School's transgender policy trumped teacher's religious rights, US court rules

Trans is about gender, not sex.
Despite what lies you have been told, they are not one in the same thing.

A mentally-defective man who thinks he's a woman is still a man.

Even if he has his body mutilated with hormones and drugs and surgeries, in a futile attempt to make him look female, he's still a man, albeit a ruined, fucked-up version of a man. Nothing can make him into a woman. Nothing can make him female, in any rational sense.
You made my case. There are two genders listed in the Oxford Dictionary. What time did you start drinking today?

Actually it list 4 of them. Masculine, feminine, common, neuter.

Masculine, feminine and neutral aren't genders in English. We aren't speaking Russian, Latin, Greek or German here. Idiot.

Yes, they are all genders in English. Which is why the Oxford ENGLISH Dictionary list them all.
That would be a mosaic or a chimera. One body containing two or more distinct genetic patterns. Basically, fraternal twins (or triplets, quadruplets, etc.) that, instead of developing into separate bodies, ended up merging into one.

No pure XX has testes, and no pure XY has ovaries. It simply does not happen.

Then perhaps either you haven’t read the links I shared, or you are incapable of comprehension. Because that does happen. In about one birth out of 2,000.

Chromosomes and intersex

Sometimes, an intersex person will have male or female reproductive organs and genitals but have chromosomes typically associated with the other sex.

Other people may have various combinations of chromosomes that are different from the typically male chromosomes (XY) or the typically female chromosomes (XX).

Some conditions that may affect chromosomes and can cause intersex anatomy include Klinefelter syndrome and Turner syndrome.

Klinefelter syndrome occurs when a person is born with an extra copy of the X chromosome (XXY). People with this condition may have smaller testicles than expected, lower testosterone levels, reduced muscle mass, and enlarged breast tissue.

Turner syndrome occurs when a person is born with a missing or partially missing X chromosome. It can cause a variety of issues, including ovarian failure, heart defects, and slowed growth.

According to you, this just doesn’t happen. Now I don’t know the source of your information, but I don’t think it is scientific.

Now for me, as a man who believes in God, I think that people like this are a gift. They teach us to love all God’s creatures. They teach us that we need not understand God’s actions, but we are called upon to use love and understanding.

Personally. The more I learn about the Universe and Nature, the more impressed I am with God’s Creation. He made the universe according to laws we could understand. He didn’t make it float with magic. He created the laws of Physics to control the very elements that make us up.

In my opinion, and I readily admit it is just my opinion, denouncing science is akin to denouncing God. Do we get some things wrong? Absolutely. But demanding that God and the Universe fit into our mental image is replacing God with ourselves. I’m not God. It is one of the two things I am certain of. There is a God. I am not Him.

You may not want it to happen. But your wants are not germane to God. His intention does not need to make sense to me. However I refuse to be so arrogant as to declare that God would never do something. God does not answer to me. I answer to God.
Now for me, as a man who believes in God…

You pay empty lip service to God, while spewing the lies of Satan. Lies that one doesn't even need to believe in God or Satan, to clearly see that they are lies.

You would twist God's word, to try to force it to say what it clearly does not, just as you have been trying to do with science.

There is no truth in you.
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You pay empty lip service to God, while spewing the lies of Satan. Lies that one doesn't even need to believe in God or Satan, to clearly see that they are lies.

You would twist God's word, to try to force it to say what it clearly does not, just as you have been trying to do with science.

There is no truth in you.

I posted the link. I quoted the text that said you were wrong. If Satan spreads lies and I posted a link to a medical journal and quoted the applicable part. Who is spreading and believing lies?

But you believe what you will. After all free will is one of the Gifts of the Divine.
"An Indiana high school did not break the law by allegedly forcing a music teacher to quit after he refused on religious grounds to use transgender students' preferred names, a U.S. appeals court ruled on Friday."

Very good.

In fact, this has nothing to do with ‘religious rights’ – one’s subjective religious beliefs don’t ‘justify’ engaging in racism, bigotry, and hate directed at others.
Religious freedom is a foundational CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT
Genders are mankind's invention.

So then, an invention of man's mind and imagination. At the very least, just a synonym for sex, and at most, a construct of language to identify pronouns with! Anything else is just because "you say so," and can't offer anything physical or the least bit concrete that anyone can examine out in the open objectively.

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Religious freedom is a foundational CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT

So is equal protection.

They were not telling the individual to do something abhorrent. They were instructing him to use the pronouns desired by the individual. Him or her. She or he. Other than a few sects that qualify more as cults than religious entities no one would object.

When Churchill informed the Japanese Ambassador that they were now at War, he closed with the usual salutation. I remain your obedient servant. When people objected that Churchill had been too polite. The response was true. If you must kill a man, it costs you nothing to be polite.

The school said nothing but we will treat everyone with courtesy and dignity. It is difficult to expect that in return when you won’t provide it.
So then, an invention of man's mind and imagination. At the very least, just a synonym for sex, and at most, a construct of language to identify pronouns with! Anything else is just because "you say so," and can't offer anything physical or the least bit concrete that anyone can examine out in the open objectively.

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Play whatever semantic games we will, but none of it changes the underlying biological reality.

All human beings are of one or the other of two types, which we call sexes or genders—male or female. These types are distinguished from one another by objective, probable, observable traits, and the process of human reproduction requires the participation of one of each type of human.

No games that we can play with language, nor with bizarre, quasi-medical Frankensteinery involving drugs, hormones, or surgeries, can change any of this.
Play whatever semantic games we will, but none of it changes the underlying biological reality.

All human beings are of one or the other of two types, which we call sexes or genders—male or female. These types are distinguished from one another by objective, probable, observable traits, and the process of human reproduction requires the participation of one of each type of human.

No games that we can play with language, nor with bizarre, quasi-medical Frankensteinery involving drugs, hormones, or surgeries, can change any of this.

Put simply, until someone can show me a third or more sex required during intercourse to conceive a child, all of these other "genders" shall be relegated to frivolity along with Frank Costanza's Chicken, Hen and Rooster dilemma.
So then, an invention of man's mind and imagination. At the very least, just a synonym for sex, and at most, a construct of language to identify pronouns with! Anything else is just because "you say so," and can't offer anything physical or the least bit concrete that anyone can examine out in the open objectively.

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Thanks for proving that gender is mankind's invention.

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