SC Just Stuck It To The Labor Unions

Perhaps if the GOP wasn`t so anti worker...

Thanks to an 'Anti-worker' Republican / Republicans, workers are reaping the benefits of:

The best economy in decades
Lowest in-employment in decades
More jobs
More full-time jobs
Fewer people on food stamps / welfare
Higher home values
Not being forced to pay Union dues...

Democrats promise to:

Raise Taxes
Decrease the # of jobs
Eliminate raises
Eliminate bonuses
Higher unemployment
More people in Welfare / food stamps
Seizing more of their money for illegals
Good to see you are still lying no matter how many times you get called out.

First quarter growth was only 2.2%. Stocks are way below their high. Labor force participation is very low. Wages are stagnant. Deficits are skyrocketing....

Supreme Court rules non-union workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public sector unions

Supreme Court rules in Janus labor union case
/----/ Do you think there will be any retirements?
Retirement speculation shadows court’s final day
Trump needs to replace Kennedy and Ginsburg ASAP

Isn't Thomas thinking about retirement too? I don't think Ginsburg is going to quit while Trump is in office.

She didn't quit for Obama, she'll quit for Trump

I cannot imagine Ginsburg quitting for Trump, she hates the guy.
The far right of the GOP wants to put union members down on the plantation.

No, idiot. We want to give everyone the same opportunity to work wherever they want to, without being forced into a union.

And that's what the SC just did. :lmao:
a question....will the non union people get the same pay and benefits as the union members,or will they have to take whatever the company wants to give them?...

Why would a company drive the non union employee into the arms of the union?
ok so why would a company that is willing to pay union wages and benefits even have a union there?...why would its employees want to pay union dues if they knew that the place they work at takes care of them as good or better than a union?...

Supreme Court rules non-union workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public sector unions

Supreme Court rules in Janus labor union case
/----/ Do you think there will be any retirements?
Retirement speculation shadows court’s final day
Trump needs to replace Kennedy and Ginsburg ASAP

Isn't Thomas thinking about retirement too? I don't think Ginsburg is going to quit while Trump is in office.

She didn't quit for Obama, she'll quit for Trump

I cannot imagine Ginsburg quitting for Trump, she hates the guy.
/----/ Ginsberg is a firecracker and has many more years on the court...
The far right of the GOP wants to put union members down on the plantation.

No, idiot. We want to give everyone the same opportunity to work wherever they want to, without being forced into a union.

And that's what the SC just did. :lmao:
a question....will the non union people get the same pay and benefits as the union members,or will they have to take whatever the company wants to give them?...
Good question, I think the benefit of this ruling is the unions now have to work for support, before it was automatic and they could do what they wanted, now if people don't like their politics or other things, they can say no.

As for the contracts, I'm not sure. I'm not a fan of unions, because I think people can go where they want, I've never held a union job and have done just fine.
The far right of the GOP wants to put union members down on the plantation.

No, idiot. We want to give everyone the same opportunity to work wherever they want to, without being forced into a union.

And that's what the SC just did. :lmao:
a question....will the non union people get the same pay and benefits as the union members,or will they have to take whatever the company wants to give them?...

Why would a company drive the non union employee into the arms of the union?
ok so why would a company that is willing to pay union wages and benefits even have a union there?...why would its employees want to pay union dues if they knew that the place they work at takes care of them as good or better than a union?...

Because unions help the DNC.
The far right of the GOP wants to put union members down on the plantation.

Yes they do they want to put them down on the plantation where the Leftists keep their Blacks, the best solution is put all the Union leaders and Union Agitators on the plantation and liberate the Blacks off the Democrat plantation.
Lucy, you know you hate the every day working man, whether white or black or brown, and you want business to exploit him or her. Go ahead and admit it. It will good for your soul. Admit your hate and let it go.
SCOTUS giving the right victory after victory
Are they still activist judges?
You're confused. Activist judges create new laws out of whole cloth with disregard to the US Constitution. These judges make rulings based on the original intent of the Constitution. It's ok if you're confused, liberals work off of emotions instead of logic.
The conservative justices that gifted premium rights to corporations were activist judges. Conservatives are not inherently constitutionalists.
Agree....back in the day a major function of the union was worker safety...the government took that over in the 70's. I have no problem with unions or today's decision. As long as non-union workers don't automatically get the benefits the members negotiated for, what difference does it make?
I worked several years for a large manufacturing corporation.

The factory that I worked at was the only non-Union location. All the other factories were Union.

Because our non-Union factory turned out more product of higher quality than all of their Union factories; which made the company more profit. The company wanted to make sure our manufacturing facility stayed non Union.

So we were paid exactly the same wages, and received the same benefits as the other Union factories. When the Union organizers came around and tried to convince us to join the Union, we just laughed at them.

We had the best of both worlds. Top wages and not having to put up with Union rules and their nonsense. ... :thup:
SCOTUS giving the right victory after victory
Are they still activist judges?
You're confused. Activist judges create new laws out of whole cloth with disregard to the US Constitution. These judges make rulings based on the original intent of the Constitution. It's ok if you're confused, liberals work off of emotions instead of logic.
The conservative justices that gifted premium rights to corporations were activist judges. Conservatives are not inherently constitutionalists.
/---"gifted premium rights "
say what.jpg
Perhaps if the GOP wasn`t so anti worker...

Thanks to an 'Anti-worker' Republican / Republicans, workers are reaping the benefits of:

The best economy in decades
Lowest in-employment in decades
More jobs
More full-time jobs
Fewer people on food stamps / welfare
Higher home values
Not being forced to pay Union dues...

Democrats promise to:

Raise Taxes
Decrease the # of jobs
Eliminate raises
Eliminate bonuses
Higher unemployment
More people in Welfare / food stamps
Seizing more of their money for illegals
Good to see you are still lying no matter how many times you get called out.

First quarter growth was only 2.2%. Stocks are way below their high. Labor force participation is very low. Wages are stagnant. Deficits are skyrocketing....
There, there snowflake...

I know you are offended and frightened by the fact that Trump has been more successful in only two years than Barry was in 8, that Trump-s approval rating is higher than Obama's and Reagan's...

....just keep denying...and visit that web site that pretends Hillary won to make you feel better....


Supreme Court rules non-union workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public sector unions

Supreme Court rules in Janus labor union case
are they forced to pay dues to private sector ones?...

In some states, a private sector union can still require an employee to pay what is called "agency fees", meaning just the costs to represent them. You don't have to join the union, but you have to pay that fee. Not so anymore for public unions.
so they can get the union benefits and pay but dont have to join them.....seems hypocritical....
Perhaps if the GOP wasn`t so anti worker some of the money would go to their coffers.

Step away from the partisan hyperbole and focus. Do you believe that union PAC funds, accrued from the wages of each member, should be divvied up proportionally based on the political affiliation of the members?...or do you believe that a small committee not representative of the employee population should decide which politicians to support?

Unions have become big corporations in their own right - should they exist?...sure. Should workers be forced to join?...nope.

Why would someone who doesn`t like being a union member want to work in a unionized shop?

ummmm...maybe they need a job.

Do they think good wages and benefits come via the generosity of the plantation owners? Are all republicans that stupid?

Public sector employees are supported by the tax payer - there should be no 'closed shops'.

My post was in reference to Kagan's comment on public sector unions.
Perhaps if the GOP wasn`t so anti worker...

Thanks to an 'Anti-worker' Republican / Republicans, workers are reaping the benefits of:

The best economy in decades
Lowest in-employment in decades
More jobs
More full-time jobs
Fewer people on food stamps / welfare
Higher home values
Not being forced to pay Union dues...

Democrats promise to:

Raise Taxes
Decrease the # of jobs
Eliminate raises
Eliminate bonuses
Higher unemployment
More people in Welfare / food stamps
Seizing more of their money for illegals
Good to see you are still lying no matter how many times you get called out.

First quarter growth was only 2.2%. Stocks are way below their high. Labor force participation is very low. Wages are stagnant. Deficits are skyrocketing....
Forcast for 4.5% in Q2
Atlanta Fed: GDP growth forecast for Q2 eases to 4.7%

U.S.: real GDP growth by quarter 2011-2018 | Statista

Looking at this the growth is more consitant for Trump, Obama it went up and down wildly. Q2 is estimated at around 4.5%.......not bad at all

Supreme Court rules non-union workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public sector unions

Supreme Court rules in Janus labor union case
are they forced to pay dues to private sector ones?...

In some states, a private sector union can still require an employee to pay what is called "agency fees", meaning just the costs to represent them. You don't have to join the union, but you have to pay that fee. Not so anymore for public unions.
so they can get the union benefits and pay but dont have to join them.....seems hypocritical....

Sounds like Socialism
Good deal! If I read that right, this applies to government unions, correct? If so, they made the right decision.

Why should a non-union worker have to pay anything to a Union they aren't part of?
Because those non-union workers are enjoying the benefits union workers fought for.

When I was a college kid the steel mills around here were foing great guns. They offered college students summer jobs in the mills. The pay was fantastic, far more than a kid could earn at a Dairy Queen or a hardware store. That money helped out a lot. And I was grateful to kick in a portion of my pay to the USW so I could earn enough to pay for school.
I'm not sure if you can see this or not, but that argument is really weak.

Unions helped bring about a 40 hour work week decades ago. By your logic, everyone in America should pay the unions for that. The same for anything that helps other people.

We all should be paying dues to the phone switching company, the auto manufacturer; hell, the inventor of velcro or a thousand other things that help everyone.

Sorry, but it is un-American to require people to pay protection money. That's why it is against the law.
It seems like the right decision. Why should non-Union members be forced to pay. But again, 5-4? What are these Liberal judges doing???
For years, I was a non union member at the state, which had a union for its employees. I eventually joined for some benefit or other that required union membership--I can't remember which. ANYWAY, for a few of those years I WASN'T a union member, they were taking a small percentage of what my union dues would have been. Is this what the decision is about? If so, is it retroactive? Maybe I should start looking for a check in the mail?

Supreme Court rules non-union workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public sector unions

Supreme Court rules in Janus labor union case
are they forced to pay dues to private sector ones?...

In some states, a private sector union can still require an employee to pay what is called "agency fees", meaning just the costs to represent them. You don't have to join the union, but you have to pay that fee. Not so anymore for public unions.
so they can get the union benefits and pay but dont have to join them.....seems hypocritical....
/----/ I think you gun grabbers should be forced to pay NRA membership dues but not have to actually join. You will continue to receive protection of your 2nd Amendment rights.
It seems like the right decision. Why should non-Union members be forced to pay. But again, 5-4? What are these Liberal judges doing???
For years, I was a non union member at the state, which had a union for its employees. I eventually joined for some benefit or other that required union membership--I can't remember which. ANYWAY, for a few of those years I WASN'T a union member, they were taking a small percentage of what my union dues would have been. Is this what the decision is about? If so, is it retroactive? Maybe I should start looking for a check in the mail?

The article I read didn't mention if it was retroactive. Just said how the judges voted and the high level reasons.

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