School Bans 'offensive' Chick-fil-a Sandwiches

So, the Bible is bigoted and homophobic? :dunno:

And it also Misogynistic. Did you as a strict interpretation, fathers should put their daughters in slavery.

I mean you say you live by the bible, right? So I assume you put your daughter into slavery. I mean I don't think you would be a hypocrite and pick and choose what the bible says to do and demean and devalue a group of people and deny them equal rights and equal protection under the law now would you?
Homophobia is not being promoted in schools. Homophobia is a F E A R. A person's stance on Gay Marriage is called an O P I N I O N. There's a slight difference. Secondly, the only thing they were promoting was sandwiches. You fuckin' thought police do-good liberals really aren't as "tolerant" as you claim to be.

We aren't tolerant of people who think its okay to deny a group of people equal rights and protection under the law.
Homophobia is not being promoted in schools. Homophobia is a F E A R. A person's stance on Gay Marriage is called an O P I N I O N. There's a slight difference. Secondly, the only thing they were promoting was sandwiches. You fuckin' thought police do-good liberals really aren't as "tolerant" as you claim to be.

We aren't tolerant of people who think its okay to deny a group of people equal rights and protection under the law.

So, what your are saying is that you aren't tolerant of someone who believes differently than you do?
You take a hateful stance, you're burgers get tagged hateful burgers. That's life.
It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.

How is donating sandwiches for a back to school event to support the football program "homophobic"?

You didn't read the article, it appears.

The local Chick-fil-A franchise has a storied history of supporting the school district – to the tune of thousands of dollars – and owner Robert Shaffer had generously offered to give the booster club 200 meals for a “back-to-school” event on Wednesday at which they expected to raise $1,600 for the football team, the Ventura Star reported.

“That would have gone toward the football program, everything from uniforms to food for the boys,” booster club president Dan Swim told the Star. “We don’t charge money for the boys to play football.”
Chik-fil is a homophobic restaurant. Anything they do promotes homophobia as an accepted practise. Which of course is wrong.

A "homophobic restaurant?"

When I need more nonsensical posts, I rely on BillyP.
It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.

How is donating sandwiches for a back to school event to support the football program "homophobic"?

You didn't read the article, it appears.

The local Chick-fil-A franchise has a storied history of supporting the school district – to the tune of thousands of dollars – and owner Robert Shaffer had generously offered to give the booster club 200 meals for a “back-to-school” event on Wednesday at which they expected to raise $1,600 for the football team, the Ventura Star reported.

“That would have gone toward the football program, everything from uniforms to food for the boys,” booster club president Dan Swim told the Star. “We don’t charge money for the boys to play football.”
Chik-fil is a homophobic restaurant. Anything they do promotes homophobia as an accepted practise. Which of course is wrong.

A "homophobic restaurant?"

When I need more nonsensical posts, I rely on BillyP.

They have refused chicken breast implants and hormones that make a cock look like a hen pullet..
My kids school used to sell candy bars, then they went to beef jerky. It sold just as well as the candy. The Muslims in town will but the item and then give it back to the kid to resell...The older white ladies buy a whole box and re-donate it to the kids. These people are great here in our little town.
It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.

How is donating sandwiches for a back to school event to support the football program "homophobic"?

You didn't read the article, it appears.

The local Chick-fil-A franchise has a storied history of supporting the school district – to the tune of thousands of dollars – and owner Robert Shaffer had generously offered to give the booster club 200 meals for a “back-to-school” event on Wednesday at which they expected to raise $1,600 for the football team, the Ventura Star reported.

“That would have gone toward the football program, everything from uniforms to food for the boys,” booster club president Dan Swim told the Star. “We don’t charge money for the boys to play football.”
Chik-fil is a homophobic restaurant. Anything they do promotes homophobia as an accepted practise. Which of course is wrong.

Donating sandwiches isn't promoting "homophobia". No political or personal agenda was involved or stated...a businessman trying to help the local high school.

LMAO.."homophobia" you guys like to give negative labels to everything and everybody that you disagree with ....a phobia is an exaggerated one "fears" faggots...most are disgusted, but "fear" has nothing to do with it...
A phobia is, when used in the context of clinical psychology, a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. In the event the phobia cannot be avoided entirely, the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities.
Phobia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sounds about right. :D

And the restaurant promotes that ? link that up for us.
The day after the Supreme Court of the United States struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, Cathy tweeted, "Sad day for our nation; founding fathers would be ashamed of our gen. to abandon wisdom of the ages re: cornerstone of strong societies." The tweet was subsequently deleted, but was archived by Topsy.
On June 16, 2012, while on the syndicated radio talk show, The Ken Coleman Show, Chick-fil-A president and chief operating officer (COO) Dan Cathy stated:

I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, "We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage". I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about.

Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Gay marriage has nothing to do with him (since I'm guessing that he's not gay, lol), and like the definition above says, "the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities."

As I thought-----nothing there to support your claim that the restaurant promotes homophobia.
Willful denial doesn't negate the fact that that restaurant stands for homophobia. The guy who owned the Clippers got kicked out of the NBA for less.
Actually, he made a statement about race, people can't decide their race, people make a choice to be a homosexual, bisexual, nonsexual, etc.

That comparison fails miserably.
A "homophobic restaurant?"

When I need more nonsensical posts, I rely on BillyP.

Perhaps a sort of morality tale might help in understanding:

On a darn and moonless night a white Chevrolet driven by a black male strikes a black couple walking home from church.

The driver was not a member of the couple's church.

So we can't entirely rule out the possibility of a religiously rooted hate crime.

But all those involved were black and "everybody knows that racism is exclusively for whites". So no possibility of the driver having committed a "racist hate" crime.

But the car!

Now THAT was white! That car that killed two blacks! Obviously GM was the source of that vicious machine (there being nobody else to blame). Compounding that, GM willingly painted it WHITE!

Obviously, in the eye of the liberal judge and jury, a machine for NO purpose other than murderous hate!

So.....should GM be put out of business for their racism?

Or should GM just be forbidden to make any more of those white killer cars?
It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.
Why not?

Homosexuality is promoted in schools.
Homophobia is a mental disease. Homosexuality is a natural occurrence. Now you know the diff. :D
Homosexuality is a choice! Now you know.
Homosexuality isn't a choice, it's actually quite widespread in the animal kingdom. Are you saying that all those animals are choosing? And that it's not a part of nature?
It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.
Why not?

Homosexuality is promoted in schools.
Homophobia is a mental disease. Homosexuality is a natural occurrence. Now you know the diff. :D
Homosexuality is a choice! Now you know.
Homosexuality isn't a choice, it's actually quite widespread in the animal kingdom. Are you saying that all those animals are choosing? And that it's not a part of nature?

So you think homosexual are animals then. That's good to know.
It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.
Why not?

Homosexuality is promoted in schools.
Homophobia is a mental disease. Homosexuality is a natural occurrence. Now you know the diff. :D
Homosexuality is a choice! Now you know.
Homosexuality isn't a choice, it's actually quite widespread in the animal kingdom. Are you saying that all those animals are choosing? And that it's not a part of nature?

So you think homosexual are animals then. That's good to know.
Simpleton. Although I did notice that you didn't dispute what I said. :clap2:
Homosexuality isn't a choice, it's actually quite widespread in the animal kingdom. Are you saying that all those animals are choosing? And that it's not a part of nature?
Animals can also get their meals right out of a trash can without getting sick or worse from eating out of such a place, but that doesn't mean that people, homosexual or not, can too.

You take a hateful stance, you're burgers get tagged hateful burgers. That's life.
If the Chick Fil A powers that be were really hateful, they would be encouraging the rest of us to floor the gas pedal of a car with a homosexual tied to the back of it and never once have I ever heard them make such a suggestion.

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)

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It was the right move, homophobia shouldn't be promoted in schools.
Why not?

Homosexuality is promoted in schools.
Homophobia is a mental disease. Homosexuality is a natural occurrence. Now you know the diff. :D
Homosexuality is a choice! Now you know.
Homosexuality isn't a choice, it's actually quite widespread in the animal kingdom. Are you saying that all those animals are choosing? And that it's not a part of nature?

So you think homosexual are animals then. That's good to know.
Simpleton. Although I did notice that you didn't dispute what I said. :clap2:

What did you want me to dispute? You think homosexuals are animals. That's pretty simple.

Animals lick their own asses. Animals eat their own kind. And animals have sex with whatever they can. If you want to be like an animal you go right ahead. I'll choose to be a human and think with my brain instead of my sexual organs, as you say homosexuals, like animals do.
If Chick-Fil-A is not actively campaigning against homosexuals as part of their business operations, then the Gay Mafia has no business trying to ruin them, and public school districts - funded by tax dollars paid primarily by the 97% of the population that are heterosexual - have no business making political judgment calls along those lines, either.

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