Schools refuse to teach children to think for themselves

Jim ryan

Jul 22, 2015
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.
Teachers are always going to push their own ideas on our impressionable children and there isn't much we can do about that. It's up to the parents to teach their kids how to think for themselves and stop telling them that the teacher is smarter than they are. In most cases they are not.
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

I was always curious. Why was my favorite word at home and school. My nose was always in the book when not playing or sports.
We did not have TV till 6 PM. There were not many shows that I would watch. My books were my video game and internet.

Maybe the teachers should leave the last 15 minutes just for relative question, as a class or individually.
Republicans have been very vocal in their objection to teaching critical thinking.

And now, Texasss is removing intelligent content from text books. They're also removing Thomas Jefferson from American history books because he 'didn't contribute much'.

We would do well to remember this when considering voting for Rick (oops) Perry - for ANYTHING.
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

I was always curious. Why was my favorite word at home and school. My nose was always in the book when not playing or sports.
We did not have TV till 6 PM. There were not many shows that I would watch. My books were my video game and internet.

Maybe the teachers should leave the last 15 minutes just for relative question, as a class or individually.

I went to a Catholic church and school and from everything that I saw and reflect back on, everything was taught over and over and over again, for probably two weeks at a time. Think about your addition subtraction and multiplication tables. Think about spelling.

Something else to consider, if all the people are sitting around saying thinking and doing the exact same things, why would anyone in their right mind think that they are going to get something new from that?

SJ, our parents were taught in the exact same manner and the exact same things basically.
by what is said, the people in Mensa think that they are smart. From my point of view, the people in Mensa have a better memory, but basically they are not really smarter.

Just consider all of the learning and all of the teaching and all of the resources dedicated to each person in the world. Isn't it a shame that they can't give back anything new and don't you think they would like to?

Luddly, all of the politicians are taught to accept bribes, how smart can they be? Everything depends on everything else, just as everyone depends on everyone else. EDEE
by what is said, the people in Mensa think that they are smart. From my point of view, the people in Mensa have a better memory, but basically they are not really smarter.

Just consider all of the learning and all of the teaching and all of the resources dedicated to each person in the world. Isn't it a shame that they can't give back anything new and don't you think they would like to?

Luddly, all of the politicians are taught to accept bribes, how smart can they be? Everything depends on everything else, just as everyone depends on everyone else. EDEE

IQ tests are not about memory but the ability reason and see pasterns, what comes next.

There are groups for those with higher IQ than what Mensa minimum requires.
by what is said, the people in Mensa think that they are smart. From my point of view, the people in Mensa have a better memory, but basically they are not really smarter.

Just consider all of the learning and all of the teaching and all of the resources dedicated to each person in the world. Isn't it a shame that they can't give back anything new and don't you think they would like to?

Luddly, all of the politicians are taught to accept bribes, how smart can they be? Everything depends on everything else, just as everyone depends on everyone else. EDEE

IQ tests are not about memory but the ability reason and see pasterns, what comes next.

There are groups for those with higher IQ than what Mensa minimum requires.

The next time one of those groups or people tell you how smart they are, ask them what they have contributed to society or science, that no one else has ever contributed before and then you will see how smart they are or not.

It is claimed by the government that only the smartest people become these politicians and leaders. The next time they make such claims, ask them what they have given to society that no one else has ever given before.
All education involves a measure of indoctrination.

It used to be that colleges were the places to really challenge what you learned in secondary school but now even colleges are nothing but PC indoctrination centers
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

Flunked out of summer school, kid?
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

I was always curious. Why was my favorite word at home and school. My nose was always in the book when not playing or sports.
We did not have TV till 6 PM. There were not many shows that I would watch. My books were my video game and internet.

Maybe the teachers should leave the last 15 minutes just for relative question, as a class or individually.

be honest------you had an opened book on your lap-------under the desk........
I got caught lots of time-----but never stopped
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

I was always curious. Why was my favorite word at home and school. My nose was always in the book when not playing or sports.
We did not have TV till 6 PM. There were not many shows that I would watch. My books were my video game and internet.

Maybe the teachers should leave the last 15 minutes just for relative question, as a class or individually.

be honest------you had an opened book on your lap-------under the desk........
I got caught lots of time-----but never stopped

for boredom not to cheat on exams.
All education involves a measure of indoctrination.

It used to be that colleges were the places to really challenge what you learned in secondary school but now even colleges are nothing but PC indoctrination centers

I agree, but there is a coming storm and we will need all of the talents that we can produce.
All education involves a measure of indoctrination.

It used to be that colleges were the places to really challenge what you learned in secondary school but now even colleges are nothing but PC indoctrination centers

I agree, but there is a coming storm and we will need all of the talents that we can produce.

What "storm" would that be?
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

Some schools do, the "non-traditional" sorta ones. Public schools by and large are glorified baby sitters with books. If you want academics, either home-school or private school.
All education involves a measure of indoctrination.

It used to be that colleges were the places to really challenge what you learned in secondary school but now even colleges are nothing but PC indoctrination centers

I agree, but there is a coming storm and we will need all of the talents that we can produce.
We're not producing talent

We grade on a curve and give everyone a trophy
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

That is some bitter BS.
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

I was always curious. Why was my favorite word at home and school. My nose was always in the book when not playing or sports.
We did not have TV till 6 PM. There were not many shows that I would watch. My books were my video game and internet.

Maybe the teachers should leave the last 15 minutes just for relative question, as a class or individually.

be honest------you had an opened book on your lap-------under the desk........
I got caught lots of time-----but never stopped

for boredom not to cheat on exams.

of course boredom-----I was so bored in one of my junior high classes---that I used to read the dictionary-----it was the only book back there
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

Some schools do, the "non-traditional" sorta ones. Public schools by and large are glorified baby sitters with books. If you want academics, either home-school or private school.

I would have to disagree Delta four, respectfully. However, I could be wrong. In which case I would ask anyone to point out which schools teach children how to think for themselves and explain the curriculum that teaches that, if you will, please and thank you.

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