Schiff Spits The Bit

Schiff can't deal with the information Nunes got or who he got it from (it obviously wasn't the Administration because he returned to brief Trump on what he'd found). So Schiff now wants him gone because he has nothing else to say. Schiff wants a special committee now to drag this horseshit out as long as possible. The whole Rat playbook is to stall and delay Trump until the 2018 midterms on the hope they can pick up some seats. Problem for them is they're pissing off the American people and will lose even more seats. Ryan isn't about to remove Nunes from the committee, he's the only one finding out how Trump was surveilled and by whom.
Schiff can't deal with the information Nunes got or who he got it from (it obviously wasn't the Administration because he returned to brief Trump on what he'd found). So Schiff now wants him gone because he has nothing else to say. Schiff wants a special committee now to drag this horseshit out as long as possible. The whole Rat playbook is to stall and delay Trump until the 2018 midterms on the hope they can pick up some seats. Problem for them is they're pissing off the American people and will lose even more seats. Ryan isn't about to remove Nunes from the committee, he's the only one finding out how Trump was surveilled and by whom.

Republicans are KINGS of "dragging" out something! How soon we forget Benghazi, "Hillary's emails," W's "fast & furious" gun program (put Obama and his AG on the hot seat)! Please spare me! :321: :blahblah: :9:
Republicans are KINGS of "dragging" out something! How soon we forget Benghazi, "Hillary's emails," W's "fast & furious" gun program (put Obama and his AG on the hot seat)! Please spare me! :321: :blahblah: :9:

Benghazi and Hillary's emails were serious crimes against the American people but were shielded by Lynch and Comey. The surveillance of Trump is more of the same. Your party elites are criminals and traitors.
Republicans are KINGS of "dragging" out something! How soon we forget Benghazi, "Hillary's emails," W's "fast & furious" gun program (put Obama and his AG on the hot seat)! Please spare me! :321: :blahblah: :9:

Benghazi and Hillary's emails were serious crimes against the American people but were shielded by Lynch and Comey. The surveillance of Trump is more of the same. Your party elites are criminals and traitors.

The "party line" talking points will have to do until impeachment proceedings begin soon! :badgrin: :banana: :beer:
The bug-eyed Trump-hater had plenty to say a week ago about Nunes documents detailing surveillance of Trump, but now has gone quiet after seeing them. And in fact is now saying Nunes should turn the whole enchilada over to a select-committee to save face. Nunes has the goods, chicken-neck Schiff knows he has the goods, and is trying to find a way out from running his mouth.


Incidentally, only a democrat could make a career from a fumbled prosecution of a REAL spy for Russia:

While an assistant U.S. Attorney he gained attention by prosecuting a case against Richard Miller, a former FBI agent convicted of "passing secret documents to the Soviet Union in exchange for a promised $65,000 in gold and cash."[4] The first time Miller was tried, it resulted in a hung jury; the second time, it resulted in a conviction overturned on appeal,[5] and the third time he was convicted.

Adam Schiff - Wikipedia
Schiff is the only safeguard this country has from the republicans, mainly Nunes, sabotaging the investigation into the Trump Russian ties. Of course you're going to put down Schiff. It's your job to try to protect Trump like the good little whore you are.

We all know none of you Trumpettes want to know if your president is a crook. You're scared shitless of the truth.
Republicans are KINGS of "dragging" out something! How soon we forget Benghazi, "Hillary's emails," W's "fast & furious" gun program (put Obama and his AG on the hot seat)! Please spare me! :321: :blahblah: :9:

Benghazi and Hillary's emails were serious crimes against the American people but were shielded by Lynch and Comey. The surveillance of Trump is more of the same. Your party elites are criminals and traitors.
Hey asshole... continually bringing up Benghazi and Hillary after a dozen investigations ( AND THEY FOUND NOTHING ) makes you look what exactly you're doing. Same thing Trump tries to do daily. Distract from the extremely Important matter that the President of the United States is under investigation for espionage.
Hey asshole... continually bringing up Benghazi and Hillary after a dozen investigations ( AND THEY FOUND NOTHING ) makes you look what exactly you're doing. Same thing Trump tries to do daily. Distract from the extremely Important matter that the President of the United States is under investigation for espionage.

Aw, look at the little MELTING snowflake stomp his feet and turn red. :lol: We found plenty on Hillary and there will be a knock on her door when Sessions decides to hang her out to dry.
The bug-eyed Trump-hater had plenty to say a week ago about Nunes documents detailing surveillance of Trump, but now has gone quiet after seeing them. And in fact is now saying Nunes should turn the whole enchilada over to a select-committee to save face. Nunes has the goods, chicken-neck Schiff knows he has the goods, and is trying to find a way out from running his mouth.


Incidentally, only a democrat could make a career from a fumbled prosecution of a REAL spy for Russia:

While an assistant U.S. Attorney he gained attention by prosecuting a case against Richard Miller, a former FBI agent convicted of "passing secret documents to the Soviet Union in exchange for a promised $65,000 in gold and cash."[4] The first time Miller was tried, it resulted in a hung jury; the second time, it resulted in a conviction overturned on appeal,[5] and the third time he was convicted.

Adam Schiff - Wikipedia
NOPE, just a LIE

Schiff was not briefed on what the heck Nunes was barking about, chnaged his story, barked again, changed his story again.... Schiff nor anyone on the intelligence committees have seen any evidence on what Nunes was talking about..

Nunes was suppose to have a meeting last Friday with the Intelligence committee to share the info with them but nunes CANCELLED THE MEETING....then tomorrow there was suppose to be another open hearing with comey and others, and Nunes cancelled that too and said they would have A New meeting with Comey but it would be in a classified session, then today Nunes cancelled that classified meeting with the House Intelligence /investigation committee....

Soooooooo, Nunes is obviously HIDING SOMETHING from his own intelligence committee and he is PREVENTING any hearings on the Russian investigation now, and cancelling them all...he even cancelled the once weekly committee meeting that they have every Monday at 5 pm....

Ohhhh jebus is this thing stinking up the room fast....
Tom Horn, our own Chuckles, has it every bit backwards. Nothing new.

Yes, the call for a special prosecutor is growing.
Yeah, the call for a special prosecutor for the Obama administration is growing.
Only in your bizarro world.
I guess you didn't hear your pussygrabber lied about Obama wiretapping him.

This is the top news of the day.
Nunes trying to sabatoge the investigation.

Democrats Demand Devin Nunes Recuse Himself From Russia Inquiry | The Huffington Post
NOPE, just a LIE

Schiff was not briefed on what the heck Nunes was barking about, chnaged his story, barked again, changed his story again.... Schiff nor anyone on the intelligence committees have seen any evidence on what Nunes was talking about..

Nunes was suppose to have a meeting last Friday with the Intelligence committee to share the info with them but nunes CANCELLED THE MEETING....then tomorrow there was suppose to be another open hearing with comey and others, and Nunes cancelled that too and said they would have A New meeting with Comey but it would be in a classified session, then today Nunes cancelled that classified meeting with the House Intelligence /investigation committee....

Soooooooo, Nunes is obviously HIDING SOMETHING from his own intelligence committee and he is PREVENTING any hearings on the Russian investigation now, and cancelling them all...he even cancelled the once weekly committee meeting that they have every Monday at 5 pm....

Ohhhh jebus is this thing stinking up the room fast....

Anything Schiff sees will be printed in the NYTimes the next day so I'm glad Nunes told him to pound sand. Or maybe Nunes did show him and Schiff is scared shitless like I said in the OP. Nunes knows what he has is DYNO-MITE and the Rats know it too. I'm also encouraged to learn Nunes met "Mr or Ms X" in a secure WH room. "X" could have been in physical danger for coming forward.....these spycraft types play hardball. One day you may stand and applaud the person(s) who brought this all to an end. We're Americans....we don't pull this crap on each other.
Tom Horn, our own Chuckles, has it every bit backwards. Nothing new.

Yes, the call for a special prosecutor is growing.
Yeah, the call for a special prosecutor for the Obama administration is growing.
Only in your bizarro world.
I guess you didn't hear your pussygrabber lied about Obama wiretapping him.

This is the top news of the day.
Nunes trying to sabatoge the investigation.

Democrats Demand Devin Nunes Recuse Himself From Russia Inquiry | The Huffington Post

Wow, that's hilarious. It's so funny watching you snowflakes squawking like chickens.
NOPE, just a LIE

Schiff was not briefed on what the heck Nunes was barking about, chnaged his story, barked again, changed his story again.... Schiff nor anyone on the intelligence committees have seen any evidence on what Nunes was talking about..

Nunes was suppose to have a meeting last Friday with the Intelligence committee to share the info with them but nunes CANCELLED THE MEETING....then tomorrow there was suppose to be another open hearing with comey and others, and Nunes cancelled that too and said they would have A New meeting with Comey but it would be in a classified session, then today Nunes cancelled that classified meeting with the House Intelligence /investigation committee....

Soooooooo, Nunes is obviously HIDING SOMETHING from his own intelligence committee and he is PREVENTING any hearings on the Russian investigation now, and cancelling them all...he even cancelled the once weekly committee meeting that they have every Monday at 5 pm....

Ohhhh jebus is this thing stinking up the room fast....

Anything Schiff sees will be printed in the NYTimes the next day so I'm glad Nunes told him to pound sand. Or maybe Nunes did show him and Schiff is scared shitless like I said in the OP. Nunes knows what he has is DYNO-MITE and the Rats know it too. I'm also encouraged to learn Nunes met "Mr or Ms X" in a secure WH room. "X" could have been in physical danger for coming forward.....these spycraft types play hardball. One day you may stand and applaud the person(s) who brought this all to an end. We're Americans....we don't pull this crap on each other.
hmmm, it said on the news tonight, the leaker did not meet him there, but told him what to look for once in the top secret secure room and secure system....and he could NOT get in this secure room without whitehouse staffer with clearance, letting him on to the whitehouse grounds and in to the top secret secured room....trump team dos not have whitehouse logs of who comes and goes available to the public, as Obama did....trump's are secret....
Hmmmmm....nuthin but crickets from the lefty Trump-haters. Seems Nunes stood their whole scheme on it's head with his findings. Bottom line? Trump campaign had bupkis to do with the Ivans and Barry ordered him surveilled. Remember, the spies belong to Trump now and he's starting to use them on the trash who've slimed his VICTORY. :deal:

TH I think it is so important to make sure all R's who have been buying into "the Russians hacked the election" wake up and smell the coffee that not one government intel agency has examined the servers.

That they are taking the word of CrowdStrike who are DNC employees that Russia so called hacked the election.

This is bullshit. A mega international scandal that didn't need to be. On the other hand you have an unreal scandal unfolding over the D's use of unvetted IT guys but that's getting buried with the D's hammering away at the Boris Badenov/Natasha/Fearless Leader stole the election.

The Dunce National Committee was informed by the FBI several times they were under attack by someone. They refused all help because they didn't want the FBI snooping around their server. Then when the information was leaked they screamed Russians and the FBI didn't do enough to help them but they wouldn't let the FBI do the diagnostics.

The next thing you find out is there's a dead DNC operative laying on the ground with several bullet holes in his back. Ludlum can't write fiction more sensational than the everyday facts of life inside the Democrat apparatus.
The DNC hired a IT staff that downloaded everything the Dems had to external servers. Select Intelligence committees including the Dem leadership.
Schiff can't deal with the information Nunes got or who he got it from (it obviously wasn't the Administration because he returned to brief Trump on what he'd found). So Schiff now wants him gone because he has nothing else to say. Schiff wants a special committee now to drag this horseshit out as long as possible. The whole Rat playbook is to stall and delay Trump until the 2018 midterms on the hope they can pick up some seats. Problem for them is they're pissing off the American people and will lose even more seats. Ryan isn't about to remove Nunes from the committee, he's the only one finding out how Trump was surveilled and by whom.
Tom Horn, our own Chuckles, has it every bit backwards. Nothing new.

Yes, the call for a special prosecutor is growing.
Yeah, the call for a special prosecutor for the Obama administration is growing.
Only in your bizarro world.
I guess you didn't hear your pussygrabber lied about Obama wiretapping him.

This is the top news of the day.
Nunes trying to sabatoge the investigation.

Democrats Demand Devin Nunes Recuse Himself From Russia Inquiry | The Huffington Post

Wow, that's hilarious. It's so funny watching you snowflakes squawking like chickens.
Obviously you're no person of honor just like NUNES isn't, because you don't want the intelligence committees to get to the truth.
You really don't understand the deep shit your pussygrabber is in.
I kinda like it that way. All the better for you to be blindsided when the shit hits the fan... unless the republicans keep compromising the investigation.... of which you're obvious for.
Hmmmmm....nuthin but crickets from the lefty Trump-haters. Seems Nunes stood their whole scheme on it's head with his findings. Bottom line? Trump campaign had bupkis to do with the Ivans and Barry ordered him surveilled. Remember, the spies belong to Trump now and he's starting to use them on the trash who've slimed his VICTORY. :deal:

TH I think it is so important to make sure all R's who have been buying into "the Russians hacked the election" wake up and smell the coffee that not one government intel agency has examined the servers.

That they are taking the word of CrowdStrike who are DNC employees that Russia so called hacked the election.

This is bullshit. A mega international scandal that didn't need to be. On the other hand you have an unreal scandal unfolding over the D's use of unvetted IT guys but that's getting buried with the D's hammering away at the Boris Badenov/Natasha/Fearless Leader stole the election.

The Dunce National Committee was informed by the FBI several times they were under attack by someone. They refused all help because they didn't want the FBI snooping around their server. Then when the information was leaked they screamed Russians and the FBI didn't do enough to help them but they wouldn't let the FBI do the diagnostics.

The next thing you find out is there's a dead DNC operative laying on the ground with several bullet holes in his back. Ludlum can't write fiction more sensational than the everyday facts of life inside the Democrat apparatus.
Life is so exciting in imaginary dupe world!!
Schiff can't deal with the information Nunes got or who he got it from (it obviously wasn't the Administration because he returned to brief Trump on what he'd found). So Schiff now wants him gone because he has nothing else to say. Schiff wants a special committee now to drag this horseshit out as long as possible. The whole Rat playbook is to stall and delay Trump until the 2018 midterms on the hope they can pick up some seats. Problem for them is they're pissing off the American people and will lose even more seats. Ryan isn't about to remove Nunes from the committee, he's the only one finding out how Trump was surveilled and by whom.

Says who?

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