Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Ok, so here it is, what I could make of it, anyway-

(25)השיב להם ישוע: "אמרתי לכם ואינכם מאמינים. המעשים שאני עושה בשם אבי - אלה מעידים עלי, (26) אך אתם אינכם מאמינים משום שאינכם מצאני.(27) צאני שומעות את קולי ואני מכיר אותן; הן הולכות אחרי (28) ואני נותן להן חיי עולם; ולא תאבדנה לעולם, אף לא יחטף אותן איש מידי.(29) אבי שנתן אותן לי גדול מכל ואין איש יכול לחטף אותן מיד האב.(30) אני והאב אחד אנחנו."​

Now what am I supposed to take out of it?:eusa_eh:
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You seem to be experiencing an inabilty to give the clear meaning to Jesus words that they have, ie spiritual blindness. Jesus clearly says if persons have been given eternal life, no one can snatch them from His hands. For someone who has allegedly left Christianity, either of two things are true, either they never truly believed to start with or they did and still believe..

So basically you're saying (In your own JW ideology) that the non-believers, Kaffirs, don't have a safe place in the world to come?

That's sounds more like a Taliban girl than a Christian:eusa_whistle:

The words come out of the Christian Bible, The Gospel of John. They are the words of Jesus. And I do not see why you must read negativity in His words that is simply not there, as well as reading in His words things He does not say. He is simply saying in this Bible verse that for those who have Salvation through belief in Him, they have eternal life and noone can snatch them away.

God's Plan for people everywhere is a matter He alone has power over, I am not one to claim to have the answers about all of that, which is what your comments seem to be addressing.

I find the concept of universal salvation fascinatiing.

I was just reading an abstract of a book called Barth, Origin, and Universal Salvation by Tom Greggs that I would really like to read.

And I am not a Jehovah Witness.

I do not see negative in his words, I see negative in what you make out of them:cool: I don't know about Christianity that much, and frankly, I don't really care, because this religion doesn't make much sense to me. You can believe in what you want, for all I care. It's a matter of where you take your belief to.
So basically you're saying (In your own JW ideology) that the non-believers, Kaffirs, don't have a safe place in the world to come?

That's sounds more like a Taliban girl than a Christian:eusa_whistle:

The words come out of the Christian Bible, The Gospel of John. They are the words of Jesus. And I do not see why you must read negativity in His words that is simply not there, as well as reading in His words things He does not say. He is simply saying in this Bible verse that for those who have Salvation through belief in Him, they have eternal life and noone can snatch them away.

God's Plan for people everywhere is a matter He alone has power over, I am not one to claim to have the answers about all of that, which is what your comments seem to be addressing.

I find the concept of universal salvation fascinatiing.

I was just reading an abstract of a book called Barth, Origin, and Universal Salvation by Tom Greggs that I would really like to read.

And I am not a Jehovah Witness.

I do not see negative in his words, I see negative in what you make out of them:cool: I don't know about Christianity that much, and frankly, I don't really care, because this religion doesn't make much sense to me. You can believe in what you want, for all I care. It's a matter of where you take your belief to.

Where is the negativity in my words above?
Not blaming the Jews for anything happening outside Palestine and only blaming them for what they are doing inside Palestine in the Zionist close to 70 yr ethnic cleansing project in Palestine. Criticizing their bad acts, carried out since 1947, and bad acts carried out in an Occupation that began in 1967. 70 yrs of ethnic cleansing is enough, it violates intl law and 70 yrs of these egregious violations of intl law by Israel are enough for the world to endure. Its time Israel be forced to abide by intl law by the intl community! When the intl community does not act to force Israel to abide by intl law, it undermines their ability to force any other nation to abide by intl law. I mean, when Israel carries out an unlawful Occupation for 45 yrs, why shouldnt Iran or any other nation be able to make nuclear weapons. If Israel violates intl law with Impunity, it is only fair all other nations have that very same right. Do you see the problem? And the double standards that keep allowing Israel to violate intl law with Impunity need to end! These double standards are themselves a threat to security of all nations in our world, because they generally operate to undermine the authority of the UN to act in all other areas.


HAHAHAHAHA! And you expect anyone else to believe your lies? You are the EPITOME of 'double standards' , presuming to "love everyone" while you can't be bothered to feel any sympathy for the children of Sderot, even the babies.

Why should any reasonable person pay attention to what is posted by such a smarmy self-righteous raging hypocritical bigot as your posts show you to be?


Sderot, before it was known as Sderot, was a Palestinian village named Najd, and when rockets attack Sderot they are being launched by the former Palestinian residents of Najd who were ethnically cleansed from their lands by The Jewish State.

The legitimate owners of the lands of ethnically cleansed Najd want to return to their homes, and under intl law they have a clear legal right to return, which Israel has been unlawfully denying to them for approaching 70 years now.

Get your facts straight, your Zionist rewritten History is a joke! HAHAHAHA!

Your post shows everyone your Ignorance, and of course your undying allegiance to Zionist distorted History!

You are the Liar here!

Then I guess Frau Sherri will think it OK if the Hindus launch rockets into Pakistan with the purpose of taking out Muslims since that was once their land for thousands and thousands of years. Can we give the Hindus the go-ahead, Frau Sherri? And as far as distorted goings-on............
Video: Photo Fraud in Gaza
I am delighted that Frau sherri agrees that jews have the right to slit the throats of muslim children living in ---the city muslims now call "medina" since it is the erstwhile yathrib-----a city of jews which was attacked, pillaged and ethnically cleansed by the rapist pig of arabia one MUHUMMAD IBN ABDULLAH In fact sherri also insists that jews have the RIGHT to
slit the throats of muslim children in BAGHDAD which was once---an almost
jewish dominated city -----and then there is ALEXANDRIA EGYPT ----

once again THANKS SHERRI I am delighted to tell my husband that his
family has a right to slit the throats of muslim children in the land of his birth too AS PER SHERRI ESQ.

for the record-----I have no desire to reclaim the city of my ancestors in the
austrian hapsburg empire-----even if sherri says I have a right to slit the
throats of babies there
Don't mind the sherrithing: it's just jealous because my husband decided to join my faith community, whereas hers didn't.

And according to *my* faith, my husband's religion doesn't factor into whether he's "saved" (she & I have different meanings assigned to that word). But according to her, to 'reject Jesus' (as in the Johannine Gospel verses she references, 'divinity') is to be 'not-saved'.

This whole sidebar began when the sherrithing spit at me "You lead people away from Christ". LOL. It's obvious she knows nothing about my husband: nobody 'leads' him anywhere he wasn't already going : ))

Oh, and that 'once saved, always saved'? According to many many Churches, that is a *heresy*. So I would be wary of anyone insisting that such is a 'core doctrine' of Christianity. (And yes, I studied the history of Christianity as part of my major in college - not to mention nearly 40 years of discussions with my 50+ most beloved Christians, the husband's close relatives)

I leave it all to you for you to deal with God as you see fit, and that goes for those you know as well, we each make our own choices and deal with the consequences of our choices. My last comment was simply pointing out inconsistent statements you have been making on this discussion board, that and nothing else. John 10:28 Jesus words about believers, "I give them eternal life and they shall never perish no one can snatch them out of my hand."
But Frau Sherri, with all her blabbering about Jesus, doesn't seem to have a problem with her Muslim friends harassing and murdering the followers of Jesus and burning down their churches. If she really were concerned about her fellow Christians, she would at least spend some time on another forum condemning what her Muslim friends are doing to them. So tell us, Frau Sherri, have you set up a Facebook page and a petitioning to free this good Christian who is being held in Iran, or don't you care if he rots in a jail there since the Jews are not involved?
A Christian Convert, Arrested at Christmas, Remains in Prison
There WAS no 'inconsistency' to point out: only your attempt at yet another ad hom attack.

There is a glaring inconsistency in your using the quote you did as 'justification' for your incorrect assertions.

And yes, it's none of your business and you've no right to judge , and frankly I'm glad you've finally figured that out : ))

Of course, if I am 'spiritually blind', than that's by GOD's Will - and it takes a really lowlife sleaze to presume to taunt me for that, doesn't it? Worse than 'putting a stumbling block before the blind'.....

There was inconsistency in statements you made, and I pointed it out, that and nothing else.

As for my comments about your spiritual blindness, that is the only explanation I can come up with for one ignoring the clear meaning of the words of Jesus, as you did, with your comments about what Jesus was saying in John 10:28. And I see no reason for not discussing the concept of spiritual blindness. That is exactly what Jesus did in John 9, He confronted people with their spiritual blindness, and Jesus is my example to follow.
Could you then tell your Muslim friends to start following the words of Jesus and to stop murdering his followers and burning down their churches? The Christians in Muslim countries would be forever grateful to you.
The words come out of the Christian Bible, The Gospel of John. They are the words of Jesus. And I do not see why you must read negativity in His words that is simply not there, as well as reading in His words things He does not say. He is simply saying in this Bible verse that for those who have Salvation through belief in Him, they have eternal life and noone can snatch them away.

God's Plan for people everywhere is a matter He alone has power over, I am not one to claim to have the answers about all of that, which is what your comments seem to be addressing.

I find the concept of universal salvation fascinatiing.

I was just reading an abstract of a book called Barth, Origin, and Universal Salvation by Tom Greggs that I would really like to read.

And I am not a Jehovah Witness.

I do not see negative in his words, I see negative in what you make out of them:cool: I don't know about Christianity that much, and frankly, I don't really care, because this religion doesn't make much sense to me. You can believe in what you want, for all I care. It's a matter of where you take your belief to.

Where is the negativity in my words above?

It's your attitude, Sher. It's called hatred.
He is simply saying in this Bible verse that for those who have Salvation through belief in Him, they have eternal life and noone can snatch them away.

actually if you read it in hebrew it is more like-------jews who trust in G-d
remain protected----and cannot be harmed since they end up with
eternal life anyway When preaching -----or in poetry----the writer
or preacher often uses the FIRST PERSON grammatically with the
understanding that he "represents" what G-d "says" Anyone who
has actually READ the bible would know that
I do not see negative in his words, I see negative in what you make out of them:cool: I don't know about Christianity that much, and frankly, I don't really care, because this religion doesn't make much sense to me. You can believe in what you want, for all I care. It's a matter of where you take your belief to.

Where is the negativity in my words above?

It's your attitude, Sher. It's called hatred.

What I hate is the evil that is Occupation and all of its human rights abuses that deprive approaching 6 million Palestinians in Palestine of Humanity every day! I believe in a God who calls on His people to oppose this Injustice in Palestine, not support it!
Where is the negativity in my words above?

It's your attitude, Sher. It's called hatred.

What I hate is the evil that is Occupation and all of its human rights abuses that deprive approaching 6 million Palestinians in Palestine of Humanity every day! I believe in a God who calls on His people to oppose this Injustice in Palestine, not support it!

Queen Isabella called the actions of the Inquisition 'holy" in the name of
the same sick creed that sherri espouses. It is a little recognized fact that the
ideology of Queen Isabelle led to genocide in Mexico
Magda Goebbels idolized Adolf Hitler and his program with the same zeal.
Before shoving cyanide down the throats of her five youngest children she
wrote a letter exhibiting the same sense of "righteousness" and PIETY--exhibited
by sherri here---to her eldest son----who was on active duty in the Nazi army--
ecouraging him to keep up his NOBLE CAUSE. Sherri is as sherri is----she is one with
the teenaged girls in TOULOUSE, FRANCE who danced in the streets with
joy -----to celebrate the fact that their brother had grabbed a four year old
jewish girl by her hair and shot her brains out. Keep in mind----According to
ISLAMIC LAW-----their action was right and noble and sherri is a "lawyer"
187 days! What a martyr! His trading cards will be worth a fortune even before he's dead! Think I'll run over to 7-11 and pick up a few packs.
Where is the negativity in my words above?

It's your attitude, Sher. It's called hatred.

What I hate is the evil that is Occupation and all of its human rights abuses that deprive approaching 6 million Palestinians in Palestine of Humanity every day! I believe in a God who calls on His people to oppose this Injustice in Palestine, not support it!
Do you also support a God that calls on decent human beings to oppose the injustices against the minorities in Muslim countries, or are you not interested because no Jews are involved in these Muslim countries so they can do whatever they want to and the world will not hear a peep out of you, not even when Christians are being murdered?
Any news about Chef Samer and his new cooking show?
Anyone think he'll give Rachel Ray any competition?
Samer Issawi's hunger strike for justice continues, it has been over 190 days now that he has waged this hunger strike. And God, my God for whom nothing is impossible maintains him and gets him through each and every day that passes.

And our Prayers for this brave and courageous man, they rise upward, ever higher they rise, to Heaven, like incense, and My God, the God of all mankind, hears them!

Here is more confirmation of Israel's unlawful detention of Palestinian political prisoners, from a recently released report from the UN Human Rights Council that directed Israel to comply with international law and remove all her illegal settlers from Occupied East Jerusalem and the Occupied West Bank:

"47. Palestinians are routinely subject to arbitrary arrest and detention, including administrative detention and mass arrests and incarceration. It is estimated that over 700,000 Palestinians, including children, have been held in Israeli military detention since the beginning of the occupation, many in prisons located within Israel. In 2012, approximately 4,100 Palestinians were in Israeli military detention, of which 143 were aged
between 16 and 18 years, and 21 were below 16 years old. It is well-documented that the military court system does not ensure Palestinians their basic fair trial guarantees, including minimum standards of independence, clear evidentiary or procedural rules, the presumption of innocence, or the duty to hear witnesses or examine all material evidence."


In honor of HOLY JUMAH yet another suicide pig in the
service of ISA/ALLAH-----has jettisoned his holy ass to the eternal
CAT HOUSE IN THE SKY--------in Turkey-----at the US Embassy

lets us all support sherri in her quest to put these holy people
back into active service
Samer Issawi's hunger strike for justice continues, it has been over 190 days now that he has waged this hunger strike. And God, my God for whom nothing is impossible maintains him and gets him through each and every day that passes.

And our Prayers for this brave and courageous man, they rise upward, ever higher they rise, to Heaven, like incense, and My God, the God of all mankind, hears them!

Here is more confirmation of Israel's unlawful detention of Palestinian political prisoners, from a recently released report from the UN Human Rights Council that directed Israel to comply with international law and remove all her illegal settlers from Occupied East Jerusalem and the Occupied West Bank:

"47. Palestinians are routinely subject to arbitrary arrest and detention, including
administrative detention and mass arrests and incarceration. It is estimated that over
700,000 Palestinians, including children, have been held in Israeli military detention since
the beginning of the occupation, many in prisons located within Israel. In 2012,
approximately 4,100 Palestinians were in Israeli military detention, of which 143 were aged
between 16 and 18 years, and 21 were below 16 years old. It is well-documented that the military court system does not ensure Palestinians their basic fair trial guarantees, including minimum standards of independence, clear evidentiary or procedural rules, the presumption of innocence, or the duty to hear witnesses or examine all material evidence."


This guy isn't doing a hunger strike you dumb broad, if hes still alive after all this time he is eating.
"And our Prayers for this brave and courageous man, they rise upward, ever higher they rise, to Heaven, like incense, and My God, the God of all mankind, hears them!"

The sherrithing's name is 'Legion', hence the plural. And its 'God' is 'the prince of this world'.
"And our Prayers for this brave and courageous man, they rise upward, ever higher they rise, to Heaven, like incense, and My God, the God of all mankind, hears them!"

The sherrithing's name is 'Legion', hence the plural. And its 'God' is 'the prince of this world'.

sherri trying to ape biblical poetry---(the rising incense thing) ----
actually hit me in the pit of the stomach with an intense nausea
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