Schiff Spits The Bit

Tom Horn, our own Chuckles, has it every bit backwards. Nothing new.

Yes, the call for a special prosecutor is growing.
Yeah, the call for a special prosecutor for the Obama administration is growing.
Only in your bizarro world.
I guess you didn't hear your pussygrabber lied about Obama wiretapping him.

This is the top news of the day.
Nunes trying to sabatoge the investigation.

Democrats Demand Devin Nunes Recuse Himself From Russia Inquiry | The Huffington Post

Wow, that's hilarious. It's so funny watching you snowflakes squawking like chickens.
Obviously you're no person of honor just like NUNES isn't, because you don't want the intelligence committees to get to the truth.
You really don't understand the deep shit your pussygrabber is in.
I kinda like it that way. All the better for you to be blindsided when the shit hits the fan... unless the republicans keep compromising the investigation.... of which you're obvious for.
It looks to me like the Obama stooges are the ones who are in deep shit. I want the investigation to track down every single leaker and any person who received classified unmasked documents without reporting the violation.

Your belief that Congress is only supposed to investigate Republicans is pure comedy.
BUT the big picture is that Trump is going down ...and faster than any new POTUS in American history. Now at 36% approval rating.
Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%

He hates his job so much he's turning it over to his son-in-law, a young kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth who owns a failed New York city newspaper:
Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner to oversee government overhaul

and whose father did time in federal prison for tax evasion and witness tampering:.
Charles Kushner - Wikipedia

And the Russian connections hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper.
Jared Kushner will be questioned by the Senate Intel Committee about his Russia ties

Makes me happy that this national nightmare will be over within a year or two.
"Mr. Kushner has volunteered to be interviewed as part of the committee's investigation into the Russian activities surrounding the 2016 election,"
He VOLUNTEERED! you asshole.
People with nothing to hide VOLUNTEER to be interviewed.
I can't wait for the: "The Russians and Trump stole 'The Precious' from Hillary!!!" LIBexcuse wet dream to blow up in their faces.
Hillary: "If everyone would have kept their fucking mouths shut I would be President now!!!!!".
NOPE, just a LIE

Schiff was not briefed on what the heck Nunes was barking about, chnaged his story, barked again, changed his story again.... Schiff nor anyone on the intelligence committees have seen any evidence on what Nunes was talking about..

Nunes was suppose to have a meeting last Friday with the Intelligence committee to share the info with them but nunes CANCELLED THE MEETING....then tomorrow there was suppose to be another open hearing with comey and others, and Nunes cancelled that too and said they would have A New meeting with Comey but it would be in a classified session, then today Nunes cancelled that classified meeting with the House Intelligence /investigation committee....

Soooooooo, Nunes is obviously HIDING SOMETHING from his own intelligence committee and he is PREVENTING any hearings on the Russian investigation now, and cancelling them all...he even cancelled the once weekly committee meeting that they have every Monday at 5 pm....

Ohhhh jebus is this thing stinking up the room fast....

Anything Schiff sees will be printed in the NYTimes the next day so I'm glad Nunes told him to pound sand. Or maybe Nunes did show him and Schiff is scared shitless like I said in the OP. Nunes knows what he has is DYNO-MITE and the Rats know it too. I'm also encouraged to learn Nunes met "Mr or Ms X" in a secure WH room. "X" could have been in physical danger for coming forward.....these spycraft types play hardball. One day you may stand and applaud the person(s) who brought this all to an end. We're Americans....we don't pull this crap on each other.
Just to bring some FACTs to this discussion.
Nunes was contacted by a whistleblower through a third party. The third party is an intelligence officer.
This person has access to Nune's personal secretary's secure phone number. The secretary phoned Nunes on a secure phone and told him 'X' had phoned and said they had important classified information 'X' believed Nunes should see.
Nunes called 'X' and they arranged for Nunes to go to the White House annex building where a 'SCIF' is located.
Nunes went to the annex SCIF and using a password 'X' had provided was able to 'READ ONLY' the classified documents containing the names of many people the Intelligence agencies had illegally, and for partisan political reasons 'unmasked'.
Nunes then left the SCIF and having first verified that the illegal unmasking had actually happen he went to President Trump and informed him.
Nunes KNOWS that ANYTHING he shares with the DEMs in the committee will be headline news in WAPO/NYT/MSNBC/CNN the next day.
He doesn't rust the seditious traitors bastards for good reason.
Poor alt right cuck snowflakes: there is no growing call for Obama or Clinton investigation, but the yelling for a special investigator for the Trump collusion with the Russians is just growing louder and louder.

Nunes is hiding something. No illegal unmasking by the Feebs or the intel agencies ever happened. What has happened is the deliberate masking of events by the Trumpers and their allies.

Even bigger than Watergate.

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