"Saving $1,000 a Year on Taxes is Nothing. Less Than $100 a Month"

Actually, $1000 is enough for a budget trip to Hawaii, if you know where to find the cheap travel deals online and if you're willing to stay in hostels. An r/t plane ticket from San Jose to Anywhere, Hawaii is only $350.
I can prove Obama almost tripled our DOW Is that false news ?

All by himself? Next thing you'll tell me is he pulled the trigger with bin Laden.
Why not by himself ?? The AH racist in the WH now thinks the market is up because of him He's like the rooster crowing in the morning thinking he's the reason the sun rises

Then surely you blame him for adding $10 trillion to the debt by himself and having record numbers on food stamps? Or are you one of those that praises the black BOY when something goes well but won't dare blame him when something goes bad?
Sure the debt went up He had the greatest recession to deal with Were you so excited over Reagan tripling and GWB doubling our debt??

Presidents 1 - 43 created $10 trillion in debt. All white. President #44, the only black one, added as much as the 43 whites ones combined. Why do you blame the white guys and ignore the black one?
^^^ More evidence of an abnormally low IQ. In reality....

Obama .......................................... 9,320,427,506,299
All other presidents combined .... 10,626,877,048,913

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

... so no, Obama did not add as much debt as all other presidents before him combined.

And the percentage of increase by year ...

Reagan 22.5%
GHW Bush 15.2%
Obama 11.0%
Bush 10.7%
Nixon/Ford 10.6%
Carter 10.6%
Clinton 4.6%
Kennedy 3.0%
Johnson 2.5%
Eisenhower 1.1%
All by himself? Next thing you'll tell me is he pulled the trigger with bin Laden.
Why not by himself ?? The AH racist in the WH now thinks the market is up because of him He's like the rooster crowing in the morning thinking he's the reason the sun rises

Then surely you blame him for adding $10 trillion to the debt by himself and having record numbers on food stamps? Or are you one of those that praises the black BOY when something goes well but won't dare blame him when something goes bad?
Sure the debt went up He had the greatest recession to deal with Were you so excited over Reagan tripling and GWB doubling our debt??

Presidents 1 - 43 created $10 trillion in debt. All white. President #44, the only black one, added as much as the 43 whites ones combined. Why do you blame the white guys and ignore the black one?
^^^ More evidence of an abnormally low IQ. In reality....

Obama .......................................... 9,320,427,506,299
All other presidents combined .... 10,626,877,048,913

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

... so no, Obama did not add as much debt as all other presidents before him combined.

And the percentage of increase by year ...

GHW Bush

^^^ More evidence of an abnormally low IQ. In reality....

Obama .......................................... 9,320,427,506,299
All other presidents combined .... 10,626,877,048,913

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

... so no, Obama did not add as much debt as all other presidents before him combined.

Using facts to dispel a perfectly good meme
Republicans hate facts They even believe that Trump won't make out like a bandit with these tax cuts
Republicans hate facts They even believe that Trump won't make out like a bandit with these tax cuts

Just from repeal of the AMT, Trump makes $31 million (based on his 2005 tax return)

The estate tax is worth about $1.1 billion to Trumps kids (up to $4 billion is Trump is worth the $10 billion he claims)

Most of the people in Trumps cabinet make hundreds of millions from the tax plan.
Why not by himself ?? The AH racist in the WH now thinks the market is up because of him He's like the rooster crowing in the morning thinking he's the reason the sun rises

Then surely you blame him for adding $10 trillion to the debt by himself and having record numbers on food stamps? Or are you one of those that praises the black BOY when something goes well but won't dare blame him when something goes bad?
Sure the debt went up He had the greatest recession to deal with Were you so excited over Reagan tripling and GWB doubling our debt??

Presidents 1 - 43 created $10 trillion in debt. All white. President #44, the only black one, added as much as the 43 whites ones combined. Why do you blame the white guys and ignore the black one?
^^^ More evidence of an abnormally low IQ. In reality....

Obama .......................................... 9,320,427,506,299
All other presidents combined .... 10,626,877,048,913

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

... so no, Obama did not add as much debt as all other presidents before him combined.

And the percentage of increase by year ...

GHW Bush

Translation: can't refute, so here's a meaningless photo.

Your concession is noted and accepted.
You voted trump and care about seeing taxes. Haha

eddie made a claim and you don't care that he won't prove it.

Trump hasn't made such a claim to me.
Con man Hope you'll feel better.................
Day Change **


Lying n*gger still posting numbers he can't prove. Doesn't matter whether they are positive or negative. Without proof, they're only claims.
Hows the moron TRump saying he won't gain by the this tax deduction bill ?? If he's worth the 10 billion he said he was he'll be saving 4 BILLION just with the repeal of the estate tax But ignorant red neck racists like con man believes him

Why should there even be an estate tax? That money was already taxed!
Because we as a country decided long ago to take it from dead people rather than raise the taxes on the living.

If you want your taxes to go up get rid of the estate tax
eddie made a claim and you don't care that he won't prove it.

Trump hasn't made such a claim to me.
Con man Hope you'll feel better.................
Day Change **


Lying n*gger still posting numbers he can't prove. Doesn't matter whether they are positive or negative. Without proof, they're only claims.
Hows the moron TRump saying he won't gain by the this tax deduction bill ?? If he's worth the 10 billion he said he was he'll be saving 4 BILLION just with the repeal of the estate tax But ignorant red neck racists like con man believes him

Why should there even be an estate tax? That money was already taxed!
Because we as a country decided long ago to take it from dead people rather than raise the taxes on the living.

If you want your taxes to go up get rid of the estate tax

What YOU as bleeding hearts decided to do was come up with a way to take from productive people in order to give to worthless people.

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