SC con-federate flag gone

Gawd you're an ignorant and stupid son of a bitch
nis that you under the hood with that non-racist flag? Taking the kids for a stroll?

I've never been a democrat, ignorant and stupid SOB. C'mon boy, step it up....and learn your history
. History:
1. the branch of knowledge dealing with past events. Currently, the racists are Republicans.

Sit down, ignorant and stupid. I'm not likely to ever take you serious. You're a freaking left loon
Why would I want an ignorant racist prick like you to take me serious?

You keep bothering me with your nonsense, why don't you just shut up? Go read a history book.
Sure. If the Dems had control of the Senate and the House in SC, it would have come down twenty years ago. So, yes, it took the GOP twenty years to do the right thing.
Ernest Hollings Democrat Gov installed it in the 1960's. Democrat legislature supported him. You are very very very very incorrect
republican kids camp photo

KKK was a democrat organization, ignorant and stupid SOB
Was. Now it is not. All you inbred racists moved to the other party.

You're another jackass trying to use that...debunked a million times, ignorant and stupid SOB
Debunked by who? Your KKK?

You failed history, eh? Poor ignorant and stupid
No. Mostly A's. Here is history for you. This history is a little more recent.

Since it rose in the 1980s from the ashes of the old and unabashedly racist White Citizens’ Councils, the Council of Conservative Citizens has drifted in and out of notoriety. But it is clearly back in: Last weekend, three Republican presidential candidates — Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky — announced that they were returning or giving away donations from the council’s president, Earl Holt III.
KKK was a democrat organization, ignorant and stupid SOB
Was. Now it is not. All you inbred racists moved to the other party.

You're another jackass trying to use that...debunked a million times, ignorant and stupid SOB
Debunked by who? Your KKK?

You failed history, eh? Poor ignorant and stupid
No. Mostly A's. Here is history for you. This history is a little more recent.

Since it rose in the 1980s from the ashes of the old and unabashedly racist White Citizens’ Councils, the Council of Conservative Citizens has drifted in and out of notoriety. But it is clearly back in: Last weekend, three Republican presidential candidates — Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky — announced that they were returning or giving away donations from the council’s president, Earl Holt III.

So? If you're under some delusion only white republicans can be racist you need help. By the way, the KKK was a democrat organization :)
Sure. If the Dems had control of the Senate and the House in SC, it would have come down twenty years ago. So, yes, it took the GOP twenty years to do the right thing.
Ernest Hollings Democrat Gov installed it in the 1960's. Democrat legislature supported him. You are very very very very incorrect
55 years ago..
he said dims would do x. We have evidence they would do not x. Date is immaterial. They installed it.
"KKK was [not] a democrat organization", but it was a private organization of conservative democrats and now conservative Republicans. :)
he said dims would do x. We have evidence they would do not x. Date is immaterial. They installed it.
And did not take it down. The GOP twenty years to take it down.

Thank heavens for Governor Haley and Jenny Horne and the good republicans and the minority democrats who "drove old Dixie down, and all the people were cheering."
Will removal of the rebel flag eliminate black on black murders in our cities? will it fix the out of wedlock birth rate in the black community? will it cause Sharpton to be less of a lying racist?

what exactly is this going to solve?
And what problems will it solve if it is left to fly over the capitol grounds? How is flying a symbol of racism fixing anything?

that flag is no more a symbol or racism than the american flag. Grow the fuck up.
It was put up in 1961 to support racist segregation. It is the flag of racists.

bullshit, you are an ignorant POS
"KKK was [not] a democrat organization", but it was a private organization of conservative democrats and now conservative Republicans. :)

Wrong, it was an organization of racist democrats and racist republicans. It existed in every state in the country. It had nothing to do with conservative or liberal as they are known today..

your branding attempt FAILS
he said dims would do x. We have evidence they would do not x. Date is immaterial. They installed it.
And did not take it down. The GOP twenty years to take it down.

Thank heavens for Governor Haley and Jenny Horne and the good republicans and the minority democrats who "drove old Dixie down, and all the people were cheering."

Destroying parts of history that you don't like is destroying the history that we can learn from. Revisionist history will destroy a nation. We need to teach and understand both the good and bad in our history and to judge them by the times during which they occured, not by today's standards.
Blowfish is making some strides in learning, and I will gladly help correct his errors.

First, the membership were, regardless of party affiliation right wing conservative reactionaries, wanting to put the blacks and others they did not like back under white control. The second Klan era of the 1920s added Catholics, Jews, and foreigners to the list. Today the Klan is completely ineffective.

Two, removing the flag and taking down its flag pole remembers and honors history. Putting the flag in the museum with an exhibit of several million dollars remembers and honors history. These actions clearly show the Confederacy now has lost the peace along with the war.
Blowfish is making some strides in learning, and I will gladly help correct his errors.

First, the membership were, regardless of party affiliation right wing conservative reactionaries, wanting to put the blacks and others they did not like back under white control. The second Klan era of the 1920s added Catholics, Jews, and foreigners to the list. Today the Klan is completely ineffective.

Two, removing the flag and taking down its flag pole remembers and honors history. Putting the flag in the museum with an exhibit of several million dollars remembers and honors history. These actions clearly show the Confederacy now has lost the peace along with the war.

It is not the Confederacy that has lost the peace. There is no confederacy, and has not been any for well over a hundred years.

The SOuth has lost the peace. They have been demonized, slandered and humiliated.

This will not heal the nation. This will further divide the nation.
A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.

I never thought I would see the day.

This changes my life not one bit....
Enjoy your celebration....

There is still an open border in this country....
There is still a problem with illegals killing our people....
We are approaching $20 trillion in debt....
We still don't have a lot of people working...they have given up.
The GDP for the country is pathetic.Minimal growth...

Enjoy your flag banning and stay on top of what the Kardashians are doing every day.
But there are other things that are a bit more important.
I do think the flag thing is rather silly. I still find it hard to believe that it is about celebrating slavery. I think it's more about celebrating southern heritage, southern pride, that kind of thing. I can't say for sure because I'm not a southerner, but from what friends who have or do live in the south, that is what they tell me.

OTOH, I can understand why black people would find it offensive. To them, it represents a very dark period in their history, so this one is kind of a tough call. I have read articles, however, about some (probably very few) black people who also want the flag to remain as a reminder of slavery and a reminder of history because they think it is important that we remember this period of time, and in a way, they also see it as a way of remembering their ancestors and their fight for freedom.
How is it silly? Forget dealing with the actual issues. The Millennials have solved racism!!!! Horay!!!

Oh, good geebus, shut the hell up already. You are like an old boring broken record with your millennials bullshit. Go screw yourself.
Shut up? You Millennials have solved racism. You should be happy..
I do think the flag thing is rather silly. I still find it hard to believe that it is about celebrating slavery. I think it's more about celebrating southern heritage, southern pride, that kind of thing. I can't say for sure because I'm not a southerner, but from what friends who have or do live in the south, that is what they tell me.

OTOH, I can understand why black people would find it offensive. To them, it represents a very dark period in their history, so this one is kind of a tough call. I have read articles, however, about some (probably very few) black people who also want the flag to remain as a reminder of slavery and a reminder of history because they think it is important that we remember this period of time, and in a way, they also see it as a way of remembering their ancestors and their fight for freedom.
How is it silly? Forget dealing with the actual issues. The Millennials have solved racism!!!! Horay!!!

Oh, good geebus, shut the hell up already. You are like an old boring broken record with your millennials bullshit. Go screw yourself.
Shut up? You Millennials have solved racism. You should be happy..

Too bad we can't solve idiocy and ignorance.

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