Schools refuse to teach children to think for themselves

All education involves a measure of indoctrination.

It used to be that colleges were the places to really challenge what you learned in secondary school but now even colleges are nothing but PC indoctrination centers

I agree, but there is a coming storm and we will need all of the talents that we can produce.
We're not producing talent

We grade on a curve and give everyone a trophy

How right you are sir.
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

I was always curious. Why was my favorite word at home and school. My nose was always in the book when not playing or sports.
We did not have TV till 6 PM. There were not many shows that I would watch. My books were my video game and internet.

Maybe the teachers should leave the last 15 minutes just for relative question, as a class or individually.

be honest------you had an opened book on your lap-------under the desk........
I got caught lots of time-----but never stopped

for boredom not to cheat on exams.

For children, or at least most of them, it is not about cheating, and it is about boredom, because of the ignorance in 200 years of teaching.
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

Some schools do, the "non-traditional" sorta ones. Public schools by and large are glorified baby sitters with books. If you want academics, either home-school or private school.

I would have to disagree Delta four, respectfully. However, I could be wrong. In which case I would ask anyone to point out which schools teach children how to think for themselves and explain the curriculum that teaches that, if you will, please and thank you.

How about you prove that no school does, numbskull? You probably haven't been inside a school since you flunked out of Jr High.
When people speak to those who offer nothing more than hate and childish ignorance, we give them press. By doing that, we encourage them to do the same ignorant things over and over again, of course we all know that. However, it seems that those people do not realize that. That is a sad marker of the American teaching system.
People that offer intelligent insights and enjoy corrective criticism, look forward to those who use respect for those reasons.
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

Some schools do, the "non-traditional" sorta ones. Public schools by and large are glorified baby sitters with books. If you want academics, either home-school or private school.

I would have to disagree Delta four, respectfully. However, I could be wrong. In which case I would ask anyone to point out which schools teach children how to think for themselves and explain the curriculum that teaches that, if you will, please and thank you.

Charter schools, satellite schools, specialty schools, many private schools have that freedom and experience to try differing methods and not stuck with some state or national curriculum and expectation to push as many though the systems as possible, but rather focuses on excellence, high grades and the individual ability of the child.
Teachers should not judge by how many pass but on the scores of those children individually and as a class group. On putting out the highest standard of eduction and ability of the students that will become our future. To smarten up the weak not dummy down the strong for a curve.
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

Some schools do, the "non-traditional" sorta ones. Public schools by and large are glorified baby sitters with books. If you want academics, either home-school or private school.

I would have to disagree Delta four, respectfully. However, I could be wrong. In which case I would ask anyone to point out which schools teach children how to think for themselves and explain the curriculum that teaches that, if you will, please and thank you.

Charter schools, satellite schools, specialty schools, many private schools have that freedom and experience to try differing methods and not stuck with some state or national curriculum and expectation to push as many though the systems as possible, but rather focuses on excellence, high grades and the individual ability of the child.
Teachers should not judge by how many pass but on the scores of those children individually and as a class group. On putting out the highest standard of eduction and ability of the students that will become our future. To smarten up the weak not dummy down the strong for a curve.

I wish I didn't have to disagree with you, but I do. However, if you could show the curriculum that teaches children to think for themselves, I will be glad to say I'm wrong and happy that you are correct.
Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

Some schools do, the "non-traditional" sorta ones. Public schools by and large are glorified baby sitters with books. If you want academics, either home-school or private school.

I would have to disagree Delta four, respectfully. However, I could be wrong. In which case I would ask anyone to point out which schools teach children how to think for themselves and explain the curriculum that teaches that, if you will, please and thank you.

How about you prove that no school does, numbskull? You probably haven't been inside a school since you flunked out of Jr High.

Now class sit there and be quiet. Now class read page 1 through five. Now class I have 10 questions on the board in which you must answer according to the five pages you read. Hey, there will be no talking without my permission.

Joan come up here and write the answer to the first question. Now we will have six other children come out and give answers to these questions and then go home tonight read the next five pages of homework that it says, come back in and we will test you on that homework tomorrow.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

Never ever question your teachers about anything, because that means that you think you're smarter than the teachers or that all children are dumber than all the teachers.

The so-called educational system in America and across the world is a joke. What it is, is a way to teach children to become cubicle smart, so they can fit into their little cubicle lives and never know anything else other then, follow the bouncing Red ball, that authorities have always demanded.

Some schools do, the "non-traditional" sorta ones. Public schools by and large are glorified baby sitters with books. If you want academics, either home-school or private school.

I would have to disagree Delta four, respectfully. However, I could be wrong. In which case I would ask anyone to point out which schools teach children how to think for themselves and explain the curriculum that teaches that, if you will, please and thank you.

Charter schools, satellite schools, specialty schools, many private schools have that freedom and experience to try differing methods and not stuck with some state or national curriculum and expectation to push as many though the systems as possible, but rather focuses on excellence, high grades and the individual ability of the child.
Teachers should not judge by how many pass but on the scores of those children individually and as a class group. On putting out the highest standard of eduction and ability of the students that will become our future. To smarten up the weak not dummy down the strong for a curve.

I wish I didn't have to disagree with you, but I do. However, if you could show the curriculum that teaches children to think for themselves, I will be glad to say I'm wrong and happy that you are correct.

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Let me know when you want to speak to the subject.

You talk about testing and yet you talk nothing of how to teach children to think for themselves. how much difference is there between countries test scores? It is but a slight difference.
Let me know when you want to speak to the subject.

You talk about testing and yet you talk nothing of how to teach children to think for themselves. how much difference is there between countries test scores? It is but a slight difference.

If teaching was a formula that could be repeated everyone would do it. Teaching involves caring for the students more than the paycheck. It is the freedom to experiment to some degree that helps some teachers. It matters when testing is of the highest expectations.
I used to tutor and gave lectures to students. I tried to get children to challenge themselves and still have fun. To be proud of their accomplishments not compare themselves to everyone else. I was not required to have a teaching degree. I even had some that skipped grades when testing began the next year.
There was not curriculum. I used the text books given to the students and added what worked best or me.
I was not raised on the US system and tried to teach my own children according their strengths and weaknesses. I wanted to home school my daughter when we moved and the school want to keep her with her age peers and not in a class that meet her abilities. My application for home schooling was turned down.
If you can turn a game of tiddly winks into an education and thought process, you do what works.
Student are not carbon copies and nor should teaching methods be.

Check with schools that have the highest test scores or that have the highest number of college graduates what their methods are.

I can't hand you a curriculum and tell you to use this.

JMHO, examples of content of standard tests for graduation should be given to the teachers and they should find their own way to make sure the student are ready, even if that means holding some back till they are ready.

I think I learned more outside of the class room than in. I moved a lot so I had to contend with not just new schools but new methods and new languages as well. Not all my classes were even in English. Often I had subjects in three different languages in a given school year, and in some cases with differing age groups as well suited my skills.
While beginning secondary school I helped my father study for his bar exams and commercial pilot captains license in the same year. His law classes were not all in the same language either. Seeing him start two new carriers helped motivate me.

I don't think there is a perfect formula. It depends on the student and the teacher. Some brains are memory oriented and some are more abstract thinkers.
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Let me know when you want to speak to the subject.

You talk about testing and yet you talk nothing of how to teach children to think for themselves. how much difference is there between countries test scores? It is but a slight difference.

If teaching was a formula that could be repeated everyone would do it. Teaching involves caring for the students more than the paycheck. It is the freedom to experiment to some degree that helps some teachers. It matters when testing is of the highest expectations.
I used to tutor and gave lectures to students. I tried to get children to challenge themselves and still have fun. To be proud of their accomplishments not compare themselves to everyone else. I was not required to have a teaching degree. I even had some that skipped grades when testing began the next year.
There was not curriculum. I used the text books given to the students and added what worked best or me.
I was not raised on the US system and tried to teach my own children according their strengths and weaknesses. I wanted to home school my daughter when we moved and the school want to keep her with her age peers and not in a class that meet her abilities. My application for home schooling was turned down.
If you can turn a game of tiddly winks into an education and thought process, you do what works.
Student are not carbon copies and nor should teaching methods be.

Check with schools that have the highest test scores or that have the highest number of college graduates what their methods are.

I can't hand you a curriculum and tell you to use this.

JMHO, examples of content of standard tests for graduation should be given to the teachers and they should find their own way to make sure the student are ready, even if that means holding some back till they are ready.

I think I learned more outside of the class room than in. I moved a lot so I had to contend with not just new schools but new methods and new languages as well. Not all my classes were even in English. Often I had subjects in three different languages in a given school year, and in some cases with differing age groups as well suited my skills.
While beginning secondary school I helped my father study for his bar exams and commercial pilot captains license in the same year. His law classes were not all in the same language either. Seeing him start two new carriers helped motivate me.

I don't think there is a perfect formula. It depends on the student and the teacher. Some brains are memory oriented and some are more abstract thinkers.

You put forward a lot. You deserve a lot more. it would be fairly easy to build a curriculum for teaching children to think for themselves, but the school system by way of the government and even the private schools, don't want to do that for several reasons.

If you were a government that could be controlled by the vote, while you were taking bribes and putting forth the rich and powerful over all else, would you want really intelligent people voting you out?

If you were a teacher, would you really want children to point out when there are weaknesses in what you say or when you're wrong?
Ignorant selfish voters keep fully corrupt politicians in the office, because they were never taught to think for themselves. All of that will lead to the destruction of each Empire.
if a man or woman has an open mind, they first asked questions, before the challenge or make statements that imply childish Innuendo or name-calling.
it would be fairly easy to build a curriculum for teaching children to think for themselves...

Why haven't you done so?

The whole time that I have said anything on this thread or any other thread, that you have chosen to make remarks on, every one of your remarks have been negative. So ask me again why.

In other words, you're full of shit and just repeating a few phrases you heard somewhere without the slightest understanding of what they mean.

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