Schools K-12 Adopting Race-Based Discipline Policies

Schools K-12 Adopting Race-Based Discipline Policies​

Let them in, and kiss their feet wait until you whites crackers,
get your white kids jacked slapped by CRT.
Your whites kids are in for a sorry sorry future because white America can’t stand up and fight back.
You kiss the feet of blacks lmfao , you are pathetic, your weak and they actually respect you less for doing it rather than
telling them to kiss your Ass.

You will deserve to see your little white grand kids getting the s**t beat out of them becuase you know, it’s white privledge you can’t have any.
This is going to blow up in the faces of you pathetic racist dumb asses.
Your sickening for complying.

and here is one right in ARIZONA these two little ————ts never got a thing done to them as far as disciplined. This is what will keep happening they get no punishment.

Montezuma's Revenge Today Is a Human Diarrhea Germ

The DACA caca will do the same thing. Spawn of immigration criminals, the mini-banditos get their Hate Whitey dessert every evening at the family dinner table.
No, that is out of the question.

Currently, a lot of people (of every ethnicity) try on a daily basis to self-segregate.

They try to avoid living in certain neighborhoods.
They try to avoid sending their kids to certain schools.
They avoid as much as possible using public transportation.
They hope that they will not land up in certain hospitals.
They avoid public accommodations that have dicey clientele.

But there is a limit to what an individual can do.

If one's great-grandchildren choose to live in the United States, they must find a way to survive or to emigrate.

That is just how the cookie crumbles.

The 1950s are NOT returning. We have long passed the point of no return.
Rumble Till They Crumble

Your sneaky attempt to make us surrender before we've begun to fight is false realism and smug fatalism. The chocolate-chimp cookie is overdue for its return to crumb-size debris.
What is a illegitimate kid?
You know exactly what an illegitimate kid is but I will be more than glad to furnish you with a widely accepted interpretation.
How many do you have?
You know exactly what an illegitimate kid is but I will be more than glad to furnish you with a widely accepted interpretation.
How many do you have?
All children are legitimate too me, who sets the rules in society? You. How many children have you told they were illegitimate?
I just came across this really nice demonstration of CRT and how well it’s working.
You should be so proud of your mentally fkd up selves.

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What should I try sometime?
You should pay more attention to what you say. The discussion was centered around society and I just suggested that you consider joining the mainstream of our society. Condoning, forgiving, or ignoring the problem of unwed motherhood and absentee fathers has been proven to be destructive.
You should pay more attention to what you say. The discussion was centered around society and I just suggested that you consider joining the mainstream of our society. Condoning, forgiving, or ignoring the problem of unwed motherhood and absentee fathers has been proven to be destructive.
You mean like the fact that you ignored the fact many fathers are in the home, it's counted as a single mother home because they are not married.
You mean like the fact that you ignored the fact many fathers are in the home, it's counted as a single mother home because they are not married.
Stop trying to ignore reality and chew on this, which pertains to a fatherless home or a home where a man may or may not be present from time to time.
Stop trying to ignore reality and chew on this, which pertains to a fatherless home or a home where a man may or may not be present from time to time.

Another name for Critical Race Theory--DELUSIONS of the Race pimp club..
Can you ask Herschel to explain what CTR is?

The problem with characterizing people as "illegitimate" or "bastards" is that it stigmatizes the children, rather than the "bastard" who fathered them.

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