SC con-federate flag gone

History is history, the flag is down now. Could we not hear anymore about slaves, I personally have never seen one, my parents never saw one. I don't think anyone here has ever seen one.
Just what will it take to make minorities happy.
Can't we just give them a part of the country where they can live without the cops ( that keep trying to arrest them for crimes (the police have some nerve for arresting them, remember there ancestors were slaves ). They can fund there own welfare system without whites.
That way whites are no longer the problem.

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I do think the flag thing is rather silly. I still find it hard to believe that it is about celebrating slavery. I think it's more about celebrating southern heritage, southern pride, that kind of thing. I can't say for sure because I'm not a southerner, but from what friends who have or do live in the south, that is what they tell me.

OTOH, I can understand why black people would find it offensive. To them, it represents a very dark period in their history, so this one is kind of a tough call. I have read articles, however, about some (probably very few) black people who also want the flag to remain as a reminder of slavery and a reminder of history because they think it is important that we remember this period of time, and in a way, they also see it as a way of remembering their ancestors and their fight for freedom.
How is it silly? Forget dealing with the actual issues. The Millennials have solved racism!!!! Horay!!!

Oh, good geebus, shut the hell up already. You are like an old boring broken record with your millennials bullshit. Go screw yourself.
Shut up? You Millennials have solved racism. You should be happy..

Too bad we can't solve idiocy and ignorance.
Tru dat.
History is history, the flag is down now. Could we not hear anymore about slaves, I personally have never seen one, my parents never saw one. I don't think anyone here has ever seen one.
Just what will it take to make minorities happy.
Can't we just give them a part of the country where they can live without the cops ( that keep trying to arrest them for crimes (the police have some nerve for arresting them, remember there ancestors were slaves ). They can fund there own welfare system without whites.
That way whites are no longer the problem.

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And here’s an example of the ignorance, fear, stupidity, and hate that keeps racism alive and well.
History is history, the flag is down now. Could we not hear anymore about slaves, I personally have never seen one, my parents never saw one. I don't think anyone here has ever seen one.
Just what will it take to make minorities happy.
Can't we just give them a part of the country where they can live without the cops ( that keep trying to arrest them for crimes (the police have some nerve for arresting them, remember there ancestors were slaves ). They can fund there own welfare system without whites.
That way whites are no longer the problem.

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And here’s an example of the ignorance, fear, stupidity, and hate that keeps racism alive and well.

Blacks are the reason racism is alive and well....... That's because blacks want it that way.......

Watch what you ask for

History is history, the flag is down now. Could we not hear anymore about slaves, I personally have never seen one, my parents never saw one. I don't think anyone here has ever seen one.
Just what will it take to make minorities happy.
Can't we just give them a part of the country where they can live without the cops ( that keep trying to arrest them for crimes (the police have some nerve for arresting them, remember there ancestors were slaves ). They can fund there own welfare system without whites.
That way whites are no longer the problem.

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Would be bettter to send ignorant racist assholes like you somewhere else to live. You add nothing to this country.
Blowfish is making some strides in learning, and I will gladly help correct his errors.

First, the membership were, regardless of party affiliation right wing conservative reactionaries, wanting to put the blacks and others they did not like back under white control. The second Klan era of the 1920s added Catholics, Jews, and foreigners to the list. Today the Klan is completely ineffective.

Two, removing the flag and taking down its flag pole remembers and honors history. Putting the flag in the museum with an exhibit of several million dollars remembers and honors history. These actions clearly show the Confederacy now has lost the peace along with the war.

Jake they were Democrats. Deal with it. The KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest and others.

Don't do this pixie dust shit that well over there when Democrats were bad they were conservative and when Republicans were good they were all liberal.

That's fucking bullshit. It's a fairy tale.


A Democrat thru and thru. And proud of his D heritage.
Last edited:
Blowfish is making some strides in learning, and I will gladly help correct his errors.

First, the membership were, regardless of party affiliation right wing conservative reactionaries, wanting to put the blacks and others they did not like back under white control. The second Klan era of the 1920s added Catholics, Jews, and foreigners to the list. Today the Klan is completely ineffective.

Two, removing the flag and taking down its flag pole remembers and honors history. Putting the flag in the museum with an exhibit of several million dollars remembers and honors history. These actions clearly show the Confederacy now has lost the peace along with the war.

Jake they were Democrats. Deal with it. The KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest and others.

Don't do this pixie dust shit that well over there when Democrats were bad they were conservative and when Republicans were good they were all liberal.

That's fucking bullshit. It's a fairy tale.


A Democrat thru and thru. And proud of his D heritage.
"Were" being the operative word. Now, racists are much more at home in the Republican party. I really wonder if you guys are really so fucking stupid as to believe that the fact that 150 years ago democrats were racist has any relevance at all today.
Blowfish is making some strides in learning, and I will gladly help correct his errors.

First, the membership were, regardless of party affiliation right wing conservative reactionaries, wanting to put the blacks and others they did not like back under white control. The second Klan era of the 1920s added Catholics, Jews, and foreigners to the list. Today the Klan is completely ineffective.

Two, removing the flag and taking down its flag pole remembers and honors history. Putting the flag in the museum with an exhibit of several million dollars remembers and honors history. These actions clearly show the Confederacy now has lost the peace along with the war.

Jake they were Democrats. Deal with it. The KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest and others.

Don't do this pixie dust shit that well over there when Democrats were bad they were conservative and when Republicans were good they were all liberal.

That's fucking bullshit. It's a fairy tale.


A Democrat thru and thru. And proud of his D heritage.
"Were" being the operative word. Now, racists are much more at home in the Republican party. I really wonder if you guys are really so fucking stupid as to believe that the fact that 150 years ago democrats were racist has any relevance at all today.

You are believing what the left says.
Have you heard any Republicans that has used the race bait like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton have done?
Blowfish is making some strides in learning, and I will gladly help correct his errors.

First, the membership were, regardless of party affiliation right wing conservative reactionaries, wanting to put the blacks and others they did not like back under white control. The second Klan era of the 1920s added Catholics, Jews, and foreigners to the list. Today the Klan is completely ineffective.

Two, removing the flag and taking down its flag pole remembers and honors history. Putting the flag in the museum with an exhibit of several million dollars remembers and honors history. These actions clearly show the Confederacy now has lost the peace along with the war.

Jake they were Democrats. Deal with it. The KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest and others.

Don't do this pixie dust shit that well over there when Democrats were bad they were conservative and when Republicans were good they were all liberal.

That's fucking bullshit. It's a fairy tale.


A Democrat thru and thru. And proud of his D heritage.
"Were" being the operative word. Now, racists are much more at home in the Republican party. I really wonder if you guys are really so fucking stupid as to believe that the fact that 150 years ago democrats were racist has any relevance at all today.

You are believing what the left says.
Have you heard any Republicans that has used the race bait like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton have done?
Does the name Jesse Helms ring a bell?
Blowfish is making some strides in learning, and I will gladly help correct his errors.

First, the membership were, regardless of party affiliation right wing conservative reactionaries, wanting to put the blacks and others they did not like back under white control. The second Klan era of the 1920s added Catholics, Jews, and foreigners to the list. Today the Klan is completely ineffective.

Two, removing the flag and taking down its flag pole remembers and honors history. Putting the flag in the museum with an exhibit of several million dollars remembers and honors history. These actions clearly show the Confederacy now has lost the peace along with the war.

Jake they were Democrats. Deal with it. The KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest and others.

Don't do this pixie dust shit that well over there when Democrats were bad they were conservative and when Republicans were good they were all liberal.

That's fucking bullshit. It's a fairy tale.


A Democrat thru and thru. And proud of his D heritage.
"Were" being the operative word. Now, racists are much more at home in the Republican party. I really wonder if you guys are really so fucking stupid as to believe that the fact that 150 years ago democrats were racist has any relevance at all today.

You are believing what the left says.
Have you heard any Republicans that has used the race bait like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton have done?
Does the name Jesse Helms ring a bell?

Did he get riots in the streets like Jessie and Al?
Blowfish is making some strides in learning, and I will gladly help correct his errors.

First, the membership were, regardless of party affiliation right wing conservative reactionaries, wanting to put the blacks and others they did not like back under white control. The second Klan era of the 1920s added Catholics, Jews, and foreigners to the list. Today the Klan is completely ineffective.

Two, removing the flag and taking down its flag pole remembers and honors history. Putting the flag in the museum with an exhibit of several million dollars remembers and honors history. These actions clearly show the Confederacy now has lost the peace along with the war.

Jake they were Democrats. Deal with it. The KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest and others.

Don't do this pixie dust shit that well over there when Democrats were bad they were conservative and when Republicans were good they were all liberal.

That's fucking bullshit. It's a fairy tale.


A Democrat thru and thru. And proud of his D heritage.
"Were" being the operative word. Now, racists are much more at home in the Republican party. I really wonder if you guys are really so fucking stupid as to believe that the fact that 150 years ago democrats were racist has any relevance at all today.

You are believing what the left says.
Have you heard any Republicans that has used the race bait like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton have done?
Does the name Jesse Helms ring a bell?

Did he get riots in the streets like Jessie and Al?
There were no riots because of anything Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton did. More importantly, what does the fact that democrats had racists in the party 150 years ago have to do with anything? To ignorant fucks like you anyone who opposes racism is painted as themselves racist or race baiters.
Career politicians do not necessarily represent their constituents. You would have a point if the decision were made by referendum. On the other hand Haley has no Southern roots and cannot identify with Southern people's heritage. Her ancestors are from India (don't even think about starting some shit, I have no problem with her ancestry)

Then why did you bring it up?

Haley gets no kudos from me because it took Roof killing nine people to actually get her to address this issue.
No. It took the progressive PC movement to turn the killing into a crazy effort to eliminate American history.

Why stop at the Confederate flag? There are many other American symbols that should also be eliminated using the 'logic' of the progressive PC movement.

You people get so tiring so go ahead and whine. Cry, gnash your teeth, bury your head in your pillow, drink yourself unconscious, go out and buy con-federate flags with whatever little savings you have. THE WAR WAS OVER 150 YEARS AGO and the flag is a symbol of slavery.

Its in a museum where future generations can rightfully look at it and say "thankfully they lost and that way of life died with them".
Exactly!!! But you revitalizing it for the purpose of heating up racial tensions already warmed up by the Administration.

Racial tensions are what they are, nobody has to revitalize anything. Just because your surrogate daddy Faux News says there is no racism anymore doesn't make it so.

Conservative poster child Dylann Roof proved that.

Dylann Roof proved nothing.. he's a psycho... they have and will remain around forever. Blaming the actions of a psychopath on a political ideology is beyond retarded.
Jake they were Democrats. Deal with it. The KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest and others.

Don't do this pixie dust shit that well over there when Democrats were bad they were conservative and when Republicans were good they were all liberal.

That's fucking bullshit. It's a fairy tale.


A Democrat thru and thru. And proud of his D heritage.
"Were" being the operative word. Now, racists are much more at home in the Republican party. I really wonder if you guys are really so fucking stupid as to believe that the fact that 150 years ago democrats were racist has any relevance at all today.

You are believing what the left says.
Have you heard any Republicans that has used the race bait like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton have done?
Does the name Jesse Helms ring a bell?

Did he get riots in the streets like Jessie and Al?
There were no riots because of anything Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton did. More importantly, what does the fact that democrats had racists in the party 150 years ago have to do with anything? To ignorant fucks like you anyone who opposes racism is painted as themselves racist or race baiters.

Yes riots were lead by both of them and their hateful words are the cause of it.
They are still causing it today with the racism of Cops, that has never been proved yet by those individual cops.
Go ahead and keep lying to yourself about it.
"Were" being the operative word. Now, racists are much more at home in the Republican party. I really wonder if you guys are really so fucking stupid as to believe that the fact that 150 years ago democrats were racist has any relevance at all today.

You are believing what the left says.
Have you heard any Republicans that has used the race bait like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton have done?
Does the name Jesse Helms ring a bell?

Did he get riots in the streets like Jessie and Al?
There were no riots because of anything Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton did. More importantly, what does the fact that democrats had racists in the party 150 years ago have to do with anything? To ignorant fucks like you anyone who opposes racism is painted as themselves racist or race baiters.

Yes riots were lead by both of them and their hateful words are the cause of it.
They are still causing it today with the racism of Cops, that has never been proved yet by those individual cops.
Go ahead and keep lying to yourself about it.
There were no riots they led or caused. Not a single fucking one. I would suggest that you are lying, but I suspect you really are just too fucking stupid to know better.
Ha, the camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, sister-fucking, racist rednecks are pretty entertaining. I'll give em that. This Confederate Flag thing sure has gotten em all worked up. Probably won't feel better till they hit the Walmart and get themselves some more Camo & Ammo. Shit's like crack to the loons.

What a buncha racist dumbasses. The Republican Party needs to start distancing itself from the redneck loons. They're only embarrassing their Party at this point. They're actually embarrassing the entire country too.
You are believing what the left says.
Have you heard any Republicans that has used the race bait like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton have done?
Does the name Jesse Helms ring a bell?

Did he get riots in the streets like Jessie and Al?
There were no riots because of anything Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton did. More importantly, what does the fact that democrats had racists in the party 150 years ago have to do with anything? To ignorant fucks like you anyone who opposes racism is painted as themselves racist or race baiters.

Yes riots were lead by both of them and their hateful words are the cause of it.
They are still causing it today with the racism of Cops, that has never been proved yet by those individual cops.
Go ahead and keep lying to yourself about it.
There were no riots they led or caused. Not a single fucking one. I would suggest that you are lying, but I suspect you really are just too fucking stupid to know better.

And you call me stupid?
Red your history.
Al Sharpton - Al Sharpton Led His First Anti-Semitic Race-Riot In Crown Heights Twenty-Three Years Ago Today Truth Revolt
Jessie Jackson - June 6, 1963 Arrested in Greensboro for "inciting to riot and disturbing the peace and dignity of the state."
Does the name Jesse Helms ring a bell?

Did he get riots in the streets like Jessie and Al?
There were no riots because of anything Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton did. More importantly, what does the fact that democrats had racists in the party 150 years ago have to do with anything? To ignorant fucks like you anyone who opposes racism is painted as themselves racist or race baiters.

Yes riots were lead by both of them and their hateful words are the cause of it.
They are still causing it today with the racism of Cops, that has never been proved yet by those individual cops.
Go ahead and keep lying to yourself about it.
There were no riots they led or caused. Not a single fucking one. I would suggest that you are lying, but I suspect you really are just too fucking stupid to know better.

And you call me stupid?
Red your history.
Al Sharpton - Al Sharpton Led His First Anti-Semitic Race-Riot In Crown Heights Twenty-Three Years Ago Today Truth Revolt
Jessie Jackson - June 6, 1963 Arrested in Greensboro for "inciting to riot and disturbing the peace and dignity of the state."
Truth revolt? What, you could not find something on Stormfront? MLK Jr. was also arrested by racist sheriff's for "riot". That you would reference an arrest in 1963 as proof of Jackson's leading a riot is evidence of how remarkably uninformed you are.
Ha, the camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, sister-fucking, racist rednecks are pretty entertaining. I'll give em that. This Confederate Flag thing sure has gotten em all worked up. Probably won't feel better till they hit the Walmart and get themselves some more Camo & Ammo. Shit's like crack to the loons.

What a buncha racist dumbasses. The Republican Party needs to start distancing itself from the redneck loons. They're only embarrassing their Party at this point. They're actually embarrassing the entire country too.

What is embarrassing is those of you who do not know the true history behind that Flag and think it's all about race.
It's embarrassing that the left want that history wiped out and think that it is about racism
Does the name Jesse Helms ring a bell?

Did he get riots in the streets like Jessie and Al?
There were no riots because of anything Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton did. More importantly, what does the fact that democrats had racists in the party 150 years ago have to do with anything? To ignorant fucks like you anyone who opposes racism is painted as themselves racist or race baiters.

Yes riots were lead by both of them and their hateful words are the cause of it.
They are still causing it today with the racism of Cops, that has never been proved yet by those individual cops.
Go ahead and keep lying to yourself about it.
There were no riots they led or caused. Not a single fucking one. I would suggest that you are lying, but I suspect you really are just too fucking stupid to know better.

And you call me stupid?
Red your history.
Al Sharpton - Al Sharpton Led His First Anti-Semitic Race-Riot In Crown Heights Twenty-Three Years Ago Today Truth Revolt
Jessie Jackson - June 6, 1963 Arrested in Greensboro for "inciting to riot and disturbing the peace and dignity of the state."

"A few days later, 1,643 white residents of Greensboro allowed their names to be published by theGreensboro Daily News in a full-page and partial-page ad in support of the integration of Greensboro’s businesses.9 However, no progress seemed forthcoming, and the demonstrators began marching again on June 2, largely led by then-A&T student Jesse Jackson. On June 4, 540 students and adults joined him in a silent march at which he declared, ‘we are concerned with actions, not words. We won’t stop until we get what we want.’10 The next evening, Jackson led close to seven hundred blacks to City Hall and was charged with “inciting a riot.” In response to Jackson’s public arrest at Church of the Redeemer the following night, hundreds of demonstrators sang, danced, and chanted while they marched to Jefferson Square, the main business area in downtown, and sat in the streets. City police tried to remove them for blocking traffic, but the protestors demanded to be arrested and several hundred were taken into custody."

Arrested for refusing to accept segregation by protesting, peacefully. What a moron you are turning out to be.

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