Scary Pic of the Stolen Top Secret Documents

Patel and the President.

Yes. They were.

No. He didn’t.

In your looney dreams.

By the way. Congrats on the land speed record for getting a retarded troll thread sent to the basement where it obviously deserves to be.

Do you know how retarded you are or does it surprise you every time?

Good luck with that defense holding up in court

You people are a total joke, you think you can just proclaim the election was stolen with no evidence at all, or "they were declassified" when they were not remotely declassified at all.

You are weak, too weak to man the fuck up and admit Trump lost the election and had now comitted a serious crime

Good luck with that defense holding up in court
If it goes to court. It will then be a defense, perhaps, assuming Brandon’s Justice department is retarded enough to charge a crime involving the allegedly classified documents. Unless and until such a charge, it’s not a defense to anything because there are no charges, stupid.
You people are a total joke, you think you can just proclaim the election was stolen with no evidence at all,
Quote me as saying that, you retard. Or get back to munching on a cock salad.
or "they were declassified" when they were not remotely declassified at all.
Yes. They were. The fact that a retard like you doesn’t believe it doesn’t change the fact that they were.
You are weak, too weak to man the fuck up and admit Trump lost the election
I haven’t claimed otherwise, you obviously careless retard.
and had now comitted a serious crim
You keep saying it. But there’s no charge. And your empty denial of the declassification doesn’t support your baseless claim.

Did I mention that you’re a retard? You are. It shouldn’t go unmentioned.
If it goes to court. It will then be a defense, perhaps, assuming Brandon’s Justice department is retarded enough to charge a crime involving the allegedly classified documents. Unless and until such a charge, it’s not a defense to anything because there are no charges, stupid.

Quote me as saying that, you retard. Or get back to munching on a cock salad.

Yes. They were. The fact that a retard like you doesn’t believe it doesn’t change the fact that they were.

I haven’t claimed otherwise, you obviously careless retard.

You keep saying it. But there’s no charge. And your empty denial of the declassification doesn’t support your baseless claim.

Did I mention that you’re a retard? You are. It shouldn’t go unmentioned.
the declassification is a total fantasy and not remotely true. Nobody credible has said they were declassified and the Archives said they were of the highest level os classification, the most serious and dangerous.

If thats your defense Trump will go to jail because he committed a serious crime.

Just like your fake election fraud claims with no evidence at all.
the declassification is a total fantasy and not remotely true.
Lol. Because you have so declared?
Nobody credible has said they were declassified
I don’t value your determination about Patel’s credibility.
and the Archives said they were of the highest level os classification, the most serious and dangerous.
Maybe some were before they were declassified.
If thats your defense Trump will go to jail because he committed a serious crime.
He did not. And again, no defense required because no charges. You retard. :laughing0301:
Just like your fake election fraud claims with no evidence at all.
There is plenty of evidence of fraud, you rancid dopey twat. What I haven’t seen is evidence that it altered the outcome in even one state. But at least you remain a retard. :auiqs.jpg:

The Documents are in special Top Secret folders !
Clearly marked Top Secret !

Makes you wonder how somebody could be so fuckin stupid.

They need special FBI agents with special clearence, just to handle the ultra top secret material, that's how secret it is.

A Picture is worth 1000 words.

Indictment is essential, accountability is essential.

View attachment 689693
Oooooh! Scawy!!! If those classified cover sheets fell into the wrong hands.......OH MY GAWWWDDD!!!

The Documents are in special Top Secret folders !
Clearly marked Top Secret !

Makes you wonder how somebody could be so fuckin stupid.

They need special FBI agents with special clearence, just to handle the ultra top secret material, that's how secret it is.

A Picture is worth 1000 words.

Indictment is essential, accountability is essential.

View attachment 689693
Looks completely fake.

Just like the email that said that that a member of the Trump campaign was "not a source," for U.S. intelligence.

rior to the submission of the fourth FISA application, and after Individual #1 stated publicly that he/she had assisted the U.S. government in the past, an FBI Supervisory Special Agent (“SSA”) asked Clinesmith to inquire with the OGA as to whether Individual #1 had ever been a “source” for the OGA. On June 15, 2017, Clinesmith sent an email to a liaison at the OGA (“OGA Liaison”) seeking clarification as to whether Individual #1 was an OGA source, and the OGA Liaison responded via email to Clinesmith. On June 19, 2017, Clinesmith altered the email he received from the OGA Liaison by adding the words “not a source,” and then forwarded the email to the FBI SSA. Relying on the altered email, on June 29, 2017, the SSA signed and submitted the fourth FISA application to the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The application did not include Individual #1’s history or status with the OGA.

Clinesmith pleaded guilty to one count of making a false statement within both the jurisdiction of the executive branch and judicial branch of the U.S. government, an offense that carries a maximum term of imprisonment of five years and a fine of up to $250,000. Judge Boasberg scheduled sentencing for December 10, 2020.

Big news is that Clinesmith was given no jail time, so the FBI knew it would fake documents with no consequences.
Lol. Because you have so declared?
That seems to be the extent of the 'proof' that they were declassified. It was just declared AFTER the fact they were discovered.

That is just being willfully ignorant. Been asking since the day he made that asinine statement that one person somewhere, anywhere, show me one shred of evidence that such is the case. So far, not a damn thing. Lots of people simply declaring it true, not a single fact to be found among them.
Morons, claiming the documents are fake.
But Trump declassified fake documents?

The Trump throws more shit against the wall, praying the latest batch, sticks.
ALL of it sticks, with the Trump cult.
As you can see by the whiteout redactions, not all of them were in folders. Their content was exposed to anyone in the room.


From the affidavit: Of most significant concern was that highly classified records were unfoldered, intermixed with other records, and otherwise unproperly [sic] identified.
Ah Guno, you remain a study in retardation.

There were no classified records, you fucking moron.

See if you can figure out why.

The Documents are in special Top Secret folders !
Clearly marked Top Secret !

Makes you wonder how somebody could be so fuckin stupid.

They need special FBI agents with special clearence, just to handle the ultra top secret material, that's how secret it is.

A Picture is worth 1000 words.

Indictment is essential, accountability is essential.

View attachment 689693

Well we see when it's all said and done.

They have a committee running the jan 6 investigation headed up by a democrat that hates him and so far they haven't nailed him. He has been impeached twice with no results. And been accused and bombarded by so much over the years on the side that never produced any fruit.

I don't expect anything to come of this either. So make all the claims you like but I'll bet a paycheck nothing comes of this because it's just another sham.
No, only the Top Secret ones do Einstein...
Thats why it is a serious crime.

You don't seem to understand that Trump stole extremely serious and sensitive material that has serious implications to the world, AND needs to be handled with extreme care.

AND Trump signed law stating that mishandling these documents is a serious crime. Trump is as dumb as it gets.
Not dumb at all. He declassified everything he took. Hell the FBI was at his house in Feb. He had them look at it all and told them to take what they wanted. They took nothing but did tell him to put another lock on the door to the room they were stored in. Kinda funny what was nothing worth taking in Feb became top secret documents in Aug. Trump has also been sending documents to archive whatever they want he's sent to them.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO at the idiots Dems who think they have Trump. Good lord what idiots they are
That seems to be the extent of the 'proof' that they were declassified. It was just declared AFTER the fact they were discovered.
Wrong. It was declared before the FBI/DOJ even applied for the search warrant.
That is just being willfully ignorant.
You not knowing what you’re talking about? Yep. Very ignorant.
Been asking since the day he made that asinine statement that one person somewhere, anywhere, show me one shred of evidence that such is the case. So far, not a damn thing. Lots of people simply declaring it true, not a single fact to be found among them.
You’re quite a douche. If I was somewhere when someone did or said something, I’m a witness to that. My statement about it constitutes evidence.
Not dumb at all. He declassified everything he took. Hell the FBI was at his house in Feb. He had them look at it all and told them to take what they wanted. They took nothing but did tell him to put another lock on the door to the room they were stored in. Kinda funny what was nothing worth taking in Feb became top secret documents in Aug. Trump has also been sending documents to archive whatever they want he's sent to them.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO at the idiots Dems who think they have Trump. Good lord what idiots they are
Wow shocking.

Your version of the events are not even remotely true.

Trump took classified material, they ask him for it back, he LIED and said he didn't have it
Then they took records from his house and found ultra top secret material in the records
Then they asked him for the rest of the ultra top secret material and he lied about having it
Then they had an informant tell them Trump has the material in his basement and they got a search warrant to recover the material

Trump's trial is going to be a gut punch for you because you are just a sheep regurgitating lies to try and cover for Trumps obvious crime. Clearly you are oblivious to the facts
Notice how everything that comes from federal level is punitive and punishing
Fed overreacting now by trying to falsely control what they cant
All Democrat policies are interference with motivated and prosperous people trying to move things forward. Libbies don’t feel forward is fair enough.
And the big “What If ???”Game is All that libbies are playing Once Again
I find it hilarious to read all of the "security experts" weighing in on the nuances of allegedly classified printed material. They get their vast knowledge spoon fed to them from reports by CNN, ground zero for anti-Trump propaganda. :abgg2q.jpg:

The Documents are in special Top Secret folders !
Clearly marked Top Secret !

Makes you wonder how somebody could be so fuckin stupid.

They need special FBI agents with special clearence, just to handle the ultra top secret material, that's how secret it is.

A Picture is worth 1000 words.

Indictment is essential, accountability is essential.

View attachment 689693
Where are the radioactive nuclear documents?
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

The Documents are in special Top Secret folders !
Clearly marked Top Secret !

Makes you wonder how somebody could be so fuckin stupid.

They need special FBI agents with special clearence, just to handle the ultra top secret material, that's how secret it is.

A Picture is worth 1000 words.

Indictment is essential, accountability is essential.

View attachment 689693
Staged planted docs.

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