Israel to abide by intl law, it undermines their ability to force any other nation to abide by intl law. I mean, when Israel carries out an unlawful Occupation for 45 yrs, why shouldnt Iran or any other nation be able to make nuclear weapons. If Israel violates intl law with Impunity, it is only fair all other nations have that very same right. Do you see the problem? And the double standards that keep allowing Israel to violate intl law with Impunity need to end! These double standards are themselves a threat to security of all nations in our world, because they generally operate to undermine the authority of the UN to act in all other areas.


70 yrs of ethnic cleansing is enough

That's some lame ass "ethnic cleansing".

How many Arabs lived there in 1947 versus how many live there now?

Damn, you are stooopid.

The stupid one is the poster who does not even know how to spell stupid, who thinks it is spelled "stooopid."

Here is a link to a dictionary to help you with that problem.

Stupid - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

And books have been written about the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, 750,000 ethnically cleansed from their homes from 1947 to 1949.

The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine

[ame=]The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine: Ilan Pappe: 9781851685554: Books[/ame]

"The renowned Israeli historian revisits the formative period of the State of Israel. Between 1947 and 1949, over 400 Palestinian villages were deliberately destroyed, civilians were massacred, and around a million men, women, and children were expelled from their homes at gunpoint. Denied for almost six decades, had it happened today it could only have been called "ethnic cleansing".

Decisively debunking the myth that the Palestinian population left of their own accord in the course of this war, Ilan Pappe offers impressive archival evidence to demonstrate that, from its very inception, a central plank in Israel’s founding ideology was the forcible removal of the indigenous population. Indispensable for anyone interested in the Middle East."

I don't believe Mazin Qumisiyeh is any more honest than our resident pious pseudo-pacifist pustule..... I've read some of the lies he's written in his books.

And it doesn't matter how many nations 'recognize' some fantasy of "Palestine" - it does not in fact exist. Yet. No reason I can see why it doesn't.....the Palestinians could have declared it at any time. Since the UN has no authority, I've heard, to create nations - they should've done it for themselves. We did (the US) - why not them?
Oh, and book blurbs are not to be confused with any kind of verification of the contents of a book as factual OR accurate.

Only a complete idiot would bring that worthless crap into a debate - it's *advertising*!!! That's about as far as one can get from 'factual' without actually being sued (at least most of the time!)
I don't believe Mazin Qumisiyeh is any more honest than our resident pious pseudo-pacifist pustule..... I've read some of the lies he's written in his books.

And it doesn't matter how many nations 'recognize' some fantasy of "Palestine" - it does not in fact exist. Yet. No reason I can see why it doesn't.....the Palestinians could have declared it at any time. Since the UN has no authority, I've heard, to create nations - they should've done it for themselves. We did (the US) - why not them?

You must really hate Mazin Qumsiyeh, him being both a Palestinian and a Christian, the two groups of people you hate most in the world.

Your personal opinion that Mazin is a liar has zero credibility, with all your prejudices, you just throw it out there, as if anyone gave any weight to it at all, which they do not.

Facts are that 131 states and the UN recognize Palestine,no matter your inability to face those truths. That is a personal problem I suggest you go get professional help with, your inability to deal with reality!
Oh, and book blurbs are not to be confused with any kind of verification of the contents of a book as factual OR accurate.

Only a complete idiot would bring that worthless crap into a debate - it's *advertising*!!! That's about as far as one can get from 'factual' without actually being sued (at least most of the time!)

But Ilan Pappe is not just a writer, he is a respected Israeli Historian, and he documents everything he says with sources.
????? - I hate Christians ??????? Yeah, I hate 'em so much I married one, 38 years ago...... : ))

Seriously, I laugh every time you make one of your asinine pronouncements about another poster: do you not see how ridiculous they make you seem?

Fact is, you didn't comprehend what I posted. And your trying to assert it's MY problem that you're incapable of reading my posts, is even more ludicrous!

Well, the husband is asking me what I'm laughing about : )) He does love a good joke......
????? - I hate Christians ??????? Yeah, I hate 'em so much I married one, 38 years ago...... : ))

Seriously, I laugh every time you make one of your asinine pronouncements about another poster: do you not see how ridiculous they make you seem?

Fact is, you didn't comprehend what I posted. And your trying to assert it's MY problem that you're incapable of reading my posts, is even more ludicrous!

Well, the husband is asking me what I'm laughing about : )) He does love a good joke......

Wow, did you forget you said before on this discussion board he was not a Christian when you met him?
????? - I hate Christians ??????? Yeah, I hate 'em so much I married one, 38 years ago...... : ))

Seriously, I laugh every time you make one of your asinine pronouncements about another poster: do you not see how ridiculous they make you seem?

Fact is, you didn't comprehend what I posted. And your trying to assert it's MY problem that you're incapable of reading my posts, is even more ludicrous!

Well, the husband is asking me what I'm laughing about : )) He does love a good joke......

Wow, did you forget you said before on this discussion board he was not a Christian when you met him?

how do you define "christian" sherri? I will help you (you really NEED help) In shariah law a CHRISTIAN is the child of a christian father -----got that? If his father
dies -----he can be declared a MUSLIM and the possession of any muslim willing to claim
him. Also ---a christian cen be irreversibly made a muslim. In early christian law-----a chrstian child is any child of a christian and any that has
been baptized got that? If I remember correctly (sorry marge--correct me if I am
wrong) the man marge married had some ideological doubts when they met
????? - I hate Christians ??????? Yeah, I hate 'em so much I married one, 38 years ago...... : ))

Seriously, I laugh every time you make one of your asinine pronouncements about another poster: do you not see how ridiculous they make you seem?

Fact is, you didn't comprehend what I posted. And your trying to assert it's MY problem that you're incapable of reading my posts, is even more ludicrous!

Well, the husband is asking me what I'm laughing about : )) He does love a good joke......

Wow, did you forget you said before on this discussion board he was not a Christian when you met him?

how do you define "christian" sherri? I will help you (you really NEED help) In shariah law a CHRISTIAN is the child of a christian father -----got that? If his father
dies -----he can be declared a MUSLIM and the possession of any muslim willing to claim
him. Also ---a christian cen be irreversibly made a muslim. In early christian law-----a chrstian child is any child of a christian and any that has
been baptized got that? If I remember correctly (sorry marge--correct me if I am
wrong) the man marge married had some ideological doubts when they met

No, Christians define who Christisns are. A Christian is a person who believes in Jesus within the meaning of John 3:16. And if one becomes saved and becomes s Christian, that can never change.
Wow, did you forget you said before on this discussion board he was not a Christian when you met him?

how do you define "christian" sherri? I will help you (you really NEED help) In shariah law a CHRISTIAN is the child of a christian father -----got that? If his father
dies -----he can be declared a MUSLIM and the possession of any muslim willing to claim
him. Also ---a christian cen be irreversibly made a muslim. In early christian law-----a chrstian child is any child of a christian and any that has
been baptized got that? If I remember correctly (sorry marge--correct me if I am
wrong) the man marge married had some ideological doubts when they met

No, Christians define who Christisns are. A Christian is a person who believes in Jesus within the meaning of John 3:16. And if one becomes saved and becomes s Christian, that can never change.

perhaps, but you're clearly not a christian.

it must annoy you that jesus was a jew.


how do you define "christian" sherri? I will help you (you really NEED help) In shariah law a CHRISTIAN is the child of a christian father -----got that? If his father
dies -----he can be declared a MUSLIM and the possession of any muslim willing to claim
him. Also ---a christian cen be irreversibly made a muslim. In early christian law-----a chrstian child is any child of a christian and any that has
been baptized got that? If I remember correctly (sorry marge--correct me if I am
wrong) the man marge married had some ideological doubts when they met

No, Christians define who Christisns are. A Christian is a person who believes in Jesus within the meaning of John 3:16. And if one becomes saved and becomes s Christian, that can never change.

perhaps, but you're clearly not a christian.

it must annoy you that jesus was a jew.


If you were a Christian, you would not be judging me, that is if you were doing as Jesus commanded.

Jesus says, as we judge, we shall be judged in that same fashion.

But many Jews, then and now, they were all into judging others.

See Matthew 23

Jesus is an illustration we can all rise above what we were as men, He was not just a Jewish man who lived and died as a Jewish man. He rose above that. And His living and dying made the difference for all of us sinners!
No, Christians define who Christisns are. A Christian is a person who believes in Jesus within the meaning of John 3:16. And if one becomes saved and becomes s Christian, that can never change.

perhaps, but you're clearly not a christian.

it must annoy you that jesus was a jew.


If you were a Christian, you would not be judging me.

Jesus says, as we judge, we shall be judged in that same fashion.

Sadly---persons as ignorant and disgusting as is sherri----do---on occassion,
become lawyers. In REALITY----there is an entire LEGAL system
that governened christianity for more than a millenia ----which included
a LEGAL definition of "christian" A person in 1300 Spain who simply
decided to claim----"I was baptized and my parents are christians ----
but I decided to be an ATHEIST (or buddhist or jew --etc) would be
executed-----that person would be DEFINED as a CHRISTIAN according
to CANON LAW -----albeit soon to be dead and in hell

for fact----do not consult sherri FROM that slug all you get is the shit
in her head

Jesus was most certainly a jew----clearly a pharisee jew
sherri's statement that the fact jesus was a jews
might annoy me borders on psychotic-----in reality it annoys
her ---and even annoyed her hero Adolf abu ali

But many Jews, then and now, they were all into judging others.

See Matthew 23

Jesus is an illustration we can all rise above what we were as men, He was not just a Jewish
man who lived and died as a Jewish man. He rose above that

( "he rose above that" ? wrong sherri you disgusting lump of
shit----he died a very noble death like the thousands of noble
jews your piece of shit Pontius Pilate murdered, in fact
murdered for REJECTING YOUR SHIT_--not judaism,
Try to cope---sherri--Jesus was murdered by romans for
rejecting roman shit. Millions of jews were murdered
using virtually the same legal code---a bit adapted
for the same reason REJECTING YOUR STINKING
SHIT----tne nuremburg law is adapted from elements
of the JUSTIINIAN LAW----which is really ancient roman
law fixed up to represent a sick thing "THE HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRE (first reich)
and the
TENS OF MILLIONS shit like you murdered thereafter---as a jew--
Did you know that his body was placed in the family crypt of a
PROMINENT PHARISEE JEW??? (proving yet again that he was
a pharisee---and a bit prominent as such---certainly not a reject
as your fellow islamo nazi shit claim).

And His living and dying made the difference for all of us

Nothing changes for you---born shit, remain shit, die shit
Historically---the people who claim to honor jesus have been
responsible for virtually every person murdered in genocides,
lynchings and pogroms on the
planet----(if you include the isa-respectors) and in most cases
they have acted "in his name"
there is lots of shit like you

an interesting phenomenon is that shit like you----
historically---actually believed
the by murdering men women and children
who "rejected' worship of Jesus,
they would be expiated of sin
Filthy whore isabella was such a person---
she is responsible for the murders of millions----
infact even genocide of
non christians in the americas-----a bitch just like you

The good news is that most christians have become
more like Jesus the jew----and no longer engage
in that AUTO DE FE--crap that people of your ilk
have always favored-----Unfortunately the Ummah--
at this point is moving back to that shit that is
somthing like JUSTINIAN LAW----the filth of shariah.

even more unfortunate---that is shit in the world that
calls itself christian that is fascinated by the OLD TIME
Last edited:
Not blaming the Jews for anything happening outside Palestine and only blaming them for what they are doing inside Palestine in the Zionist close to 70 yr ethnic cleansing project in Palestine. Criticizing their bad acts, carried out since 1947, and bad acts carried out in an Occupation that began in 1967. 70 yrs of ethnic cleansing is enough, it violates intl law and 70 yrs of these egregious violations of intl law by Israel are enough for the world to endure. Its time Israel be forced to abide by intl law by the intl community! When the intl community does not act to force Israel to abide by intl law, it undermines their ability to force any other nation to abide by intl law. I mean, when Israel carries out an unlawful Occupation for 45 yrs, why shouldnt Iran or any other nation be able to make nuclear weapons. If Israel violates intl law with Impunity, it is only fair all other nations have that very same right. Do you see the problem? And the double standards that keep allowing Israel to violate intl law with Impunity need to end! These double standards are themselves a threat to security of all nations in our world, because they generally operate to undermine the authority of the UN to act in all other areas.


70 yrs of ethnic cleansing is enough

That's some lame ass "ethnic cleansing".

How many Arabs lived there in 1947 versus how many live there now?

Damn, you are stooopid.

The stupid one is the poster who does not even know how to spell stupid, who thinks it is spelled "stooopid."

Here is a link to a dictionary to help you with that problem.

Stupid - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

And books have been written about the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, 750,000 ethnically cleansed from their homes from 1947 to 1949.

The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine

[ame=]The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine: Ilan Pappe: 9781851685554: Books[/ame]

"The renowned Israeli historian revisits the formative period of the State of Israel. Between 1947 and 1949, over 400 Palestinian villages were deliberately destroyed, civilians were massacred, and around a million men, women, and children were expelled from their homes at gunpoint. Denied for almost six decades, had it happened today it could only have been called "ethnic cleansing".

Decisively debunking the myth that the Palestinian population left of their own accord in the course of this war, Ilan Pappe offers impressive archival evidence to demonstrate that, from its very inception, a central plank in Israel’s founding ideology was the forcible removal of the indigenous population. Indispensable for anyone interested in the Middle East."


Damn, you are stooopid.

I spell it that way to emphasize just how low your IQ really is.

Plus, you're an evil bitch.
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