School Bans 'offensive' Chick-fil-a Sandwiches

I think it is a pretty silly issue to get all worked up about. It seems some of these people need to get a life. All this over some donated sandwiches?!
why was the football booster club selling someone else's products? :eusa_eh: Why not just make their own? I smell a SOCON rat intentionally wanting to manufacture controversy.
It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.
Why not?

Homosexuality is promoted in schools.
Homophobia is a mental disease. Homosexuality is a natural occurrence. Now you know the diff. :D
Homosexuality is a choice! Now you know.
Homosexuality isn't a choice, it's actually quite widespread in the animal kingdom. Are you saying that all those animals are choosing? And that it's not a part of nature?

So you think homosexual are animals then. That's good to know.
Simpleton. Although I did notice that you didn't dispute what I said. :clap2:

What did you want me to dispute? You think homosexuals are animals. That's pretty simple.

Animals lick their own asses. Animals eat their own kind. And animals have sex with whatever they can. If you want to be like an animal you go right ahead. I'll choose to be a human and think with my brain instead of my sexual organs, as you say homosexuals, like animals do.
Not surprised that you missed the point totally and latch onto something I never even hinted at. The animal kingdom is full of heterosexuality as well. Moron.
But that's twice now that you don't refute the actual point that I made. Nice.
Homosexuality isn't a choice, it's actually quite widespread in the animal kingdom. Are you saying that all those animals are choosing? And that it's not a part of nature?
Animals can also get their meals right out of a trash can without getting sick or worse from eating out of such a place, but that doesn't mean that people, homosexual or not, can too.

You take a hateful stance, you're burgers get tagged hateful burgers. That's life.
If the Chick Fil A powers that be were really hateful, they would be encouraging the rest of us to floor the gas pedal of a car with a homosexual tied to the back of it and never once have I ever heard them make such a suggestion.

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)

WHAT???? Hollie, you're usually so rational! So you're saying that because they don't advocate dragging gays behing cars anything else they do against gays is cool? Like, Ray Rice didn't drag his gf behind his car, so since what he did wasn't as bad as that, knocking out his gf should be tolerated? Wow! I might have to look at your future posts in other threads in a new light. I'm shocked!! :eek:

... Or did I just miss the sarcasm? :dunno:
^^^ Just because we don't agree with their way of being doesn't mean that we hate them. I don't anyway. I don't hate anyone.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


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