"SAY GOODBYE REPUBLICANS" if you pull this shit, might as well eliminate the party...


I clearly am missing something when it comes to this topic. Here's what I'd like to see, someone please tell me why it's so terrible:
  • If you're here, you get guest worker status. You can work and you pay our taxes.
  • When you get guest worker status, you go to the back of the immigration line.
  • Your kids have the same status.
  • You work (kids go to school) while you're waiting your turn.
  • When you reach the front of the line, you're in.
This seems so simple. What am I missing?


Letting them "wait in line" after they came here illegally is an insult to people who are waiting in line in their home countries the legal way.

"Waiting in line" for citizenship after you've been here illegally feathering a nest with illegally obtained wages is an unfair advantage over people who did it the right way. You stole a headstart that people who did things the right way didn't get.

Illegal behavior should not be rewarded with citizenship in this country.

Legalization is practical. Full amnesty with citizenship at the end is not. In 25 years we're already going to be in pretty much the same situation we're now in even if we seal the borders tight because of all the other ways people take up illegal residence in the country. Incentivizing this kind of illegal behavior with the hope of citizenship if they just hang on long enough is wrong.
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After they get amnesty, they are just a single "equal protection" scotus ruling away from full citizenship, voting and welfare

And regarding those of minority status, don't forget affirmative action preference, putting them ahead of white Americans who were born in the US, been paying taxes here for decades, and served in the US military.

I clearly am missing something when it comes to this topic. Here's what I'd like to see, someone please tell me why it's so terrible:
  • If you're here, you get guest worker status. You can work and you pay our taxes.
  • When you get guest worker status, you go to the back of the immigration line.
  • Your kids have the same status.
  • You work (kids go to school) while you're waiting your turn.
  • When you reach the front of the line, you're in.
This seems so simple. What am I missing?


Letting them "wait in line" after they came here illegally is an insult to people who are waiting in line in their home countries the legal way.

"Waiting in line" for citizenship after you've been here illegally feathering a nest with illegally obtained wages is an unfair advantage over people who did it the right way. You stole a headstart that people who did things the right way didn't get.

Illegal behavior should not be rewarded with citizenship in this country.

Legalization is practical. Full amnesty with citizenship at the end is not. In 25 years we're already going to be in pretty much the same situation we're now in even if we seal the borders tight because of all the other ways people take up illegal residence in the country. Incentivizing this kind of illegal behavior with the hope of citizenship if they just hang on long enough is wrong.

What would your approach be?

What is the cost of naturalizing 12 million people so they can become a productive, taxpaying part of our society versus rounding up and deporting them all?

1. They don't produce anything more than the Americans whose jobs they swipe away.

2. They pay far less taxes than the Americans whose jobs they swipe away (so tax-wise they represent a loss)

3. They cost the US economy tens of Billions$$ per year from the remittances$$$ they wire out of the country.

4. They cost the country tens of Billions$$ more per year from the welfare they consume (more than native-born people)

5. There would be very little cost, if the govt just started rounding up and deporting them all, and enforcing the IRCA law on illegal employers, as the majority of illegals would just deport themselves, on their own, just like they did 60 years ago, in Operation Wetback.
The Republican stand towards immigration reform will kill their party.
Amnesty is just another way of killing the American Middle Class and making blacks a permanent underclass.

Somewhere in Hell, that old Grand Kleagle Bobby Byrd is crying tears of joy
Fighting reasonable immigration reform will be the death of the Republican Party

The only reasonable immigration reform is mass deportation of all illegal aliens + a stoppage of all legal immigration, until it is needed. (when US unemployment is zero, and there are more jobs than job seekers)

Even if this were the case, the many other harms of immigration would all have to be taken into account and weighed as well. It's hard to see how immigration could be beneficial to America, when we are already so horribly overpopulated.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
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I clearly am missing something when it comes to this topic. Here's what I'd like to see, someone please tell me why it's so terrible:
  • If you're here, you get guest worker status. You can work and you pay our taxes.
  • When you get guest worker status, you go to the back of the immigration line.
  • Your kids have the same status.
  • You work (kids go to school) while you're waiting your turn.
  • When you reach the front of the line, you're in.
This seems so simple. What am I missing?


Letting them "wait in line" after they came here illegally is an insult to people who are waiting in line in their home countries the legal way.

"Waiting in line" for citizenship after you've been here illegally feathering a nest with illegally obtained wages is an unfair advantage over people who did it the right way. You stole a headstart that people who did things the right way didn't get.

Illegal behavior should not be rewarded with citizenship in this country.

Legalization is practical. Full amnesty with citizenship at the end is not. In 25 years we're already going to be in pretty much the same situation we're now in even if we seal the borders tight because of all the other ways people take up illegal residence in the country. Incentivizing this kind of illegal behavior with the hope of citizenship if they just hang on long enough is wrong.

What would your approach be?


See Post # 68.
Fighting reasonable immigration reform will be the death of the Republican Party

The only reasonable immigration reform is mass deportation of all illegal aliens + a stoppage of all legal immigration, until it is needed. (when US unemployment is zero, and there are more jobs than job seekers)

Even if this were the case, the many other harms of immigration would all have to be taken into account and weighed as well. It's hard to see how immigration could be beneficial to America, when we are already so horribly overpopulated.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

Like herding cats

The immigrants are here. They are working

Give them a work visa, Make them pay taxes, make them follow the laws, if they are good citizens make them permanent
Letting them "wait in line" after they came here illegally is an insult to people who are waiting in line in their home countries the legal way.

"Waiting in line" for citizenship after you've been here illegally feathering a nest with illegally obtained wages is an unfair advantage over people who did it the right way. You stole a headstart that people who did things the right way didn't get.

Illegal behavior should not be rewarded with citizenship in this country.

Legalization is practical. Full amnesty with citizenship at the end is not. In 25 years we're already going to be in pretty much the same situation we're now in even if we seal the borders tight because of all the other ways people take up illegal residence in the country. Incentivizing this kind of illegal behavior with the hope of citizenship if they just hang on long enough is wrong.

What would your approach be?


See Post # 68.

Okay, well how about something that could actually happen?

The mainstream GOP leadership and most of the workers don't give a crap what the far right thinks about this.

We will get three new voters from women and minorities for everyone of you who walk.

Walk, then. Please do.

:lol: No, Jake, they won't. Republicans will get maybe about one-fourth of these people if they become citizens who are able to vote. Hispanics don't oppose Republicans because they don't want to give them amnesty. They oppose Republicans because of their economic and social welfare positions and that won't change if Republicans go along with giving illegals citizenship.

The Democrats know exactly what will happen if these 12 million become citizens. That's why they are pushing for it so hard and that's why you are pushing for it so hard because you're not a Republican.

I clearly am missing something when it comes to this topic. Here's what I'd like to see, someone please tell me why it's so terrible:
  • If you're here, you get guest worker status. You can work and you pay our taxes.
  • When you get guest worker status, you go to the back of the immigration line.
  • Your kids have the same status.
  • You work (kids go to school) while you're waiting your turn.
  • When you reach the front of the line, you're in.
This seems so simple. What am I missing?


Letting them "wait in line" after they came here illegally is an insult to people who are waiting in line in their home countries the legal way.

"Waiting in line" for citizenship after you've been here illegally feathering a nest with illegally obtained wages is an unfair advantage over people who did it the right way. You stole a headstart that people who did things the right way didn't get.

Illegal behavior should not be rewarded with citizenship in this country.

Legalization is practical. Full amnesty with citizenship at the end is not. In 25 years we're already going to be in pretty much the same situation we're now in even if we seal the borders tight because of all the other ways people take up illegal residence in the country. Incentivizing this kind of illegal behavior with the hope of citizenship if they just hang on long enough is wrong.

What would your approach be?


Keep better track of who's here on visa so that prompt action can be taken when the visas expire, since that's how a high number of illegal aliens become illegal. Penalize people who hire illegals. Follow the advice of people in the ICE who are actually interested in securing the borders. Dream act for those who were brought here as children. Something which would be called amnesty for those who have been here a long time and put down roots -- but not citizenship. They can choose to go back to their home countries and apply the legal way, or they can choose a legal status which they agree will never turn into citizenship because they didn't care about the laws of this country.

I clearly am missing something when it comes to this topic. Here's what I'd like to see, someone please tell me why it's so terrible:
  • If you're here, you get guest worker status. You can work and you pay our taxes.
  • When you get guest worker status, you go to the back of the immigration line.
  • Your kids have the same status.
  • You work (kids go to school) while you're waiting your turn.
  • When you reach the front of the line, you're in.
This seems so simple. What am I missing?


Letting them "wait in line" after they came here illegally is an insult to people who are waiting in line in their home countries the legal way.

"Waiting in line" for citizenship after you've been here illegally feathering a nest with illegally obtained wages is an unfair advantage over people who did it the right way. You stole a headstart that people who did things the right way didn't get.

Illegal behavior should not be rewarded with citizenship in this country.

Legalization is practical. Full amnesty with citizenship at the end is not. In 25 years we're already going to be in pretty much the same situation we're now in even if we seal the borders tight because of all the other ways people take up illegal residence in the country. Incentivizing this kind of illegal behavior with the hope of citizenship if they just hang on long enough is wrong.

If you are a guest worker you not only are not working illegally, but you are not here illegally.
What is the cost of naturalizing 12 million people so they can become a productive, taxpaying part of our society versus rounding up and deporting them all?

1. They don't produce anything more than the Americans whose jobs they swipe away.

2. They pay far less taxes than the Americans whose jobs they swipe away (so tax-wise they represent a loss)

3. They cost the US economy tens of Billions$$ per year from the remittances$$$ they wire out of the country.

4. They cost the country tens of Billions$$ more per year from the welfare they consume (more than native-born people)

5. There would be very little cost, if the govt just started rounding up and deporting them all, and enforcing the IRCA law on illegal employers, as the majority of illegals would just deport themselves, on their own, just like they did 60 years ago, in Operation Wetback.

1 and 2) How does a naturalized citizen produce less and pay less in taxes than someone who is born here?

3) Even naturalized citizens wire money out of the country. Hell even large corporations do the same. So, your point?

4) How would a naturalized citizen cost more in welfare than the tens of millions of ordinary citizens who are on it?

5) That is certainly not true. The cost of 1), finding all 12 million +, 2) rounding them up, 3) holding them, 4) processing them, and then 5) transporting them out of the country, assuming their home countries would even accept them, would be astronomical.
Fighting reasonable immigration reform will be the death of the Republican Party

The Republican party welcomes reasonable immigration reform. The problem is that the Democrats think that reasonable immigration reform means amnesty for illegals and making it easier for people to immigrate to the country. When in reality, reasonable reform would be strengthening enforcement policies, providing real and substantial border security, and closing the various loopholes that illegals use to take advantage of us, bleed our resources, and get away with things that would land a person in prison for decades in Mexico.
Fighting reasonable immigration reform will be the death of the Republican Party

The only reasonable immigration reform is mass deportation of all illegal aliens + a stoppage of all legal immigration, until it is needed. (when US unemployment is zero, and there are more jobs than job seekers)

Even if this were the case, the many other harms of immigration would all have to be taken into account and weighed as well. It's hard to see how immigration could be beneficial to America, when we are already so horribly overpopulated.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

Like herding cats

The immigrants are here. They are working

Give them a work visa, Make them pay taxes, make them follow the laws, if they are good citizens make them permanent

This is insanity. So you're OK with all these 16 HARMS to the American people ? With friends like you, the American people don't need enemies.
Lets hope this is the New York Times doing their part to kill off the GOP

Oh, I think the GOP is doing that all on it's own.

The GOP has moved into a dwindling number of Red States with low electoral votes. They cannot win any urban area and rely on gerrymander and redistricting to maintain their power at the state level

That is their base. It cannot be expanded without an expansion of the Republican platform

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