SC Just Stuck It To The Labor Unions

It seems like the right decision. Why should non-Union members be forced to pay. But again, 5-4? What are these Liberal judges doing???

If Hillary Clinton had been elected, this decision would have gone the other way. Think about how big a deal that was.

If Ears had gotten Garland confirmed....same thing.

True. Even the SCOTUS is politicized now. If I'm one of the older conservatives on the SCOTUS, I gotta be thinking about hanging it up or else the next president might be a liberal that will swing the Court the other way. Don't be thinking it can't happen, that's what the Dems thought in 2016.
Good deal! If I read that right, this applies to government unions, correct? If so, they made the right decision.

Why should a non-union worker have to pay anything to a Union they aren't part of?
Because those non-union workers are enjoying the benefits union workers fought for.

When I was a college kid the steel mills around here were foing great guns. They offered college students summer jobs in the mills. The pay was fantastic, far more than a kid could earn at a Dairy Queen or a hardware store. That money helped out a lot. And I was grateful to kick in a portion of my pay to the USW so I could earn enough to pay for school.
Perhaps if the GOP wasn`t so anti worker...

Thanks to an 'Anti-worker' Republican / Republicans, workers are reaping the benefits of:

The best economy in decades
Lowest in-employment in decades
More jobs
More full-time jobs
Fewer people on food stamps / welfare
Higher home values
Not being forced to pay Union dues...

Democrats promise to:

Raise Taxes
Decrease the # of jobs
Eliminate raises
Eliminate bonuses
Higher unemployment
More people in Welfare / food stamps
Seizing more of their money for illegals
And here I thought republicans were all for unions these days, what with bragging about the tariffs and Trump parading them around.

I can't speak for all Republicans, but personally, unions suck. They're corrupt, they drive companies out of the country, and they extort money from workers.

You have know idea what your talking about.
Corporations have Unions.
They’re called Banquets and BBQs where they decide to offshore and business visa the US to death.
The $40 a month I spent in union dues every month was an excellent investment. Retired from a steel mill at the age of 53 with a 40K buyout with pension and medical benefits. The company did not leave the country. Personally JG, I think you have union envy and I can understand that. The 29 coal miners that Mr. Blankenship killed in WV may still be with us if they had a union to give them a voice.

Prove that you wouldn't have done better if the company had not had a union.
The notion that EVERY business owner in America is out to screw their employees is a Democrat myth.
While there are many greedy, selfish business owners (most of them Dims I would guess), many businesses
take very good care of their employees because they WANT good employees to stay and be happy.
I often tied my employees bonus earnings to their productivity, ABOVE their regular pay.
The company did well enough with union labor that they built the world`s most advance rolling mill with $1.2 billion in cash, not loans. The company is happy and so are their workers. The union is bad because....?
ati rolling mill brackenridge photos - Bing images
"I’ve got news for the billionaires behind this case: we’re not going anywhere. we'll call folk. we'll hustle. we'll outwork our foe." - Goofy Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren
If your phone was made in the U.S. from entirely U.S. sourced materials, you could never afford it.
According to Tim Cook it would cost $128.00 more.
So you’re wrong.
It’s called Google.
He said it about 3 years ago.
Can’t google something that doesn’t exist.
Did you try?
Here’s what I found: How Much Would An iPhone Cost If Apple Were Forced To Make It In America?

Man, globalism is a beautiful thing

Thank you Uncle Vlad for hacking the election and saving the American Republic! He's the modern Lafayette!
Imagine the fallout in California alone this will cause.
Labor unions supply massive amounts of money to Dimocrat politicians in this deep blue state.
This will help even out the battle for money now.
Big trouble for Democrats as public employee unions such as teacher unions are a major source of party funding. I believed that the effect of missed union dues is reason the Democrats were unwilling to shut down the government over DACA and immigration legislation many months ago.

Supreme Court rules non-union workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public sector unions

Supreme Court rules in Janus labor union case
/----/ Do you think there will be any retirements?
Retirement speculation shadows court’s final day
Trump needs to replace Kennedy and Ginsburg ASAP

Isn't Thomas thinking about retirement too? I don't think Ginsburg is going to quit while Trump is in office.
"I’ve got news for the billionaires behind this case: we’re not going anywhere. we'll call folk. we'll hustle. we'll outwork our foe." - Goofy Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren
Channeling Trump doesn`t exactly make you sound like a genius. Got any wisdom from Sarah Palin?

Supreme Court rules non-union workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public sector unions

Supreme Court rules in Janus labor union case
/----/ Do you think there will be any retirements?
Retirement speculation shadows court’s final day
Trump needs to replace Kennedy and Ginsburg ASAP

Isn't Thomas thinking about retirement too? I don't think Ginsburg is going to quit while Trump is in office.

She didn't quit for Obama, she'll quit for Trump

Supreme Court rules non-union workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public sector unions

Supreme Court rules in Janus labor union case
are they forced to pay dues to private sector ones?...

In some states, a private sector union can still require an employee to pay what is called "agency fees", meaning just the costs to represent them. You don't have to join the union, but you have to pay that fee. Not so anymore for public unions.
Unions are an anachronism left over from the 1930's.

And are out of touch with today's economic reality. .... :cool:

Agree....back in the day a major function of the union was worker safety...the government took that over in the 70's. I have no problem with unions or today's decision. As long as non-union workers don't automatically get the benefits the members negotiated for, what difference does it make?

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