SC Just Stuck It To The Labor Unions

Which means the factory is not Apples.
Which means Apple does not give a shit about how these people are treated.

Without a doubt. Why would they? Apple has one purpose on this earth, that is to make a profit, the only purpose any business has.
I would pay more for any product to avoid empowering a Totalitarian nation.

Well it's nice to know that Apple has at least one customer for that $15,000 iPhone SE manufactured here in the United States.

…Personally I'll stick with the current arrangement since I don't really care if they manufacture the iPhone in Hell using the blood of the Martyrs as long as the value proposition is an attractive one, I'll keep buying them.
It won’t cost that much.
It won't cost that much more AND give Americans jobs. And then, everybody has more money to go around. :)

When you have a warplane PCB that's made in China, that's just a bad idea.
Which means the factory is not Apples.
Which means Apple does not give a shit about how these people are treated.

Without a doubt. Why would they? Apple has one purpose on this earth, that is to make a profit, the only purpose any business has.
I would pay more for any product to avoid empowering a Totalitarian nation.

Well it's nice to know that Apple has at least one customer for that $15,000 iPhone SE manufactured here in the United States.

…Personally I'll stick with the current arrangement since I don't really care if they manufacture the iPhone in Hell using the blood of the Martyrs as long as the value proposition is an attractive one, I'll keep buying them.
It won’t cost that much.

It'll cost a hell of a lot more than it does now and thus only idiots will choose to buy it over the one that's manufactured overseas, not to mention what kind of a business manager would waste resources and drive his/her own costs up just to make some sort of an esoteric point? Even the Soviets weren't that stupid.

Comparative advantage, learn it, love it, live it.
Which means Apple does not give a shit about how these people are treated.

Without a doubt. Why would they? Apple has one purpose on this earth, that is to make a profit, the only purpose any business has.
I would pay more for any product to avoid empowering a Totalitarian nation.

Well it's nice to know that Apple has at least one customer for that $15,000 iPhone SE manufactured here in the United States.

…Personally I'll stick with the current arrangement since I don't really care if they manufacture the iPhone in Hell using the blood of the Martyrs as long as the value proposition is an attractive one, I'll keep buying them.
It won’t cost that much.

It'll cost a hell of a lot more than it does now and thus only idiots will choose to buy it over the one that's manufactured overseas, not to mention what kind of a business manager would waste resources and drive his/her own costs up just to make some sort of an esoteric point? Even the Soviets weren't that stupid.

Comparative advantage, learn it, love it, live it.
Where’s the “Automation” scream?
I hold by CA.
Which means the factory is not Apples.
Which means Apple does not give a shit about how these people are treated.

Without a doubt. Why would they? Apple has one purpose on this earth, that is to make a profit, the only purpose any business has.
I would pay more for any product to avoid empowering a Totalitarian nation.

Well it's nice to know that Apple has at least one customer for that $15,000 iPhone SE manufactured here in the United States.

…Personally I'll stick with the current arrangement since I don't really care if they manufacture the iPhone in Hell using the blood of the Martyrs as long as the value proposition is an attractive one, I'll keep buying them.
Even if it's embedded with a "spy chip" to monitor everything you do?

Hell, I'll pay extra for that feature, after all I'm an exhibitionist at heart , not to mention it'll make flipping off the fuckers at the NSA that much easier. :dunno:
Which means the factory is not Apples.
Which means Apple does not give a shit about how these people are treated.

Without a doubt. Why would they? Apple has one purpose on this earth, that is to make a profit, the only purpose any business has.

And this is why you are not a self-made man. :04:

Am I wrong? What purpose does a business have if not to make a profit? If they do not make a profit, they do not exist.
And that’s where government intercedes on the behalf of their constituents.
And yes, sometimes interceding has unintended consequences.

not sometimes but most of the time
Which means Apple does not give a shit about how these people are treated.

Without a doubt. Why would they? Apple has one purpose on this earth, that is to make a profit, the only purpose any business has.

And this is why you are not a self-made man. :04:

Am I wrong? What purpose does a business have if not to make a profit? If they do not make a profit, they do not exist.
And that’s where government intercedes on the behalf of their constituents.
And yes, sometimes interceding has unintended consequences.

not sometimes but most of the time
We all know the massaging that legislation undergoes.
The next step is "personhood" for government and unions.

The dem legislatures will pass such laws, and send them up the court chain.

I am curious to see how Gorsuch will vote.
Unions have single-handedly destroyed our country for decades -- 40 hour work week? what a mistake that way -- getting paid OT? communist! -- demanding corporations to have to collectively bargain with these union worker animals? obscene!!

Now corporations are free to do what is best for their workers without having to negotiate or bargain with them.
Unions have single-handedly destroyed our country for decades -- 40 hour work week? what a mistake that way -- getting paid OT? communist! -- demanding corporations to have to collectively bargain with these union worker animals? obscene!!

Now corporations are free to do what is best for their workers without having to negotiate or bargain with them.

Uh Biff, today's ruling only applies to public unions.

One other thing, if any business large or small doesn't treat their employees well then they're going to have retention problems, and these days that could be costly.
Unions have single-handedly destroyed our country for decades -- 40 hour work week? what a mistake that way -- getting paid OT? communist! -- demanding corporations to have to collectively bargain with these union worker animals? obscene!!

Now corporations are free to do what is best for their workers without having to negotiate or bargain with them.

Uh Biff, today's ruling only applies to public unions.

One other thing, if any business large or small doesn't treat their employees well then they're going to have retention problems, and these days that could be costly.
Easy to say that in a post union world ain't it?

Let's not pretend we ALL didn't benefit from the work of those mean old unions -- and we all know Teachers unions are the devil -- just ask all of those raving liberals in West Virginia
And here I thought republicans were all for unions these days, what with bragging about the tariffs and Trump parading them around.

Well, it didn't take long for silly arguments to make their appearance. I am all for good, honest unions, but no union should be able to charge non-members union dues, partial or otherwise. It's just simple.

You might break down and actually read the majority's decision, because it answers all the standard, pat excuses for this now-illegal practice. Really, you might just dare yourself to get educated on the issue:

Here's one short excerpt:

As illustrated by the record in this case, unions charge
nonmembers, not just for the cost of collective bargaining
per se, but also for many other supposedly connected
activities. See App. to Pet. for Cert. 28a–39a. Here, the
nonmembers were told that they had to pay for
“[l]obbying,” “social and recreational activities,” “advertising,”
“[m]embership meetings and conventions,” and
“litigation,” as well as other unspecified “ervices” that
“may ultimately inure to the benefit of the members of the
local bargaining unit.” Id., at 28a–32a. The total chargeable
amount for nonmembers was 78.06% of full union
dues. Id., at 34a.
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Unions have single-handedly destroyed our country for decades -- 40 hour work week? what a mistake that way -- getting paid OT? communist! -- demanding corporations to have to collectively bargain with these union worker animals? obscene!!

Now corporations are free to do what is best for their workers without having to negotiate or bargain with them.

Uh Biff, today's ruling only applies to public unions.

One other thing, if any business large or small doesn't treat their employees well then they're going to have retention problems, and these days that could be costly.
Easy to say that in a post union world ain't it?

Let's not pretend we ALL didn't benefit from the work of those mean old unions -- and we all know Teachers unions are the devil -- just ask all of those raving liberals in West Virginia

1, we're not in a post union world. They got taken down a peg, but they ain't gone just yet. Maybe they can re-invent themselves in some manner.

2, I wouldn't say the advent of unions is/was a bad thing, although in the case of public unions it wasn't good when they got into bed with the Dem politicians and got themselves sweetheart deals for retirement and healthcare benefits that are proving to be unaffordable, in return for pumping loads of money into democratic coffers. You tell me, how do you feel about the unfunded liabilities that currently exist in most of our states? Promises were made in lieu of political donations, how do you feel about that? Where's the money going to come from to pay for those promised public pensions and benefits down the road?
They sided with some. Plenty did not want their union weakened, and to pay for nonmembers benefits as a result of collective bargaining.

Some did have that view, I'm sure.

But looking at the experience of Gov. Walker's labor reforms in the Cheesehead State.

Many of the union lost more than 1/2 their members over night when they were no longer required to pony up.
Yes a nice contribution to the income gap

Nothing like forcing workers to pay dues whether they like it or not, is there? It's gotta be irritating as hell, knowing as you do what is so obviously the best thing for all of us but people wanting to make their own choices anyway. Often against your wishes. Must really scorch your shorts. Ah yes, the good old days when we could use gov't as a hammer to force people to do what we want them to do. Say, isn't that sort of the definition of fascism?

All that, AND the DNC is now forced to find a diffrent revinue stream. I still don’t like Trump, but I love the heart burn he gives the libtards.
They pay FoxConn; are you really that stupid?

Which means the factory is not Apples.
Which means Apple does not give a shit about how these people are treated.

Without a doubt. Why would they? Apple has one purpose on this earth, that is to make a profit, the only purpose any business has.
I would pay more for any product to avoid empowering a Totalitarian nation.

And you are free to do so, there are lots of products made in other places.
Not really.
I can't speak for all Republicans, but personally, unions suck. They're corrupt, they drive companies out of the country, and they extort money from workers.
They thank you for supporting Trump’s wealth destroying tariffs
That’s so very Right Wing of you!
Is it? Pretty sure Trump killed that part of the party.
So you’re admitting Liberals love Chinese slave labor.
I like anybody that will give me a better deal for the thing that I want.
Only people that really benefit from unions are establishment career politician and union bosses.
It should be up to the individual if they want to join the union or not... if unions are worth a shit
They thank you for supporting Trump’s wealth destroying tariffs
That’s so very Right Wing of you!
Is it? Pretty sure Trump killed that part of the party.
So you’re admitting Liberals love Chinese slave labor.
I like anybody that will give me a better deal for the thing that I want.
Only people that really benefit from unions are establishment career politician and union bosses.
It should be up to the individual if they want to join the union or not... if unions are worth a shit
Kinda odd how everything the left says is there to help you they have to force you to join.
Good deal! If I read that right, this applies to government unions, correct? If so, they made the right decision.

Why should a non-union worker have to pay anything to a Union they aren't part of?
Because those non-union workers are enjoying the benefits union workers fought for.

When I was a college kid the steel mills around here were foing great guns. They offered college students summer jobs in the mills. The pay was fantastic, far more than a kid could earn at a Dairy Queen or a hardware store. That money helped out a lot. And I was grateful to kick in a portion of my pay to the USW so I could earn enough to pay for school.
Fuck off, No one should be forced into that socialist fucking shit

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