Schumer and McConnell work out power sharing agreement

Those who have TDS will never let go, their brains have been ravished by hate.
For the next four years, it's still going to be about Trump.....not Biden, but Trump. :laughing0301:
Hope you can laugh tomorrow at noon. Ha Ha Ha!
Those who have TDS will never let go, their brains have been ravished by hate.
For the next four years, it's still going to be about Trump.....not Biden, but Trump. :laughing0301:
Hope you can laugh tomorrow at noon. Ha Ha Ha!
Not sure what you're talking about. I have already accepted that Biden is our president. I did that the day after.

I have no affliction as you do, I'll be fine and looking forward to 2024.
Now go pound sand, sonny.

This is not good for trump. Mitch is signaling a complete break from trumpism. For the good of the country...I hope trump is gone for good. He is a cancer on our country.
Unfortunately, that particular malignancy has metastasized to include roughly 74 million RWNJs.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)



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