"SAY GOODBYE REPUBLICANS" if you pull this shit, might as well eliminate the party...

Bigots and xenophobes need to start their own property.

And let the real conservatives have their party back.
... because you'll never win another election for decades, and by that time, after dems win total power, they'll ruin the country in just a few short more years...

Top Republicans to Call for Legal Status for Some Immigrants


WASHINGTON — The House Republican leadership’s broad framework for overhauling the nation’s immigration laws will call this week for a path to legal status — but not citizenship — for many of the 11 million adult immigrants who are in the country illegally, according to aides who have seen the party’s statement of principles. For immigrants brought to the United States illegally as young children, the Republicans would offer a path to citizenship.

But even before the document is unveiled later, some of the party’s leading strategists and conservative voices are urging that the immigration push be abandoned, or delayed until next year, to avoid an internal party rupture before the midterm elections.

“It’s one of the few things that could actually disrupt what looks like a strong Republican year,” said William Kristol, editor of the conservative magazine The Weekly Standard, calling an immigration push “a recipe for disaster.”

“Don’t Do It,” said the headline on a National Review editorial on Monday aimed at the House speaker, John A. Boehner of Ohio. “The last thing the party needs is a brutal intramural fight when it has been dealt a winning hand” — troubles with the president’s health care law — ahead of the elections, the editorial said.

Article continues here...

BS, if you put the children on a path to citizenship you may as well do the same for the parents because there is no way they will be separated by politics. If Republicans stand their ground against amnesty they will come out winners because most of America is against amnesty, etc.

Most Americans are for getting the immigrants into the system. If we GOP oppose this, we will lose.
... because you'll never win another election for decades, and by that time, after dems win total power, they'll ruin the country in just a few short more years...

Top Republicans to Call for Legal Status for Some Immigrants


WASHINGTON — The House Republican leadership’s broad framework for overhauling the nation’s immigration laws will call this week for a path to legal status — but not citizenship — for many of the 11 million adult immigrants who are in the country illegally, according to aides who have seen the party’s statement of principles. For immigrants brought to the United States illegally as young children, the Republicans would offer a path to citizenship.

But even before the document is unveiled later, some of the party’s leading strategists and conservative voices are urging that the immigration push be abandoned, or delayed until next year, to avoid an internal party rupture before the midterm elections.

“It’s one of the few things that could actually disrupt what looks like a strong Republican year,” said William Kristol, editor of the conservative magazine The Weekly Standard, calling an immigration push “a recipe for disaster.”

“Don’t Do It,” said the headline on a National Review editorial on Monday aimed at the House speaker, John A. Boehner of Ohio. “The last thing the party needs is a brutal intramural fight when it has been dealt a winning hand” — troubles with the president’s health care law — ahead of the elections, the editorial said.

Article continues here...

BS, if you put the children on a path to citizenship you may as well do the same for the parents because there is no way they will be separated by politics. If Republicans stand their ground against amnesty they will come out winners because most of America is against amnesty, etc.

Most Americans are for getting the immigrants into the system. If we GOP oppose this, we will lose.
No they're not, and no we won't. Only leftist REACTIONARIES are, like you. Losing is guaranteed if the republican party goes anywhere near amnesty. Securing the border will win.

We have a record number of Americans out of a job, the LAST thing this country needs is MORE unskilled laborers to compete for jobs with those Americans already unemployed.
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The problem with the GOP is that they keep blinking. True conservatives stick to their principals but squishy Republicans who only care about staying in office will do whatever they see working for the Democrats, but freeloaders aren't going to vote for them anyway. Republicans don't get that. They think if they throw money at Mexicans it'll get their vote, but it doesn't. Same thing with blacks.

You are wrong. Mexicans and Blacks do have a price and can be bought.
BS, if you put the children on a path to citizenship you may as well do the same for the parents because there is no way they will be separated by politics. If Republicans stand their ground against amnesty they will come out winners because most of America is against amnesty, etc.

Most Americans are for getting the immigrants into the system. If we GOP oppose this, we will lose.
No they're not, and no we won't. Only leftist REACTIONARIES are, like you. Losing is guaranteed if the republican party goes anywhere near amnesty. Securing the border will win.

We have a record number of Americans out of a job, the LAST thing this country needs is MORE unskilled laborers to compete for jobs with those Americans already unemployed.

Yes, we are, and we will lose if our far right reactionaries keep opposing it.
We don't care about your types, hon. You are not going to have any more power, much less take power away.

Smaller government and personal responsibility means that we reach out to women, minorities, and immigrants, not ignore their just needs.

That's why the GOP is going to lose ... Again.
It is plain to see you don't even understand what you are posting.

What does personal responsibility and smaller government have to do with pandering for votes by providing government assistance for immigrants, women and minorities?
And if you think losing votes doesn't equate to losing power ... You are on "full-retard".

If we can muzzle the fart blasts from the past of the far right reactionary wing nuts, we will win.
If we can muzzle the fart blasts from the past of the far right reactionary wing nuts, we will win.

If the GOP finally admits to the fact they are no different than the Liberals they pretend to oppose ... They only fail to comprehend that they suck as Liberals and will get beat by Democrats in any race.

This country is beyond fixing anyway. Let it fall apart on the Democrat's watch.
Do we have to define the word "illegal" to every radical leftie? While we are at it I guess we need to remind whiny lefties that they control 2/3 of the freaking federal government.
If we can muzzle the fart blasts from the past of the far right reactionary wing nuts, we will win.

If the GOP finally admits to the fact they are no different than the Liberals they pretend to oppose ... They only fail to comprehend that they suck as Liberals and will get beat by Democrats in any race..

That false nonsense sinks immediately. The mainstream of the GOP is right of center. We have the numbers, we have the $$$, and we have the rules committee of the RNC.

We can with our mainstream and the center as we reach out to minorities, immigrants, women, and dump you if you wish.

Your choice.
If we can muzzle the fart blasts from the past of the far right reactionary wing nuts, we will win.

If the GOP finally admits to the fact they are no different than the Liberals they pretend to oppose ... They only fail to comprehend that they suck as Liberals and will get beat by Democrats in any race..

That false nonsense sinks immediately. The mainstream of the GOP is right of center. We have the numbers, we have the $$$, and we have the rules committee of the RNC.

We can with our mainstream and the center as we reach out to minorities, immigrants, women, and dump you if you wish.

Your choice.

It is our choice ... We don't need your permission to tell you to kiss off.
If you want to be mainstream Liberal get to it ... And you will be able to identify what is sinking come the next election ... It's your Titanic, own it.

The only thing false about anything said ... Is the fact you think the GOP has a chance trying to out-liberal Democrats.
If the GOP goes all reactionary chasing votes and abandons anything that resembles a Conservative principle ... They aren't worth a damn anyway.

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Nope, we are telling you redneck insignificant far right reactionaries your power is gone.

Our values will be the same without you corrupting them.

You are so outta here. Watch what happens to your candidates in the primaries.

What makes you think I am redneck, reactionary or give a shit about your right wing?
I don't have any candidates in the primaries ... Just in case you cannot read.

The only thing we can possibly do as true Conservatives is take power away from the GOP and establishment Republicans like you.
The only people who are reactionary are stupid establishment Republicans sitting around looking at polling data and thinking that anything they do different will help them win.
The immigrants aren't going to vote for you if you pass an immigration bill ... And if you want to sacrifice principles of smaller government and personal responsibility ... So be it.
That is the result of you reacting to stupid polling data and neglecting your responsibilities just to chase votes..

We don't care about your types, hon. You are not going to have any more power, much less take power away.

Smaller government and personal responsibility means that we reach out to women, minorities, and immigrants, not ignore their just needs.

As a minority person myself, I'd say to "reach out" does not mean that you deny 12 million unemployed Americans jobs, as is exactly what the immigrationists (mostly Democrats) are doing. It also doesn't mean that it's suddenly OK to inflict a long list of harms of immigration on the American people. We have no need or reason to reach out to immigrants, nor do we have any reason to have any immigrants, period. Immigration in the US should have been stopped (generally) in 1860, when the US reached its optimum population, based on resource base. And it doesn't mean that it's OK to discriminate against men and white people in affirmative action programs, which should all be banned, as they are in 8 states.

As for women, they are being reached out to too much already (with affirmative action). The notion that women make only 77% of what men make is because of a number of factors. One is that women work much less hours than men do, and another is that while men choose high paying jobs (construction, machine shop work, science, engineering, etc), women more often choose lower paying occupations in the social sciences and humanities (teaching, librarians, child care, etc)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
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We already have one political party that hates this country and wants to fundamentally transform it for the worse, we don't need a second
... because you'll never win another election for decades, and by that time, after dems win total power, they'll ruin the country in just a few short more years...]

Really? Reagan was willing to give it a try and the party didn't disintegrate. Lots and lots of Republicans were elected after all that, including to the Presidency. All these years later and both party and country are still here. This doesn't mean that a bad idea shouldn't be called out for what it is, but ease off on the hyperbole.
Really? Reagan was willing to give it a try and the party didn't disintegrate. Lots and lots of Republicans were elected after all that, including to the Presidency. All these years later and both party and country are still here. This doesn't mean that a bad idea shouldn't be called out for what it is, but ease off on the hyperbole.

What did the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 fix and how has it kept the same problem from requiring another worthless fix?

Really? Reagan was willing to give it a try and the party didn't disintegrate. Lots and lots of Republicans were elected after all that, including to the Presidency. All these years later and both party and country are still here. This doesn't mean that a bad idea shouldn't be called out for what it is, but ease off on the hyperbole.

What did the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 fix and how has it kept the same problem from requiring another worthless fix?


I didn't say it fixed anything or that something like it should be tried again.
Really? Reagan was willing to give it a try and the party didn't disintegrate. Lots and lots of Republicans were elected after all that, including to the Presidency. All these years later and both party and country are still here. This doesn't mean that a bad idea shouldn't be called out for what it is, but ease off on the hyperbole.

What did the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 fix and how has it kept the same problem from requiring another worthless fix?


I didn't say it fixed anything or that something like it should be tried again.

Do you think the GOP should be confident about supporting amnesty in attempts to get Hispanic support at the polls?

What did the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 fix and how has it kept the same problem from requiring another worthless fix?


I didn't say it fixed anything or that something like it should be tried again.

Do you think the GOP should be confident about supporting amnesty in attempts to get Hispanic support at the polls?


Of course not, and I have posted nothing to suggest that I do.
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