SC Just Stuck It To The Labor Unions

From your link...

though Apple CEO Tim Cook has warned investors not to rely on such cost estimates. “I’ve never seen one that is anywhere close to being accurate

Seems you were a bit mistaken. :21::21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:
I agree with the lack of accuracy.
One never knows until one tries.
If it doesn’t work, adjust your approach.
The issue is that I know hundreds of people who became multi-millionaires before Reagan.
They were almost all post-Holocaust Jews.
Savvy people will always make money.

It is not as if we have never tried to make things here, we did, we do and we always will. But we have also found less expensive ways of getting the things that we want, and that has worked out pretty well for most of the country. When things change there are always those that much adapt or be left behind.

To many people are trying too hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube.

Lots of people are still making lots of money, and none of is is because of the government.

During the Obama years my family more than tripled and our net worth went up some 7 fold...and none of it was because of who was sitting in the White House. One does not even need to be savvy to make money, hard work will take you a long, long way.
Everyone made money under Obama because there was nowhere to go except up.
Do those companies provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and generous benefits? Perhaps, in those cases, organized labor is not necessary.

What about the companies that do not provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and benefit packages? Do the workers there have a right to organize?

No jobs?
Why take it or leave it? The company needs labor. Labor is not a commodity like raw materials or spare parts. Labor is families, customers and tax payers.

We seen what happens in the blue states , they run off jobs.. this illionois guy faught all the way to the supreme court and they ruled in his favor you can't force people to join unions ..

That is not what the ruling was, the ruling was you cannot make non-union people pay a small base fee to cover collective bargaining efforts.

$$ add up


People are sick of that , unions are finnaly dead.

One can only hope, but then again it has been dying a slow death since the 50s.


From your link...

though Apple CEO Tim Cook has warned investors not to rely on such cost estimates. “I’ve never seen one that is anywhere close to being accurate

Seems you were a bit mistaken. :21::21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:
I agree with the lack of accuracy.
One never knows until one tries.
If it doesn’t work, adjust your approach.
The issue is that I know hundreds of people who became multi-millionaires before Reagan.
They were almost all post-Holocaust Jews.
Savvy people will always make money.

It is not as if we have never tried to make things here, we did, we do and we always will. But we have also found less expensive ways of getting the things that we want, and that has worked out pretty well for most of the country. When things change there are always those that much adapt or be left behind.

To many people are trying too hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube.

Lots of people are still making lots of money, and none of is is because of the government.

During the Obama years my family more than tripled and our net worth went up some 7 fold...and none of it was because of who was sitting in the White House. One does not even need to be savvy to make money, hard work will take you a long, long way.
Everyone made money under Obama because there was nowhere to go except up.

Everyone does not make money ever and again, making money has nothing to do with who is sitting in the White House.

I am not sure why you think there is such a strong connection between the two things.
Why take it or leave it? The company needs labor. Labor is not a commodity like raw materials or spare parts. Labor is families, customers and tax payers.

We seen what happens in the blue states , they run off jobs.. this illionois guy faught all the way to the supreme court and they ruled in his favor you can't force people to join unions ..

That is not what the ruling was, the ruling was you cannot make non-union people pay a small base fee to cover collective bargaining efforts.

$$ add up


People are sick of that , unions are finnaly dead.

One can only hope, but then again it has been dying a slow death since the 50s.


And politically they are done, so you need the illegals..
Why take it or leave it? The company needs labor. Labor is not a commodity like raw materials or spare parts. Labor is families, customers and tax payers.

We seen what happens in the blue states , they run off jobs.. this illionois guy faught all the way to the supreme court and they ruled in his favor you can't force people to join unions ..

That is not what the ruling was, the ruling was you cannot make non-union people pay a small base fee to cover collective bargaining efforts.

$$ add up


People are sick of that , unions are finnaly dead.

One can only hope, but then again it has been dying a slow death since the 50s.


And politically they are done, so you need the illegals..

Why do I need illegals, especially since you claimed they were going to kill me.

My job requires a Masters at a minimum, so not many illegals in my profession.

I do my own lawn care but I did have a team to my roof a year ago and none of them spoke a lick of English...maybe they were illegals.
We seen what happens in the blue states , they run off jobs.. this illionois guy faught all the way to the supreme court and they ruled in his favor you can't force people to join unions ..

That is not what the ruling was, the ruling was you cannot make non-union people pay a small base fee to cover collective bargaining efforts.

$$ add up


People are sick of that , unions are finnaly dead.

One can only hope, but then again it has been dying a slow death since the 50s.


And politically they are done, so you need the illegals..

Why do I need illegals, especially since you claimed they were going to kill me.

My job requires a Masters at a minimum, so not many illegals in my profession.

I do my own lawn care but I did have a team to my roof a year ago and none of them spoke a lick of English...maybe they were illegals.

Breaking on FOX news right now. The US Supreme Court just ruled that non-union members can't be extorted by the unions. That's really going to hurt the Democrat's piggy bank.

Another day of WINNING!

The rigged supreme court made a decision to protect free loaders so they can keep being free loaders?

No surprise there.
I'm not sure if you can see this or not, but that argument is really weak.

Unions helped bring about a 40 hour work week decades ago. By your logic, everyone in America should pay the unions for that. The same for anything that helps other people.

We all should be paying dues to the phone switching company, the auto manufacturer; hell, the inventor of velcro or a thousand other things that help everyone.

Sorry, but it is un-American to require people to pay protection money. That's why it is against the law.
The 40 hour week is federal law. The wages and benefits in a union shop that are greater than those protected by federal law are in place due to union/company negotiations. So, at least in my situation, the unions negotiated the wage rate, the benefits package and the workplace conditions. You need to consider that.
I have. The bottom line is we do not charge people who benefit from the actions that were not taken in their behalf. You may say that the unions are working in their behalf, but the truth is, the unions are working for their own purposes.

To Me, the dues being forced on nonmembers was nothing more than figuratively sending hired muscle into the neighborhood businesses and demanding extortion money so they wouldn't break the store owners legs.

I did, however; think that the SCOTUS would rule in favor of the Unions. Looks like I didn't call that one right.
Just because you have a cynical idea of what organized labor is and does on behalf of the workers, it does not bear truth.

You make unions sound as if they are the mafia extorting and robbing innocent companies.
In some cases that's exactly what they are, in others not, depends on the particular union you're talking about.

If you want the lowest possible pay rates, the poorest workplace conditions and no benefits to the workers, fine. It's been tried before. But to what end?
Yeah it's been tried before and it works just fine, ask all the non-union workers at Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, etc..,etc..., if you need more details.
Do those companies provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and generous benefits? Perhaps, in those cases, organized labor is not necessary.

What about the companies that do not provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and benefit packages? Do the workers there have a right to organize?

Apple's factory is a child-labor factory in China, dumbshit. Their employees jump out of windows routinely. You figure it out.
Breaking on FOX news right now. The US Supreme Court just ruled that non-union members can't be extorted by the unions. That's really going to hurt the Democrat's piggy bank.

Another day of WINNING!

Another bad day for workers. Soon expect slave labor, no healthcare, everything for the business and corps.

If Trump is so patriotic why does he not have factories , he and Ivanka in the US, because he is not.

"Soon expect slave labor, no healthcare, everything for the business and corps."

No that is not what Right-Wingers want, that is what The International Globalists want, that is the reason they fanatically are pushing the Open Borders thing to flood Western nations with Third Worlders, they essentially being low skilled or no skilled are designed to be used as slave labour so the Big Corporations can pay the lowest of wages and make more profit. I am against Big Corporations, including the Big Banks, I would support action being taken against them, they have much too great power they should have their legs chopped so they become dwarfs, this way medium size businesses and small businesses could once again prosper like they used to do in the 1940s-1960s.
I hope you see the irony in what you just said there. As an institution becomes larger and larger, it affects more and more people and things around and within it. It's reach and it's impact grows. Simultaneously, it will operate in ways that justify it's continued growth first and foremost with collateral damage/impact on the things and people around and within it. It's possible that it makes decisions that also help those around/within it as well, but it seems more to be the former.

This can be said of big corporations but also government. As corporations have grown, so has government. They have a symbiotic relationship at this point where one rubs the others back. It's why there's so much money in politics from big businesses: they know big government props them up in part by keeping competition suppressed.

I might be putting words in your mouth, but "taking against against" sounds like government intervention. As already stated, big government has no interest in hurting big business, and even if big government did, then hurting big business is counter productive. If you want to check big business, you need to make it as easy as possible for competitors to arise and challenge them in the marketplace.

Lastly, a government big enough to destroy big business is just another big, unaccountable entity that can destroy anything it wants. Who here wants Trump presiding over a government that can and will destroy anything it wants?
The 40 hour week is federal law. The wages and benefits in a union shop that are greater than those protected by federal law are in place due to union/company negotiations. So, at least in my situation, the unions negotiated the wage rate, the benefits package and the workplace conditions. You need to consider that.
I have. The bottom line is we do not charge people who benefit from the actions that were not taken in their behalf. You may say that the unions are working in their behalf, but the truth is, the unions are working for their own purposes.

To Me, the dues being forced on nonmembers was nothing more than figuratively sending hired muscle into the neighborhood businesses and demanding extortion money so they wouldn't break the store owners legs.

I did, however; think that the SCOTUS would rule in favor of the Unions. Looks like I didn't call that one right.
Just because you have a cynical idea of what organized labor is and does on behalf of the workers, it does not bear truth.

You make unions sound as if they are the mafia extorting and robbing innocent companies.
In some cases that's exactly what they are, in others not, depends on the particular union you're talking about.

If you want the lowest possible pay rates, the poorest workplace conditions and no benefits to the workers, fine. It's been tried before. But to what end?
Yeah it's been tried before and it works just fine, ask all the non-union workers at Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, etc..,etc..., if you need more details.
Do those companies provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and generous benefits? Perhaps, in those cases, organized labor is not necessary.

What about the companies that do not provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and benefit packages? Do the workers there have a right to organize?

Apple's factory is a child-labor factory in China, dumbshit. Their employees jump out of windows routinely. You figure it out.
Are labor unions legal in China? Authoritarians do not recoguthe rights of labor, here or in Beijing.
If we’re ever going to roll back 70 years of expansion of the size roll and scope of the federal government and return it’s constitutionally prescribed roll...we need someone with the power to do it.
Do those companies provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and generous benefits? Perhaps, in those cases, organized labor is not necessary.

What about the companies that do not provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and benefit packages? Do the workers there have a right to organize?

No jobs?
Why take it or leave it? The company needs labor. Labor is not a commodity like raw materials or spare parts. Labor is families, customers and tax payers.

We seen what happens in the blue states , they run off jobs.. this illionois guy faught all the way to the supreme court and they ruled in his favor you can't force people to join unions ..

That is not what the ruling was, the ruling was you cannot make non-union people pay a small base fee to cover collective bargaining efforts.

$$ add up


People are sick of that , unions are finnaly dead.

This isn't the 30s anymore. There should be 0 government worker's unions. Besides, all Unions do these days is take workers' dues then throw them under the bus.
I have. The bottom line is we do not charge people who benefit from the actions that were not taken in their behalf. You may say that the unions are working in their behalf, but the truth is, the unions are working for their own purposes.

To Me, the dues being forced on nonmembers was nothing more than figuratively sending hired muscle into the neighborhood businesses and demanding extortion money so they wouldn't break the store owners legs.

I did, however; think that the SCOTUS would rule in favor of the Unions. Looks like I didn't call that one right.
Just because you have a cynical idea of what organized labor is and does on behalf of the workers, it does not bear truth.

You make unions sound as if they are the mafia extorting and robbing innocent companies.
In some cases that's exactly what they are, in others not, depends on the particular union you're talking about.

If you want the lowest possible pay rates, the poorest workplace conditions and no benefits to the workers, fine. It's been tried before. But to what end?
Yeah it's been tried before and it works just fine, ask all the non-union workers at Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, etc..,etc..., if you need more details.
Do those companies provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and generous benefits? Perhaps, in those cases, organized labor is not necessary.

What about the companies that do not provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and benefit packages? Do the workers there have a right to organize?

Apple's factory is a child-labor factory in China, dumbshit. Their employees jump out of windows routinely. You figure it out.
Are labor unions legal in China? Authoritarians do not recoguthe rights of labor, here or in Beijing.
Yes they are...government sponsored ones. Federal government unions need to be taught they don’t run this country.
I have. The bottom line is we do not charge people who benefit from the actions that were not taken in their behalf. You may say that the unions are working in their behalf, but the truth is, the unions are working for their own purposes.

To Me, the dues being forced on nonmembers was nothing more than figuratively sending hired muscle into the neighborhood businesses and demanding extortion money so they wouldn't break the store owners legs.

I did, however; think that the SCOTUS would rule in favor of the Unions. Looks like I didn't call that one right.
Just because you have a cynical idea of what organized labor is and does on behalf of the workers, it does not bear truth.

You make unions sound as if they are the mafia extorting and robbing innocent companies.
In some cases that's exactly what they are, in others not, depends on the particular union you're talking about.

If you want the lowest possible pay rates, the poorest workplace conditions and no benefits to the workers, fine. It's been tried before. But to what end?
Yeah it's been tried before and it works just fine, ask all the non-union workers at Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, etc..,etc..., if you need more details.
Do those companies provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and generous benefits? Perhaps, in those cases, organized labor is not necessary.

What about the companies that do not provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and benefit packages? Do the workers there have a right to organize?

Apple's factory is a child-labor factory in China, dumbshit. Their employees jump out of windows routinely. You figure it out.
Are labor unions legal in China? Authoritarians do not recoguthe rights of labor, here or in Beijing.

No, but in the US, taxpayers already pay for government bureaus such as OSHA and the NLRB. Paying even more money out of pocket is redundant.
Why take it or leave it? The company needs labor. Labor is not a commodity like raw materials or spare parts. Labor is families, customers and tax payers.

We seen what happens in the blue states , they run off jobs.. this illionois guy faught all the way to the supreme court and they ruled in his favor you can't force people to join unions ..

That is not what the ruling was, the ruling was you cannot make non-union people pay a small base fee to cover collective bargaining efforts.

$$ add up


People are sick of that , unions are finnaly dead.

This isn't the 30s anymore. There should be 0 government worker's unions. Besides, all Unions do these days is take workers' dues then throw them under the bus.

Now this is without a doubt the best post of the day.

Why would government worker need a union? Is the government mistreating them? :21::21::21:
Just because you have a cynical idea of what organized labor is and does on behalf of the workers, it does not bear truth.

You make unions sound as if they are the mafia extorting and robbing innocent companies.
In some cases that's exactly what they are, in others not, depends on the particular union you're talking about.

If you want the lowest possible pay rates, the poorest workplace conditions and no benefits to the workers, fine. It's been tried before. But to what end?
Yeah it's been tried before and it works just fine, ask all the non-union workers at Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, etc..,etc..., if you need more details.
Do those companies provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and generous benefits? Perhaps, in those cases, organized labor is not necessary.

What about the companies that do not provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and benefit packages? Do the workers there have a right to organize?

Apple's factory is a child-labor factory in China, dumbshit. Their employees jump out of windows routinely. You figure it out.
Are labor unions legal in China? Authoritarians do not recoguthe rights of labor, here or in Beijing.
Yes they are...government sponsored ones. Federal government unions need to be taught they don’t run this country.
Do federal employee unions 'run' the country? Hard to believe with Republican control of the congress and White House.
Why take it or leave it? The company needs labor. Labor is not a commodity like raw materials or spare parts. Labor is families, customers and tax payers.

We seen what happens in the blue states , they run off jobs.. this illionois guy faught all the way to the supreme court and they ruled in his favor you can't force people to join unions ..

That is not what the ruling was, the ruling was you cannot make non-union people pay a small base fee to cover collective bargaining efforts.

$$ add up


People are sick of that , unions are finnaly dead.

This isn't the 30s anymore. There should be 0 government worker's unions. Besides, all Unions do these days is take workers' dues then throw them under the bus.
The higher ups make big salaries. I remember as a small boy I went to my dads industrial unions state convention in Illinois. All the officers were from Chicago, all had Italian names with nicknames like “Big Vinny” or “Joey Cheeks.”
Republicans are stupid for being anti-union. If you believe in freedom of association then you should believe in unions. That is, if you're not a hypocrite. Hating how big unions can sometimes be corrupt as hell and conduct their business through thuggish tactics isn't unique to unions. Hate on corruption and thuggish tactics, not people associating together to try to get paid what they feel they deserve to make.

That said, no one should be forced into a union, which speaks to the thuggish tactics mentioned above. Forcing someone into a union (a public sector union no less) is a violation of their individual rights to associate or not associate with whoever they want. The fact that there were 4 supreme court justices believe you should be extorted of your money just because a group claims to be looking out for your interests is frightening.
I was in a Union for 7 years, and they didn't do anything other than grease me before the company screwed me.
Which is exactly why you shouldn't be forced into being in a union.

But to claim unions are universally bad is just wrong. We largely owe things like the 40 hour work week and safe working conditions to unions that came together during the industrial revolution. You could make the argument that unions are a bit outdated in the necessity, but as long as they're negotiating in good faith and reason on behalf of the people that comprise the union, there's nothing to hate. Disagree, sure.
Our union reps stopped working and just chased women, drank coffee, and missed every shop meeting we had.
Just because you have a cynical idea of what organized labor is and does on behalf of the workers, it does not bear truth.

You make unions sound as if they are the mafia extorting and robbing innocent companies.
In some cases that's exactly what they are, in others not, depends on the particular union you're talking about.

If you want the lowest possible pay rates, the poorest workplace conditions and no benefits to the workers, fine. It's been tried before. But to what end?
Yeah it's been tried before and it works just fine, ask all the non-union workers at Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, etc..,etc..., if you need more details.
Do those companies provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and generous benefits? Perhaps, in those cases, organized labor is not necessary.

What about the companies that do not provide fair wage rates, safe and clean workplace conditions and benefit packages? Do the workers there have a right to organize?

Apple's factory is a child-labor factory in China, dumbshit. Their employees jump out of windows routinely. You figure it out.
Are labor unions legal in China? Authoritarians do not recoguthe rights of labor, here or in Beijing.

No, but in the US, taxpayers already pay for government bureaus such OSHA and the NLRB. Paying even more money out of pocket is redundant.
Tell me more about OSHA. Are they fully funded? How are OSHA regulations doing under Wilbur Ross?

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