School Policy: No to Christians, Yes to Muslims?????

Well, how actively did the school faculty actually promote them, though?

The "scandal" was that a teacher was sending her students home with permission slips for the prayer group.

Much better if she had just put them in the group without parental permission.

No, it'd be much better if she didn't try to send her students to prayer groups at all.

If the students want to go, let them organize it without the help of Government employees.
Much better if she had just put them in the group without parental permission.

Come on now Avatar, you know that'd be even worse for the school system in question.

But does anyone see how stupid this is? Everyone needs to come together and fix the country instead of playing this game. Just think of how terrified politicians would be if Muslims, Jews, Christians, and Atheists came together and said, "We've had enough."

Religion is one of the most powerful forces on this planet. It may not move a mountain, but it can sway an entire population. All the country's disparate religions coming together and demanding that our politicians be replaced by competent people... that would have an effect.
I bet you think you have a point. You, as usual, are wrong.

because you say so? hahahahahaaahhahaahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahaaa

You being wrong isn't conditional on quantum mentioning it or not.

nobody is going to stop you from praying in school. Someone will stop you if you are a teacher trying to get kids to pray in school.

I know its a difficult concept for you to understand. I mean its hard not to have that victim complex thrust out of you.

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