School's transgender policy trumped teacher's religious rights, US court rules

I just saw a segment on the news about the Chicago mayor-elect. Everyone knows he's an America hating commie slug but my ears perked up when he announced that Chicago school sports would do away with participation trophies. Ahhh, I thought, people are starting to wise up. But then he screwed the pooch when he said Chicago schools would also get rid of homework and F grades. That Chicago would be on a par with other big cities across the country. WTF!!!! He wants to outdo Baltimore's math and reading deficiencies. Go for it, Mayor Brain Scan!!!
My teachers used my last name when they were going send me to the office for misbehaving. I see no connection between calling a student by their last name and causing someone emotional harm. Wokism is destroying our nations.
Yes, especially our children. They are not doing them any favors by teaching them that they can be hypsersensitive little twits, whine about any tiny thing not done exactly their way, and the powers that be will support them.

Those kids and the ones to follow will be looking for reasons to get teachers fired from now on. I'm a teacher, and retirement is looking better and better.
Yes, especially our children. They are not doing them any favors by teaching them that they can be hypsersensitive little twits, whine about any tiny thing not done exactly their way, and the powers that be will support them.

Those kids and the ones to follow will be looking for reasons to get teachers fired from now on. I'm a teacher, and retirement is looking better and better.
Because it is so much more important to perpetuate a child's delusions. I thought schools were supposed to promote learning facts and the skills needed to ascertain those facts.
Yes, especially our children. They are not doing them any favors by teaching them that they can be hypsersensitive little twits, whine about any tiny thing not done exactly their way, and the powers that be will support them.

Those kids and the ones to follow will be looking for reasons to get teachers fired from now on. I'm a teacher, and retirement is looking better and better.
I taught 16 years at a private Catholic high school. Even there, I could see changes happening with the discipline of students. I got out before the nightmare started. Where is the women libbers that used to fight for women's rights? Why are they accepting transgendered men in athletics when they fought so hard for Title lX? That student athlete that tried to give a talk at SF university got punched by a transvestite twit and no one at the school stood up for her. She's now suing and if it were me, I'd sue them for control of the school or about 500 million dollars.

So you find that on rare occasions the chromosome pairing does not necessarily reflect the outward manifestation of gender. Do you somehow think the rare exception negates the rule? Also, are you saying this is the case with every transgender?
I guess that's what happens when your school is your trailer home and your science book is the bible. Stop pretending to understand biology you Simp.

Oh for fuck’s sake.

This is more of that subjectivism at work that you seem to hate so much: I’m an atheist.

You seemed to disagree with my comment that transgenderism is subjuctive and yet, everything you’ve told me thus far points to gender being unfixed and whatever the individual says they are, meaning it is subjective.

You’re not arguing for or against the idea that transgenderism is subjective, you’re merely arguing against what you perceive as my bigotry.

I really have no problem with transgenders as their sexuality and their choices in that regard have no bearing on my life.
However, at the same time I understand human nature so I understand that transgenders do not have the market cornered on suffering.

Everyone has their own problems to deal with and many young people - especially these days - are suffering with anxiety and depression. Many have suffered physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying; neglect, etc., and some are killing themselves (or others) over it.

That being the case, I simply cannot muster special sympathy for people screaming about pronouns. If a person gets that upset about a pronoun then they obviously have deeper problems than any pronoun can fix.
I just saw a segment on the news about the Chicago mayor-elect. Everyone knows he's an America hating commie slug but my ears perked up when he announced that Chicago school sports would do away with participation trophies. Ahhh, I thought, people are starting to wise up. But then he screwed the pooch when he said Chicago schools would also get rid of homework and F grades. That Chicago would be on a par with other big cities across the country. WTF!!!! He wants to outdo Baltimore's math and reading deficiencies. Go for it, Mayor Brain Scan!!!
Chicago schools have nearly 24 schools where zero children are proficient at reading and writing. I don't expect the new mayor to change much from Lightfoot who bankrupted small businesses during COVID, saw the highest crime rates over the last 50 years, let schools go to hell and allowed BLM rioters to burn down neighborhoods. The big change is the new mayor is in bed with the teacher's unions. Ahhh .. another shining example of a liberal led city.

I think this sums up their mentality.

If you want to find the cause of a declining society, first look at it's education system.
Chicago schools have nearly 24 schools where zero children are proficient at reading and writing. I don't expect the new mayor to change much from Lightfoot who bankrupted small businesses during COVID, saw the highest crime rates over the last 50 years, let schools go to hell and allowed BLM rioters to burn down neighborhoods. The big change is the new mayor is in bed with the teacher's unions. Ahhh .. another shining example of a liberal led city.
Chicago has 24 schools where every parent of every kid are not teaching their kids reading and writing skills at home. But Chicago also has 24 schools where every parent of every kid believes it's the schools fault.
"An Indiana high school did not break the law by allegedly forcing a music teacher to quit after he refused on religious grounds to use transgender students' preferred names, a U.S. appeals court ruled on Friday."

Very good.

In fact, this has nothing to do with ‘religious rights’ – one’s subjective religious beliefs don’t ‘justify’ engaging in racism, bigotry, and hate directed at others.
Of course the school violated the teacher’s rights.
It was a lot simpler in my time back when you could beat the Hell out of them and didnt have to worry about dying. When these sorry sacks stayed in the closet and knew what was waiting for them if ever thinking of coming out. When men were men women were women and everyone else was scared.
And you would be wrong, those denote sex, not gender.
So then, according to you and others, gender is fluid and thus subjective. This is exactly what I said in my first post.

Until recently, gender has always referred to one of the two sexes. As for gender and gender-neutral pronouns, gender pronouns refer to the sex of the individual (he/she, him/her) whereas gender-neutral pronouns merely refer to a group of people (they/them) where the sex may already be understood or may not be the focus or pertinent. They do not in any way suggest that the individuals themselves are gender neutral.

Pronouns like ze/xe, zim/xem are recent inventions and in my personal opinion, can be disregarded since this is an obvious attempt by some to jump on the victimhood bandwagon and because most of these people fall into one of the two sexes (male/female) anyway, regardless of what they say or feel they are.
So you find that on rare occasions the chromosome pairing does not necessarily reflect the outward manifestation of gender. Do you somehow think the rare exception negates the rule? Also, are you saying this is the case with every transgender?
Transgenderism is also very rare and just because they are a small percentage of the population doesn't mean we're going to allow you to be bigots and treat them like trash. It is also rare for people to be born left handed yet how fucking weird and stupid would it be if a group of bigots got together and decided to harrass them based on how they were born? That's what you idiots look like to everyone who isn't biologically ignorant. You look like ignorant bigots attacking left handed people.
Oh for fuck’s sake.

This is more of that subjectivism at work that you seem to hate so much: I’m an atheist.
I explained the difference between objective and subjective to you, that doesn't mean I hate subjectivism. I don't even know what that means. 😄 Are you accusing me of hating my own feelings? Do you know what subjectivism is?

Also I don't give a shit if you're atheist. Atheists can be ignorant as well.
You seemed to disagree with my comment that transgenderism is subjuctive and yet, everything you’ve told me thus far points to gender being unfixed and whatever the individual says they are, meaning it is subjective.
Not whatever they say they are, what their biology says they are. It is both subjective in that we each have our own indivdual biological make ups and objective in that our biological make up is determined by objective factors like chromosomes, hormones and DNA.
You’re not arguing for or against the idea that transgenderism is subjective, you’re merely arguing against what you perceive as my bigotry.
I'm pointing out you are both ignorant of the science and ignorant of how biology is subjective.
I really have no problem with transgenders as their sexuality and their choices in that regard have no bearing on my life.
However, at the same time I understand human nature so I understand that transgenders do not have the market cornered on suffering.
No one said they had the market cornered on suffering. This is a strawman. If you want to prove to me you understand human nature then acknowledge there are biological components to transgenderism.
Everyone has their own problems to deal with and many young people - especially these days - are suffering with anxiety and depression. Many have suffered physical, emotional and sexual abuse; bullying; neglect, etc., and some are killing themselves (or others) over it.
And legislation that marginalizes at risk youths like gay or trans teens and that prevents them from seeking advice from teachers and counselors like Florida's Don't Say Gay bill only exacerbates that problem.
That being the case, I simply cannot muster special sympathy for people screaming about pronouns. If a person gets that upset about a pronoun then they obviously have deeper problems than any pronoun can fix.
And I don't have much sympathy for bigots. If I meet a person and they ask me to address them in a certain way, only an asshole would insist on addressing them in a manor they ask you not to. If you kept addressing a black man as boy after repeated requests by him for you to stop I'd also think you were a bigot and a racist.
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I agree. I do not know why it is so confusing for so many people on this forum.

Sex is science.

Gender is not.
Glad to see you say that. So all the transgenderization activists who accuse normal people of "not accepting science" are wrong. We just prefer the science of sex to the non-science of gender.
Until recently, gender has always referred to one of the two sexes.

Actually it didn't. Growing up in the 60s and 70s nobody ever used the word gender in place of sex. That changed when the moral majority decided sex was a bad thing and did not even want to say the word.

As for gender and gender-neutral pronouns, gender pronouns refer to the sex of the individual (he/she, him/her) whereas gender-neutral pronouns merely refer to a group of people (they/them) where the sex may already be understood or may not be the focus or pertinent. They do not in any way suggest that the individuals themselves are gender neutral.

Gender was initially a literary concept. Masculine, feminine, neuter and common were genders assigned to words.

Who "assigns gender" at birth? More to the point, who should assign gender at birth?

If the Doctor says to the mother birthing person, "it's a girl," can the birthing person rightly say, "no doctor. That may be a biological male, but her gender is female."

If not, why not? One of the libs of tik-tok explained to children that doctors only "guess" the gender of a newborn, and often get it wrong.

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