~Saying I Love You~


May 13, 2011
Do you think a person can say "I love you" too much??
I'm not just referring to your spouse or SO, but everyone- parents, children and friends.
We tell people every day of our lives we love them, well I know I do.
When I end a phone call with one of my sons, we always say "I love you".
But a couple I know, the gent doesn't tell his wife he loves her and it bugs her. She says it to him, but he says she says it way too often ~LoL~
He hates it. He loves her, but he doesn't like to have to say the words I reckon.
What do yunz think??
I think it's nice to hear those words. It's great to hear them from my children, my Mother always said them to me, and I have close friends who say them.
If I had a SO, it would be nice to hear him say them too :razz:

*SO= significant other.
Do you think a person can say "I love you" too much??
I'm not just referring to your spouse or SO, but everyone- parents, children and friends.
We tell people every day of our lives we love them, well I know I do.
When I end a phone call with one of my sons, we always say "I love you".
But a couple I know, the gent doesn't tell his wife he loves her and it bugs her. She says it to him, but he says she says it way too often ~LoL~
He hates it. He loves her, but he doesn't like to have to say the words I reckon.
What do yunz think??
I think it's nice to hear those words. It's great to hear them from my children, my Mother always said them to me, and I have close friends who say them.
If I had a SO, it would be nice to hear him say them too :razz:

*SO= significant other.

It is pointless if the words are only words. You have to mean it.

Something i have learned. You may not be here the next moment.... it is to late to tell the people that you loved you love them.
Do you think a person can say "I love you" too much??
I'm not just referring to your spouse or SO, but everyone- parents, children and friends.
We tell people every day of our lives we love them, well I know I do.
When I end a phone call with one of my sons, we always say "I love you".
But a couple I know, the gent doesn't tell his wife he loves her and it bugs her. She says it to him, but he says she says it way too often ~LoL~
He hates it. He loves her, but he doesn't like to have to say the words I reckon.
What do yunz think??
I think it's nice to hear those words. It's great to hear them from my children, my Mother always said them to me, and I have close friends who say them.
If I had a SO, it would be nice to hear him say them too :razz:

*SO= significant other.

It is pointless if the words are only words. You have to mean it.

Something i have learned. You may not be here the next moment.... it is to late to tell the people that you loved you love them.

Words that literally bring tears to my eyes~
We men don't say it too often because we figger that we say it in other ways that are just as meaningful like providing a home and paying the bills (and not fooling around).

My wife will say to me a few times a week; "Thank you for working hard for us!" and I'll smile and say "I'm happy to do it!".
My first thought was no, but then I tried to think of an exception....if a person kept saying it to me in a desperate and clingy way because they felt insecure and wanted constant reassurance of my feelings, then that would get old and annoying.
We men don't say it too often because we figger that we say it in other ways that are just as meaningful like providing a home and paying the bills (and not fooling around).

My wife will say to me a few times a week; "Thank you for working hard for us!" and I'll smile and say "I'm happy to do it!".

Ah, well you can't beat that Mad!! Sounds nice :)
My first thought was no, but then I tried to think of an exception....if a person kept saying it to me in a desperate and clingy way because they felt insecure and wanted constant reassurance of my feelings, then that would get old and annoying.

I have to say I agree with you 100%.
It's nice to hear, but if someone as you mentioned, became obsessed with saying it constantly, it would become old.
Probably freak us out a bit much :eek:
The words, "I love you" mean more to me when said infrequently. :)
I tend to agree with Syrenn, that it's not the number of times you say it, but whether you mean it or not that lends value to the words.

First of all, you have to truly mean them. When they become nothing more than the replacement for "sincerely" at the end of a letter or email or some other closing to a phone call they do tend to lose some of their meaning. In that sort of case they can definitely be over-used and become pretty much worthless.

You also need to be able to make it clear as to what sort of "love" you're talking about. There are certain situations where not being clear about what type of love you're talking about can get you into very unfortunate situations. This is especially true with friends who are members of the opposite sex or at the early stages of a relationship. Being clear about what sort of love you're talking about can prevent a lot of unpleasantness down the road.

Personally, I think that most people don't tell those who they truly do love often enough what their real feelings are. All too often we assume that they know how much we care about them. On the other hand we tend to use the word way too loosely in our romantic relationships. Men use it as a means to try and get sex. Women use it as a means to try and get a return on their emotional investment in the relationship. I go out of my way to try not to use it in any situation where it is not the complete and total truth. That's been a major hurdle in a large number of my romantic relationships over the years; since I can honestly say that I've never fallen in love with any woman (and I don't believe that any woman I've ever known or dated has ever fallen in love with me).
If you get a feeling like an endorphine rush every time you say it, you are not saying it too much, as long as your lover is too.
Do you think a person can say "I love you" too much??
I'm not just referring to your spouse or SO, but everyone- parents, children and friends.
We tell people every day of our lives we love them, well I know I do.
When I end a phone call with one of my sons, we always say "I love you".
But a couple I know, the gent doesn't tell his wife he loves her and it bugs her. She says it to him, but he says she says it way too often ~LoL~
He hates it. He loves her, but he doesn't like to have to say the words I reckon.
What do yunz think??
I think it's nice to hear those words. It's great to hear them from my children, my Mother always said them to me, and I have close friends who say them.
If I had a SO, it would be nice to hear him say them too :razz:

*SO= significant other.

It is pointless if the words are only words. You have to mean it.

Something i have learned. You may not be here the next moment.... it is to late to tell the people that you loved you love them.

Everyone that I love knows that I do. And I know they love me. Why would we need to tell each other constantly? Seems a tad silly to me but whatever. I think it becomes a meaningless phrase if its used constantly. I have no idea why some people are so insecure that they need to be told.
I love you, Dabs.
Saying i love you is the nicest/most beautiful thing one can hear :)

Love is strong and we need MORE OF IT in this evil world!

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