Schumer Calls for Using IRS to Curtail Tea Party Activities

Back to reality, folks, on this OP.

Americans overwhelmingly don't like the TPM.

OP is a loser fail, because no one cares.

you are wrong, jakey boi. very wrong. real america is waking up, all races, sexes, ages, locations, ethnicities-------and they are pissed at what our govt has done to our country.

the teaparty is a symptom of a much larger movement. Liberalism has failed, its over.
Back to reality, folks, on this OP.

Americans overwhelmingly don't like the TPM.

OP is a loser fail, because no one cares.

you are wrong, jakey boi. very wrong. real america is waking up, all races, sexes, ages, locations, ethnicities-------and they are pissed at what our govt has done to our country.

the teaparty is a symptom of a much larger movement. Liberalism has failed, its over.

Yep, that's why his Dear Leaders approvals are in the 30's and nearly 60% hate them

but they will continue to lie how they are the ones people want so they can ROLL over the people in the country
Libs here have been gleeful that the Tea party is gone,over,kaputski...put a fork in them they are done.
Now Schumer is shiiting his pants and trying to destroy them by instructing the IRS to kill them...

From your lips to God's ear the teaparty is destroyed just like the neocons were.
The libs on this thread have once again confirmed that the dems and libs are scared shitless of the tea party movement.

It takes a lot to get real america pissed off, but it is happening and it scares the crap out of the dem/libs.
The democrats are so close to ordering mass arrests now, it is only a matter of time before they start door to door round ups.

They wouldn't dare target anti-Obama posters in forums like this, would they?

What would we all do if some or one of our posters was targeted because of their anti-Obama political expressions in these USMB threads and arrested?

I'm really curious.

I would bravely pee my pants.
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The libs on this thread have once again confirmed that the dems and libs are scared shitless of the tea party movement.

It takes a lot to get real america pissed off, but it is happening and it scares the crap out of the dem/libs.

We're pissed off that a plutocrat fueled political stunt caused so much pain to America, not scared so much as just incredibly, eternally angry at the billionaire assholes who bought them some dirty political power and the dummies who enabled them. America is pissed off but you need to get a clue about what they are pissed off about and it ain't just about Obama.
Awesome hyperbole in this thread. Nothing is going to happen but it would be cool to see what would happen if the TP actually had to get by on legal, publicly disclosed donations.

uh huh, they said the same about the naacp.....go educate yourself.
The libs on this thread have once again confirmed that the dems and libs are scared shitless of the tea party movement.

It takes a lot to get real america pissed off, but it is happening and it scares the crap out of the dem/libs.

dear asshole,

this is allowing the top two vote getters ( no matter what party) to be the ballot choices.

You see if you cant win one of the two top spots that means the PEOPLE don't like you idiot ideas.

you want to FORCE at least one of each party on the ballot?

heres a tip.

try winning over the minds of voters instead of insisting on SPECIAL treatment for your guy who cant get the votes.

You know you cant win in a debate of ideas huh
Awesome hyperbole in this thread. Nothing is going to happen but it would be cool to see what would happen if the TP actually had to get by on legal, publicly disclosed donations.

Like the Liberal groups do? you're either ignorant or just dishonest!
Wouldn't it be nice if all political organizations were held to the same standard or just the TP?

All along the liberal position has been that secret money in politics is dirty money. If someone believes in a cause enough to donate large sums then they should be willing to publicly disclose it, no exceptions.

It didn't bother with Obama
He skirted the rules on having to disclose all money so don't feed us this bull

This is my point, many leftist organizations have done the same, yet the only group talked about is the tea party. If all are playing by the same rules, I am fine, however Schumer wants one group to play by different rules because of political affiliation, that is wrong and he needs to be called out on it by all of America.
Awesome hyperbole in this thread. Nothing is going to happen but it would be cool to see what would happen if the TP actually had to get by on legal, publicly disclosed donations.

Like the Liberal groups do? you're either ignorant or just dishonest!

You cannot find a liberal group that would not support full disclosure of all electioneering activities by all large donors.
The libs on this thread have once again confirmed that the dems and libs are scared shitless of the tea party movement.

It takes a lot to get real america pissed off, but it is happening and it scares the crap out of the dem/libs.

We're pissed off that a plutocrat fueled political stunt caused so much pain to America, not scared so much as just incredibly, eternally angry at the billionaire assholes who bought them some dirty political power and the dummies who enabled them. America is pissed off but you need to get a clue about what they are pissed off about and it ain't just about Obama.

right, becasue say the Center for American Progress is a grass roots org. :lol:

does its 501(c)(4) arm disclose its donors? and if say the heritage foundation had a man beside the president in the wh, ala Podesta, your head would explode, so lets why don't you ditch the selectivity.
Awesome hyperbole in this thread. Nothing is going to happen but it would be cool to see what would happen if the TP actually had to get by on legal, publicly disclosed donations.

Like the Liberal groups do? you're either ignorant or just dishonest!

You cannot find a liberal group that would not support full disclosure of all electioneering activities by all large donors.

The libs on this thread have once again confirmed that the dems and libs are scared shitless of the tea party movement.

It takes a lot to get real america pissed off, but it is happening and it scares the crap out of the dem/libs.

We're pissed off that a plutocrat fueled political stunt caused so much pain to America, not scared so much as just incredibly, eternally angry at the billionaire assholes who bought them some dirty political power and the dummies who enabled them. America is pissed off but you need to get a clue about what they are pissed off about and it ain't just about Obama.

I'm a member of a local TEA party group and there's no millionaires in it, much less billionaires!
We are not going away, and even if they break up the groups with their Tyrannical attacks we will still be here. We are people and we will vote!!
The libs on this thread have once again confirmed that the dems and libs are scared shitless of the tea party movement.

It takes a lot to get real america pissed off, but it is happening and it scares the crap out of the dem/libs.

We're pissed off that a plutocrat fueled political stunt caused so much pain to America, not scared so much as just incredibly, eternally angry at the billionaire assholes who bought them some dirty political power and the dummies who enabled them. America is pissed off but you need to get a clue about what they are pissed off about and it ain't just about Obama.

right, becasue say the Center for American Progress is a grass roots org. :lol:

does its 501(c)(4) arm disclose its donors? and if say the heritage foundation had a man beside the president in the wh, ala Podesta, your head would explode, so lets why don't you ditch the selectivity.

I'm not being selective here, I support disclosure by everyone, why do you not?
The libs on this thread have once again confirmed that the dems and libs are scared shitless of the tea party movement.

It takes a lot to get real america pissed off, but it is happening and it scares the crap out of the dem/libs.

We're pissed off that a plutocrat fueled political stunt caused so much pain to America, not scared so much as just incredibly, eternally angry at the billionaire assholes who bought them some dirty political power and the dummies who enabled them. America is pissed off but you need to get a clue about what they are pissed off about and it ain't just about Obama.

I'm a member of a local TEA party group and there's no millionaires in it, much less billionaires!
We are not going away, and even if they break up the groups with their Tyrannical attacks we will still be here. We are people and we will vote!!

That's awesome, I guess you read the innumerable websites and attend national rallies put on by the big organizations based in DC? That's where the big cash goes and what are they telling you? Follow the corporatist plutocrats, they know how to really run things.
The libs on this thread have once again confirmed that the dems and libs are scared shitless of the tea party movement.

It takes a lot to get real america pissed off, but it is happening and it scares the crap out of the dem/libs.

We're pissed off that a plutocrat fueled political stunt caused so much pain to America, not scared so much as just incredibly, eternally angry at the billionaire assholes who bought them some dirty political power and the dummies who enabled them. America is pissed off but you need to get a clue about what they are pissed off about and it ain't just about Obama.

When he used the term "real America" he wasn't talking about you. He was talking about people who actually have to produce something of value to make a living instead of sucking off the taxpayers.
Awesome hyperbole in this thread. Nothing is going to happen but it would be cool to see what would happen if the TP actually had to get by on legal, publicly disclosed donations.

Like the Liberal groups do? you're either ignorant or just dishonest!

You cannot find a liberal group that would not support full disclosure of all electioneering activities by all large donors.

There are plenty of them. Take the Tides Foundation, for example.
We're pissed off that a plutocrat fueled political stunt caused so much pain to America, not scared so much as just incredibly, eternally angry at the billionaire assholes who bought them some dirty political power and the dummies who enabled them. America is pissed off but you need to get a clue about what they are pissed off about and it ain't just about Obama.

right, becasue say the Center for American Progress is a grass roots org. :lol:

does its 501(c)(4) arm disclose its donors? and if say the heritage foundation had a man beside the president in the wh, ala Podesta, your head would explode, so lets why don't you ditch the selectivity.

I'm not being selective here, I support disclosure by everyone, why do you not?

Then why don't you lobby your Congressman to have the IRS investigate the tax status of and MediaMatters?
Back to reality, folks, on this OP.

Americans overwhelmingly don't like the TPM.

OP is a loser fail, because no one cares.

and jake shows his true colors here. the liberal asswipe approves of using the IRS for a political witch hunt.

you should be ashamed, then again you have no morals.

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