School Bans 'offensive' Chick-fil-a Sandwiches

It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.

How is donating sandwiches for a back to school event to support the football program "homophobic"?

You didn't read the article, it appears.

The local Chick-fil-A franchise has a storied history of supporting the school district – to the tune of thousands of dollars – and owner Robert Shaffer had generously offered to give the booster club 200 meals for a “back-to-school” event on Wednesday at which they expected to raise $1,600 for the football team, the Ventura Star reported.

“That would have gone toward the football program, everything from uniforms to food for the boys,” booster club president Dan Swim told the Star. “We don’t charge money for the boys to play football.”
Chik-fil is a homophobic restaurant. Anything they do promotes homophobia as an accepted practise. Which of course is wrong.

Donating sandwiches isn't promoting "homophobia". No political or personal agenda was involved or stated...a businessman trying to help the local high school.

LMAO.."homophobia" you guys like to give negative labels to everything and everybody that you disagree with ....a phobia is an exaggerated one "fears" faggots...most are disgusted, but "fear" has nothing to do with it...
It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.

How is donating sandwiches for a back to school event to support the football program "homophobic"?

You didn't read the article, it appears.

The local Chick-fil-A franchise has a storied history of supporting the school district – to the tune of thousands of dollars – and owner Robert Shaffer had generously offered to give the booster club 200 meals for a “back-to-school” event on Wednesday at which they expected to raise $1,600 for the football team, the Ventura Star reported.

“That would have gone toward the football program, everything from uniforms to food for the boys,” booster club president Dan Swim told the Star. “We don’t charge money for the boys to play football.”
Chik-fil is a homophobic restaurant. Anything they do promotes homophobia as an accepted practise. Which of course is wrong.

Donating sandwiches isn't promoting "homophobia". No political or personal agenda was involved or stated...a businessman trying to help the local high school.

LMAO.."homophobia" you guys like to give negative labels to everything and everybody that you disagree with ....a phobia is an exaggerated one "fears" faggots...most are disgusted, but "fear" has nothing to do with it...
A phobia is, when used in the context of clinical psychology, a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. In the event the phobia cannot be avoided entirely, the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities.
Phobia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sounds about right. :D
It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.

How is donating sandwiches for a back to school event to support the football program "homophobic"?

You didn't read the article, it appears.

The local Chick-fil-A franchise has a storied history of supporting the school district – to the tune of thousands of dollars – and owner Robert Shaffer had generously offered to give the booster club 200 meals for a “back-to-school” event on Wednesday at which they expected to raise $1,600 for the football team, the Ventura Star reported.

“That would have gone toward the football program, everything from uniforms to food for the boys,” booster club president Dan Swim told the Star. “We don’t charge money for the boys to play football.”
Chik-fil is a homophobic restaurant. Anything they do promotes homophobia as an accepted practise. Which of course is wrong.

Donating sandwiches isn't promoting "homophobia". No political or personal agenda was involved or stated...a businessman trying to help the local high school.

LMAO.."homophobia" you guys like to give negative labels to everything and everybody that you disagree with ....a phobia is an exaggerated one "fears" faggots...most are disgusted, but "fear" has nothing to do with it...
A phobia is, when used in the context of clinical psychology, a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. In the event the phobia cannot be avoided entirely, the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities.
Phobia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sounds about right. :D

And the restaurant promotes that ? link that up for us.
Not to worry. Property tax rates will be "enhanced" to make up the difference. Either that or football will be eliminated (the more likely outcome since football is far too American for the liberal elite).
It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.

How is donating sandwiches for a back to school event to support the football program "homophobic"?

You didn't read the article, it appears.

The local Chick-fil-A franchise has a storied history of supporting the school district – to the tune of thousands of dollars – and owner Robert Shaffer had generously offered to give the booster club 200 meals for a “back-to-school” event on Wednesday at which they expected to raise $1,600 for the football team, the Ventura Star reported.

“That would have gone toward the football program, everything from uniforms to food for the boys,” booster club president Dan Swim told the Star. “We don’t charge money for the boys to play football.”
Chik-fil is a homophobic restaurant. Anything they do promotes homophobia as an accepted practise. Which of course is wrong.
No, you just are moralaphobic. you are afraid of morals, because that would mean you are a pervert in your own mind, instead of just everyone else's.
Chik-fil is a homophobic restaurant. Anything they do promotes homophobia as an accepted practise. Which of course is wrong.
you're serious
:lmao: And you're homophobic.:lmao:
I am! Why should people who choose to be perverts be rewarded? I'm proudly homophobic, child molestor-aphobic, rapist-aphobic, and have a phobia of anyone who chooses to be a degenerate.

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