Scaring SCOTUS. The LGBT Machine Burns the Midnight Oil, With Help From The GOP?

Sil has crossed the line into conspiracy.

The GOP RW legislation, accordingly, is now part of an LGBT orchestrated event to . . . do what? Encourage Marriage Equality by passing laws to stop Marriage Equality?

Put this in the Conspiracy Forum, please.

Every time a Conservative posts a thread hi-liting the hypocrisy of dimocraps, one of our resident dimocrap scum calls on it to be moved.

And I'll bet you, not just in the thread itself. If we could get our resident Jedi, Guardians of The Realm, to admit it, I bet the dimocrap scum in here report most Conservative OPs most of the time.

dimocraps are scum
Sil has crossed the line into conspiracy.

The GOP RW legislation, accordingly, is now part of an LGBT orchestrated event to . . . do what? Encourage Marriage Equality by passing laws to stop Marriage Equality?

Put this in the Conspiracy Forum, please.

Every time a Conservative posts a thread hi-liting the hypocrisy of dimocraps, one of our resident dimocrap scum calls on it to be moved.

And I'll bet you, not just in the thread itself. If we could get our resident Jedi, Guardians of The Realm, to admit it, I bet the dimocrap scum in here report most Conservative OPs most of the time.

dimocraps are scum
Edge, I am no more a Dem than you are a sane GOP member. If you don't post to the OP when flaming, you are breaking posting rules. Got a problem with that? This OP does not make sense is the point, and neither do you.
Sil has crossed the line into conspiracy.

The GOP RW legislation, accordingly, is now part of an LGBT orchestrated event to . . . do what? Encourage Marriage Equality by passing laws to stop Marriage Equality?

Put this in the Conspiracy Forum, please.

Every time a Conservative posts a thread hi-liting the hypocrisy of dimocraps, one of our resident dimocrap scum calls on it to be moved.

And I'll bet you, not just in the thread itself. If we could get our resident Jedi, Guardians of The Realm, to admit it, I bet the dimocrap scum in here report most Conservative OPs most of the time.

dimocraps are scum
Well I wouldn't expect a nutter like yourself to recognize how crazy your rants are and why they get moved.
Sil has crossed the line into conspiracy.

The GOP RW legislation, accordingly, is now part of an LGBT orchestrated event to . . . do what? Encourage Marriage Equality by passing laws to stop Marriage Equality?

Put this in the Conspiracy Forum, please.

Every time a Conservative posts a thread hi-liting the hypocrisy of dimocraps, one of our resident dimocrap scum calls on it to be moved.

And I'll bet you, not just in the thread itself. If we could get our resident Jedi, Guardians of The Realm, to admit it, I bet the dimocrap scum in here report most Conservative OPs most of the time.

dimocraps are scum
Well I wouldn't expect a nutter like yourself to recognize how crazy your rants are and why they get moved.
Very yes! Somehow the NC legislature is supporting Marriage Equality by getting rid of it in the state, according to the OP.
Check this out --
Joyce Carol OatesVerified account‏@JoyceCarolOates
Joyce Carol Oates retweeted Chris Tilly

So barbaric that this should still be allowed... No conservation laws in effect wherever this is?

Here's the tweet she's referencing --

Chris Tilly‏@TillyTweets
This guy thinks it's cool to kill defenceless animals then take a selfie. Jerk.

They removed your sense of humor, didn't they?

Stupidity such as yours is only funny for a short period of time.

After that it becomes extremely tedious.

And we gave you the vote....... :banghead:


They simply took the vote away from your cold dead mind since you were no longer using it anymore!

Madcow is about as intellectually inspiring as a goldfish. The mouth keeps flapping, but nothing of value comes out.

And yet, she is way more intelligent and successful.....than you. :D
Nobody is (at least I'm not) saying that the LGBT think tanks are unintelligent. Quite the opposite. In order to herd people around, you have to be able to outsmart them.
Nobody is disputing that the LGBT think tanks are unintelligent. Quite the opposite. In order to herd people around, you have to be able to outsmart them.

With moonbats it's like herding cats. Tie a toy mouse on the end of a fishing pole and you could drag them through a cactus field.
This isn't a partisan issue. It's an issue of sanity. And both parties are guilty of insanity on their fringe ends.
Edge, I am no more a Dem than you are a sane GOP member.

You just put yourself at the top of the list for BIGGEST LIARS on the board.

How old are you anyway.... 7?

Fakey isn't a dem.

He's an apparachik. He knows liberalism is bullshit, but it's the best way for useless people to get rich and empowered. Every other profession requires results.

Edge, I am no more a Dem than you are a sane GOP member.
You just put yourself at the top of the list for BIGGEST LIARS on the board. How old are you anyway.... 7?
You still whining from the shining you got? Son, you are exactly where you belong. You are far right reactionary, just like Edge, and you are not part of the mainstream GOP. We want your vote, not your lip. The LGBT is a lost battle. Move on.
Every time a Conservative posts a thread hi-liting the hypocrisy of dimocraps, one of our resident dimocrap scum calls on it to be moved.
And I'll bet you, not just in the thread itself. If we could get our resident Jedi, Guardians of The Realm, to admit it, I bet the dimocrap scum in here report most Conservative OPs most of the time.
dimocraps are scum
Um, I'm the OP and I'm a democrat. But you're right. Anytime anyone to the right of Bill Clinton even slightly brings up the schenanigans of the LGBT machine, they try to bury the thread. They do not want any more depth to this conversation. They want RIGHTS...OR ELSE. And everybody had better just shut up about it. That's the way Scientologists get shit done. L. Ron Hubbard would have been proud of his little protege'.

We democrats are sick of what the far left has done to our otherwise good platforms. For butt sex we will sacrafice green energy, universal healthcare, a good living wage and so on; all so two dudes can play-act "mom" and dad to kids with society's blessing. Remember what happened to the herd in the middle in November 2014 at the thought of gay marriage?

This is what happens when cults start to blossom. They don't care who or what they mow down in their path to total domination. The smoke and mirrors illusionists want everyone to believe that anyone left of Chris Christie is a cheerleader for gay marriage and transgenderism etc. etc. etc. They really believe, and in fact it could be true if the conversation is shut down, that if you repeat a lie long enough, with the dynamics of human herd-think, the lie becomes the truth. The key is as you pointed out Edge, that they need to bury the conversation in order for the smoke and mirrors to do their trick.

They know that in order for this ruse to work, the opposition even and especially within the democratic party CANNOT HAVE A VOICE. (While they wave the flag of "tolerance", ironically-decrying "bullying" and lick their Harvey Milk postage they cry "foul" at the Josh Duggars of the world..)
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This isn't a partisan issue. It's an issue of sanity. And both parties are guilty of insanity on their fringe ends.
Your issue is the lack of mental balance you are showing, as evidenced by the OP. The NC lege is not part of a LGBT plot.
Every time a Conservative posts a thread hi-liting the hypocrisy of dimocraps, one of our resident dimocrap scum calls on it to be moved.
And I'll bet you, not just in the thread itself. If we could get our resident Jedi, Guardians of The Realm, to admit it, I bet the dimocrap scum in here report most Conservative OPs most of the time.
dimocraps are scum
Um, I'm the OP and I'm a democrat. But you're right. Anytime anyone to the right of Bill Clinton even slightly brings up the schenanigans of the LGBT machine, they try to bury the thread. They do not want any more depth to this conversation. They want RIGHTS...OR ELSE. And everybody had better just shut up about it. That's the way Scientologists get shit done. L. Ron Hubbard would have been proud of his little protege'.

We democrats are sick of what the far left has done to our otherwise good platforms. For butt sex we will sacrafice green energy, universal healthcare, a good living wage and so on; all so two dudes can play-act "mom" and dad to kids with society's blessing. Remember what happened to the herd in the middle in November 2014 at the thought of gay marriage?

This is what happens when cults start to blossom. They don't care who or what they mow down in their path to total domination. The smoke and mirrors illusionists want everyone to believe that anyone left of Chris Christie is a cheerleader for gay marriage and transgenderism etc. etc. etc. They really believe, and in fact it could be true if the conversation is shut down, that if you repeat a lie long enough, with the dynamics of human herd-think, the lie becomes the truth. The key is as you pointed out Edge, that they need to bury the conversation in order for the smoke and mirrors to do their trick.

They know that in order for this ruse to work, the opposition even and especially within the democratic party CANNOT HAVE A VOICE. (While they wave the flag of "tolerance", ironically-decrying "bullying" and lick their Harvey Milk postage they cry "foul" at the Josh Duggars of the world..)

Thank you.

I am VERY familiar with the cocksucker L Ron Hubbard.

His teaching and writings and his sick, twisted 'religion' is actually illegal in most Countries, as it should be here.

You want to read something really sick, read his, "Management by Statistics"

And yes, dimocrap filth embraced the scumbag a few years ago. Hate them. I even hate 'conservatives' that embrace the pig, Hubbard (Great van Susteren) Scientology should be outlawed -- Right after they take its adherents out and shoot them

And I pity you. If you are truly a democrat, you are a person without a party.

dimocraps walked away from you during the Lying Cocksucker's tenure and they have no inclination to ever welcome you back into the fold.

I call them dimocraps so as not to insult actual democrats. I refuse to call them democrats. democrats are decent people that I sometimes disagree with, dimocraps are the scum of the earth
Thank you...I am VERY familiar with the cocksucker L Ron Hubbard....His teaching and writings and his sick, twisted 'religion' is actually illegal in most Countries, as it should be here....You want to read something really sick, read his, "Management by Statistics"...And yes, dimocrap filth embraced the scumbag a few years ago. Hate them. I even hate 'conservatives' that embrace the pig, Hubbard (Great van Susteren) Scientology should be outlawed -- Right after they take its adherents out and shoot them...And I pity you. If you are truly a democrat, you are a person without a party....dimocraps walked away from you during the Lying Cocksucker's tenure and they have no inclination to ever welcome you back into the fold....I call them dimocraps so as not to insult actual democrats. I refuse to call them democrats. democrats are decent people that I sometimes disagree with, dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Thanks for that clarification. The real loss is the shattering of the democratic party. The conservatives need the democrats to maintain a proper balance of power. For as soon as our party is shattered, yours will not long be far behind. When a division is sensed, that's when the fringe will divide and conquer. Your extremists will also marginalize you who are more like middle dems than far right republicans. The looneys are on both extreme edges of the spectrum. If y'all run moderate governors this race, with gay marriage being the stinking albatross around my party's neck, Hillary Clinton doesn't stand a rat's chance on a cat farm.
Thank you...I am VERY familiar with the cocksucker L Ron Hubbard....His teaching and writings and his sick, twisted 'religion' is actually illegal in most Countries, as it should be here....You want to read something really sick, read his, "Management by Statistics"...And yes, dimocrap filth embraced the scumbag a few years ago. Hate them. I even hate 'conservatives' that embrace the pig, Hubbard (Great van Susteren) Scientology should be outlawed -- Right after they take its adherents out and shoot them...And I pity you. If you are truly a democrat, you are a person without a party....dimocraps walked away from you during the Lying Cocksucker's tenure and they have no inclination to ever welcome you back into the fold....I call them dimocraps so as not to insult actual democrats. I refuse to call them democrats. democrats are decent people that I sometimes disagree with, dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Thanks for that clarification. The real loss is the shattering of the democratic party. The conservatives need the democrats to maintain a proper balance of power. For as soon as our party is shattered, yours will not long be far behind. When a division is sensed, that's when the fringe will divide and conquer. Your extremists will also marginalize you who are more like middle dems than far right republicans. The looneys are on both extreme edges of the spectrum. If y'all run moderate governors this race, with gay marriage being the stinking albatross around my party's neck, Hillary Clinton doesn't stand a rat's chance on a cat farm.


Too funny for words watching Sil pretending to be a moderate Dem and Edgetho pretending to be a moderate Republican.

Too funny for words watching Sil pretending to be a moderate Dem and Edgetho pretending to be a moderate Republican.

Wrong, cockbreath.

I do not pretend anything.

I hate, despise and detest the dimocrap party with every fiber of my being.

If every one of them died a horrible, excruciatingly painful death tonight, I would drink a toast to their misery and laugh in their faces

I wouldn't piss in your face if your hair was on fire.......

Is that what you call a moderate?

dimocraps are scum


democrats? I can lie with democrats. But there any left. the Lying Cocksucker ran them from the party starting in 2010.

You think those Mid Term ass-kickings were because our Party is so super-strong we lose twice in a row to a Lying Cocksucker and an America-Hating piece of shit like the Lying Cocksucker?

dimocrap scum PURGED their party. They WANTED those Blue Dog Democrats gone.

So, there aren't many left. At all. They are not welcome in the dimocrap party of today.

the dimocrap party is the scum of the earth. They are not good people with bad ideas..... They are simply bad people.

They are radicals, communists, Black Power racists, Pop Culture, LSM scumbags.


Too funny for words watching Sil pretending to be a moderate Dem and Edgetho pretending to be a moderate Republican.

Wrong, cockbreath.

I do not pretend anything.

I hate, despise and detest the dimocrap party with every fiber of my being.

If every one of them died a horrible, excruciatingly painful death tonight, I would drink a toast to their misery and laugh in their faces

I wouldn't piss in your face if your hair was on fire.......

Is that what you call a moderate?

dimocraps are scum


democrats? I can lie with democrats. But there any left. the Lying Cocksucker ran them from the party starting in 2010.

You think those Mid Term ass-kickings were because our Party is so super-strong we lose twice in a row to a Lying Cocksucker and an America-Hating piece of shit like the Lying Cocksucker?

dimocrap scum PURGED their party. They WANTED those Blue Dog Democrats gone.

So, there aren't many left. At all. They are not welcome in the dimocrap party of today.

the dimocrap party is the scum of the earth. They are not good people with bad ideas..... They are simply bad people.

They are radicals, communists, Black Power racists, Pop Culture, LSM scumbags.



Your use of puerile vulgarities only destroys your own credibility.
Sil's can pretend all she wishes that gay marriage is not legal in North Carolina until the cows come home. Meanwhile gays are getting married in the Tar Heel State. Sil's interpretation of Windsor's findings derives almost entirely from her own imagination.
I can tell people I'm married to my car. That doesn't make it legal.

The moment you get your car to consent to a marriage, I'll happily send you a gift card to Auto Zone. Either way, gays will continue to legally marry in North Carolina despite the nonsense you've conjured up concerning Windsor's findings.
Sil's can pretend all she wishes that gay marriage is not legal in North Carolina until the cows come home. Meanwhile gays are getting married in the Tar Heel State. Sil's interpretation of Windsor's findings derives almost entirely from her own imagination.
I can tell people I'm married to my car. That doesn't make it legal.

The moment you get your car to consent to a marriage, I'll happily send you a gift card to Auto Zone. Either way, gays will continue to legally marry in North Carolina despite the nonsense you've conjured up concerning Windsor's findings.
1. If the Supreme Court awarded E. Windsor in 2013 her money based on the hinge premise that the question of gay marriage being legal or not is/was/always has been up to the states, then that is the law until/unless the Supreme Court changes that.

2. North Carolina (a state, see #1) defined marriage to only one man and one woman.

3. So, gay marriage is not legal in North Carolina or any other state whose law says marriage is only between a man and a woman.

4. Lower courts do not enjoy the luxury of overturning from underneath, a specific Finding of law by SCOTUS; or as judge Sutton of the 6th circuit said: in anticipation that SCOTUS may at some point overturn itself on that quesiton.

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