Scaring SCOTUS. The LGBT Machine Burns the Midnight Oil, With Help From The GOP?

If the "logic" being used by North Carolina to make gay marriage illegal despite a Supreme Court ruling is sound, please explain why they couldn't pass a law making interracial marriage illegal.

Are all your questions this easy to answer? Race and behavior are not the same legal animal.
That is not the "logic" being used by NC. Try again.

All of NC or just some carefully placed and timed individuals making a stink about interracial marriage (supposedly) at the 11th hour while SCOTUS deliberates gay marriage?

Again, race and behaviors are not the same legal animal.
If the "logic" being used by North Carolina to make gay marriage illegal despite a Supreme Court ruling is sound, please explain why they couldn't pass a law making interracial marriage illegal.

Are all your questions this easy to answer? Race and behavior are not the same legal animal.
That is not the "logic" being used by NC. Try again.

All of NC or just some carefully placed and timed individuals making a stink about interracial marriage (supposedly) at the 11th hour while SCOTUS deliberates gay marriage?

You do realize that you can't back your conspiracy with a shred of evidence, right? That you're literally offering us your imagination as evidence?

Can you show us the slightest evidence that this is intended to influence the Supreme Court?

Of course not. You've imagined it all.

Again, race and behaviors are not the same legal animal.

And yet the Court has cited 4 different race based discrimination cases when ruling that discrimination against gays are invalid. You ignore them. The Supreme Court is unlikely to ignore itself.
If the "logic" being used by North Carolina to make gay marriage illegal despite a Supreme Court ruling is sound, please explain why they couldn't pass a law making interracial marriage illegal.

Are all your questions this easy to answer? Race and behavior are not the same legal animal.
That is not the "logic" being used by NC. Try again.

All of NC or just some carefully placed and timed individuals making a stink about interracial marriage (supposedly) at the 11th hour while SCOTUS deliberates gay marriage?

Again, race and behaviors are not the same legal animal.

And now Republicans from North Carolina are in on this grand conspiracy. You do realize the court has likely already reached a verdict and they are just polishing the wordings in their opinions, right? Opinions that you are likely to ignore while you assert your imagination as fact.
You do realize that you can't back your conspiracy with a shred of evidence, right? That you're literally offering us your imagination as evidence?

Can you show us the slightest evidence that this is intended to influence the Supreme Court?

Of course not. You've imagined it all.

The evidence is the timing, alongside the Duggar hit. You know, y'all should be a little more careful. The Justices aren't stupid. It's one thing to ask them to be impartial. It's quite another to ask them to be naive and ignore when someone is obviously manipulating them.
You do realize that you can't back your conspiracy with a shred of evidence, right? That you're literally offering us your imagination as evidence?

Can you show us the slightest evidence that this is intended to influence the Supreme Court?

Of course not. You've imagined it all.

The evidence is the timing, alongside the Duggar hit. You know, y'all should be a little more careful. The Justices aren't stupid. It's one thing to ask them to be impartial. It's quite another to ask them to be naive and ignore when someone is obviously manipulating them.

The Justices are not stupid which is why they won't be taking into consideration The Prince's Trust, a USMB poll, and any nonsensical conspiracy you've pulled out of thin air. The court still cares about it's integrity even if you don't care about yours.
You do realize that you can't back your conspiracy with a shred of evidence, right? That you're literally offering us your imagination as evidence?

Can you show us the slightest evidence that this is intended to influence the Supreme Court?

Of course not. You've imagined it all.

The evidence is the timing, alongside the Duggar hit.

So anything that happens in May or June is part of your vast conspiracy? As they all meet your 'timing' standard as well.

That makes no sense. You can't establish intentionality. You can't establish any influence on the USSC. You fail on cause AND effect. And merely imagine it must be so. Just like you imagine that Gallup and all other polling agencies that contradict you must have been infiltrated by homosexuals to produce false polling numbers.

Just because you imagine it......doesn't mean it has a thing to do with reality.

You know, y'all should be a little more careful. The Justices aren't stupid. It's one thing to ask them to be impartial. It's quite another to ask them to be naive and ignore when someone is obviously manipulating them.

You do realize that the 'manipulation' and 'conspiracy' you've completely inside your head, right?
Just remember, the Justices are striving to be impartial, not striving to be dupes. When you are living in crazy town, the first thing to go is your ability to see yourself as others do.
Just remember, the Justices are striving to be impartial, not striving to be dupes. When you are living in crazy town, the first thing to go is your ability to see yourself as others do.

Just remember, you making up yet another batshit conspiracy theory and typing about it on some obscure corner of a random online message board has no relevance to the Supreme Court of the United States.
Just remember, the Justices are striving to be impartial, not striving to be dupes. When you are living in crazy town, the first thing to go is your ability to see yourself as others do.

The Justices will not be easily dupe. Which is why they will not be considering your imagination when the verdict is released in a couple weeks.
You do realize that you can't back your conspiracy with a shred of evidence, right? That you're literally offering us your imagination as evidence?

Can you show us the slightest evidence that this is intended to influence the Supreme Court?

Of course not. You've imagined it all.

The evidence is the timing, alongside the Duggar hit. You know, y'all should be a little more careful. The Justices aren't stupid. It's one thing to ask them to be impartial. It's quite another to ask them to be naive and ignore when someone is obviously manipulating them.
The mean the timing of those NC GOP legislators. They're in on it, of course.
You do realize that you can't back your conspiracy with a shred of evidence, right? That you're literally offering us your imagination as evidence?

Can you show us the slightest evidence that this is intended to influence the Supreme Court?

Of course not. You've imagined it all.

The evidence is the timing, alongside the Duggar hit. You know, y'all should be a little more careful. The Justices aren't stupid. It's one thing to ask them to be impartial. It's quite another to ask them to be naive and ignore when someone is obviously manipulating them.
The mean the timing of those NC GOP legislators. They're in on it, of course.

That's literally what he's arguing. That the NC GOP is part of the vast gay conspiracy. And are trying to get gay marriage passed by scaring the Supreme Court.

I shit you not. That's how batshit this poor soul has gotten
That's literally what he's arguing. That the NC GOP is part of the vast gay conspiracy. And are trying to get gay marriage passed by scaring the Supreme Court.

I shit you not. That's how batshit this poor soul has gotten

I knew a guy once who was a bully. He used to brag how he'd whittle people down. He fancied himself a good capitalist but he insisted it was all a mind game: "to win"..

Anyway, the very first thing he did before he began his schenanigans was to pre-emptively make the rounds behind his target's back and smear them. He'd nudge anyone who would listen "look, don't talk to so and so...they're a little "off" in the head". He'd do that for a time, then do (fill in the blank) to them. After he'd done (fill in the blank) and the victim went around telling people the details of the bullying, he turned to everyone he had contacted previous and said "you see, I told you s/he's crazy!" and then roll his eyes for emphasis.

But what he was doing was exactly what the victim reported.

And what you're doing here is exactly what I've said it is. It's the timing. Like I said, the Supremes may strive to be impartial, but your machinations are THAT obvious. They're not going to like being manipulated. I'd make a mental note of that if I were you.

I'll let you in on a little secret Skylar, and the rest of you payroll LGBT bloggers, the more ad hominems that follow a point I make, the more I know it has hit home. And the more the readers here should take a second, third or fourth look at it. :popcorn:
And what you're doing here is exactly what I've said it is. It's the timing. Like I said, the Supremes may strive to be impartial, but your machinations are THAT obvious. They're not going to like being manipulated. I'd make a mental note of that if I were you.

Anything that happens in May or June is not part of your conspiracy, Sil. You can't establish causation, you can't establish intentionality, you can't even establish influence with the USSC.

There's no cause. There's no effecet. There's just you.....mired in batshit, making up conspiracies as fast as you can type.

No thank you.

I'll let you in on a little secret Skylar, and the rest of you payroll LGBT bloggers, the more ad hominems that follow a point I make, the more I know it has hit home. And the more the readers here should take a second, third or fourth look at it. :popcorn:

The 'payroll'? Holy shit, dude. You're following the sacred tenet of any batshit conspiracy: anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy is now part of it.

I contradict your hapless nonsense, so now I'm a 'paid blogger', and part of your vast, elaborate and gloriously imaginary international 'gay' conspiracy spanning half a century involving everyone from the US Postal service to InTouch magazine to every polling agency that contradicts you, to Oprah Winfrey.

Here's a much simpler explain: you're just wrong
You and I both know, and so do many, many other people, that there are a couple of dozens of well paid LGBT bloggers using sock puppets aplenty on multiple social networking boards in order give the illusion that "the attitudes about LGBT are changing in favor of".

Whose that guy funding y'all? Forgot his name. Was involved in the Texas DA vs Gov Perry thing. Soros.. That's it. George Soros I believe. Isn't he at or near the head of the snake? I wonder how many "conservatives" in states "under the influence" like NC there are that his money has bought and placed in positions of power?

LIke I said, this is about timing. The timing gave you away..
You and I both know, and so do many, many other people, that there are a couple of dozens of well paid LGBT bloggers using sock puppets aplenty on multiple social networking boards in order give the illusion that "the attitudes about LGBT are changing in favor of".

Dude, you don't 'know' any of your silly conspiracies. You've imagined them.

You imagined that Gallup has been 'infiltrated by homosexuals' and is now falsifying its polling data. You imagine that this board has been 'infiltrated by homosexuals' and now has paid gay posters. You imagined InTouch magazine was 'infiltrated by homosexuals' and outed the Duggar's oldest as a child molester.

Do you notice a pattern of batshit in your rambling? I sure do.
Soros. George Soros. Google him.

You just added *another* character to your little conspiracy melodrama?

You do realize that adding even more layers of baseless batshit and pointless complexity to an already fantastically elaborate and gloriously fact free conspiracy doesn't actually make you more credible.


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