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Schiff: "vote against the President your head will be on a pike".

"Your head will be on a pike" doesn't sound very TRUMPy, so I doubt he said it especially when the senate never-TRUMPers are not confirming the comment.

He didn't say it. CBS said it and from an anonymous source.

Rep Senators said it is not true. If they didn't hear it obviously bullshit.
Well, you are generally safe if you presume that Bug-eyed Schiff is lying.

One of the most effective summations in the House impeachment managers’ presentation to the Senate on Thursday was given by Representative Sylvia Garcia, a freshman Democrat from Texas who used to be the presiding judge in Houston’s municipal court system. She took direct aim at claims about suspected Biden self-dealing in Ukraine that have been advanced by President Trump and his defenders, particularly House Republicans and Rudy Giuliani, the president’s private lawyer.

The congresswoman was persuasive. Vice President Biden, we’re to believe, had no connection whatsoever to Hunter Biden’s gig at Burisma, the reputedly corrupt Ukrainian energy company on whose board he was lavishly paid to sit. When President Obama’s veep threatened to withhold $1 billion in funding from Ukraine unless the government in Kyiv fired chief prosecutor Viktor Shokin, it had nothing to do with whether Shokin was trying to investigate Burisma. Indeed, it was quite the opposite: Shokin, you see, was utterly without scruples, an obstacle to Western anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine. In squeezing Kyiv to remove him, the vice president was simply carrying out Obama-administration policy, which had the backing of our European Union allies and the International Monetary Fund.

Biden bragged about how he extorted the Ukrainians. Democrats maintain, is that he did nothing wrong. What’s more, they say everyone knows he did nothing wrong — including President Trump.

Therefore, the argument goes, when Trump asked President Zelensky for an investigation of the Bidens, it is inconceivable that Trump could actually have been concerned about rooting out corruption. The House impeachment managers scoff at the suggestion that Donald Trump has suddenly become the scourge of corruption in countries, such as Ukraine, that receive hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign aid. There can be no other explanation than that Trump was aiming to damage his likely rival in the 2020 campaign. What’s more, Trump had to have been asking Zelensky, in effect, to lie about Biden — to fabricate a corruption case — because everyone knew the Bidens had done nothing wrong.

There is nothing illegal about Trump encouraging a foreign government to investigate an American citizen for violations of foreign law. The fact that Hunter Biden was cashing in on his father’s political influence, and that Joe Biden had a neon-flashing conflict of interest when he took official action that could have benefited his son, does not necessarily mean the Bidens did anything illegal.

But, it is also entirely possible that the Bidens’ actions, whether or not provably illegal, were so objectively suspicious, so suggestive of corruption, that it was perfectly reasonable for Trump to believe that they should be investigated — and that they could have violated American law, as well as Ukrainian law.

Trump Impeachment Trial: Democrats’ Burisma Bait and Switch | National Review
"CBS News report that a Trump confidant said that GOP senators were warned '... vote against the president and your head will be on a pike,'" Schiff said from the Senate floor.
Schiff sparks blowback with head on a 'pike' line

Another reason you can't believe Schiff.

Adam Schiff Makes Up His Own Transcript Of Call Between Trump And Ukraine President in the Congressional Record.
SCHIFF states the FOLLOWING ABSOLUTELY LIE... in the Record.
"And what is the President’s response — well it reads like a classic organized crime shake down. In essence, what the President Trump communicates is this:

    • 'We’ve been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have.
    • But you know what, I don’t see much reciprocity here. You know what I mean? I hear what you want.
    • I have a favor I want from you though. And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of dirt, on this and on that. I’m going to put you in touch with people, and not just any people. I’m going to put you in touch with the Attorney General of the United States — my Attorney General, Bill Barr — he’s got the whole weight of American law enforcement behind him. And I’m going to put you in touch with Rudy, you’re going to love him. Trust me. You know what I’m asking, so I’m only going to say this a few more times, in a few more ways.
    • And don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I asked.
Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

The above is a Total fabrication.
So coupled with his insulting the Senators by telling them if they vote to impeach Trump will have their heads and the above false statement entered into the record as a FACT.... Sorry but I would think those of you Trump haters should have some respect for the truth.
He does say.."in essence", indicating is opinion translation. He indicates he in no way is quoting.
Of course he wouldn't quote the perfect call, because it doesn't jibe with his ridiculous false narrative.
You know of course that the 'perfect call' is still an edited transcript, don't you? Or do you just automatically black out those facts you don't want to hear? There is NO WAY that call can be quoted by anyone not present, just assumptions on what the edited version allows. So your assumption is as fabricated a Schiff's. And since you are willing to protect corruption in the form of denying witnesses present, I'll stick with believing Schiff rather than the coverup of well documented liars.
Do you even know what a transcript is, dumbass?
Yep! It is a word-for-word COMPLETE account of spoken words.

So...if a transcript is redacted...it's no longer a transcript?

Very few governmental communiques are released in an unredacted form. That doesn't mean the transcript of what IS released isn't a transcript because you can't see the entire "word for word COMPLETE account"!

What you're doing is pretending there is something "there" in the redacted portions of the transcript that's going to make Trump look bad and repair Schiff's reputation for telling untruths! To be quite blunt...if such a thing really DID exist...a Democrat would have already leaked it to the media. Since they haven't....it's a good bet there is no such thing.
He does say.."in essence", indicating is opinion translation. He indicates he in no way is quoting.
Of course he wouldn't quote the perfect call, because it doesn't jibe with his ridiculous false narrative.
You know of course that the 'perfect call' is still an edited transcript, don't you? Or do you just automatically black out those facts you don't want to hear? There is NO WAY that call can be quoted by anyone not present, just assumptions on what the edited version allows. So your assumption is as fabricated a Schiff's. And since you are willing to protect corruption in the form of denying witnesses present, I'll stick with believing Schiff rather than the coverup of well documented liars.
Do you even know what a transcript is, dumbass?
Yep! It is a word-for-word COMPLETE account of spoken words.

So...if a transcript is redacted...it's no longer a transcript?

Very few governmental communiques are released in an unredacted form. That doesn't mean the transcript of what IS released isn't a transcript because you can't see the entire "word for word COMPLETE account"!

What you're doing is pretending there is something "there" in the redacted portions of the transcript that's going to make Trump look bad and repair Schiff's reputation for telling untruths! To be quite blunt...if such a thing really DID exist...a Democrat would have already leaked it to the media. Since they haven't....it's a good bet there is no such thing.
Exactly. The ancient map makers believed that the sea contain dragons. Of course, no one ever found sea dragons, so they would mark in the unexplored areas: "Here thar be Dragons!"

Though, by claiming this they admit that they have no grounds for impeachment drawn from the available evidence and that tells us all we need to know.

Of course he wouldn't quote the perfect call, because it doesn't jibe with his ridiculous false narrative.
You know of course that the 'perfect call' is still an edited transcript, don't you? Or do you just automatically black out those facts you don't want to hear? There is NO WAY that call can be quoted by anyone not present, just assumptions on what the edited version allows. So your assumption is as fabricated a Schiff's. And since you are willing to protect corruption in the form of denying witnesses present, I'll stick with believing Schiff rather than the coverup of well documented liars.
Do you even know what a transcript is, dumbass?
Yep! It is a word-for-word COMPLETE account of spoken words.

So...if a transcript is redacted...it's no longer a transcript?

Very few governmental communiques are released in an unredacted form. That doesn't mean the transcript of what IS released isn't a transcript because you can't see the entire "word for word COMPLETE account"!

What you're doing is pretending there is something "there" in the redacted portions of the transcript that's going to make Trump look bad and repair Schiff's reputation for telling untruths! To be quite blunt...if such a thing really DID exist...a Democrat would have already leaked it to the media. Since they haven't....it's a good bet there is no such thing.
Exactly. The ancient map makers believed that the sea contain dragons. Of course, no one ever found sea dragons, so they would mark in the unexplored areas: "Here thar be Dragons!"

Though, by claiming this they admit that they have no grounds for impeachment drawn from the available evidence and that tells us all we need to know.


Nice analogy...
What you're doing is pretending there is something "there" in the redacted portions of the transcript that's going to make Trump look bad and repair Schiff's reputation for telling untruths! To be quite blunt...if such a thing really DID exist...a Democrat would have already leaked it to the media. Since they haven't....it's a good bet there is no such thing.
And what you are doing is not the opposite? And why redactions if national security is not involved?
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..................... that SO sounds like 'the don'.

Whether it does or does not, those to whom the phrase was allegedly targeted say the story is completely phony.

Ergo, in the absence of evidence, end of story. Just like the impeachment.

past behavior dictates future expectations.

why didn't turtleboy allow witness' & hard copy docs at the onset? why did he try to squelch the evidence already gathered from being shown?

ya, we both know why. but things have a way of righting themselves.



& you know more will be coming out. :itsok::dig::heehee:

Yes, we know why. The Democrats want to drag their non-case out as long as possible, and there's a case to be made that the establishment Democrats are helping Biden, though for what gain only a madman could guess.. I'm surprised Sanders, Klobachar and Warren haven't called a contract on Schiff and Nadler.

Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the president. Trump booted her out. So what?

I have pics of myself with a number of people who attended the same events I did. We may have even spoken for a time cordially, but I don't "know them". Many of their names are not memorable to me. So what?

duuuuuuuude.............. parnas was seated DIRECTLY across from donny & they had quite the convo. you are really going with the 'i don't know him' excuse?

really? yes - an ambassador serves at the pleasure of the prez...

but the smear campaign & the lies

& the fact that she was just 're-upped' for service just a few weeks b4 (until donny was fed lies to get rid of her)

& the 'tracking' of her movements

& the fact she was told to boogie outa ukraine in the middle of the night because 'of her safety'

& the fact she testified that she 'felt threatened' after she was told to boogie

& now it's come to light that donny says 'take her out' sure doesn't sound very kosher.

but you keep cheerleading for the don. he'll keep loving you long time.


sooooooooooo.... you have no refudiation, 'eh?

not to the video that parnas provided showing how he was seated across from donny?

not to the specific part where donny told him to 'take her out'?

not about any of the texts where it was discussed where she was at the time, & to continue to track her?

not about how she testified about being told in the middle of the night to leave ukraine immediately ?

not one.??? guess all you gots is an emoji. pretty weak, duuuuuuuuuuude... pretty weak.
Last edited:
schiff made it clear at the beginning of that parody that it was 'an essence' of the phone call, & not verbatim. speaking of which, why did donny say what he released was the 'transcript' of that 'perfect' call, but was actually only an edited memorandum that stated it wasn't 'verbatim'?

I hate to break it to ya, but only mental midgets believe that load of crapola.

lol.... really? donny likes to use terms like 'rat' & 'take her out'.

it's not too far off to think why shiff put it in terms both deplorables & millennials can grasp.

Prove it with statements made by Trump where he used "rat" and "take her out".
I probably have heard more of Trump than you a "Trump hater", so I want to see where Trump used those words.

Plus your comprehension of words, etc. is suspect if you can't even spell a six letter name that's all over the press..."Schiff" correctly...
it is not "shiff"! If you can't spell a word that has over 122 million results when you do a Google search, seems you are either lazy or ignorant.

lol... silly you.

' Prove it with statements made by Trump where he used "rat" '


' and "take her out". ' < speaking to lev parnas, you know - the russian/american that donny has lied many times, claiming ' he doesn't know him' ?>

you're welcome for the education.

OH! one more thing....

' If you can't spell a word that has over 122 million results when you do a Google search, seems you are either lazy or ignorant '

well, you're trying to use a typo, a single typo as some sort of valid defense?


^^^ guess you'll be needing to put that on your sleeve. BE PROUD of who you are!!!! :71:

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What you're doing is pretending there is something "there" in the redacted portions of the transcript that's going to make Trump look bad and repair Schiff's reputation for telling untruths! To be quite blunt...if such a thing really DID exist...a Democrat would have already leaked it to the media. Since they haven't....it's a good bet there is no such thing.
And what you are doing is not the opposite? And why redactions if national security is not involved?

why were there ellipses if it was complete? 'cause it wasn't complete.

why did vindman try to correct the memorandum <not 'transcript'> that wasn't verbatim & was denied? why is it still in the uber secure server that's designated for only top classified state secrets?

because donny et al are covering up a ' drug deal ' they are involved in.
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Whether it does or does not, those to whom the phrase was allegedly targeted say the story is completely phony.

Ergo, in the absence of evidence, end of story. Just like the impeachment.

past behavior dictates future expectations.

why didn't turtleboy allow witness' & hard copy docs at the onset? why did he try to squelch the evidence already gathered from being shown?

ya, we both know why. but things have a way of righting themselves.



& you know more will be coming out. :itsok::dig::heehee:

Yes, we know why. The Democrats want to drag their non-case out as long as possible, and there's a case to be made that the establishment Democrats are helping Biden, though for what gain only a madman could guess.. I'm surprised Sanders, Klobachar and Warren haven't called a contract on Schiff and Nadler.

Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the president. Trump booted her out. So what?

I have pics of myself with a number of people who attended the same events I did. We may have even spoken for a time cordially, but I don't "know them". Many of their names are not memorable to me. So what?

duuuuuuuude.............. parnas was seated DIRECTLY across from donny & they had quite the convo. you are really going with the 'i don't know him' excuse?

really? yes - an ambassador serves at the pleasure of the prez...

but the smear campaign & the lies

& the fact that she was just 're-upped' for service just a few weeks b4 (until donny was fed lies to get rid of her)

& the 'tracking' of her movements

& the fact she was told to boogie outa ukraine in the middle of the night because 'of her safety'

& the fact she testified that she 'felt threatened' after she was told to boogie

& now it's come to light that donny says 'take her out' sure doesn't sound very kosher.

but you keep cheerleading for the don. he'll keep loving you long time.


sooooooooooo.... you have no refudiation, 'eh?

not to the video that parnas provided showing how he was seated across from donny?

not to the specific part where donny told him to 'take her out'?

not about any of the texts where it was discussed where she was at the time, & to continue to track her?

not about how she testified about being told in the middle of the night to leave ukraine immediately ?

not one.??? guess all you gots is an emoji. pretty weak, duuuuuuuuuuude... pretty weak.

You elicit nothing from me but laughter. There is nothing to refute.
Whether it does or does not, those to whom the phrase was allegedly targeted say the story is completely phony.

Ergo, in the absence of evidence, end of story. Just like the impeachment.

past behavior dictates future expectations.

why didn't turtleboy allow witness' & hard copy docs at the onset? why did he try to squelch the evidence already gathered from being shown?

ya, we both know why. but things have a way of righting themselves.



& you know more will be coming out. :itsok::dig::heehee:

Yes, we know why. The Democrats want to drag their non-case out as long as possible, and there's a case to be made that the establishment Democrats are helping Biden, though for what gain only a madman could guess.. I'm surprised Sanders, Klobachar and Warren haven't called a contract on Schiff and Nadler.

Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the president. Trump booted her out. So what?

I have pics of myself with a number of people who attended the same events I did. We may have even spoken for a time cordially, but I don't "know them". Many of their names are not memorable to me. So what?

duuuuuuuude.............. parnas was seated DIRECTLY across from donny & they had quite the convo. you are really going with the 'i don't know him' excuse?

really? yes - an ambassador serves at the pleasure of the prez...

but the smear campaign & the lies

& the fact that she was just 're-upped' for service just a few weeks b4 (until donny was fed lies to get rid of her)

& the 'tracking' of her movements

& the fact she was told to boogie outa ukraine in the middle of the night because 'of her safety'

& the fact she testified that she 'felt threatened' after she was told to boogie

& now it's come to light that donny says 'take her out' sure doesn't sound very kosher.

but you keep cheerleading for the don. he'll keep loving you long time.


sooooooooooo.... you have no refudiation, 'eh?

not to the video that parnas provided showing how he was seated across from donny?

not to the specific part where donny told him to 'take her out'?

not about any of the texts where it was discussed where she was at the time, & to continue to track her?

not about how she testified about being told in the middle of the night to leave ukraine immediately ?

not one.??? guess all you gots is an emoji. pretty weak, duuuuuuuuuuude... pretty weak.

Ha ha ha, desperate deflections are easily seen, you know you have nothing, thus open every cabinet of accusations real or imagined against Trump. It doesn't work with me.

How come YOU completely ignore post 92, where I showed that BOTH Ukraine Presidents stated clearly they were NOT pressured by President Trump, that there was no Quid Pro-pro. No investigation ever happened, and ALL the Military money was released before the end of fiscal year. No laws were broken.........

It appears you are flailing all over the place with your dishonest diversions, while not admitting that the Lefticrats such as the miserable Schiff presented ZERO evidence of any actual lawbreaking (No laws were mentioned broken in the Impeachment charges), it is clear you are not interested in the pursuit of truth.
past behavior dictates future expectations.

why didn't turtleboy allow witness' & hard copy docs at the onset? why did he try to squelch the evidence already gathered from being shown?

ya, we both know why. but things have a way of righting themselves.



& you know more will be coming out. :itsok::dig::heehee:

Yes, we know why. The Democrats want to drag their non-case out as long as possible, and there's a case to be made that the establishment Democrats are helping Biden, though for what gain only a madman could guess.. I'm surprised Sanders, Klobachar and Warren haven't called a contract on Schiff and Nadler.

Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the president. Trump booted her out. So what?

I have pics of myself with a number of people who attended the same events I did. We may have even spoken for a time cordially, but I don't "know them". Many of their names are not memorable to me. So what?

duuuuuuuude.............. parnas was seated DIRECTLY across from donny & they had quite the convo. you are really going with the 'i don't know him' excuse?

really? yes - an ambassador serves at the pleasure of the prez...

but the smear campaign & the lies

& the fact that she was just 're-upped' for service just a few weeks b4 (until donny was fed lies to get rid of her)

& the 'tracking' of her movements

& the fact she was told to boogie outa ukraine in the middle of the night because 'of her safety'

& the fact she testified that she 'felt threatened' after she was told to boogie

& now it's come to light that donny says 'take her out' sure doesn't sound very kosher.

but you keep cheerleading for the don. he'll keep loving you long time.


sooooooooooo.... you have no refudiation, 'eh?

not to the video that parnas provided showing how he was seated across from donny?

not to the specific part where donny told him to 'take her out'?

not about any of the texts where it was discussed where she was at the time, & to continue to track her?

not about how she testified about being told in the middle of the night to leave ukraine immediately ?

not one.??? guess all you gots is an emoji. pretty weak, duuuuuuuuuuude... pretty weak.

Ha ha ha, desperate deflections are easily seen, you know you have nothing, thus open every cabinet of accusations real or imagined against Trump. It doesn't work with me.

How come YOU completely ignore post 92, where I showed that BOTH Ukraine Presidents stated clearly they were NOT pressured by President Trump, that there was no Quid Pro-pro. No investigation ever happened, and ALL the Military money was released before the end of fiscal year. No laws were broken.........

It appears you are flailing all over the place with your dishonest diversions, while not admitting that the Lefticrats such as the miserable Schiff presented ZERO evidence of any actual lawbreaking (No laws were mentioned broken in the Impeachment charges), it is clear you are not interested in the pursuit of truth.

Yup. It's a big nothin!

Weekly Trump Report Card: Stage set for Middle East peace plan and impeachment acquittal.
What you're doing is pretending there is something "there" in the redacted portions of the transcript that's going to make Trump look bad and repair Schiff's reputation for telling untruths! To be quite blunt...if such a thing really DID exist...a Democrat would have already leaked it to the media. Since they haven't....it's a good bet there is no such thing.
And what you are doing is not the opposite? And why redactions if national security is not involved?

Who says national security wasn't involved? You because you think that makes it look like something's being hidden from the American people? Use your brain, Bullwinkle! Democrats like Adam Schiff have gotten a look at the unredacted versions of the transcript...do you honestly believe that he would hesitate for even a second before leaking them to someone in the media if it was the smoking gun you all seem to think it is? You know as well as I do that he would do EXACTLY that! So if the unredacted versions of that transcript DO contain things that are damaging to the President then why is Adam Schiff doing a "parody" of what's in the transcript? The obvious answer to that is he couldn't find anything bad in the transcript...didn't think Trump would release it...and thought he could get away with playing fast and loose with the truth!
schiff made it clear at the beginning of that parody that it was 'an essence' of the phone call, & not verbatim. speaking of which, why did donny say what he released was the 'transcript' of that 'perfect' call, but was actually only an edited memorandum that stated it wasn't 'verbatim'?

It was an "essence" of the call? Seriously? What does that mean exactly? That it has a "whiff" of truth in it along with a whole lot of total bullshit? Shiff lied! He does so quite often. In this case his lies were exposed when Trump released the transcript.

& it wasn't a transcript. that is still hidden away. it was a mem-or-an-dum. edited with ellipses. those are the little ... you see when sentences are cut off at the beginning or the end omitting words & with possible context missing.


CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the reco�d, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.


Do you have proof that the transcript is fake?
"CBS News report that a Trump confidant said that GOP senators were warned '... vote against the president and your head will be on a pike,'" Schiff said from the Senate floor.
Schiff sparks blowback with head on a 'pike' line

Another reason you can't believe Schiff.

Adam Schiff Makes Up His Own Transcript Of Call Between Trump And Ukraine President in the Congressional Record.
SCHIFF states the FOLLOWING ABSOLUTELY LIE... in the Record.
"And what is the President’s response — well it reads like a classic organized crime shake down. In essence, what the President Trump communicates is this:

    • 'We’ve been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have.
    • But you know what, I don’t see much reciprocity here. You know what I mean? I hear what you want.
    • I have a favor I want from you though. And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of dirt, on this and on that. I’m going to put you in touch with people, and not just any people. I’m going to put you in touch with the Attorney General of the United States — my Attorney General, Bill Barr — he’s got the whole weight of American law enforcement behind him. And I’m going to put you in touch with Rudy, you’re going to love him. Trust me. You know what I’m asking, so I’m only going to say this a few more times, in a few more ways.
    • And don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I asked.
Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

The above is a Total fabrication.
So coupled with his insulting the Senators by telling them if they vote to impeach Trump will have their heads and the above false statement entered into the record as a FACT.... Sorry but I would think those of you Trump haters should have some respect for the truth.
I don’t see many Republicans willing to vote against the President
"CBS News report that a Trump confidant said that GOP senators were warned '... vote against the president and your head will be on a pike,'" Schiff said from the Senate floor.
Schiff sparks blowback with head on a 'pike' line

Another reason you can't believe Schiff.

Adam Schiff Makes Up His Own Transcript Of Call Between Trump And Ukraine President in the Congressional Record.
SCHIFF states the FOLLOWING ABSOLUTELY LIE... in the Record.
"And what is the President’s response — well it reads like a classic organized crime shake down. In essence, what the President Trump communicates is this:

    • 'We’ve been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have.
    • But you know what, I don’t see much reciprocity here. You know what I mean? I hear what you want.
    • I have a favor I want from you though. And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of dirt, on this and on that. I’m going to put you in touch with people, and not just any people. I’m going to put you in touch with the Attorney General of the United States — my Attorney General, Bill Barr — he’s got the whole weight of American law enforcement behind him. And I’m going to put you in touch with Rudy, you’re going to love him. Trust me. You know what I’m asking, so I’m only going to say this a few more times, in a few more ways.
    • And don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I asked.
Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

The above is a Total fabrication.
So coupled with his insulting the Senators by telling them if they vote to impeach Trump will have their heads and the above false statement entered into the record as a FACT.... Sorry but I would think those of you Trump haters should have some respect for the truth.
I don’t see many Republicans willing to vote against the President

Why on earth would they? Because you buffoons can't seem to beat him at the polls? So you want THEM to help you remove him on some charges that border on farce? Wake up and smell the coffee, Winger! This "impeachment" is a joke! It's political theatre put on by a party that suddenly realized that their clown car of candidates weren't electable and that the economic crash that they fervently believed Trump would engender not only hasn't happened but our economy is one of the strongest in the world! The far left is in trouble. They've taken the Democratic Party far further left than the electorate is and now they can't grasp why they're losing elections everywhere but liberal strongholds!
"CBS News report that a Trump confidant said that GOP senators were warned '... vote against the president and your head will be on a pike,'" Schiff said from the Senate floor.
Schiff sparks blowback with head on a 'pike' line

Another reason you can't believe Schiff.

Adam Schiff Makes Up His Own Transcript Of Call Between Trump And Ukraine President in the Congressional Record.
SCHIFF states the FOLLOWING ABSOLUTELY LIE... in the Record.
"And what is the President’s response — well it reads like a classic organized crime shake down. In essence, what the President Trump communicates is this:

    • 'We’ve been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have.
    • But you know what, I don’t see much reciprocity here. You know what I mean? I hear what you want.
    • I have a favor I want from you though. And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of dirt, on this and on that. I’m going to put you in touch with people, and not just any people. I’m going to put you in touch with the Attorney General of the United States — my Attorney General, Bill Barr — he’s got the whole weight of American law enforcement behind him. And I’m going to put you in touch with Rudy, you’re going to love him. Trust me. You know what I’m asking, so I’m only going to say this a few more times, in a few more ways.
    • And don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I asked.
Adam Schiff Invents Transcript Of Trump Call With Ukraine President

The above is a Total fabrication.
So coupled with his insulting the Senators by telling them if they vote to impeach Trump will have their heads and the above false statement entered into the record as a FACT.... Sorry but I would think those of you Trump haters should have some respect for the truth.
I don’t see many Republicans willing to vote against the President

Why on earth would they? Because you buffoons can't seem to beat him at the polls? So you want THEM to help you remove him on some charges that border on farce? Wake up and smell the coffee, Winger! This "impeachment" is a joke! It's political theatre put on by a party that suddenly realized that their clown car of candidates weren't electable and that the economic crash that they fervently believed Trump would engender not only hasn't happened but our economy is one of the strongest in the world! The far left is in trouble. They've taken the Democratic Party far further left than the electorate is and now they can't grasp why they're losing elections everywhere but liberal strongholds!
Dems hate elections, that is why they are trying to take this one out of the hands of the voter. They are a real threat to the Electoral System.
past behavior dictates future expectations.

why didn't turtleboy allow witness' & hard copy docs at the onset? why did he try to squelch the evidence already gathered from being shown?

ya, we both know why. but things have a way of righting themselves.



& you know more will be coming out. :itsok::dig::heehee:

Yes, we know why. The Democrats want to drag their non-case out as long as possible, and there's a case to be made that the establishment Democrats are helping Biden, though for what gain only a madman could guess.. I'm surprised Sanders, Klobachar and Warren haven't called a contract on Schiff and Nadler.

Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the president. Trump booted her out. So what?

I have pics of myself with a number of people who attended the same events I did. We may have even spoken for a time cordially, but I don't "know them". Many of their names are not memorable to me. So what?

duuuuuuuude.............. parnas was seated DIRECTLY across from donny & they had quite the convo. you are really going with the 'i don't know him' excuse?

really? yes - an ambassador serves at the pleasure of the prez...

but the smear campaign & the lies

& the fact that she was just 're-upped' for service just a few weeks b4 (until donny was fed lies to get rid of her)

& the 'tracking' of her movements

& the fact she was told to boogie outa ukraine in the middle of the night because 'of her safety'

& the fact she testified that she 'felt threatened' after she was told to boogie

& now it's come to light that donny says 'take her out' sure doesn't sound very kosher.

but you keep cheerleading for the don. he'll keep loving you long time.


sooooooooooo.... you have no refudiation, 'eh?

not to the video that parnas provided showing how he was seated across from donny?

not to the specific part where donny told him to 'take her out'?

not about any of the texts where it was discussed where she was at the time, & to continue to track her?

not about how she testified about being told in the middle of the night to leave ukraine immediately ?

not one.??? guess all you gots is an emoji. pretty weak, duuuuuuuuuuude... pretty weak.

You elicit nothing from me but laughter. There is nothing to refute.

which means you gots nuthin'. i understand.

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