Schools now telling white students they are all "illegal immigrants"

If the left convinces the children that they are here illegally, then they have no complaint when others arrive illegally and take whatever these families have. That's what they are trying to do.
The right is just too fucking stupid to get it.

They want to punish the children of those who came here illegally. ....

NO, the left wants to reward the children of those who came here illegally.
Reward them? How?
They live here & have most of their lives. They are in school or have jobs & contributing to our country.......

That's ^^^^^^^ how.
Rewarding them for what action?

That's the question.
..half the anti-white crap these schools teach is not even known--especially the private schools or the inner city-ghetto zoos

"is not even known" but you, of all people, know?

Because you have a secret news source?
Parents surprised as daughter plays racist role in school play

So it's not known but you have a link?
There's a difference this moron needs to understand. We whites didn't immigrate. We CONQUERED. We took the land by force. That gives us the Right of Possession by conquest. Our mistake was not wiping the natives out.

Many of us Caucasians understand this. We see the mistakes the Indians made and don't want to repeat them.
So you subscribe to possession by theft, violence, and murder. Gotchya. Sorry. Caucasian here. Theft, violence, and murder do not change anything morally and/or ethically.
Nothing will be done to these teachers. The liberal press is celebrating them as heroes.

Sixth-Grade Teacher Told Students They're All Illegal Immigrants in Anti-Trump Rant

march 31 2018 Josie Orihuela recorded her sixth-grade teacher at Hampton Middle School near Atlanta on a rant against President Donald Trump's campaign slogan and immigration policies.

Johnetta Benton allegedly introduced a video for Black History Month with a lecture questioning what time period Trump was referencing when he said, “Make America Great Again.”

The conversation then turned to illegal immigration, at which point another teacher, Mr. Stroud, entered the classroom and said, “All of us here are all illegal immigrants.”

“Because America belonged to somebody else,” Benton added as a reference to Native Americans.

The teacher contended that aside from African-Americans and Native Americans, who came here as slaves against their will, everyone is “illegal immigrants” and pointed to all the white students.

“So every person in here — unless you're a Native American, and I sure don't see any in here, I could be wrong — we're all immigrants,” she said. “So when you say immigrants are killing folks, that's us. That's you, you, you, you and you.”
this is one of the reasons we need to get rid of the teachers union.

not only should they be fired but they should be arrested for child abuse and racial discrimination.
The slave holders wanted to count them for greater representation in Congress, not because they valued them as human beings. The entire evil enterprise of slavery depended upon the wicked convincing themselves that some people were not really human.

Just like the abortion industry today.
They want to punish the children of those who came here illegally. Many lived here most of their lives.

All the illegals SAY they were brought here by their parents when they were kids. And they never have any proof. They all have stolen IDs and there is no way to find out when they came here. THINK
They live here & have most of their lives. They are in school or have jobs & contributing to our country.
I see no reason to rip their lives apart & send them to a country they don;'t know & many don't even speak the language.

Hey einstein. We don't know who these dreamers are. They all have stolen IDs and may have just come here last week. There is no way to verify them. THINK
Pointing out how ridiculous you fuckwads are about illegal immigration. White people got here through illegal immigration.

You did nothing to become a citzen. Then you have the audacity to treat undocumented people like shit.
You are an anti-white RACIST PIG. White European immigration is the best thing that ever happened to the American Indians. Whenever they were killed by the US Army, it was because they were too stupid to know a good thing when they had it.

Whites brought them all the advantages they enjoy today. Before the European arrival, these dum dums were living without even buildings, indoor plumbing and heat, air conditioning, modern medicine, the wheel, electricity, etc etc.

How many of them would go back to living the way their ancestors lived before Whites arrived and brought them out of the stone age ? Ask them if they would give up TV, radio, automobiles, computers, stereos, microwaves, etc
Funny. One 6th grade teacher does this and you report it as "Schools"? Not even an entire school, but you love the sensationalism more than the truth.

I suppose your claims that blacks never score more than 85 on the SAT and that the gov't said they were 3/5 of a person should be heralded as the truth?

You are always good for a laugh at least.
We hear white Americans being referred to as illegal immigrants in this forum quite often. I don't see my white or native American ancestors as having immigrated here illegally. In fact, my mother's family came here from Denmark by 100% legal means.
Pointing out how ridiculous you fuckwads are about illegal immigration. White people got here through illegal immigration.

You did nothing to become a citzen. Then you have the audacity to treat undocumented people like shit.
You are an anti-white RACIST PIG. White European immigration is the best thing that ever happened to the American Indians. Whenever they were killed by the US Army, it was because they were too stupid to know a good thing when they had it.

Whites brought them all the advantages they enjoy today. Before the European arrival, these dum dums were living without even buildings, indoor plumbing and heat, air conditioning, modern medicine, the wheel, electricity, etc etc.

How many of them would go back to living the way their ancestors lived before Whites arrived and brought them out of the stone age ? Ask them if they would give up TV, radio, automobiles, computers, stereos, microwaves, etc

European settlers to the New World did not arrive with indoor plumbing, heating, air conditioning, modern medicine, electricity, TV, radio, automobiles, computers, stereos, and microwaves, you stupid son of a bitch. You personally did NOTHING to create any of those things, just like you personally did NOTHING to earn the right to be a citizen of my great nation. Just be grateful, be quiet, and stop being so fucking stupid all the time.
The people need to begin to apply great pressure to the schools principles and the administration officials to weed out the nut cases in their employ.....If your child is stuck in a public school wire them up before sending them to school....record everything!
It's time to put a stop to this nonsense....It's obvious that a teachers degree is not good enough...we need to watch them...they are charged with preparing our future and they are fucking up because of their incessant and wrong headed group think ideology....
How about "principals"?

Wiring them up is illegal in most states.

Get your ass into the classroom if you want to watch and criticize teachers. If you are not the parent of guardian, good luck with that!

Most teachers do not have a "teachers degree". I taught for 21 years with a history degree and most often taught math from 6th grade to Pre-Calculus.
Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother. US citizen? Check!

Rubio was born in Miami, Florida. US citizen? Check!

Barak Obama born to an American mother whether in Hawaii or Keny as some idiots fantasize. US citizen? Check!

So many American citizens seem clueless as to what the requirements are to be a citizen.
My family wasn't illegal ------- mind you, it's been nearly 400 years.

Might have been if the Indians had an Ellis Island, but they sure didn't.

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