Scalise digs up Obama dirt uses it to completely destroy Trumps Russia critics

Scalise Digs Up Obama Dirt, Uses It To Completely Destroy Trump's Russia Critics

As most conservative Americans know, the mainstream media has a very short and selective memory.

As cries of outrage toward President Donald Trump grow louder by the day for his handling of Russian President Vladimir Putin, it’s as if liberals and their media allies have completely forgotten what occurred this past decade under President Barack Obama.


There is nothing better than to see scum being dragged through the mud proving even further what losers we have had in the White House from Obama back.
The leftist loons aren't use to what " real america" is about the commies got their plan busted wide open and the elites hate it lmfao..
I don’t understand; how does any of that defend Trump’s internationally televised surrender to Putin?
Trumpanzees will put anything and everything up there to defend trump's surrender to Putin.

I think I heard that same shit on some loon site...or read it on here at least a dozen times
You have a nice clean white sheet to use for your flag? or is it stained?

So it was Obama's fault that Trump threw our intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of Vladimir Putin while Putin was standing right next to him. Inspiring his supporters to rally around him and defend him after he said it.

Only to, after that, while Vlad was safely thousands of miles away, completely reverse course and issue the most feeble possible of explanations for his behavior.

Okay. Good. I think we have this all straightened out now.
Scalise Digs Up Obama Dirt, Uses It To Completely Destroy Trump's Russia Critics

As most conservative Americans know, the mainstream media has a very short and selective memory.

As cries of outrage toward President Donald Trump grow louder by the day for his handling of Russian President Vladimir Putin, it’s as if liberals and their media allies have completely forgotten what occurred this past decade under President Barack Obama.


There is nothing better than to see scum being dragged through the mud proving even further what losers we have had in the White House from Obama back.
The leftist loons aren't use to what " real america" is about the commies got their plan busted wide open and the elites hate it lmfao..
You know Republicans are really desperate when all they have are lies.

1. Obama, more flexibility after election. True statement. What's the big deal?

2. Mitt Romney called Russia our top geopolitical foe, only to be mocked by Obama. Republicans believe anything Obama said was him mocking them because as Republicans have said in the past, Obama was "uppity". The truth is Romney's statement was 6 years ago and we were working to get US troops out of Iraq and our main foes at the time were al Qaeda and Isis. Remember 9/11? That was't Russia.

3. Obama refused to enforce the Red Line. Except Syria turned over all their poison, I'm guessing, for no apparent reason?

Syria Gives Up Chemical Weapons ... But A War Rages On

4. Obama didn't want to be seen as interfering with the election. He did sanction up Russia when Trump has been working desperately to undo all those sanctions.
It was the FBI that got Trump elected.
Scalise Digs Up Obama Dirt, Uses It To Completely Destroy Trump's Russia Critics

As most conservative Americans know, the mainstream media has a very short and selective memory.

As cries of outrage toward President Donald Trump grow louder by the day for his handling of Russian President Vladimir Putin, it’s as if liberals and their media allies have completely forgotten what occurred this past decade under President Barack Obama.


There is nothing better than to see scum being dragged through the mud proving even further what losers we have had in the White House from Obama back.
The leftist loons aren't use to what " real america" is about the commies got their plan busted wide open and the elites hate it lmfao..
I don’t understand; how does any of that defend Trump’s internationally televised surrender to Putin?
Trumpanzees will put anything and everything up there to defend trump's surrender to Putin.

I think I heard that same shit on some loon site...or read it on here at least a dozen times

So you agree that Trump looked like Putin’s puppet.

Obambi was surrendering to Putin for 8 years.

During eight years of former President Barack Obama's weakness towards Russia, the country invaded Ukraine, annexed Crimea, propped up Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and interfered in the 2016 election.

At the beginning of his administration, Obama and his administration were eager to "reset" the United State's relationship with Russia. The reset began with the infamous photo of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presenting Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a red "reset" button in 2009. One of Obama's first foreign policy decisions was to scrap missile defense in Poland and the Czech Republic, which prompted celebration in Moscow.

In addition to scrapping missile defense, Obama announced in 2010 a historic Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) treaty with Russia. The agreement was supposed to reduce the number of nuclear weapons held by the United States and Russia by a third. Over the course of the Obama administration, the Washington Free Beacon reported numerous violations of the START treaty by Russia as early as 2012.

Obama was caught on a hot mic in 2012 telling then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to give him "space" and that he would have more "flexibility" on missile defense after being reelected.

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

Eight Years of Obama's Weakness Toward Russia
Scalise Digs Up Obama Dirt, Uses It To Completely Destroy Trump's Russia Critics

As most conservative Americans know, the mainstream media has a very short and selective memory.

As cries of outrage toward President Donald Trump grow louder by the day for his handling of Russian President Vladimir Putin, it’s as if liberals and their media allies have completely forgotten what occurred this past decade under President Barack Obama.


There is nothing better than to see scum being dragged through the mud proving even further what losers we have had in the White House from Obama back.
The leftist loons aren't use to what " real america" is about the commies got their plan busted wide open and the elites hate it lmfao..

I remember what occurred under Ronald Reagan. Reagan stood up to Moscow. Scum like Scalise cannot get past Obama. I remember Republicans being outraged when Obama told Putin that he would have more room to maneuver once the election was over. Scalise should be equally outraged over what Trump did.
Obama asked Putin to wait till after the election, so he could kiss Putin's ass better. Of course you didn't care about that. Obama wanted to transform America, Trump wants to make it great again.
Scalise Digs Up Obama Dirt, Uses It To Completely Destroy Trump's Russia Critics

As most conservative Americans know, the mainstream media has a very short and selective memory.

As cries of outrage toward President Donald Trump grow louder by the day for his handling of Russian President Vladimir Putin, it’s as if liberals and their media allies have completely forgotten what occurred this past decade under President Barack Obama.


There is nothing better than to see scum being dragged through the mud proving even further what losers we have had in the White House from Obama back.
The leftist loons aren't use to what " real america" is about the commies got their plan busted wide open and the elites hate it lmfao..
I don’t understand; how does any of that defend Trump’s internationally televised surrender to Putin?
Trumpanzees will put anything and everything up there to defend trump's surrender to Putin.
Obama and Hillary tried to get along with Putin, so did Hillary. He told them to kiss his ass. Now Trump is trying and you're outraged. What the hell is wrong with you?
Obambi was surrendering to Putin for 8 years.

During eight years of former President Barack Obama's weakness towards Russia, the country invaded Ukraine, annexed Crimea, propped up Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and interfered in the 2016 election.

At the beginning of his administration, Obama and his administration were eager to "reset" the United State's relationship with Russia. The reset began with the infamous photo of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presenting Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a red "reset" button in 2009. One of Obama's first foreign policy decisions was to scrap missile defense in Poland and the Czech Republic, which prompted celebration in Moscow.

In addition to scrapping missile defense, Obama announced in 2010 a historic Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) treaty with Russia. The agreement was supposed to reduce the number of nuclear weapons held by the United States and Russia by a third. Over the course of the Obama administration, the Washington Free Beacon reported numerous violations of the START treaty by Russia as early as 2012.

Obama was caught on a hot mic in 2012 telling then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to give him "space" and that he would have more "flexibility" on missile defense after being reelected.

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

Eight Years of Obama's Weakness Toward Russia
About the flexibility Obama was right.

Look at what Republicans did with Obama's Supreme Court Justice pic. The Constitution gives the president four years NOT three. Republicans managed to stonewall an entire year in the Obama administration.


Republicans came right out and said they did everything they could to damage Obama's presidency EVEN IF IT HURT THE COUNTRY. They didn't care.

For some weird reason, Republicans over look Obama's sanctions on Russia. Sanctions that crippled Russia's economy keeping it the size of New York state.

The real issue here that some Republicans will admit is that Obama is black and Republicans hate blacks second only to gays and just before Muslims. Those are the top three in the GOP's list of hate.

Ukraine, Seeking U.S. Missiles, Halted Cooperation With Mueller Investigation

Ukraine froze Manafort probes amid US weapons sales: report

Ukrainians Stop Investigating Manafort After Trump Sells Them Missiles. A Win-Win for All Involved.

And about those missiles? There definitely was quid pro quo.
Rep, Scalise Uses Obama Dirt to Destroy President Trump’s Helsinki Critics

Good for him! It’s about time someone in the GOP got over their butthurt to back the man who holds their fare for the November mid-terms.

Scalise started with the year 2009, when then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gleefully presented a plastic “reset button” to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to reset relations with Russia and the United States, as if the gesture undid all the wrongs Russia committed against the U.S. and our allies.

Then, there was March 2012. Obama promised then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have more “flexibility” on missile defense after being reelected.

During a presidential debate in 2012, candidate Mitt Romney called Russia our top geopolitical foe, only to be mocked by Obama — as well as other Democratic leaders and the media who said Romney’s stance was “outdated” and “a throwback to the Cold War.”

Then there was August 2013 when Obama refused to enforce the so-called “red line” he had drawn with Russia-backed Syria against the use of chemical weapons.

Less than a year later, Obama showed his weakness once again when he did absolutely nothing after Putin annexed the Crimean peninsula.

June 2017: Senior Obama administration official admits they ‘sort of choked’ when it came to dealing with Russia. President @realDonaldTrump won’t choke like President Obama did,” Scalise wrote.

More with all sorts of tweets and links @ Scalise Digs Up Obama Dirt, Uses It To Completely Destroy Trump's Russia Critics
Scalise Digs Up Obama Dirt, Uses It To Completely Destroy Trump's Russia Critics

As most conservative Americans know, the mainstream media has a very short and selective memory.

As cries of outrage toward President Donald Trump grow louder by the day for his handling of Russian President Vladimir Putin, it’s as if liberals and their media allies have completely forgotten what occurred this past decade under President Barack Obama.


There is nothing better than to see scum being dragged through the mud proving even further what losers we have had in the White House from Obama back.
The leftist loons aren't use to what " real america" is about the commies got their plan busted wide open and the elites hate it lmfao..
I don’t understand; how does any of that defend Trump’s internationally televised surrender to Putin?
Trumpanzees will put anything and everything up there to defend trump's surrender to Putin.
Obama and Hillary tried to get along with Putin, so did Hillary. He told them to kiss his ass. Now Trump is trying and you're outraged. What the hell is wrong with you?

But thats different.......somehow.
Not in mind wars small biased uneducated mind.
He must have forgotten the uppity nixxers deportations of Russians and closing of Russian headquarters here
Vince foster next?
He should be grateful at Obamas not publishing the don FBI investigations.
He would never have won if O and the Feds hadn't delayed making public their investigation
Our doublewide posters really do have too much time sucking off their socialist SS Medicare VA benefits
Rep, Scalise Uses Obama Dirt to Destroy President Trump’s Helsinki Critics

Good for him! It’s about time someone in the GOP got over their butthurt to back the man who holds their fare for the November mid-terms.

Scalise started with the year 2009, when then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gleefully presented a plastic “reset button” to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to reset relations with Russia and the United States, as if the gesture undid all the wrongs Russia committed against the U.S. and our allies.

Then, there was March 2012. Obama promised then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have more “flexibility” on missile defense after being reelected.

During a presidential debate in 2012, candidate Mitt Romney called Russia our top geopolitical foe, only to be mocked by Obama — as well as other Democratic leaders and the media who said Romney’s stance was “outdated” and “a throwback to the Cold War.”

Then there was August 2013 when Obama refused to enforce the so-called “red line” he had drawn with Russia-backed Syria against the use of chemical weapons.

Less than a year later, Obama showed his weakness once again when he did absolutely nothing after Putin annexed the Crimean peninsula.

June 2017: Senior Obama administration official admits they ‘sort of choked’ when it came to dealing with Russia. President @realDonaldTrump won’t choke like President Obama did,” Scalise wrote.

More with all sorts of tweets and links @ Scalise Digs Up Obama Dirt, Uses It To Completely Destroy Trump's Russia Critics

Jealous of him dragging his wife by the hair before raping her, 5 deferments, Vietnam sacrifice not getting a STD?
And remind us, what has brave don done about Crimea?
Can iguess the scale se article is from a white supreme rag?
But thats different.......somehow.
Not in mind wars small biased uneducated mind.
He must have forgotten the uppity nixxers deportations of Russians and closing of Russian headquarters here
Vince foster next?
He should be grateful at Obamas not publishing the don FBI investigations.
He would never have won if O and the Feds hadn't delayed making public their investigation
Our doublewide posters really do have too much time sucking off their socialist SS Medicare VA benefits

WTF kind of gibberish is this?
Rep, Scalise Uses Obama Dirt to Destroy President Trump’s Helsinki Critics

Good for him! It’s about time someone in the GOP got over their butthurt to back the man who holds their fare for the November mid-terms.

Scalise started with the year 2009, when then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gleefully presented a plastic “reset button” to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to reset relations with Russia and the United States, as if the gesture undid all the wrongs Russia committed against the U.S. and our allies.

Then, there was March 2012. Obama promised then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have more “flexibility” on missile defense after being reelected.

During a presidential debate in 2012, candidate Mitt Romney called Russia our top geopolitical foe, only to be mocked by Obama — as well as other Democratic leaders and the media who said Romney’s stance was “outdated” and “a throwback to the Cold War.”

Then there was August 2013 when Obama refused to enforce the so-called “red line” he had drawn with Russia-backed Syria against the use of chemical weapons.

Less than a year later, Obama showed his weakness once again when he did absolutely nothing after Putin annexed the Crimean peninsula.

June 2017: Senior Obama administration official admits they ‘sort of choked’ when it came to dealing with Russia. President @realDonaldTrump won’t choke like President Obama did,” Scalise wrote.

More with all sorts of tweets and links @ Scalise Digs Up Obama Dirt, Uses It To Completely Destroy Trump's Russia Critics

Jealous of him dragging his wife by the hair before raping her, 5 deferments, Vietnam sacrifice not getting a STD?
And remind us, what has brave don done about Crimea?
Can iguess the scale se article is from a white supreme rag?

I took an antacid and looked at our old white farts link.
Surprise surprise, The Conservative Tribune
Are these the info wars, breitbart, Rush boys who don't believe we landed on the moon?
Nothing like quoting both sides
But thats different.......somehow.
Not in mind wars small biased uneducated mind.
He must have forgotten the uppity nixxers deportations of Russians and closing of Russian headquarters here
Vince foster next?
He should be grateful at Obamas not publishing the don FBI investigations.
He would never have won if O and the Feds hadn't delayed making public their investigation
Our doublewide posters really do have too much time sucking off their socialist SS Medicare VA benefits

WTF kind of gibberish is this?
Can you quietene your foul uneducated mouth and be specific?
Scalise Digs Up Obama Dirt, Uses It To Completely Destroy Trump's Russia Critics

As most conservative Americans know, the mainstream media has a very short and selective memory.

As cries of outrage toward President Donald Trump grow louder by the day for his handling of Russian President Vladimir Putin, it’s as if liberals and their media allies have completely forgotten what occurred this past decade under President Barack Obama.


There is nothing better than to see scum being dragged through the mud proving even further what losers we have had in the White House from Obama back.
The leftist loons aren't use to what " real america" is about the commies got their plan busted wide open and the elites hate it lmfao..
Jesus fuck. You asswipes will do anything to divert from Trump's latest fiasco in his plan to selling out America.

Obama was talking about nuclear reduction not missile defense. There were sanctions for Crimea.

Obama did not roll over like Trump did.
But thats different.......somehow.
Not in mind wars small biased uneducated mind.
He must have forgotten the uppity nixxers deportations of Russians and closing of Russian headquarters here
Vince foster next?
He should be grateful at Obamas not publishing the don FBI investigations.
He would never have won if O and the Feds hadn't delayed making public their investigation
Our doublewide posters really do have too much time sucking off their socialist SS Medicare VA benefits

But in the real world everyone really sees how stupid you are because the inteligence of a Trump hater isn't very high other wise you wouldn't be stupid enough to play part in the communist wants of Obama and Bill Ayeres. See your part of their idiot club. They seek morons like you.
Scalise Digs Up Obama Dirt, Uses It To Completely Destroy Trump's Russia Critics

As most conservative Americans know, the mainstream media has a very short and selective memory.

As cries of outrage toward President Donald Trump grow louder by the day for his handling of Russian President Vladimir Putin, it’s as if liberals and their media allies have completely forgotten what occurred this past decade under President Barack Obama.


There is nothing better than to see scum being dragged through the mud proving even further what losers we have had in the White House from Obama back.
The leftist loons aren't use to what " real america" is about the commies got their plan busted wide open and the elites hate it lmfao..
I don’t understand; how does any of that defend Trump’s internationally televised surrender to Putin?

Don't you know they always have to justify the orange buffoon with someone else's mistakes? They all live in the past. Hell someone a week or so ago brought up Lincoln's indiscretions.

Lol...after 8 years of BBBBBBUUUTTT BOOOOOSH!!!!!!!?

You're a buffoon

Bush did leave office with theworstrecession in 60 years.

Bush did leave office leaving two quagmire wars

Bush did leave office with the US losing 800,000 jobs a day.

All measurable & provable.

No5, crawl out of Trump's butt long enough to provide the same for Obama.

Truimp took office with a growing economy. Isis already being depleted,.

I am sure you Trumpettes think Trump knows better than anyone who ever did anything before him. This is how duped you are.
But thats different.......somehow.
Not in mind wars small biased uneducated mind.
He must have forgotten the uppity nixxers deportations of Russians and closing of Russian headquarters here
Vince foster next?
He should be grateful at Obamas not publishing the don FBI investigations.
He would never have won if O and the Feds hadn't delayed making public their investigation
Our doublewide posters really do have too much time sucking off their socialist SS Medicare VA benefits

But in the real world everyone really sees how stupid you are because the inteligence of a Trump hater isn't very high other wise you wouldn't be stupid enough to play part in the communist wants of Obama and Bill Ayeres. See your part of their idiot club. They seek morons like you.
You know you are area loser & uninformed when you bring up Bill Ayers.
But thats different.......somehow.
Not in mind wars small biased uneducated mind.
He must have forgotten the uppity nixxers deportations of Russians and closing of Russian headquarters here
Vince foster next?
He should be grateful at Obamas not publishing the don FBI investigations.
He would never have won if O and the Feds hadn't delayed making public their investigation
Our doublewide posters really do have too much time sucking off their socialist SS Medicare VA benefits

But in the real world everyone really sees how stupid you are because the inteligence of a Trump hater isn't very high other wise you wouldn't be stupid enough to play part in the communist wants of Obama and Bill Ayeres. See your part of their idiot club. They seek morons like you.
You know you are area loser & uninformed when you bring up Bill Ayers.

No you are just an Obama bitch whose acting out and protetcing his little bitch. That's what one does when their mommy or daddy is being made fun of. But when the truth hurts you Obama lovers show just how pathetic you really are.


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