School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.

This is getting into the "thoughtcrimes" category.

PS: Not sure how you draw the conclusion in the last sentence of your OP.

That's kinda :cuckoo:
sorry. We have to stop allowing AR-15's to be sold. Does that help?

No, and it would not help.

How about teaching the kids to be good, and right from wrong, and "Thou shalt not kill" and applying a little discipline when they're younger?

Leftist indoctrination is directly responsible for the proclivity of school shootings.

There is no right and wrong, 50 shades of gray instead.

Subjective morality and Secular Humanism.

Is it any wonder some kids choose "black"? Especially when they've never had any discipline their entire life?
(I meant, "Does that phrase help you understand the question, ;o;)

If course it would help if you severely curtail ways of getting those arms. That;s a given. You just are trying to honor our Second amendment. I honetly don't think the framers of the Constitution would ever had a agreed to ar-15 be open stock for teenagers or anyone other than LE.

Guns...yes just not AR-15, grenades and hydrogen bombs.
Jackson, seems that you are very afraid of the scary AR-15, is that true?

This is a .308 hunting rifle, makes the AR-15 more like a .22. How far are you planning to ban?

Thank you for asking. Yes, I am scared of any repeating rifle or gun that could be in a setting where many people could killed or injured in a very short time span.
Isn't it great<SARCASM> that the liberals took God out of the public education system? Those kids definitely looked pissed off for having to pray to a God that allowed them to be free.


Then by allowing religion in public schools conservatives are willing to accept this?

Starting the day with silent prayers are fine.
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.
good thing they didn't tell the FBI or we'd have another shooting in a few weeks. great job by this man to stop another incredible crime as part of this is we need to get smarter about how we deal with it but more laws isn't the answer.

i don't get your "no more AR-15's" however. would we then ban the mini-14? no longer allow reduced AK-47's? this isn't "ONE" type of gun there are a lot that look and act this way. however, look at the ruger 10/22. it's a simple .22 "plinker" and spec for spec sans the bullets used, they have the same details.

accessorize capability
increased magazine size
can easily be made to "look" like an AR-15

what *traits* from an AR-15 should we look for to ban we don't also find in almost every other gun out there? we are really harping on the gun for how it looks, not what it does.

but you can't just get rid of the AR and even if you do, what about the 10+ million that are out there? turn 'em in? good luck getting that done. there will always at this point be in pawn shops and so forth unless you can talk millions of owners to simply give up theirs.

i'm 100% for deeper background checks and if you really want to own guns, training and getting a license. not for tracking on what you buy, but to track in case you get in a felony later and commit an act that requires you to give 'em up. i did read that if denied a gun right now there is due process in what to do to try and restore that right but it gets kinda cloudy from there. intentional or me not reading enough, i don't know yet but will dig more this weekend.
Here is a modified Ruger 10/22 and to a liberal, looks very scary...


My goodness that is hideous!

I like this better:

Isn't it great<SARCASM> that the liberals took God out of the public education system? Those kids definitely looked pissed off for having to pray to a God that allowed them to be free.


Then by allowing religion in public schools conservatives are willing to accept this?

Not that it is offensive to me (as long as I am not made to partake in it), but there is no reason why religious people can't pray at home before arriving to school or work. Praying is probably something you should be doing in private anyways, IMO, unless you are at church or something.
This is getting into the "thoughtcrimes" category.

PS: Not sure how you draw the conclusion in the last sentence of your OP.

That's kinda :cuckoo:
sorry. We have to stop allowing AR-15's to be sold. Does that help?

No, and it would not help.

How about teaching the kids to be good, and right from wrong, and "Thou shalt not kill" and applying a little discipline when they're younger?

Leftist indoctrination is directly responsible for the proclivity of school shootings.

There is no right and wrong, 50 shades of gray instead.

Subjective morality and Secular Humanism.

Is it any wonder some kids choose "black"? Especially when they've never had any discipline their entire life?
(I meant, "Does that phrase help you understand the question, ;o;)

If course it would help if you severely curtail ways of getting those arms. That;s a given. You just are trying to honor our Second amendment. I honetly don't think the framers of the Constitution would ever had a agreed to ar-15 be open stock for teenagers or anyone other than LE.

Guns...yes just not AR-15, grenades and hydrogen bombs.
Jackson, seems that you are very afraid of the scary AR-15, is that true?

This is a .308 hunting rifle, makes the AR-15 more like a .22. How far are you planning to ban?

Thank you for asking. Yes, I am scared of any repeating rifle or gun that could be in a setting where many people could killed or injured in a very short time span.

If 5 or more thug, home invaders where walking up your driveway, you wouldn't want the capability to kill all of them?
This is getting into the "thoughtcrimes" category.

PS: Not sure how you draw the conclusion in the last sentence of your OP.

That's kinda :cuckoo:
sorry. We have to stop allowing AR-15's to be sold. Does that help?

No, and it would not help.

How about teaching the kids to be good, and right from wrong, and "Thou shalt not kill" and applying a little discipline when they're younger?

Leftist indoctrination is directly responsible for the proclivity of school shootings.

There is no right and wrong, 50 shades of gray instead.

Subjective morality and Secular Humanism.

Is it any wonder some kids choose "black"? Especially when they've never had any discipline their entire life?
(I meant, "Does that phrase help you understand the question, ;o;)

If course it would help if you severely curtail ways of getting those arms. That;s a given. You just are trying to honor our Second amendment. I honetly don't think the framers of the Constitution would ever had a agreed to ar-15 be open stock for teenagers or anyone other than LE.

Guns...yes just not AR-15, grenades and hydrogen bombs.
Jackson, seems that you are very afraid of the scary AR-15, is that true?

This is a .308 hunting rifle, makes the AR-15 more like a .22. How far are you planning to ban?

Thank you for asking. Yes, I am scared of any repeating rifle or gun that could be in a setting where many people could killed or injured in a very short time span.
then you're against guns period cause they all can be.

This is getting into the "thoughtcrimes" category.

PS: Not sure how you draw the conclusion in the last sentence of your OP.

That's kinda :cuckoo:
sorry. We have to stop allowing AR-15's to be sold. Does that help?

No, and it would not help.

How about teaching the kids to be good, and right from wrong, and "Thou shalt not kill" and applying a little discipline when they're younger?

Leftist indoctrination is directly responsible for the proclivity of school shootings.

There is no right and wrong, 50 shades of gray instead.

Subjective morality and Secular Humanism.

Is it any wonder some kids choose "black"? Especially when they've never had any discipline their entire life?
(I meant, "Does that phrase help you understand the question, ;o;)

If course it would help if you severely curtail ways of getting those arms. That;s a given. You just are trying to honor our Second amendment. I honetly don't think the framers of the Constitution would ever had a agreed to ar-15 be open stock for teenagers or anyone other than LE.

Guns...yes just not AR-15, grenades and hydrogen bombs.
Jackson, seems that you are very afraid of the scary AR-15, is that true?

This is a .308 hunting rifle, makes the AR-15 more like a .22. How far are you planning to ban?

Thank you for asking. Yes, I am scared of any repeating rifle or gun that could be in a setting where many people could killed or injured in a very short time span.

You live in America. Some Glocks hold 19 rounds. Who would you be able to notice better, someone with a rifle, or someone with a pistol?
Isn't it great<SARCASM> that the liberals took God out of the public education system? Those kids definitely looked pissed off for having to pray to a God that allowed them to be free.


Then by allowing religion in public schools conservatives are willing to accept this?

Not that it is offensive to me (as long as I am not made to partake in it), but there is no reason why religious people can't pray at home before arriving to school or work. Praying is probably something you should be doing in private anyways, IMO, unless you are at church or something.
Okay, I can go with that. :)
sorry. We have to stop allowing AR-15's to be sold. Does that help?

No, and it would not help.

How about teaching the kids to be good, and right from wrong, and "Thou shalt not kill" and applying a little discipline when they're younger?

Leftist indoctrination is directly responsible for the proclivity of school shootings.

There is no right and wrong, 50 shades of gray instead.

Subjective morality and Secular Humanism.

Is it any wonder some kids choose "black"? Especially when they've never had any discipline their entire life?
(I meant, "Does that phrase help you understand the question, ;o;)

If course it would help if you severely curtail ways of getting those arms. That;s a given. You just are trying to honor our Second amendment. I honetly don't think the framers of the Constitution would ever had a agreed to ar-15 be open stock for teenagers or anyone other than LE.

Guns...yes just not AR-15, grenades and hydrogen bombs.
Jackson, seems that you are very afraid of the scary AR-15, is that true?

This is a .308 hunting rifle, makes the AR-15 more like a .22. How far are you planning to ban?

Thank you for asking. Yes, I am scared of any repeating rifle or gun that could be in a setting where many people could killed or injured in a very short time span.

If 5 or more thug, home invaders where walking up your driveway, you wouldn't want the capability to kill all of them?
If I saw 5 thugs walk up the driveway, I sure wouldn't shoot the, I'd come into contact with many more in prison.
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.

So someone who has an "arsenal" of weapons and ammo only has it to shoot up schools?
Well, maybe hospitals or airports. I don't know. Maybe he's a lousy shot and that is the only way he can shoot a deer. Both of those possibilities but not likely. What do you think it likely?

Thus far, everyone I've ever met with an "arsenal" of guns and ammo (and I've met my share), has them primarily for protection of their home. Secondarily, they tend to be collectors, hunters, and recreational shooters. I, myself, enjoy recreational shooting. Catch me a few days before taking the guns out and you're likely to find several THOUSAND! rounds of ammunition in my home.

Just because you, personally, can't relate to someone who has these things, doesn't mean that having these things is inherently evil. The modern left needs to get it through their thick skulls that everyone else doesn't share their aesthetic and moral values. Once you figure that part out, other peoples' actions and opinions start making a lot more sense.
sorry. We have to stop allowing AR-15's to be sold. Does that help?

No, and it would not help.

How about teaching the kids to be good, and right from wrong, and "Thou shalt not kill" and applying a little discipline when they're younger?

Leftist indoctrination is directly responsible for the proclivity of school shootings.

There is no right and wrong, 50 shades of gray instead.

Subjective morality and Secular Humanism.

Is it any wonder some kids choose "black"? Especially when they've never had any discipline their entire life?
(I meant, "Does that phrase help you understand the question, ;o;)

If course it would help if you severely curtail ways of getting those arms. That;s a given. You just are trying to honor our Second amendment. I honetly don't think the framers of the Constitution would ever had a agreed to ar-15 be open stock for teenagers or anyone other than LE.

Guns...yes just not AR-15, grenades and hydrogen bombs.
Jackson, seems that you are very afraid of the scary AR-15, is that true?

This is a .308 hunting rifle, makes the AR-15 more like a .22. How far are you planning to ban?

Thank you for asking. Yes, I am scared of any repeating rifle or gun that could be in a setting where many people could killed or injured in a very short time span.
then you're against guns period cause they all can be.

No, and it would not help.

How about teaching the kids to be good, and right from wrong, and "Thou shalt not kill" and applying a little discipline when they're younger?

Leftist indoctrination is directly responsible for the proclivity of school shootings.

There is no right and wrong, 50 shades of gray instead.

Subjective morality and Secular Humanism.

Is it any wonder some kids choose "black"? Especially when they've never had any discipline their entire life?
(I meant, "Does that phrase help you understand the question, ;o;)

If course it would help if you severely curtail ways of getting those arms. That;s a given. You just are trying to honor our Second amendment. I honetly don't think the framers of the Constitution would ever had a agreed to ar-15 be open stock for teenagers or anyone other than LE.

Guns...yes just not AR-15, grenades and hydrogen bombs.
Jackson, seems that you are very afraid of the scary AR-15, is that true?

This is a .308 hunting rifle, makes the AR-15 more like a .22. How far are you planning to ban?

Thank you for asking. Yes, I am scared of any repeating rifle or gun that could be in a setting where many people could killed or injured in a very short time span.

If 5 or more thug, home invaders where walking up your driveway, you wouldn't want the capability to kill all of them?
If I saw 5 thugs walk up the driveway, I sure wouldn't shoot the, I'd come into contact with many more in prison.

If the question had been, "If 5 or more thug, home invaders were walking up your driveway, wouldn't you immediately start gunning them down?" Then your answer would be spot on.
No, and it would not help.

How about teaching the kids to be good, and right from wrong, and "Thou shalt not kill" and applying a little discipline when they're younger?

Leftist indoctrination is directly responsible for the proclivity of school shootings.

There is no right and wrong, 50 shades of gray instead.

Subjective morality and Secular Humanism.

Is it any wonder some kids choose "black"? Especially when they've never had any discipline their entire life?
(I meant, "Does that phrase help you understand the question, ;o;)

If course it would help if you severely curtail ways of getting those arms. That;s a given. You just are trying to honor our Second amendment. I honetly don't think the framers of the Constitution would ever had a agreed to ar-15 be open stock for teenagers or anyone other than LE.

Guns...yes just not AR-15, grenades and hydrogen bombs.
Jackson, seems that you are very afraid of the scary AR-15, is that true?

This is a .308 hunting rifle, makes the AR-15 more like a .22. How far are you planning to ban?

Thank you for asking. Yes, I am scared of any repeating rifle or gun that could be in a setting where many people could killed or injured in a very short time span.
then you're against guns period cause they all can be.


fair enough - i made a bit of a jump in what you said to my reply. but basically any gun when the shooter knows how to use it can fire quickly and a lot of rounds. outside the AR15 there's a ton of other "military looking" guns out there but functionally they operate the same as a wooden stock .308 hunting rifle, just more bullets and that would be the bigger difference in the 2.
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.
Good for that security guard....right place, right time. Very fortunate.
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.
Isn't it great<SARCASM> that the liberals took God out of the public education system? Those kids definitely looked pissed off for having to pray to a God that allowed them to be free.

How can praying to a god (which one, btw?) protect someone from bullets flying?
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.

So someone who has an "arsenal" of weapons and ammo only has it to shoot up schools?
Well, maybe hospitals or airports. I don't know. Maybe he's a lousy shot and that is the only way he can shoot a deer. Both of those possibilities but not likely. What do you think it likely?

Thus far, everyone I've ever met with an "arsenal" of guns and ammo (and I've met my share), has them primarily for protection of their home. Secondarily, they tend to be collectors, hunters, and recreational shooters. I, myself, enjoy recreational shooting. Catch me a few days before taking the guns out and you're likely to find several THOUSAND! rounds of ammunition in my home.

Just because you, personally, can't relate to someone who has these things, doesn't mean that having these things is inherently evil. The modern left needs to get it through their thick skulls that everyone else doesn't share their aesthetic and moral values. Once you figure that part out, other peoples' actions and opinions start making a lot more sense.
This isn't a matter of relating to a person's lifestyle. It's a matter of whast makes a mentally ill person dangerous. Could Cruz kill 17 and injure 14 with a mere gun? No likely. Itis the same will all of the school shootings. Would you be nervous about someone who has a hobby of bomb making living next door? If it can cause mass casualties, we should limit their sales.
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.
Isn't it great<SARCASM> that the liberals took God out of the public education system? Those kids definitely looked pissed off for having to pray to a God that allowed them to be free.

How can praying to a god (which one, btw?) protect someone from bullets flying?

Mind you, I'm not a believer, but it is within the ultimate realm of possibility that everyone who has ever been killed by bullets while praying for safety was either praying to the wrong God(s) or not exercising sufficient faith in the power of said prayer. Or maybe the moon was out of phase, or perhaps God(s) was(were) busy fixing a Patriots game for one of his favorite bookies.

Ultimately, when considering possibilities as broad as the potential power of religious prayer, your question becomes less like a shrouded statement and more like an actual question. How -can- praying to a god protect someone from bullets flying?
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.

So someone who has an "arsenal" of weapons and ammo only has it to shoot up schools?
Well, maybe hospitals or airports. I don't know. Maybe he's a lousy shot and that is the only way he can shoot a deer. Both of those possibilities but not likely. What do you think it likely?

Thus far, everyone I've ever met with an "arsenal" of guns and ammo (and I've met my share), has them primarily for protection of their home. Secondarily, they tend to be collectors, hunters, and recreational shooters. I, myself, enjoy recreational shooting. Catch me a few days before taking the guns out and you're likely to find several THOUSAND! rounds of ammunition in my home.

Just because you, personally, can't relate to someone who has these things, doesn't mean that having these things is inherently evil. The modern left needs to get it through their thick skulls that everyone else doesn't share their aesthetic and moral values. Once you figure that part out, other peoples' actions and opinions start making a lot more sense.
This isn't a matter of relating to a person's lifestyle. It's a matter of whast makes a mentally ill person dangerous. Could Cruz kill 17 and injure 14 with a mere gun? No likely. Itis the same will all of the school shootings. Would you be nervous about someone who has a hobby of bomb making living next door? If it can cause mass casualties, we should limit their sales.

He did kill 17 and injure 14 with a mere gun. The AR isn't uniquely suited for this task. It's a semi-automatic, which means that each trigger pull lets off a round, no cocking required between shots. That makes it just like the vast majority of modern guns on the market. Go for it, ban the AR. Virtually every popular sidearm is still semi automatic. If someone wants a semi automatic rifle, there'll still be Kalashnikov variants and AUG's all over the fuckin place, not to mention the millions of AR's already floating around out there.

My next door neighbor has like, 4 cars parked out front. Each and every one of those careening heaps of steel weighs over a ton and can move at speeds in excess of 70 mph. Vehicles just like these can cause (and have caused) death in excess of all deaths caused by firearms outside of war zones, and can even kill just as many people in a single sitting as what can be accomplished by a gun. I'm not made nervous by the fact that my neighbor has 4 of these death machines just laying out on the curb in plain sight, because the vast, vast majority of human beings aren't homicidal maniacs. I'm also not made nervous by this fact because there are many, many more things that are VASTLY more likely to end my life than my neighbor's automobiles. You know what ISN'T on that list? My neighbor's guns.
Last edited:
(I meant, "Does that phrase help you understand the question, ;o;)

If course it would help if you severely curtail ways of getting those arms. That;s a given. You just are trying to honor our Second amendment. I honetly don't think the framers of the Constitution would ever had a agreed to ar-15 be open stock for teenagers or anyone other than LE.

Guns...yes just not AR-15, grenades and hydrogen bombs.
Jackson, seems that you are very afraid of the scary AR-15, is that true?

This is a .308 hunting rifle, makes the AR-15 more like a .22. How far are you planning to ban?

Thank you for asking. Yes, I am scared of any repeating rifle or gun that could be in a setting where many people could killed or injured in a very short time span.
then you're against guns period cause they all can be.


fair enough - i made a bit of a jump in what you said to my reply. but basically any gun when the shooter knows how to use it can fire quickly and a lot of rounds. outside the AR15 there's a ton of other "military looking" guns out there but functionally they operate the same as a wooden stock .308 hunting rifle, just more bullets and that would be the bigger difference in the 2.

Ideberg, it's hard for me to comprehend or even try to when were talking about guns. So, I am basically ignorant as to what I say should abd should not be allowed. I see a compromise in our future... The school shootings ar generally done by teens or youngs adults. Do, there should be a law to limit gun sales to those 25 and older. Any gun that can wipe out a mass of people within seconds. Never sell guns without a background check, that means gun shows unless the check can be done while you wait and =you still don't get it until for a week.

All mental illnesses not under control have to be reported to homeland security.
BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn’t See Who Was Behind Him

A Southern California high school was almost shot up, but the plot was foiled when the potential shooter didn’t see who was behind him. The suspect, a 17-year-old student at El Camino High, had allegedly had an issue with a teacher banning headphones during class.

It was later that the student accidentally gave away his plot to shoot up the school because he didn’t look behind him when disclosing his plans. The student had stated that they planned to shoot up the school within a few weeks and a school resource officer happened to hear the conversation. That’s when then guard sprung into action.

The sheriff’s office went into action and completed a quick investigation of the student, whose identity is withheld because of his age, and what the law enforcement found was absolutely sickening. Upon investigation of the boy’s home, the authorities found an arsenal of weapons and ammo that could certainly be used to commit a heinous act of terror in a school shootin

BREAKING: School Just Saved From FL Copycat Attack When Shooter Didn't See Who Was Behind Him - UPLYFTING

Shooting plot at CA high school thwarted, police say

We hae to stop allowing AR-15's.

This is getting into the "thoughtcrimes" category.

PS: Not sure how you draw the conclusion in the last sentence of your OP.

That's kinda :cuckoo:
sorry. We have to stop allowing AR-15's to be sold. Does that help?

No, and it would not help.

How about teaching the kids to be good, and right from wrong, and "Thou shalt not kill" and applying a little discipline when they're younger?

Leftist indoctrination is directly responsible for the proclivity of school shootings.

There is no right and wrong, 50 shades of gray instead.

Subjective morality and Secular Humanism.

Is it any wonder some kids choose "black"? Especially when they've never had any discipline their entire life?
(I meant, "Does that phrase help you understand the question, ;o;)

If course it would help if you severely curtail ways of getting those arms. That;s a given. You just are trying to honor our Second amendment. I honetly don't think the framers of the Constitution would ever had a agreed to ar-15 be open stock for teenagers or anyone other than LE.

Guns...yes just not AR-15, grenades and hydrogen bombs.

The problem is not the guns, it's the culture.

Semiautomatic weapons have been available since the early 1900s. The liberals taking over schools and taking God out directly coincides with the mass shootings.
Show that connection.

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