School Bans 'offensive' Chick-fil-a Sandwiches

:banana:Just got back from Chick-fil-a. They got some good sandwiches. I dropped 30 bucks, fed the family and thanked them for being a decent company. Then I paid for the order behind me, and said 'I'm paying it forward.'

So Chick-fil-a got 50 bucks of mine, and that poor school got NONE of my money. I would encourage everyone to have a Chick-fil-a tonight.

:dance:It's good eatin!

OMG, 30 liberals just puked up their arugula!
Banning things is how all Great Progressives start out

And then it is a hop, skip and a jump to the gulags and death camps...they never learn...
It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.
How can homosexuals or pretty much anyone expect any respect if they themselves are not willing to show any themselves?

God bless you always!!!

Holly, this has nothing to do with homosexuality or politics...the man wanted to donate 200 sandwiches to the school for an event to help raise money for the football team..
Yeah, but according to the write up, the food was banned because of where the people who make the food stand on the issue of homosexuality.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Hmmm...if they are against a religion that disagrees with homosexuality...and refuse to do business with a franchise of a business owned by someone of that religion...

What on earth do they do with all the muslims in their schools...considering it isn't just their views on homosexuality that are the problem...but the public executions of homosexuals that occur in the name of that faith...I would like to see if they accept any donations from muslims...
Oh...that's right...if you bring up the actual practices of Islam around the might get your head chopped off...hard to start a dialogue with that as an opening point...
there isnt much to understand. You don't like This move because either you don't like gays yourself, or you find this is being some sort of PC bullshit ( which it isnt).

Schools are not free speech zones, so in other words their is no story here.

This has nothing to do with free speech or gays. You clearly don't know what's going on.
If you can't keep up, excuse yourself but stop trying to derail the thread.
well yes it does have to do with gays.
:banana:Just got back from Chick-fil-a. They got some good sandwiches. I dropped 30 bucks, fed the family and thanked them for being a decent company. Then I paid for the order behind me, and said 'I'm paying it forward.'

So Chick-fil-a got 50 bucks of mine, and that poor school got NONE of my money. I would encourage everyone to have a Chick-fil-a tonight.

:dance:It's good eatin!

OMG, 30 liberals just puked up their arugula!

It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.

How is donating sandwiches for a back to school event to support the football program "homophobic"?

You didn't read the article, it appears.

The local Chick-fil-A franchise has a storied history of supporting the school district – to the tune of thousands of dollars – and owner Robert Shaffer had generously offered to give the booster club 200 meals for a “back-to-school” event on Wednesday at which they expected to raise $1,600 for the football team, the Ventura Star reported.

“That would have gone toward the football program, everything from uniforms to food for the boys,” booster club president Dan Swim told the Star. “We don’t charge money for the boys to play football.”
Chik-fil is a homophobic restaurant. Anything they do promotes homophobia as an accepted practise. Which of course is wrong.

Donating sandwiches isn't promoting "homophobia". No political or personal agenda was involved or stated...a businessman trying to help the local high school.

LMAO.."homophobia" you guys like to give negative labels to everything and everybody that you disagree with ....a phobia is an exaggerated one "fears" faggots...most are disgusted, but "fear" has nothing to do with it...
A phobia is, when used in the context of clinical psychology, a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. In the event the phobia cannot be avoided entirely, the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities.
Phobia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sounds about right. :D

And the restaurant promotes that ? link that up for us.
The day after the Supreme Court of the United States struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, Cathy tweeted, "Sad day for our nation; founding fathers would be ashamed of our gen. to abandon wisdom of the ages re: cornerstone of strong societies." The tweet was subsequently deleted, but was archived by Topsy.
On June 16, 2012, while on the syndicated radio talk show, The Ken Coleman Show, Chick-fil-A president and chief operating officer (COO) Dan Cathy stated:

I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, "We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage". I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about.

Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Gay marriage has nothing to do with him (since I'm guessing that he's not gay, lol), and like the definition above says, "the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities."
Hmmm...if they are against a religion that disagrees with homosexuality...and refuse to do business with a franchise of a business owned by someone of that religion...

What on earth do they do with all the muslims in their schools...considering it isn't just their views on homosexuality that are the problem...but the public executions of homosexuals that occur in the name of that faith...I would like to see if they accept any donations from muslims...

Islam is a PC-protected religion, so its stance towards gays and women is ignored/deflected.

A good example of how fucked up PC is.

Hmmm...if they are against a religion that disagrees with homosexuality...and refuse to do business with a franchise of a business owned by someone of that religion...

What on earth do they do with all the muslims in their schools...considering it isn't just their views on homosexuality that are the problem...but the public executions of homosexuals that occur in the name of that faith...I would like to see if they accept any donations from muslims...

Islam is a PC-protected religion, so its stance towards gays and women is ignored/deflected.

A good example of how fucked up PC is.


Who protects Islam? Cite someone who you believe to be a member of the PC police here......supporting Islam in regards to gays and women.

It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.

How is donating sandwiches for a back to school event to support the football program "homophobic"?

You didn't read the article, it appears.

The local Chick-fil-A franchise has a storied history of supporting the school district – to the tune of thousands of dollars – and owner Robert Shaffer had generously offered to give the booster club 200 meals for a “back-to-school” event on Wednesday at which they expected to raise $1,600 for the football team, the Ventura Star reported.

“That would have gone toward the football program, everything from uniforms to food for the boys,” booster club president Dan Swim told the Star. “We don’t charge money for the boys to play football.”
Chik-fil is a homophobic restaurant. Anything they do promotes homophobia as an accepted practise. Which of course is wrong.

Donating sandwiches isn't promoting "homophobia". No political or personal agenda was involved or stated...a businessman trying to help the local high school.

LMAO.."homophobia" you guys like to give negative labels to everything and everybody that you disagree with ....a phobia is an exaggerated one "fears" faggots...most are disgusted, but "fear" has nothing to do with it...
A phobia is, when used in the context of clinical psychology, a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. In the event the phobia cannot be avoided entirely, the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities.
Phobia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sounds about right. :D

And the restaurant promotes that ? link that up for us.
The day after the Supreme Court of the United States struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, Cathy tweeted, "Sad day for our nation; founding fathers would be ashamed of our gen. to abandon wisdom of the ages re: cornerstone of strong societies." The tweet was subsequently deleted, but was archived by Topsy.
On June 16, 2012, while on the syndicated radio talk show, The Ken Coleman Show, Chick-fil-A president and chief operating officer (COO) Dan Cathy stated:

I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, "We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage". I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about.

Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Gay marriage has nothing to do with him (since I'm guessing that he's not gay, lol), and like the definition above says, "the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities."

As I thought-----nothing there to support your claim that the restaurant promotes homophobia.
It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.

How is donating sandwiches for a back to school event to support the football program "homophobic"?

You didn't read the article, it appears.

The local Chick-fil-A franchise has a storied history of supporting the school district – to the tune of thousands of dollars – and owner Robert Shaffer had generously offered to give the booster club 200 meals for a “back-to-school” event on Wednesday at which they expected to raise $1,600 for the football team, the Ventura Star reported.

“That would have gone toward the football program, everything from uniforms to food for the boys,” booster club president Dan Swim told the Star. “We don’t charge money for the boys to play football.”
Chik-fil is a homophobic restaurant. Anything they do promotes homophobia as an accepted practise. Which of course is wrong.

Donating sandwiches isn't promoting "homophobia". No political or personal agenda was involved or stated...a businessman trying to help the local high school.

LMAO.."homophobia" you guys like to give negative labels to everything and everybody that you disagree with ....a phobia is an exaggerated one "fears" faggots...most are disgusted, but "fear" has nothing to do with it...
A phobia is, when used in the context of clinical psychology, a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. In the event the phobia cannot be avoided entirely, the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities.
Phobia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sounds about right. :D

And the restaurant promotes that ? link that up for us.
The day after the Supreme Court of the United States struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, Cathy tweeted, "Sad day for our nation; founding fathers would be ashamed of our gen. to abandon wisdom of the ages re: cornerstone of strong societies." The tweet was subsequently deleted, but was archived by Topsy.
On June 16, 2012, while on the syndicated radio talk show, The Ken Coleman Show, Chick-fil-A president and chief operating officer (COO) Dan Cathy stated:

I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, "We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage". I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about.

Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Gay marriage has nothing to do with him (since I'm guessing that he's not gay, lol), and like the definition above says, "the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities."

As I thought-----nothing there to support your claim that the restaurant promotes homophobia.
Willful denial doesn't negate the fact that that restaurant stands for homophobia. The guy who owned the Clippers got kicked out of the NBA for less.
You have no facts that support your claim that the restaurant stands for or promotes homophobia. Do you think Chick-fil-A should be kicked out of the restaurant business ?
You have no facts that support your claim that the restaurant stands for or promotes homophobia. Do you think Chick-fil-A should be kicked out of the restaurant business ?
If Bill gates came out and said " I hate homos", then supporting Microsoft would be supporting homophobia, and every time you hear about Microsoft, you think what a bunch of homophobes. So BG promoting Microsoft, in a way promotes his homophobic agenda.
"Chick-fil-A should be kicked out of the restaurant business ?" No, just Dan Cathy. He should be kicked out of the human race. :D
It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.

Homophobia is not being promoted in schools. Homophobia is a F E A R. A person's stance on Gay Marriage is called an O P I N I O N. There's a slight difference. Secondly, the only thing they were promoting was sandwiches. You fuckin' thought police do-good liberals really aren't as "tolerant" as you claim to be.
It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.
It was the wrong move, and it is homsexuality that shouldn't be promoted in schools. In fact, homosexuals should be banned from teaching, and every aspect of this gross, looney disorder should be kept out of schools.

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