SC Just Stuck It To The Labor Unions

That’s so very Right Wing of you!
Is it? Pretty sure Trump killed that part of the party.
So you’re admitting Liberals love Chinese slave labor.
I like anybody that will give me a better deal for the thing that I want.
Only people that really benefit from unions are establishment career politician and union bosses.
It should be up to the individual if they want to join the union or not... if unions are worth a shit
Kinda odd how everything the left says is there to help you they have to force you to join.
The fuckers threaten peoples family’s if they don’t join cluster fuck unions...
Breaking on FOX news right now. The US Supreme Court just ruled that non-union members can't be extorted by the unions. That's really going to hurt the Democrat's piggy bank.

Another day of WINNING!
-------------------------------------------------------- yep , another day of winning !!
It seems like the right decision. Why should non-Union members be forced to pay. But again, 5-4? What are these Liberal judges doing???
For years, I was a non union member at the state, which had a union for its employees. I eventually joined for some benefit or other that required union membership--I can't remember which. ANYWAY, for a few of those years I WASN'T a union member, they were taking a small percentage of what my union dues would have been. Is this what the decision is about? If so, is it retroactive? Maybe I should start looking for a check in the mail?
No doubt!!!
Fuck that collectivism shit
I just removed eight pages of conversation that had absolutely nothing to do with this court case. Please stick to the topic of this thread. It is not about the cost of an iPhone nor the cause of the 2008 economic crash. Thanks
Forcing people to pay for something they don’t want to.... Democrats. They can’t sell Unions so they need the Bench to take from non union workers. If Unions were so great, they would not need to be taking from non members. It’s that simple.
there are a lot of folks out there who say: "it doesn't impact me, i'm not a union guy"...let me tell ya how it impacts you: wages are goin down for everybody. when you destroy unions there will be no standard at all,, nobody left to negotiate decent jobs for the middle class
there are a lot of folks out there who say: "it doesn't impact me, i'm not a union guy"...let me tell ya how it impacts you: wages are goin down for everybody. when you destroy unions there will be no standard at all,, nobody left to negotiate decent jobs for the middle class

Unions suck.

We should outlaw all public sector unions, today.

Die unions die!!!
there are a lot of folks out there who say: "it doesn't impact me, i'm not a union guy"...let me tell ya how it impacts you: wages are goin down for everybody. when you destroy unions there will be no standard at all,, nobody left to negotiate decent jobs for the middle class

Then make that pitch to people to join the Union. Otherwise, you are asking for License to take from all because it’s easier OR people are not buying the Union because the Union is not solving a problem and providing a benefit. For some, yes. At the mass levels during Hoffa? No.

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