Schools Push for the End of Best Friends


Apr 20, 2010
O for pete's sake....friendship coaches? This anxiety in school officials over bullying seems to have run amok. Either they totally ignore an obvious danger (Phoebe Prince's case) or they over-react, as in the story below:

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The idea of a "best" friend is kind of lost on me. I was a military brat with a father who had a bad case of wanderlust so I'd never had any long term friends growing up. With that said though I still think that it would be beneficial for a child to find a friend that they can form a close bond with. Someone who shares the same traits, hobbies, and/or views of life with. There is nothing more depressing than thinking that it's only you vs. the world.
Jeesh...I'm beginning to think parenthood should be outlawed.
Schools have dictating who you have as friends for quite some time now. For example when I was in school and had a party I invited whomever I chose. Now if you have a party you have to invite the whole class.(which i think is bullshit) Same for stuff like valentines cards, you have to bring them for the whole class.

I do think the idea of prohibiting a "best friend" is ridiculous. All children group together with the kids they feel comfortable with. Unless its a group of bullies I think the school system should keep out of it.

Learning how to move around and interact with uncomfortable social groups is a part of life. The sooner kids learn to navigate the path of introductions, getting along, making new friends and how to interact with other groups "not your own" the better off we will all be.


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