Schools refuse to teach children to think for themselves

tell us what you know about Boolean algebra, from your own words and let us know if you think you can defend such with anything other then copy and paste.
I was an electronics tech and an electronic engineer student...

As you challenge with Boolean algebra, when you know nothing about it. Keep changing the subject, it is by your words that you sink your own ship.
All are known by their own words, with time.
I know about it, but you have yet to show you do, when you ask for a's just a version of algebra used for binary code to prove a logical a response of the action can be used to manipulate electronics and computers

The two values in a binary variable, despite being coded numerically as 0 and 1, are generally considered to exist on a nominal scale, meaning they represent qualitatively different values that cannot be compared numerically.

The above is a definition that I extracted from the net and my question follows, Science claims that Boolean algebra is used to prove a logical sequence by your words, but the definition that I drew from the net says, it cannot be compared numerically.
logical sequence referring to intent of control to use as a desired sequence, or the opposite if a value is present, depending on the results designed...what sucks is you have to look your answers up, I don't...

You have the entire net to prove that I looked up my answers. Nowhere on the net will you find what I said, even though it is correct. you cannot defend against what I said. The very definition proves you wrong. All I did was point it out.
I will make a prediction. Even though I use no cursory and no childish innuendo, even while I respect those that respect me, I will be thrown off of this site, because I don't fit in with The average person taught in the school system, to copy and paste their entire lives, following the bouncing Redball of the government and those that pretend to lead.
How did you evaluate that nonsense?

When enough of you are embarrest by the ignorance that you bring to this board, because I can point it out,enough of you will complain to the management and they will put me off the board, for the sake of the average individuals, that every board depends on. You don't want to learn, you want people to think you are right and by such, do you keep your children ignorant.
I have been through this on countless websites, it's just the way it is., people don't want to believe that they were never talk anymore then copy and paste and follow the bouncing Redball. To have someone pointed out, is especially angering to those that are in that position.

There is no one that I find that can give me a run for my money so to speak. Most every single person has been taught copy and paste and follow the bouncing Redball. I am different, because of my circumstances, my mothers homeschooling, as well as actual schooling in the Catholic schools and one public school at the end. I have always challenged every single thing that I was taught, because of my circumstances. Most children want to fit in, so they do not challenge. I wanted to fit in, but that was made impossible by all the surrounding circumstances.

Yes, I know, you want your children to fit in, so they will copy and paste and follow the bouncing Redball, until mankind destroys himself and the earth.
The following is how you choose. When I told all of you that it would be easy to assemble all the necessities to teach children to think for themselves, not one of you asked, what how or why.

Your choice is to remain ignorant and your choice is that your children remain ignorant.
Teachers are always going to push their own ideas on our impressionable children and there isn't much we can do about that. It's up to the parents to teach their kids how to think for themselves and stop telling them that the teacher is smarter than they are. In most cases they are not.

The US is going to come up against increasing competition. China. The country of 1.3 billion people, churning out high school and university students in the millions every year who can study harder and be more robotic than those in the west.

The west is going to have to find it's niche in the market, and that's thinking skills, creativity and so on. It's essential for schools to teach kids to think for themselves.

But then again those who think for themselves probably wouldn't vote for who the establishment want them to vote for...... so, it's not in their interests to promote this.
Teachers are always going to push their own ideas on our impressionable children and there isn't much we can do about that. It's up to the parents to teach their kids how to think for themselves and stop telling them that the teacher is smarter than they are. In most cases they are not.

The US is going to come up against increasing competition. China. The country of 1.3 billion people, churning out high school and university students in the millions every year who can study harder and be more robotic than those in the west.

The west is going to have to find it's niche in the market, and that's thinking skills, creativity and so on. It's essential for schools to teach kids to think for themselves.

But then again those who think for themselves probably wouldn't vote for who the establishment want them to vote for...... so, it's not in their interests to promote this.

I had not thought of that, but you are correct. Their culture is still in its infancy as far as learning the ways of the world, whereas the United States has known the ways of the world for two hundred years now or more, dumbing down the general population.

The Chinese are asking every single question that they can, while the Americans for the most part, pretend that they know everything. And when people ask the right questions, they get the correct answers and the more questions that they ask, the more chances they have of finding the right answers.

Most Americans quit asking questions, because they feel it makes them look stupid. The opposite is true, when we stop asking questions, we do become stupid.
It seems the best that most of America has to offer, is the spelling police. The rest of you stick your head in the sand, that way you won't have to face your own ignorance.
Teachers are always going to push their own ideas on our impressionable children and there isn't much we can do about that. It's up to the parents to teach their kids how to think for themselves and stop telling them that the teacher is smarter than they are. In most cases they are not.

The US is going to come up against increasing competition. China. The country of 1.3 billion people, churning out high school and university students in the millions every year who can study harder and be more robotic than those in the west.

The west is going to have to find it's niche in the market, and that's thinking skills, creativity and so on. It's essential for schools to teach kids to think for themselves.

But then again those who think for themselves probably wouldn't vote for who the establishment want them to vote for...... so, it's not in their interests to promote this.

I had not thought of that, but you are correct. Their culture is still in its infancy as far as learning the ways of the world...

More nonsense you just pulled out of your ass?
It seems the best that most of America has to offer, is the spelling police. ....

If only you had "asked the right question," you might have found out the right answer is to use a dictionary until you learn English.
Lol, the best America has to offer is running down the legs of other countries like China.
The scientists must think everybody is ignorant, by the things they say.
New science by Jim Ryan
The big bang!

In any explosion, the material goes away from the focal point.
When this explosion happened everything shot straight away from this big explosion, considered to be the Big Bang. Now the evolutionists claim that gravity made all of this material congeal into the celestial bodies throughout the universe, but the scientist didn't quite think this through, because there was nothing in the universe until then, so there was no gravity, no celestial bodies to bring all of this material together and besides with no gravity, all of that material just shot out in a straight line and kept going on forever. Without celestial bodies that are rotating and revolving, there is no gravity.

Scientist these days, they are so funny because they don't realize people can figure these things out.
By the way, did the big bang boom create space and if so, use science and show how it was done.
it seems the best that those super majority of America has to offer is the spelling police, childish innuendo and name-calling. in my family, when children acted like such stupid little twits, the whole family put them in line. It's too bad America is too stupid to do such.
Red shift blueshift
New science by Jim Ryan

All galaxies travel at different speeds and all galaxies for the most part move at different angles. Some of these galaxies will have the same angle or will travel towards one another or in that general direction, from as far as billions of light-years away.
When galaxies are in blueshift, that means that they are advancing towards one another or one is advancing on another one faster than that one can pull away.
Science claims that galaxies in red shift, prove that the universe is expanding. Science cannot prove such, because we also have blueshifted galaxies. We know that when galaxies are headed towards us, that galaxy is in blueshift.

Red shift by no means proves our universe is expanding, but since the scientists were never taught to think for themselves, they make up whatever bullshit they want.

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