School's transgender policy trumped teacher's religious rights, US court rules

Thanks for proving that gender is mankind's invention.

You're welcome. Gender is sex, physically, and gender in language is pronouns used to address people of whatever sex they are.

Like sex, you either have he/him/his for a guy and she/her for women.

Anything else is pure fantasy, about as ethereal and intangible as dark energy.
Gender is sex, physically

No, it is not.

Gender and sex were never meant to be use interchangeably, and doing so has lead to all sorts of problems.

If sports were based on sex and not gender there would not be the problems we are seeing today with trans people trying to compete in them.

Even the definition for gender says it is "related to" sex...which means it is not the same damn thing as sex.

Look at your birth certificate, I guarantee it list your sex, not your gender.
No, it is not.
The facts do not agree with you.

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Gender and sex were never meant to be use interchangeably,
Really? Why then have the two words been synonymous and interchangeable until a couple of years ago when the Left started a campaign trying to claim otherwise?

and doing so has lead to all sorts of problems.
Only for you.

If sports were based on sex and not gender there would not be the problems we are seeing today with trans people trying to compete in them.
Bullshit. The problem is that men are trying to compete in ladies sports just because they had a couple of fake boobs added, took some hormones, let their hair grown, and had their twinkie cut off. If that is what an adult really wants to do with their body, they could at least compete against others like themselves and not against actual women, who generally do not have the bone or muscle mass to compete with.

Even the definition for gender says it is "related to" sex...which means it is not the same damn thing as sex.
Really? That is EXACTLY what it means, the first, primary synonym, as I just showed above!!!
Put simply, until someone can show me a third or more sex required during intercourse to conceive a child, all of these other "genders" shall be relegated to frivolity along with Frank Costanza's Chicken, Hen and Rooster dilemma.

Any combination other than one male and one female, that will result in the creation of a new human being. Two males two females, one of those and one of some “other gender”, anything. It's all insane bullshit, nothing more.

We are male and female, and it takes one of each to create a new human being.
You're welcome. Gender is sex, physically, and gender in language is pronouns used to address people of whatever sex they are.
Like sex, you either have he/him/his for a guy and she/her for women.
Anything else is pure fantasy, about as ethereal and intangible as dark energy.

As I understand it, dark energy has some basis in actual science. I do not claim to understand the concept of dark energy, but I recognize is as science, based.

The same cannot truthfully be said about any of this “transgender” bullshit. That's just plain crazy nonsense and you have to be pretty badly fucked in the head to believe in any of it. And I don't mean just any normal level of fucked in the head; I mean extraordinary, almost impossible, C_Clayton_Jones-level fucked in the head.
Really? Why then have the two words been synonymous and interchangeable until a couple of years ago when the Left started a campaign trying to claim otherwise?

The left wants them to be the same, and you are falling for their trap.

If sex and gender are different, and sports are based on sex then there is no trans athlete issue.

Bullshit. The problem is that men are trying to compete in ladies sports just because they had a couple of fake boobs added, took some hormones, let their hair grown, and had their twinkie cut off. If that is what an adult really wants to do with their body, they could at least compete against others like themselves and not against actual women, who generally do not have the bone or muscle mass to compete with.

Yes, and they are doing so based on their chosen gender. And you are helping them by insisting sex and gender are the same thing.

Base it on sex, which is defined by chromosomes and BOOM the problem is solved.
Yes, and they are doing so based on their chosen gender.

  • SEX refers to the biological side you were born with in procreating babies.
  • GENDER simply refers in part to the ethereal degree of sexual ATTITUDE that develops with time.
  • SEX refers to the biological side you were born with in procreating babies.
  • GENDER simply refers in part to the ethereal degree of sexual ATTITUDE that develops with time.

Gender means whatever we assign to it, thus the ethereal degree of sexual ATTITUDE

Sex is defined by science. It is based on XX and XY and nothing else.
Gender means whatever we assign to it

Who ever decided that? If that were true, it would be utterly arbitrary and meaningless, subject to anyone's whim. A person's gender is assigned at birth just as their sex is, even transgenders acknowledge that much saying that they were born in the wrong body or grew up all their lives feeling the other gender than what their sex was, the whole reason for the change! But even at that, there are still only TWO genders, the masculine and the feminine.
A person's gender is assigned at birth just as their sex is…

“Assigned at birth” is a bullshit phrase, used by trannies and their allies to muddy the distinction.

Nobody is “assigned” a sex or a gender. The sex/gender is established by observing the morphological traits which indicate the sex of the child.

Sane people should never use the phrase “assigned at birth”. It just plays into the madness.
This issue of who’s in charge of our kids, the (communist fascist) state, or their parents, which was settled in Virginia, will be one of those that will move many voters to the GOP. We should hope the Left keeps digging themselves deeper in this hole.
“Assigned at birth” is a bullshit phrase, used by trannies and their allies to muddy the distinction.

Nobody is “assigned” a sex or a gender. The sex/gender is established by observing the morphological traits which indicate the sex of the child.

Sane people should never use the phrase “assigned at birth”. It just plays into the madness.

Did you just call me insane and an ally to transsexuals, Bob? Go fuck yourself. Gender is partly a psychological construct that develops within the individual from the time they are born on, apparently formed partly by perception and experience and not wholly scripted within the genes otherwise you could show me the gene for homosexuality, which you cannot.
So is how we define people biologically.

No, it’s not.

If a dog has a penis and testes, it’s a male and that’s what we say it is. There’s no practical, objective or scientific reason to think it’s any different for humans.
Intersex individuals can go their most of their lives knowing there is anything different about them and then what? Are people born with XX chromosones, a vagina and testes males or females?
I’m not sure I understand the question but I will say that the chromosomes, genetalia and general body structure denotes gender.
Did you just call me insane and an ally to transsexuals, Bob? Go fuck yourself. Gender is partly a psychological construct that develops within the individual from the time they are born on, apparently formed partly by perception and experience and not wholly scripted within the genes otherwise you could show me the gene for homosexuality, which you cannot.

I meant no such thing.

I meant nothing more by that remark than to point out the absurd incorrectness of the phrase “assigned at birth”, and to suggest that those of us who are not fucked-up mental cases should never use that phrase.

Nobody is “assigned” male or female. We are conceived and born male or female, and as sane people, we should use language that reflects this biological reality, rather than using language that plays into the trannies' lies and madness.
Who ever decided that? If that were true, it would be utterly arbitrary and meaningless, subject to anyone's whim.

These are the words you posted...
  • GENDER simply refers in part to the ethereal degree of sexual ATTITUDE that develops with time.

But even at that, there are still only TWO genders, the masculine and the feminine

With unlimited variations.
No, it’s not.

If a dog has a penis and testes, it’s a male and that’s what we say it is. There’s no practical, objective or scientific reason to think it’s any different for humans.

I’m not sure I understand the question but I will say that the chromosomes, genetalia and general body structure denotes gender.
Are you not aware there are XY women.
More Women Than Expected Are Genetically Men - Novo Nordisk Fonden

Or XX men?

XX Male Syndrome |

I guess that's what happens when your school is your trailer home and your science book is the bible. Stop pretending to understand biology you Simp.

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