Schumer Calls for Using IRS to Curtail Tea Party Activities

I will simply say this to those who support this idea you will have a Republican President again I hope you will be as supportive of him or her using the I.R.S. as weapon against there political opposition as you seem to be now.

You mean like when the NAACP and Charlie Rangel were targeted under Bush?

Don't worry.

We're use to it.


Care to prove your claim or are you just going to admit that you are a liar?
i see jakestarkey and his fellow libs are still ignoring the core issue....schumer isn't talking about targeting all groups, ONLY conservative groups.

and so far, as i predicted, the leftwingers on this board will defend this.

That is Schumer's failing. All groups who do this should be target, from far right to far left.

Yurt believes that TPM movements should be protected, based on what he wrote above.
When far left and far right groups go for "educational awareness" to engage actually in politics, yes, Avatar, they should get their tax status removed.

I'm left wondering... Who determines what the "middle ground" is for political education? You? What if I find your idea of what counts as political middle ground to just be far left reactionary fear mongering and want you too to have to stop? Will you use your self imposed dictator like authority to stop yourself, or just everyone you don't agree with jake?

One day you will wake up to the reality that no one believes you are a centrist, or Republican jake... and that you keep displaying your far left reactionary tyrannical beliefs daily on these boards.

Seriously, who gets to determine what is far left and far right, and what is allowed to be used as education and what is not? Whoever has this power would seem to have an unfair advantage.
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The IRS job is to curtail unlawful activities by any group, liberal or conservative or in between.

I assume you watched the hearings not long back about the Tea Party IRS stuff. I did too. Can you tell us what those people did that was illegal or even suspicious?

The law states:

Section 501(c)(4)
social welfare organizations
are tax
organizations that have as
their primary purpose engaging in social welfare activities.
Section 501(c)(4) defines
welfare organizations
Civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively
for the promotion of
social welfare, or local associations of employees, the
membership of which is limited to the employees of a designated person or
persons . . . and the net earnings of which are devoted exclusively to charitable,
educational, or recreational purposes Social Welfare Organizations v.6.pdf
It's ILLEGAL to engage in political activities.

All the leftwing 501(c)4s and 501(c)3s do it, and everyone knows it.

Consider the following:

Huffington Post - 501(c)4
Center For American Progress 501(c)3
Center For American Progress Action Fund 501(c)4 527 PAC 501(c)4
Natural Resources Defense Council 527, 501(c)3, 501(c)4
TheAmericanTaskForceOnPalestine 501(c)3
CAIR, NorthAmericanIslamicTrust 501(c)3
LaRaza 501(c)3
Barack H Obama Foundation 501(c)3
MediaMattersForAmerica 501(c)3
Democratic Socialists of America 501(c)3
CenterForProgressiveLeadership 501(c)3
ProgressiveMajority 501(c)3
AmericanBridge21st Century
PeopleBeforeProfits 501(c)3
ColorOfChange & ProgressNow 501(c)3
Organizing for Action (OFA) 501(c)4
PrioritiesUSA 501(c)4 501(c)4
ActBlue 501(c)4
VotersForChoice 501(c)3
NARAL Pro-ChoiceAmericaFoundation 501(c)3
ACLU Foundation 501(c)3CLU
ACLU 501(c)3
AtlanticPhilanthropies 501(c)3
ProPublica 501(c)3
CenterForCommunityChange 501(c)3
UnitedForPeaceAndJustice 501(c)3
TheNationalLawyersGuild 501(c)3
SocialistPartyUSA 501(c)3
TheRuckusSociety 501(c)3
CREW 501(c)3
Muslim Brotherhood 501(c)3
Emily’s List 501(c)3
Democracy Alliance 501(c)3
The Southern Poverty Law Center 501(c)3
PeopleForTheAmericanWayFoundation 501(c)3
AmericansUnitedForSeparationOfChurchAndState 501(c)3
ANSWER 501(c)3
CodePink 501(c)3

Watch the libturds claim none of these organizations engage in political activities.
I will simply say this to those who support this idea you will have a Republican President again I hope you will be as supportive of him or her using the I.R.S. as weapon against there political opposition as you seem to be now.

I will, but the Washington establishment Republicans will oppose it.
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The law states:

It's ILLEGAL to engage in political activities.

Where does that statement make it illegal to engage in politics for these groups? It only makes it not applicable to a groups looking to make a profit, which Tea Party organizations usually do not do.

Educating people on topics is what the Tea party organizations do, which falls under this law.

Exclusively makes it illegal.

The Tea Party groups are not engaged in Social Welfare. They are engaged in politics.

What is engaged it?
I assume you watched the hearings not long back about the Tea Party IRS stuff. I did too. Can you tell us what those people did that was illegal or even suspicious?

The law states:

Section 501(c)(4)
social welfare organizations
are tax
organizations that have as
their primary purpose engaging in social welfare activities.
Section 501(c)(4) defines
welfare organizations
Civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively
for the promotion of
social welfare, or local associations of employees, the
membership of which is limited to the employees of a designated person or
persons . . . and the net earnings of which are devoted exclusively to charitable,
educational, or recreational purposes Social Welfare Organizations v.6.pdf
It's ILLEGAL to engage in political activities.

All the leftwing 501(c)4s and 501(c)3s do it, and everyone knows it.

Consider the following:

Huffington Post - 501(c)4
Center For American Progress 501(c)3
Center For American Progress Action Fund 501(c)4 527 PAC 501(c)4
Natural Resources Defense Council 527, 501(c)3, 501(c)4
TheAmericanTaskForceOnPalestine 501(c)3
CAIR, NorthAmericanIslamicTrust 501(c)3
LaRaza 501(c)3
Barack H Obama Foundation 501(c)3
MediaMattersForAmerica 501(c)3
Democratic Socialists of America 501(c)3
CenterForProgressiveLeadership 501(c)3
ProgressiveMajority 501(c)3
AmericanBridge21st Century
PeopleBeforeProfits 501(c)3
ColorOfChange & ProgressNow 501(c)3
Organizing for Action (OFA) 501(c)4
PrioritiesUSA 501(c)4 501(c)4
ActBlue 501(c)4
VotersForChoice 501(c)3
NARAL Pro-ChoiceAmericaFoundation 501(c)3
ACLU Foundation 501(c)3CLU
ACLU 501(c)3
AtlanticPhilanthropies 501(c)3
ProPublica 501(c)3
CenterForCommunityChange 501(c)3
UnitedForPeaceAndJustice 501(c)3
TheNationalLawyersGuild 501(c)3
SocialistPartyUSA 501(c)3
TheRuckusSociety 501(c)3
CREW 501(c)3
Muslim Brotherhood 501(c)3
Emily’s List 501(c)3
Democracy Alliance 501(c)3
The Southern Poverty Law Center 501(c)3
PeopleForTheAmericanWayFoundation 501(c)3
AmericansUnitedForSeparationOfChurchAndState 501(c)3
ANSWER 501(c)3
CodePink 501(c)3

Watch the libturds claim none of these organizations engage in political activities.

Proving Swallow is full of shit does not prove anything as far as he is concerned.
I will simply say this to those who support this idea you will have a Republican President again I hope you will be as supportive of him or her using the I.R.S. as weapon against there political opposition as you seem to be now.

You mean like when the NAACP and Charlie Rangel were targeted under Bush?

Don't worry.

We're use to it.


They weren't "targeted." They were guilty as charged.
Americans United for Change
Americans United for Change enjoys 501(c)4 tax-exempt status. The organization exists, according to its own website, “to amplify the progressive message--to contribute to a grass roots groundswell for progressive policies. Progressives need to redefine ‘common sense’--by reasserting the primacy of the traditional progressive values that resonate with most Americans.”
The group spent $4.7 million in 2009 “redefining” common sense and, according to their IRS form 990, on “advocacy and education about public policy issues.” Americans United for Change directly engaged Republican senators facing reelection in 2008, running television advertisements against them. Naturally, no Democrat complained. Nor did the IRS revoke its 501(c) status.

Political activity, no?

This breaks on both sides of the aisle..dude.

No it doesn't.
The democrats are so close to ordering mass arrests now, it is only a matter of time before they start door to door round ups.
I've always said that if you scratch a liberal, underneath you'll find a fascist. Now they have no shame about revealing their fascist agenda.

Schumer Calls for Using IRS to Curtail Tea Party Activities | Washington Free Beacon

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) proposed using the Internal Revenue Service to curtail Tea Party group funding during a speech on how to “exploit” and “weaken” the movement at the Center for American Progress on Thursday.

Arguing that Tea Party groups have a financial advantage after the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, Schumer said the Obama administration should bypass Congress and institute new campaign finance rules through the IRS.

“It is clear that we will not pass anything legislatively as long as the House of Representatives is in Republican control, but there are many things that can be done administratively by the IRS and other government agencies—we must redouble those efforts immediately,” Schumer said.​

Sounds like a good plan to me. Love Schumer.

That's because you're a brainless dingdong. You probably would have swooned for Adolph Hitler as well.
Yep, they've stopped hiding their true selves and now are out in our face

this is what people voted for, so I just hope you aren't targeted next by your own elected politician

How awful are these people in this Progressive/Democrat commie party


BTW, Christie must be watching this on TV asking himself, "just how in the hell does Obama get away with this shit???"
Exclusively makes it illegal.

The Tea Party groups are not engaged in Social Welfare. They are engaged in politics.

No, they are engaging in politics you don't like, which is the only reason you care about it.

and by your answer, you can't find a ban on political activity with in the law, so you are stuck with semantics, i.e. you lose (just like as if you stole fizzy lifting drinks). good day sir.

No you can't ban political activity.

But you can rescind 501(c) status.

And this isn't a "game".

True, it's deadly serious. It's a direct assault by Obama against the First Amendment rights of anyone who doesn't support his administration.
Sounds like a good plan to me. Love Schumer.

Nothing like preferring to silence the opposition than debating with the opposition, or god forbid, showing why your ideas and concepts are superior.

Citizens United isn't a debate it's comparable to a dirty pac. Underhanded and archaic principles surround that group and it needs to be combated, not debated.

You mean like, Media Matters For America, The Southern Poverty Law Center and La Raza?
The democrats are so close to ordering mass arrests now, it is only a matter of time before they start door to door round ups.

They wouldn't dare target anti-Obama posters in forums like this, would they?

What would we all do if some or one of our posters was targeted because of their anti-Obama political expressions in these USMB threads and arrested?

I'm really curious.
Nothing like preferring to silence the opposition than debating with the opposition, or god forbid, showing why your ideas and concepts are superior.

Citizens United isn't a debate it's comparable to a dirty pac. Underhanded and archaic principles surround that group and it needs to be combated, not debated.

You mean like, Media Matters For America, The Southern Poverty Law Center and La Raza?


By the way, here's a great resource.




* Barack The Beloved
* Obama's Socialist Roots And Worldview
* Living Like Royalty, Perpetually Fundraising
* Deriding America On The World Stage (“Apology Tour”)
* Obama And Israel
* Obama The Divider
* Dividing Americans By Class
* Dividing Americans By Race & Ethnicity
* Dividing Americans By Gender
* Key Obama Appointees: Reflecting the President's Radicalism
* The Dreadful Economy
* Obama And Taxes
* Obama And Health Care
* Obama And Energy / Environment
* Obama And Homeland Security / War On Terror
* Killing Osama Bin Laden
* Obama And The Military
* Obama And Immigration
* Obama And Welfare Policy
* Obama And The Constitution / Supreme Court
* Obama And Abortion
* Obama And Education
* Obama and Gun Rights
* Obama And ACORN: A Corrupt, Unholy Alliance
* Obama And The Policies That Led To The Housing And Economic Crisis
* The “Fast & Furious” Gun Scandal
* Obama And Iran
* Obama And Egypt
* Obama And Libya (Including The September 11, 2012 Terror Attack)
* Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood
* Obama and Jihad: Appeasement & Denial


Obama Worked for ACORN

In the early 1990s, Barack Obama worked for Project Vote, the voter-mobilization arm of the pro-socialist community organization ACORN. Moreover, Obama was the attorney for ACORN's lead election-law cases, and he worked as a trainer at ACORN's annual conferences, where he taught members of the organization the art of radical community organizing.

“All of You [Will] Help Us Shape the Agenda”

During his 2008 presidential campaign, Obama was a featured speaker at one particularly notable political event in which ACORN played a prominent role—a December 1, 2007 forum exclusively for thousands of community organizers from across the United States. He was introduced to the crowd by Deepak Bhargava, ACORN's leader of community reinvestment and fair housing. In his introductory remarks, Bhargava characterized America as “a society that is still deeply structured by racism and sexism.” In his subsequent remarks, Obama said: “efore I even get inaugurated, during the transition we're gonna be calling all of you in to help us shape the agenda. We're gonna be having meetings all across the country with community organizations so that you have input into the agenda for the next presidency of the United States of America.”

“I've Always Been a Partner with ACORN”

In a 2007 interview with ACORN representatives, candidate Obama said the following: “You know you've got a friend in me. And I definitely welcome ACORN's input. You don't have to ask me about that. I'm going to call you even if you didn't ask me.... When I ran Project Vote, the voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it.... Once I was elected, there wasn't a campaign that ACORN worked on down in Springfield that I wasn't right there with you.... Since I have been in the United States Senate I've been always a partner with ACORN as well.... I've been fighting with ACORN, along side ACORN, on issues you care about my entire career.”

ACORN and Corruption in Obama's 2008 Campaign

Obama's 2008 presidential campaign furnished the ACORN affiliate Project Vote with a list of donors who had already contributed (to the campaign) the maximum amount of money permitted by law. Anita Moncrief, a former Washington, DC staffer for Project Vote, later revealed that her organization had contacted these big donors and urged them to give money to Project Vote—money which could then be funneled directly into the Obama campaign coffers, thereby evading election-law limits on campaign contributions.

Obama's 2008 presidential campaign paid more than $800,000 to an ACORN front group known as Citizens' Services Inc, whose headquarters were located at precisely the same address as ACORN's national headquarters in New Orleans, Louisiana, for voter-registration services.

As the 2008 presidential campaigns progressed, ACORN began to make headlines for two major reasons. First, the organization was under investigation in 14 separate states for massive voter-registration fraud. Strongly pro-Democrat, ACORN claimed to have registered 4 million new voters during the preceding four years. Many tens of thousands of these registrations already had been found to be fraudulent—they bore phony names, fake or nonexistent addresses, inaccurate personal information, duplicate signatures, etc. The full extent of the fraud, however, was impossible to determine.

Obama Deceptively Minimizes His Ties to ACORN

In an October 15, 2008 presidential debate, Republican John McCain raised the issue of Obama’s ties to ACORN. Obama replied to McCain as follows: “The only involvement I’ve had with ACORN was I represented them alongside the U.S. Justice Department in making Illinois implement a motor voter law that helped people get registered at DMVs.”
Obama also stated that his presidential campaign had not used ACORN's voter-registration services—deceptively omitting the fact that it had paid $800,000+ to the ACORN subsidiary Citizens' Services Inc. for voter-registration services.

This Is Barack Obama: All You Need to Know, in One Place - Discover the Networks
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I will simply say this to those who support this idea you will have a Republican President again I hope you will be as supportive of him or her using the I.R.S. as weapon against there political opposition as you seem to be now.

You mean like when the NAACP and Charlie Rangel were targeted under Bush?

Don't worry.

We're use to it.


Poor Charlie....but then you like Lefty Crooks.

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