School Punishes Boy for Opposing Homosexuality

For those who don't see anything wrong with the kid getting punished for expressing his opinion . . .

If the teacher had been a KKK member, put up a pic of some hooded KKK members, threw positive comments out about the KKK in class and this kid turned around and told his classmate that he disapproved of the KKK because he thought it was wrong and subsequently got punished for saying such, what would your reaction be?

Mine would be exactly the same as it is for the kid expressing his disapproval of homosexuality. It isn't the subject matter that's the controversy here (well, it is on the teacher's end) but the fact that this kid got punished for expressing/voicing his opinion.

Let's bring it even closer to home. Let's say the teacher was a militant Christian, and made a habit of talking about how homosexuality was wrong and a sin, and posted pictures of people protesting gay marriage, with approving words about them. Let's say that as the teacher was leading a class discussion on how some countries still imprison and execute gays, a student turned to his friend and said, "I think homosexuality is okay and they should have rights", and the teacher overheard it and had the kid punished.

Would the kid still be viewed as a disruptive little punk being disrespectful of his teacher, or would he NOW be a shining hero, whose First Amendment rights the left was vociferously defending, simply because NOW he's saying something they agree with?

Here's a hint, leftist retards: if you think the kid shouldn't be punished in the example (and if you're at all honest with yourselves, you WOULD think he shouldn't be punished), then he shouldn't be punished when he says things you don't like. Rights apply to everyone, or they aren't really rights.
sure reality this is a tempest in a tea pot ..
his 1st amendment rights in this case are meaningless. why? because kids have no rights that are not 1st approved of by their parents and society in general. they can't vote,drink, drive,make deals with adults etc..
all this noise about his faith and 1st amendment rights are smoke and mirrors.
the kid disrupted class,depriving all the other kids to their right to learn without distraction.
he was punished, IMO a little harshly .
I would have, as his teacher disregarded his comment or sent him to detention for a few hours after school.

Jesus Christ, what an utter, braindead moron!
According to this website, there is another side of the story. And yes, it's a gay website so there might be some bias there. And no, I doubt you'll turn gay if you click on the link.

On the particular day in which this incident occurred, Mr. Franks was opening class when the topic of Christianity in Germany was broached by one student, who asked what churches were there, another whether they read the Bible in English, etc. Franks asserts that the topic of homosexuality was not broached in any way, and that Ary‘s assertions to the contrary are entirely false. At this point, Ary declared, with a class audience, “Gays can’t be Christians; homosexuality is wrong,” looking directly at Mr. Franks.

Franks says he understands and affirms students’ right to free speech, and that he is perfectly prepared to lead a respectful discussion on topics such as gay rights that allows for the assertion of opinions with which he disagrees. He has led such discussion in the past in his sociology classes. But in this case, hr feels the context makes it clear that this remark was made ad hominem, aimed specifically at him to devalue him and any information he might share on the topic of religion, on the basis of his perceived sexual orientation.

New Details Call 'Homosexuality Is Wrong' Student's Story Into Question |Gay News|Gay Blog Towleroad

A blogger site?

You post a blogger site to back up your claims! :lmao:

Consider the source.

German Teacher
One could probably ask 5 people who were present during this incident, and get 5 different stories. I've already read 3 different articles with three different spins, and all three report something different. Now if this kid is repeatedly tormenting this young man, he should be punished. Bullying is bullying. And many gay and lesbian teens commit suicide partially because of this type of daily bullying.

Most of us witnessed it in high school. Several of the young men in my school were tormented constantly, once they and other classmates figured out that said person had "come out".

The teacher probably could have found a more tactful way to prove his point. And correct me if I'm wrong...isn't this a public school. If his parents are so upset, perhaps they should've transferred their child to a private Christian school.

It's just a very delicate subject, and there is no easy answer.

Yes, the solution is for the parents who don't like your social engineering to abandon their tax money to the public schools fopr you to continue spending, and go pay tuition in a private school, rather than . . . oh, I don't know, expecting GOVERNMENT-RUN, TAXPAYER-FUNDED, PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS to respect the rights of ALL citizens, rather than just those who express "approved by MsKafka" opinions.

Learn the definition of "bullying", candy-ass. Here's a hint: It's NOT "finding out that the whole world doesn't think you're special and wonderful". It IS, however, "using your authority to punish people for being different". You know, the behavior you advocate for your precious "teacher" (not that I could ever seriously call someone like that a teacher).
I hope all kids learn from this and in the future when another homosexual teacher tries to push his/her homosexual agenda on the children, they tell the teacher that homosexuality is wrong.

There is little liklihood of Queerness ever being a exceptable condition among humans.

Their deviance is merely tolerated for the entertainment value it provides.

And some of us are hoping if we ignore it, they'll stop jamming it in our faces constantly.
Of course he didn't read the article. He just went straight for his liberal talking points: Gays are always good, Christians are always bad, all Christians bully and harass all gays with hate speech at the drop of a hat, all teachers are automatically unsung and unappreciated heroes.

Actually reading the article might lead to free thinking, and we can't have that. Besides, I'm not entirely sure he CAN read.
just love it when assholes assume.
I saw the clip. commented on that.but since it's has to be fact checked so realizing I may not have all the facts read the acticle and researched it:from the article "“There has been a history with this teacher in the class regarding homosexual topics,” Krause said. “The teacher had posted a picture of two men kissing on a wall that offended some of the students.”

Krause said the picture was posted on the teacher’s “world wall.”

“He told the students this is happening all over the world and you need to accept the fact that homosexuality is just part of our culture now,” Krause said.
Matt Krause, an attorney with the Liberty Counsel.

Liberty Counsel is a non-profit public interest law firm and ministry that provides free legal assistance in defense of "Christian religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, and the traditional family."[1] Liberty Counsel is headed by attorney Mathew D. Staver, who founded the legal ministry with his wife, Anita, in 1989 and currently serves as its Chairman. Anita L. Staver, his wife, serves as President of Liberty Counsel. A close partnership exists between Liberty University, which was founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell, and Liberty Counsel; Staver serves as Liberty University's law school Dean.[1] In 2004, Liberty Counsel became affiliated with Liberty University/Falwell Ministries and Liberty Counsel opened an office at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Liberty Counsel describes its practice as a First Amendment practice, focused on religious liberties, freedom of speech, church/state issues in public schools and in the public square.

It was founded as Lynchburg Baptist College in 1971 by Jerry Falwell,

thought it was a touch bias!

You Tube

jerry falwell the worlds biggest homophobe.!

You have obviously mistaken me for someone who 1) was addressing you, and 2) believes you have anything intelligent to say worth addressing you for.

Go bother someone who thinks you have two brain cells to rub together.
Yeah, defense of freedom of speech and freedom of religion is "frivolity" . . . if the speech and religious freedom go against liberal doctrine, that is.
your ignorance is laughable!
you like all tea baggers /Christians talk alot of shit but in reality know nothing but shit.
you assume like it's in short supply and you better get it now before it's gone.
why was it necessary for the kid to blather his nonsense in class? because he's 14 and his hormones are raging.
he also knows nothing about discretion, most likely because he wasn't taught any at home or church.
it has become fashionable in the last few decades for "Christians" to interject what once was personal and private into public life as if by constant repetition they will by some unknown means receive extra credit from god. for doing so.
jesus himself (what he was credited as saying) said about flaunting your belief in public was:"when rebuffed withdraw".
if the kid had just stfu..this never would have happed and his rights would never have been violated.
since you're too busy ranting this might be over your head.

In order to effectively call someone "ignorant", one must first have demonstrated that one's own intelligence is higher than that of a rotting grapefruit. You have manifestly not done so, so please excuse me while I laugh derisively at your futile attempt to insult me.

When you have bothered to read the article in question - or anything about the subject other than Media Matters' "It's okay, you can continue to believe gays are always the good guys" talking points bulletin, for that matter - you may resume addressing me on this subject. Until such time, simply assume that this is my universal response to anything you say:

Jesus Christ, what an utter, braindead moron!

I feel certain this will amply cover anything emanating from you. Carry on.
super dodge!
sure you were.

Yes, I was.

What 'science' did you think I was talking about in the context of reproductive utility? :eusa_eh:
lets' see...chemical therapy psychological "treatment" etc..
I don't understand your fixation with reproduction?

what fixation?

You asked how homosexuality can be deemed a birth defect and I gave you a reasonable answer.

Don't ask questions if you're not interested in an honest answer.

Yes, I was.

What 'science' did you think I was talking about in the context of reproductive utility? :eusa_eh:
lets' see...chemical therapy psychological "treatment" etc..
I don't understand your fixation with reproduction?

what fixation?

You asked how homosexuality can be deemed a birth defect and I gave you a reasonable answer.

Don't ask questions if you're not interested in an honest answer.

since there is no medical or scientific proof that homosexuality is a birth defect, any answer you give based on opinion is by definition just that.
not fact..
in other words it's an erroneous conclusion based on a false premise.
clear enough?
lets' see...chemical therapy psychological "treatment" etc..
I don't understand your fixation with reproduction?

what fixation?

You asked how homosexuality can be deemed a birth defect and I gave you a reasonable answer.

Don't ask questions if you're not interested in an honest answer.

since there is no medical or scientific proof that homosexuality is a birth defect, any answer you give based on opinion is by definition just that.
not fact..
in other words it's an erroneous conclusion based on a false premise.
clear enough?

Yes, it's pretty clear that your opinion differs from mine. I got that several posts ago.

The difference is your opinion is clouded by emotional denial.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
what fixation?

You asked how homosexuality can be deemed a birth defect and I gave you a reasonable answer.

Don't ask questions if you're not interested in an honest answer.

since there is no medical or scientific proof that homosexuality is a birth defect, any answer you give based on opinion and is by definition just that.
not fact..
in other words it's an erroneous conclusion based on a false premise.
clear enough?

Yes, it's pretty clear that your opinion differs from mine. I got that several posts ago.

The difference is your opinion is clouded by emotional denial.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
once again you're assuming and far of the mark!
facts is facts!
since there is no medical or scientific proof that homosexuality is a birth defect, any answer you give based on opinion and is by definition just that.
not fact..
in other words it's an erroneous conclusion based on a false premise.
clear enough?

Yes, it's pretty clear that your opinion differs from mine. I got that several posts ago.

The difference is your opinion is clouded by emotional denial.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
once again you're assuming and far of the mark!
facts is facts!

yes, facts are facts. And the next one you post will be your first.

But regardless, let me ask you another question. If scientists discovered a serial killer gene would you consider it's presence a birth defect?

Before you answer, consider this: If you say no, at least you are being consistent. But at the same time you will betray the logical flaw in your position. On the other hand, if you say yes, then you're being a hypocrite.

Choose wisely.
Yes, it's pretty clear that your opinion differs from mine. I got that several posts ago.

The difference is your opinion is clouded by emotional denial.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
once again you're assuming and far of the mark!
facts is facts!

yes, facts are facts. And the next one you post will be your first.

But regardless, let me ask you another question. If scientists discovered a serial killer gene would you consider it's presence a birth defect?

Before you answer, consider this: If you say no, at least you are being consistent. But at the same time you will betray the logical flaw in your position. On the other hand, if you say yes, then you're being a hypocrite.

Choose wisely.
:lol::LOL: it has been medically and scientifically proven that all serial killers have some form of frontal lobe damage (the frontal lobes control behavior)
99% are caused by damage done during pregnancy at birth or later injuries.(not naturally occurring defects )
no such damage is found in the brains of other wise healthy gay people.
that's not to say there aren't gay serial killers.
It's amusing that you infer a connection between serial killers and gay people.
Freudian slip ?or what!

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