Say it ain't so, Paul!


Politico had an interesting piece on how the GOP leaders right now are Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, and I can see where that makes sense.

I think there's a bunch of Republicans who are being left behind: People like Palin, Bachmann, Ryan, Jeb, and all the old timers. It could work.


Politico had an interesting piece on how the GOP leaders right now are Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, and I can see where that makes sense.

I think there's a bunch of Republicans who are being left behind: People like Palin, Bachmann, Ryan, Jeb, and all the old timers. It could work.


Ms. Sarah lost my support when she went the neocon route on foreign policy. The left cemented my opposition to them with its scurrilous attacks on her, though. The party is swinging to small government, sane foreign policy, personal liberty, fiscal restraint.

It's about time.
No one likes the guy who takes away the punch bowl. Gee, there's a shocker.

Our country has been partying like its 1999, and we have constructed a $16 trillion shit sandwich.

Paul Ryan comes along and says, "Everybody has to take a bite." So...yeah, he's unpopular for stating the obvious.

At least he has the stones to put a plan on the table for restoring us to fiscal sanity, and then defend it and take some punches.

He's also flexible. He is willing to give and take. And that makes even MORE unpopular, within his own party, for not being a rigid ideological fuckface.

He took a sledgehammer to the gridlock. When we look back, it will be Paul Ryan who got the ball rolling toward a balanced budget.
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Politico had an interesting piece on how the GOP leaders right now are Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, and I can see where that makes sense.

I think there's a bunch of Republicans who are being left behind: People like Palin, Bachmann, Ryan, Jeb, and all the old timers. It could work.


Ms. Sarah lost my support when she went the neocon route on foreign policy. The left cemented my opposition to them with its scurrilous attacks on her, though. The party is swinging to small government, sane foreign policy, personal liberty, fiscal restraint.

It's about time.

Yes making themselves irrelevant is not coming too soon for sure

Politico had an interesting piece on how the GOP leaders right now are Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, and I can see where that makes sense.

I think there's a bunch of Republicans who are being left behind: People like Palin, Bachmann, Ryan, Jeb, and all the old timers. It could work.


Ms. Sarah lost my support when she went the neocon route on foreign policy. The left cemented my opposition to them with its scurrilous attacks on her, though. The party is swinging to small government, sane foreign policy, personal liberty, fiscal restraint.

It's about time.

Yes making themselves irrelevant is not coming too soon for sure

Irrelevant to whom, big-spending, statist, loud-mouthed liberals?

Yeah, I can see that.
the American people soundly rejected your historically failed ideas.

face facts for one time
The American people dont want to dismantle our government so the wealthy can control everything.

No matter how you phrase your "plans" that is what would result
The American people dont want to dismantle our government so the wealthy can control everything.

No matter how you phrase your "plans" that is what would result

they can re-package it any way they want but the voters will know if they are the same failed idea's. They only have two for cryin' out load:

1) lavish any & all tax-cuts you can on the wealthy
2) throw regulations (on the above group of people & their *cough* "endeavors") out the window.
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the American people soundly rejected your historically failed ideas...
...with 7 million fewer votes.

But don't worry, it's just like old saying:

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.
Paul Krugman. :lmao:


Is this idiotic response your means of pushing my post and links up the page in an effort to censor opinions which you (fear, disagree with, don't understand) don't want others to view? Is censorship one of your personal values? Being concise does not mean you are profound, in most cases your comments are more akin to 'Idiotgrams' made infamous by CrusaderFrank and WillowTree.

For others who would like to see the grand design of the GOP leadership see:

Starve The Beast Game Plan, 2010 | Beyond Highbrow - Robert Lindsay

The Job Creation Myth « Spiritual wickedness in high places

It seems Starve the Beast comports with with today's economic and political reality in spite of TakeAStepBack's brilliant retort. [MENTION=29021]TakeAStepBack[/MENTION]
it could just be the content of Ryan's Budget compared to the Senate's balanced approach the public is responding to ... Ryan has Palined himself.

Starve the beast. What a laugh, yeah, the government is really being starved out. :lmao:

Predictable as the day is long....

Starve the beast. What a laugh, yeah, the government is really being starved out. :lmao:

Predictable as the day is long....

Another idiotgram, you really are astupe (not a typo); sagacious you are not.

So keep on working your efforts at censorship, as weak as they are you can be assured that the curious will begin to read my links (posted above) and see the connections to todays reality. The 28% or so who actually believe the GOP bullshit are never curious and that is the GOP's strength. Sadly it's enough to win gerrymandered congressional districts and create the do-nothing Congress we have today but no where near enough to remain a major political party - no matter how many tokens they choose to nominate for higher office.

Politico had an interesting piece on how the GOP leaders right now are Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, and I can see where that makes sense.

I think there's a bunch of Republicans who are being left behind: People like Palin, Bachmann, Ryan, Jeb, and all the old timers. It could work.


Ms. Sarah lost my support when she went the neocon route on foreign policy. The left cemented my opposition to them with its scurrilous attacks on her, though. The party is swinging to small government, sane foreign policy, personal liberty, fiscal restraint.

It's about time.

Yes making themselves irrelevant is not coming too soon for sure

And if there is anyone who knows irrelevant, it's TDM.

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